I have about 10 rows of data that have columns of information describing computer hardware and pricing. There are 10 rows, because each row represents a different country and different tax rates and pricing changes per country. So each column of a row has a specific formula to calculate information for that row's country information. All these 10 rows of formulas are kept as a reference at the bottom of the sheet.
At the top of the sheet I need to have a drop down menu to choose a country and then it will automatically copy and paste the row of that country to the current row at the top.
Is there any easy copy/paste macro for such a thing?
I'm working on a large set of data, so rather than read/writing lots of times to the sheet, I've followed the tip of reading a range to a variant array, processing the array, and then writing the whole thing back to the sheet (and it is indeed much much faster).
Dim vdata As Variant vdata = Range("SummaryOutput") 'do a bunch of logic Range("SummaryOutput") = vdata
To make things simpler (fewer ranges/variants to manage) I've defined a large range which includes non-data cells (blanks, labels, SUM formulas, etc..). The problem is when I read the range into variant array, it only copies the cells' values -- which means that once I write it back to the sheet, the formulas are lost.
So what I'm looking for is some way to read range into a variant whilst keeping the formulas (which I would see just being a string value in the variant array?). Does anyone know how this could be done?
I'd like to filter a column and paste only 2 columns to another sheet in the first available row. I found a code that was posted by Tom Ogilvy and made a few adjustments: ....
Essentially I need to copy the first 8 cells in a row in one sheet (for example: A3:I3) when the word "Actuals" is entered into A3 from a drop down list. Then the copied data needs to be pasted to a another existing worksheet in the same workbook in the next available row. The data includes mostly values, but there is a formula in column H that creates a hyperlink out of the content in column G, friendly name in column I.
I am not stuck on the idea of having "Actuals" entered in column A as the trigger or change event and there will be times when a new copy/paste of the same data will need to be done more than once at a later date.
For further information, column B contains a serial number/productID number.
I have a macro that pastes formulas as values on specific pages (("CTY EME", "Int Center", " Total SW dist cost", "Int, pubs & oth", "Total". Is there a way to compress the macro ie with the sheet names?
I would appreciate if someone can help me figure out a macro that will copy range (A3:T112) from "Step 1" sheet to next available row in "Step 2" sheet.
I have setup a forecast model and now find it necessary to update many formulas
I have set period 1 formulas correctly and would like to copy through periods 2-12. However each period has already been populated with data that need to remain intact in this process
For example, I have formulas to copy at I5 and I9. I6,7,8 should be skipped
These formulas should be pasted to K5 and K9 respectively, while leaving K6,7,8 intact
This is of course a simple example, the column contains 15 formulas to be copy/paste
I need some VBA to copy row 2 then paste it (including formulas) into the next available row in the same sheet but then also clear the data in row 2 but retain the formulas.
I have the following macro that copies data from a calendar-style setup on one sheet and pastes it in a contiguous list on another sheet:
Code: Option ExplicitSub move_daily_data_to_ordersvstips() Dim OutSH As Worksheet Dim findit As Range
I would like only the values from the "Data by Month" sheet to paste to the "Orders vs Tips" sheet. However, all my attempts are returning various errors/inconsistent results.
This is probably a simple one but I can't figure it out. I am building a workbook from scratch. It has about twelve of thirteen tabs at the bottom. On one of the tabs I would like to copy and paste a stand alone worksheet. The worksheet functions properly when it is stand alone. However when I copy and paste the worksheet into this new workbook none of the formulas transfer with it. I do get the cells filled in, but I would like to get the formulas.
I have done this before and it worked fine. In fact I can open a new workbook and copy / paste the worksheet into it and everything works fine. Again when I copy / paste it to this new workbook the formulas do not transfer.
I was wondering if it's possible to copy and paste formulas to a brand new excel sheet. I created an excel sheet with some forumlas but when I try to copy and paste it to a new page it only pastes the values and not the formulas.
Is there any way to transfer the formulas as well?
I have an existing macro that copies a worksheet and pastes it into another workbook, renames it and then attaches it to an email. My problem is that it pastes just the values. I need it to paste part of the original worksheet as values and part copy the formulas. So on the new workbook Columns A through F will be values only and G through Z will copy the formulas.
Suddenly realized that I can't paste formulas. When I copy/paste, it only pastes as values. When I copy and Paste Special, the only option is "Unicode Text". No option for formulas, formatting, or anything else. Excel 2007.
This works fine if there are formulas in that range, however if there aren't it gives me: " Run time error: 1004 No cells were found"
So I think I need some code that counts the number of cells in the range with formulae in them and either goes ahead if there are some or quits if there aren't.
1. In whatever cell is selected when the macro is run, enter a new row.
2. Copy the information from the row directly above the new row and paste (values, formulas, formats, etc) into the new row.
3. Return to column P in the new row, i.e if the new row is row 11, then return to P11, for row 12 return to P12, etc.
I have tried recording the macro but because it is hard coded to specific rows, its not working. I have attached a sample copy of the sheet (had to zip due to the size of the file).
