Copying Print Range From One Workbook To Another Workbook.
Jun 7, 2006
I have created a macro that copys pivot table from one Workbook to new workbook. Problems I am encountering are print selecting from source workbook are not copied to new workbook.
Dim AmountofColumns As Long, AmountofRows As Long
Dim ColumnCount As Long, RowCount As Long
Dim ThisWorkbookName As String, ActiveWorkbookName As String, ActiveSheetName As String
Public Sub CreateGroups()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
ThisWorkbookName = ActiveWorkbook. Name
AmountofColumns = Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column
For ColumnCount = 2 To AmountofColumns......................
I have data that daily needs to be refreshed and printed to pdf.
I figure the simplest way to do this would be to task schedule the workbook to open daily. Then on open it will refresh the data, print it after all data has been refreshed and close the workbook.
I set it up originally without the need to print so I have all the queries set to refresh when opening the file, however when I now try and put the code to print to pdf on the workbook open event it runs before the queries are finished running. (Query notes: queries were created through Microsoft query, and are accessing a MySQL database queries set to refresh when opening the file queries set to enable background refresh).
I'm looking for an algorithm that does the following:
1. Open one-by-one a number of excel workbooks in a directory and copy their .UsedRange (i.e. all sheet content in each of the workbooks).
2. Paste append one-by-one each of the workbooks .UsedRange of data into a master workbook that is already open (i.e. active workbook).
Note that the source workbooks and target master workbook contain the same format of data. So a simple copy and paste of the .UsedRange is apt.
Basically I need each .UsedRange of an opened workbook to be appended to the data from previously opened workbook in the master workbook already opened.........
Trying to create a new workbook from another open workbook, then copying all the sheets that aren't called "Summary" to that new open workbook and then saving it. I get a subscript error on this line:
All i did was i just created a form to open a workbook from the directories.
Code to copy the data from that recently opened workbook to my workbook where I have my forms. I need to copy that data as in the case that i don't know the workbook and the sheet name i'am going to open as i may open any of the files!!
I have this nice macro that copies data from another workbook. I want to make it to also add the filename of the workbook (for example data.xlsx) it copies the data from, in a cell on the actual workbook (for example on sheet "Combined", Cell A10). What should I add to my macro?
I have a range of cells (L1:Q1) I want to copy from a worksheet called Email from one workbook and copy it into an already created and saved workbook called 'TDocuments.xls' located in the root of my C: drive.
Thing is I need to paste this range into the first blank row of TDocuments.xls, so it will need to find that first and then paste the values (without formulas) into the TDocuments.xls and save it.
I have created userform and it works fine. Following code assigned to 'SUBMIT' button in userform - works fine. I am trying to include code where certain data from userform is also copied to workbook2 ( of course without opening it)- as marked in red...below
I am trying to copy the emf image object from "Book1" into the "test" workbook whilst the test workbook is open and Book1 is closed. The code I have put together currently sort of works, I mean that it copies the text data over but does not copy the object which is what I require.
So I basically have a template workbook that the code is stored in. I need it to pull an entire row if Column C in workbook "rawdata" contains specific text, in this case "PRCH - Purchase".I have never had to do anything like this before, it has always been working in the same workbook. It's failing at the 'mp = ...' line every time. There might be other errors in the code too, I just cannot resolve the first one!
Dim strFileName As String strFileName = Application. GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", Title:="Please select the excel file to be copied")
I am trying to set up a template for my MD to use to calculate budgets and have so far encountered a number of problems most of which i have overcome thanks to help from this forum.
What i am trying to do is have a 'Selection sheet' which contains a number of drop down boxes from which the user can choose several different options.
Based on what they have choosen on this sheet a second sheet 'initial budget' is populated.
What i am trying to do is a formula similar to the following. but i can't seem to get it to work.
I am trying to automate the process of filling out monthly reports and I have run into a problem I just cannot seem to work around.
