I have some specific procucts in coloum A(a2, a3, a4, till a50) in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.
I have some specific procucts in coloum A in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
I have these specific rows (2,3,4,6,43,44,45,63) which I would like to copy and paste it on a designated sheet. But my problem is, the column varies depending on the YEARS.
I do have codes for it, the one I got from the recording. I just do it for all of the rows (formula pasted here) until all of it copied on the summary sheet. However, when I finally finished it and I run it. I could see the movement form One Sheet to another and its not good.
A code that I could use for my better understanding of MACRO.
I have the attached a workbook (& the code) which merges the worksheets from 7 different workbooks together into a 'Raw data' worksheet in my master workbook. It is driven off a parameters table which allows you to select which workbooks/worksheets you want to include in the merge. - The code works fine however when it is copying the data from each worksheets it is just copying all the data as a 'block' copy where I need it do do it row by row becuase I dont want to copy the row if colum C in each row contains no data, ie. it is blank.
So in my code I need another loop which will: Copy data from column A - E for each row if column C is not blank. Paste into Column B - F in Raw Data worksheet (as column A contains the source filename) Loop until it reaches no more data. I adeeally just want to copy the specific range as above, not the whole row but either will do. This is my code, refer to attachment too which includes master workbook and an data entry workbook where the data comes from.
Sub OpenWorkbooks() Dim Book_Name As range ' List of available books Dim Sheet_Name As range ' List of available sheets Dim dLastRow As Long Dim oLastRow As Long Dim sLastRow As Long Dim DestinationSheet As Worksheet Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet Dim WorkBookList As range Dim WorkSheetList As range Dim WorkbookPath As String With Application . ScreenUpdating = False .DisplayAlerts = False .EnableEvents = False End With 'set source and destination sheet Set DestinationSheet = Sheets("Raw Data") Set SourceSheet = Sheets("Parameters")........................
I want to delete any/all rows from a worksheet (named UK) which have the word "VAN" in column P. I have tried using a 'For Each... Next statement' in a macro, but always get a debug box "Run Time Error '91' Object variable or With block variable not set". What am I doing wrong? my code follows
Sheets("UK").Select Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Worksheets("UK").Range("P10:P200").Cells Cells. Find(What:="VAN", _ After:=ActiveCell, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False, _ SearchFormat:=False).Activate Selection.EntireRow.Delete Next
I have a huge data set as given follow and want to Copy a the value of treatment from the cell having Treatment description at some other sheet through VBA
'UPDATE [XYZ 1213] SET TreatmentDescription = '000' WHERE ( ("Abc" < 00) );' 'UPDATE [XYZ 1111] SET TreatmentDescription = '093' WHERE ( ("wer" < 00) );'
Like in upper code I want the output sheet 2 as Cell A1 = '000' and A2 = '093' and so on
I am trying to have rows moved from (Schedule) to (Complete) in the attached workbook. The criteria to have the row moved would be the user-selected "Status" list changing to "COMPLETE" in Column G.
I would like to have the row cut and deleted from Sheet4 (Schedule) once "COMPLETE" is selected from the list in Column G with rows below moving up. The row would then be inserted into Sheet2 (Complete) at the top of the list (Row 7) and rows would move down below the new entry. I would also like to have the formatting remain uniform (every other row fill)
I have a spreadsheet and I was wondering if there is a way to copy from a specific range in say A1:A5 in Sheet1 and paste into Sheet2 where the column matches cell A1 in Sheet1.
I am trying to do this in VBA and I was wondering if there is a way to do this.
I have a workbook with multiple sheets named by month and year that I use to keep track of loans I work with at a bank. In these sheets I have info such as:
Column B = due date Column D = loan# A Column E = loan# B Column F = status Column H = followup needed (Columns A,C, and G aren't important for the current need)
What I am trying to do is create a main sheet (TRACKER) that all I will have to do is press a macro button and it will pull info for each loan that is in a pending status.
I need a macro that will search column F (Status) on all sheets and find each instance of "Pending" and once that is done, copy rows B,D,E, and H in each "Pending" instance and copy them to their designated area on my TRACKER sheet. After that is done I need it to continue to the next "pending" instance and do the same on the next available line on my TRACKER sheet.
The overall goal would be that everyday I can press the macro and it will repopulate the sheet with the current pending items (as each day I will change pending status' to complete and no longer need to track it the next day).
I already have the tracker sheet set up and ready to go with the spaces as follows: Column G&H = Merged cells where due date will need to go Column I&J = Merged cells where loan# A will need to go Column K&L = Merged cells where loan# B will need to go Column M thru S = Merged cells where followup needed will need to go
I have a macro that converts all my PDF Purchase Orders to a text file and inserts the data/text horizontally into another document. However because the PDF's or the text within the PDF can be fomatted differently (that is on different lines etc) it therefore imports the information and it looks mis-aligned.I have attached a simple spreadsheet showing some sample text as it is imported and then below this how it should look like, all in line.
The range where the highlighted text in red is, is variable (but say nothing more than a variant of 10 columns). The text can also be Uppercase or Lowercase.So, I was wondering if there is macro code to find the "text" on various rows/columns and align it all in another column?
I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.
Currently I am using the Kickbutt VBA Find Function of Aaron, but I would like to have something that works more efficiently. What I currently do is (assuming all possible values for Column J are A - F):
although I just want some code that says: delete all rows except those that have "F" as content in Column J. I already tried something like:
Range("1:65536").Select For Each cl In Range("J:J") If cl.Text = "A" Or cl.Text = "B" Or cl.Text = "C" Or cl.Text = "D" Or cl.Text = "E" Then Rows(cl.Row).Delete End If Next
but it also takes much to long. The major problem I think, is that the number of records is variable so I search the entire worksheet...