I can't figure out how to delete the attached files that are irrelevant and I can't figure out how to upload new ones. I also don't know how to word what I need to happen
I want the data from everything, starting from row 5 and going to row 100, and not include column B or E.
How do I grab just that data? I have different formulas in each document. This is for invoicing, so the columns with the $ numbers can't be changed and I haven't been able to figure out how to not overwrite them when importing another spreadsheet.
when i copy columns resulted from another columns operations and paste in new sheet i got garbage ,could you tell me why and how to overcome this problem.
I tried searching for code for each part of the task separately and trying to piece together multiple macros, that did something similar, but I’m not have a lot of luck, so I’ll break it down into two treads, I hope this will follow the rule of one question per post, but if I should have separated this request even farther as two treads, please let me know and I’ll be happy to comply.
I was given a spread sheet with a macro that loads data from a SQL Data base (not mine), it returns anywhere from one row to 100’s of rows data. Since it’s not my spread sheet and macro, I copied this sheet to my destination workbook. The Data loads in 7 columns starting in B4:H4, with the column headings titles: Acct#, Id#, Name, Qtr1 Totals, Qtr2 Totals, Qtr3 Totals, and Qtr4 Totals. Data cells in spreadsheet not formatted (general)
What I’m trying to do: part 1: I need a macro to copy the data only for columns Id# thru Qtr4 Totals (C5:H5 down thru the last row with data) to another sheet. The destination sheet range starts with rows B13:G13, with formulas below and to the right in columns H13, and J13:N13 (column I is blank).
The formulas below the range are a subtotal of the copied columns (D:G). They could be remove and totaled after they’re copied, so there's nothing below the copied range? Since I need the column totals as a subtotals, my thought was to have the row heading and formulas already on the destinations sheet and just insert a blank rows between as each row was copied?
part 2: As each row of data is copied from the source sheet, I need the macro to copy the formulas to the right of the copied range (H13, and J13:N13) on the destination sheet down for each new row of data copied from the source sheet
I have a code which is copy/pasting the selection specified number of times
VB: Sub CopyNtimes() Dim i For i = 1 To Application.InputBox("How many times do you want to copy the selection?", "", 1, Type:=1) With Selection .Copy .Offset(i * .Rows.Count) End With Next End Sub
How to modify this code so that it can paste the selection specified number of times leaving specified number or rows
For Example:
Selection is A1:Z10 need to copy paste 2 times... Rows to leave: 3
So it should paste in the range A14:Z24 and then A28:Z38
I have dates in Column I (for the whole year) and i would like to paste them into specific cells in three different Columns A,B,C (ie A2, A5, A8, A11 etc) Same Numbers different letter for each respective column. I can get it to go from one cell to another but when i try to specify specific cells
This is what i have so far:
Sub Test() Range("I1").Select Selection.Copy Range("A2").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub
I create a macro to copy cells for data starting from A4 to N4 from sheet - Register to 'Case History' when the cells in column N are 'Yes'. Also, would like to copy specific range from A-N and not the entire row. Please refer to the attachment.
This Macro is supposed to get certain totals for me from diffrent pages. Instead of selecting an entire row I want to select specific cells, so when it finds the word total on the sheet, whose location can change often it will return the value two cells away.
Feedback.xls is the file I want to have my macro run in. By pushing a button to run the macro, it will prompt the user to select where their file is on their computer. This file will have different file names based on the end user. For example sake, I've included CAP.xls.
After the user selects their file, it will prompt them to choose which tab to copy and paste data from. Typically, there will be 30+ tabs on their worksheet. For example sake, I've created 5 tabs on CAP.xls. The tabs in their workbook will be labeled as I have labeled mine, M1 CAP, M2 CAP & M3 CAP. Therefore, it should prompt the user to select which tab to choose from.
After the user selects their tab (M1 CAP, M2 CAP, M3 CAP), the macro should prompt the user to choose which row of information to copy. In CAP.xls, I have a few rows of information to choose from. They all start with FY10A1, FY10A2, FY10A3, but this information could change. Once they select the row, it will copy each of those fields onto the respectively labeled fields on Feedback.xls.
I have workbook "Sheet1" that has many rows and columns with values. Could I have code to find the cells value "plant2300" in column A and copy all the rows in column A that has the cell value "2300" into workbook Sheet2 (also copy with headers from Sheet1 to Sheet2 row 1).
I have a cell that contains various data but in the cell there will be a string of characters that will begin with either ON or TN followed by numbers. What I would like to do is have the sheet look at that cell and if there's a TN12345 (or any combination of numbers) or an ON123456 (same idea as the TN) I would like the sheet to pull just the ON or TN number out and paste it in a specific cell. The ON would have it's own cell to be placed in as would the TN.
Here's an example. C5 contains various data, a mix of text and numbers but it will have either an ON or a TN or both. I would like the sheet to automatically pull the TN number out and place it in A5 and the ON in B5. I would like this process to repeat all the way through the sheet to the max amount of rows since I have no way of knowing how many rows I'll need. Can this be done with a simple IF formula or does it have to be done in VBA or is it not possible at all.