These reports contain both weekly and monthly information, but because most months do not end on a friday or begin on a monday I have to have a couple of the week reports as partial weeks (e.g. April ended on a Thursday and so that week's report has both April 27-30 and May 1). When the first week of the next month's report runs I would like it to prompt the user to locate the last month's report, open the report, find week 5 of that report and copy the relevant data into the current month's report. (Hopefully that explanation is sufficient)
What I am running into is, after prompting for and opening the past month's report I am trying to select the Range A137:I232 on Sheet5 but instead the previous month's report just opens to wherever it was when it was last saved and won't select any ranges I tell it to, it just selects the range it was on last time it was saved. It will then copy that range and paste it into the Current Month's report.
I have "wbThis" as the original workbook to be pasted to and "wbTarget" as the workbook that is being opened and copied from. (2 different workbooks). I have written a code for the user to chose the workbook (wbTarget) to open and copying the data from (the getopenfilename). I want to paste these values to the "wbThis" worksheet. The code is running, however it does not copy paste the values from one workbook to another, and it is not giving me an error either.
Code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim wbTarget As Workbook Dim wbThis As Workbook
All sheets are basically the same except some minor values, names and addresses. There is one page per sheet and all pages are in portrait format. The print preview shows all the pages in order but when I print it, it makes multiple print jobs of 1 to 2 pages each and prints them all out of order. I don't know why it is splitting up the workbook or why it changes the order. I print and reorder these weekly, which is a major pain. It comes out in the same order each time but it is the wrong order.
I m not able to use the standard Excel Paste Special function when I copied a range of cells in another Excel workbook opened in a separate instance of Excel. Instead, Paste Special thinks that I have copied some non-Excel objects and gave me the Paste As options. This is not the case if I open both workbook within the same instance of Excel. Could you share with us if there is a trick to trigger the normal Paste Special options in such situations (without having to invoke Macro procedures)?
I have 2 workbooks. 1 is where data is entered called wksPB, the other is like a database workbook. The wksPB has data to be feed from column B to F and there is a dropdown.
what im looking to do is, if the combobox value is selected as Decline then it should display a messagebox that reference value in cell B is denied. if combobox value is Agreed then the macro should search the database workbook for the text entered in column b of wksPB and then copy data of C:E of wksPB to H:J of database sheet where that text is found and also the approver name in wksPB C24 to the approver cell of where that text was found. I've reached till finding the text but what I get my head twiting on is how to copy the text from wksPB column B:F to database sheet column H:K. Im attaching the sample workbooks and the code where ive reached till.
[Code] .....
Attached Files Replacement Records - 2014.xlsx forum file.xlsm
what VBA is required to have a combo box in a userform look up data in a different workbook, then populate that data into the drop down list of that combo box for a user to select.
I have managed to successfully create a vlookup for a combo box in a userform that looks up data in a named range in another worksheet within the same workbook and then populate that data into a field in a worksheet within the same workbook. However, I want to change this so the combo box on a userform (in one workbook) will look up data from a named range in a second workbook without opening the second workbook. At the moment, the code I have that will 'submit' the user selected data from the combo box drop down list works.
The code that has worked so far to vlookup data for the combo box from a worksheet within the same workbook is:
Code: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim pName As Range Dim ws As WorksheetSet ws = Worksheets("vlookupsheet") For Each pName In ws.Range("ProjectName") With Me.cboProjectName .AddItem pName.Value End WithNext pName Me.cboProjectName.SetFocus End Sub
Do I need specify the file path of the second workbook that will contain the data for the combo box as well as the name of the worksheet and named range in that second workbook?
1. Sheet1.xlsx (regular excel sheet as the extension is .xlsx)
2. Consolidated.xlsm (macro enabled sheet as its extension is .xlsm)
1. Copy both the files on your system under a particular folder.
2. Now make 9 replica's of Sheet1.xlsx and name them as Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, .......... Sheet10
3. Open the sheet Consolidated.xlsm and see the button i have added called "Pull Data".
Now write down the code by adding a Module in that excel sheet from the code window.
4. Write a code that will open each of these sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, .......... so on) one at a time and will copy the data from these sheets to the Consolidated.xlsm sheet.