I'd like to be able to search a spreadsheet for a specific word or series of characters. Once all of the ROWS that contain the characters are found, I'd like to be able to have another spreadsheet with ONLY those rows (all columns).
I want to create 3 command buttons (active X) on a worksheet to toggle between showing rows which only contain the below text in column L (range L9:L30) and showing all rows containg the options (However, I also have some blank rows in this range and i always want them to remain hidden.)
My text options are:
High ‚ Medium ’†“™ Low ’á
The text arrives in the cells via a VLOOKUP
Is the chinese text a problem? i can't type it into VB.
I've been using the following macro to hide and unhide rows with a command button in the same sheet:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Toggle_Hide_Unhide End Sub
Sub Toggle_Hide_Unhide() Dim rngCell As Range Dim TakeAction As Boolean
If ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "Hide" Then TakeAction = True ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "UnHide" Else TakeAction = False ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "Hide" End If
For Each rngCell In ActiveSheet.Range("I9:I30") With rngCell If .Value = 2 Then .EntireRow.Hidden = TakeAction End With Next rngCell End Sub
I'm having a 6000+ records, (contacts DB) exported in Excel 2003 format from MS Outlook.
Except the "First" and "LastName", all other contact elements are in the field "Notes" (which is the BZ column according to the exported outlook layout) multiplied by 6469 (records in total)
Now, I want every time to take the part of the text says "TER:something..." (part of which is date, but not every time with the known format dd-mm-yyyy, as you see here is yyy, followed by something else, with parenthesis here and maybe more data) and copy it in a new cell..., e.g:CO Column, same Row...
Above and every field which by the way is formatted as General (and it is text mainly) are made by merging older excel fields where data laid here and there, that's why you see the commas...with the method of a module with the following code:
Function MyMerge(Rng As Range) For Each Cell In Rng Temp = Temp & Cell.Value & ", " Next Cell Temp = Mid(Temp, 1, Len(Temp) - 2) MyMerge = Temp End Function
Note1:Records with the above string (TER:dd-mm-yyy) are 771 from 6469. Note2: As an alternative solution I can see an extraction of the TER:dd-mm-yyy string and the copy in a new place, like the:CO Column, same Row...
I need the macro to look at cells B9:B84 on the Sheet1 tab of the Cost Template. If it finds an x I need it to copy the 3 cells to the right of the x and paste them in a template. For example if it sees an x in cell B9 it would copy cells C9, D9 and E9, open the Purchase Order to the Detail tab, then paste it to cells B3, C3 and D3. It would continue looking for an x down to B84. So if it found 5 cells with x, it would give me 5 instances of the Purchase Order with 3 cells pasted into each.
I've attached my Cost Template and the Purchase Order it needs to copy to. In the Cost Template is a macro called Create_PO. This is what I was trying to alter to make this happen. I can't seem to get it right! FYI in case it matters, I had to change the Cost Template from .xltm to .xlsm in order to upload it on this site.
So I have a column that will have the same text in all of the cells contained within it except for one cell. Is there a formula that I can use that will automatically find and transpose the text of the one cell that is unique out of the column? I was thinking of an IF function, but the column could be up to 60 cells in length.
Assuming that Sheet2 is blank, this of course copies the rows to Sheet2 starting at Cell A2 and down column A. I would like to modify the code so that I can specify at which row the copy should start. For example, I might want to start the copy at A1 instead of A2, or at A10 instead of A2.
I have a code which is copy/pasting the selection specified number of times
VB: Sub CopyNtimes() Dim i For i = 1 To Application.InputBox("How many times do you want to copy the selection?", "", 1, Type:=1) With Selection .Copy .Offset(i * .Rows.Count) End With Next End Sub
How to modify this code so that it can paste the selection specified number of times leaving specified number or rows
For Example:
Selection is A1:Z10 need to copy paste 2 times... Rows to leave: 3
So it should paste in the range A14:Z24 and then A28:Z38
Column A lists an account code on the summary line of each invoice. I'd like to copy this account code upwards for each individual line of the invoice so that I can summarise each type of charge by account code in a pivot table.
I'm a bit stumped as to how to do it. If possible I don't want to have to modify the data itself in any way so that I can paste new data in the each day without altering it.
I've started on the right with a CountA function for each row, which I was intending as a means to identifying the blanks rows and discount them, but it also showed up that each line requiring an account code to be copied returns a 4 and each invoice summary line returns a 9. I'm just not sure how to reflect this in a function.
I have workbook "Sheet1" that has many rows and columns with values. Could I have code to find the cells value "plant2300" in column A and copy all the rows in column A that has the cell value "2300" into workbook Sheet2 (also copy with headers from Sheet1 to Sheet2 row 1).
I have a .txt file (comma separated) that updates daily, which I need to import into Excel. The .txt file contains data from many years, but I only need the data from 2012. Is there a way to only import rows where the data in column "yearID" equals 2012? Since this is a daily operation, I'd rather not import all the rows and then sort/delete rows every time.
I need to get a function that can copy some rolls in a worksheet 1 to worksheet 2 by sorting worksheet 1 according to column A of that sheet. I have attached a sample of what i intent doing for bether understanding.
What I'd like to do is copy text down in column A but when a cell in column C says something like 'end of data' I'd like the copy to pick up the next row in Column A and copy down until 'end of data' and so on.
Or maybe copy text down in Column A until the text changes in col A.
I tried to writer my code myself but I have a long way to go. Here is what I must do for my case:
I want a macro to find the row that include a specific text (For example "SMSC") in a range (A1:A100) then copy this entire row below the cell which has the value "OTHERS". That is, if there are 10 pieces of "SMSC" so these rows including "SMSC" should be listed below the cell "OTHERS"