5. Make sure that the data is appended(and not overwritten) from the multiple sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3). that is once you paste the data from sheet1 to Consolidated.xlsm then the Sheet2 data will be pasted at the end and after that sheet3 data will be pasted and so on..
6. In this way at the end we will have all the data from Sheet1, Sheet2, the consolidated sheet.
7. The Division column in the Consolidated sheet will have the value of first row in these multiple sheets. So after making the replicas of Sheet1, please change the value in first row (Range A1) to any other value to avoid the confusion.
8. I have highlighted the data for two sheets in yellow and grey color in the consolidated sheet.
I have a range of weekly data that I need to copy into another workbook, paste it below the data that already exists there and then delete the data from the original workbook. I would love to do this with vba but after hours of searching on how to do this my brain is frazzled.
I have 50 workbooks that I need to import weekly into one master sheet (Master.xlsm) but they need to be done individually after the weekly data has been checked. The master sheet will therefore have existing data and the new data needs to be appended at the bottom. Also column A will be blank in both workbooks so to find the last used row it will need to look in column B.
The number of rows in the weekly sheet will also vary rather than be a fixed range so I guess the last used row will also need to be found there too.
The attached file is a cut down version of my working file showing where the data starts on Row 14, I won't need to copy the headings.
I'll soon have an ETL process that will load about 150K rows into an Excel workbook. On of the columns will be the end user's userid.
I need to autofilter that external workbook based on the end user's userid, copy that range, clear a worksheet on the current workbook, and copy that range to the current worksheet.
For example, see the attached workbooks. I need to replace the data in Source.xlsb!Cases with the data in Output.xlsb!Case_List, filtered on my userid, which we'll call foo.
I want to do is import a range from this workbook into the workbook attached. In the attached workbook on I have a Import Form where I can select the relevant workbook. I then want to be able to click import and it then goes to the source workbook and imports to the range specified. The code below is what I have got, the problem I have is that it doesnt recognize the range of data to import.
Case: I have 4 worksheets and I want 2 sheets will populate based on the filter value template in the new workbook. I have created the code however I do not know how to copy the other tab follow the filter value template. The other tab only contain general information.
Question is how do you add together the other tab into population of filter value template? I want tsht & csht together in the new workbook.
Option Explicit
sub fillouttemplate() 'from sheet 2 data fill out template on sheet 3 and save 'each sheet as its own file/ dim lastrw as long, rw as long, cnt as long dim dsht as worksheet, tsht as worksheet, csht as worksheet dim makebooks as boolean, savepath as string dim szrelationshipID as string dim iNumrows as integer
I have two spreadsheets LocalTime (saved on everyones local pc) Admin which is (saved centrally)
IThe spreadsheets are a timesheet to be filled in by all staff.
At the end of the month they will upload the data to the central copy Which in turn writes the data to a master sheet and removes there name from a list.
I can copuy the data from the Admin sheet (central sheet to the master list and remove the name)
My problem is copying the local copy (certain ranges only) to the Admin version.
I have named ranges and this is one of the problems as when i did get it sort of working it kept asking which range to inclue from which sheet. Then i sis something and i know get error 1004.
I have created a spreadsheet some time ago and have been asked to improve on it but I'm rusty with VBA.
I have an automated ordering system that saves each sent order as the date e.g "05-04-2013.xls" but the management team want a graph with the data for the last 4 weeks compared. I have created a seperate workbook called "consumables report.xls" which has a column with the products listed followed by columns "Quantity" and "cost" which is repeated for the 4 weeks of the month.
I want to add a button to prompt the user to choose the saved order e.g "05-04-2013.xls" (all orders saved in same directory) to copy and paste the quantity and cost columns (c8,D69) into "consumables report.xls". I got this to work earlier but it would only paste the formulas and not the values. So I need
A prompt to open workbook Copy range (c8,d69) Close work sheet Paste special .value (c8,D69)
I dont care if it has to open the workbook to copy the data as this will only be used once a month so it dosnt matter how slow the code is.