Copying Data From One Workbook Sheet To Another Workbook Sheet Without Overwriting

Jul 1, 2014

The two sheets are...

1. Sheet1.xlsx (regular excel sheet as the extension is .xlsx)

2. Consolidated.xlsm (macro enabled sheet as its extension is .xlsm)

1. Copy both the files on your system under a particular folder.

2. Now make 9 replica's of Sheet1.xlsx and name them as Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, .......... Sheet10

3. Open the sheet Consolidated.xlsm and see the button i have added called "Pull Data".

Now write down the code by adding a Module in that excel sheet from the code window.

4. Write a code that will open each of these sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, .......... so on) one at a time and will copy the data from these sheets to the Consolidated.xlsm sheet.

5. Make sure that the data is appended(and not overwritten) from the multiple sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3). that is once you paste the data from sheet1 to Consolidated.xlsm then the Sheet2 data will be pasted at the end and after that sheet3 data will be pasted and so on..

6. In this way at the end we will have all the data from Sheet1, Sheet2, the consolidated sheet.

7. The Division column in the Consolidated sheet will have the value of first row in these multiple sheets. So after making the replicas of Sheet1, please change the value in first row (Range A1) to any other value to avoid the confusion.

8. I have highlighted the data for two sheets in yellow and grey color in the consolidated sheet.

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Copy Sheet To Same Workbook Without Overwriting Original

Aug 11, 2007

I have some code written to duplicate a template and rename the copy to "Working Copy".

But if I run the code more than once, it breaks as VBA tries to overwrite the sheet with the same name.

Would I would like is for the macro to check to see it already exists and duplicate the copy with some type of incremental integer. Thus the first duplicate would be Working Copy 1, and if the macro is run again, the duplicated copy would be Working Copy 2, etc.

here is what I have so far:

Sub SCButton()
Dim i As Integer 'for making Working Copy 1, 2, etc.

Sheets("SCTemplate").Select 'this file will eventually be hidden and thus the user with only see the wokring copies.
Sheets("SCTemplate").Copy After:=Sheets(4)
Sheets("SCTemplate (2)").Select
'some sort of If statement here to check for the sheets

Sheets("SCTemplate (2)").Name = "Calculation"

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Copying Data From 1 Sheet To Another Within Workbook

Mar 9, 2014

How to copy datas or scores from one sheet to another by using Formulas & Functions.

I tried to attached excel file as an example, but it couldn't.

Let me explain briefly: The file contains 11 Sheets, the first 4 Sheets has students Continuous Assessment of various subjects (about 7 subjects) in 4 different classes.

What I want is, the formulas or functions to use on how to copy the total score in all subjects for each student in various classes (Primary 1A, Pri 1B, Pri 1C, Pri 1D) to Sheets (1st Term, 2nd Term, 3rd Term) as class summary.

And thirdly, the total scores, position, grade & average to also appear in the Result Sheets for each student of various classes (Result Sheet 1A, Result Sheet 1B, Result Sheet 1C, Result Sheet 1D).

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VBA Copying Data On Closed Sheet To Open Workbook

Jul 20, 2009

Ive been searching this forum for simmilar topics but the info on them is all different and I cant get this to work.

All I want to do is open another workbook by

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Clipboard - Copying Large Amounts Of Data From One Full Sheet In One Workbook To Another

Sep 6, 2007

I'm copying large amounts of data from one full sheet in one workbook to the sheet in another book.

Everything is now automated, except that it asks in between books if I need to keep the Clipboard data.

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VBA To Hide Sheet In Workbook And Copying Hidden Sheet

Dec 12, 2013

I have a userform which clones the latest sheet and produces copy of it on the next sheet. The first sheet they will be cloning is the sheet called 'template', I however want this to be hidden since I do not want anybody to modify a sheet which basically serves purpose of a template. And once cloned, it is no longer needed.

On the click of the command button, the macro will create sheet1 taking the info from sheet named 'Template' in the same workbook . And now on the next click of the command button, Sheet 2 is created taking the info from sheet1 and Sheet 3 is created taking the info from Sheet 2 and so on. Here is what I currently have, so how can i modify it in order for my scnerio to work?

To select the last sheet in the workbook


To create new sheet


Sheets(Sheets.Count).Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = MyEvent & " " & MySCN & "(" & ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count - 2 & ")"

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Excel 2010 :: Paste Link Chart From One Sheet Of Workbook To Another Sheet Of The Same Workbook

Jul 20, 2014

I've created a chart in sheet 1 in a workbook. I want to copy and paste that chart into another sheet (lets take sheet 2) of the same workbook. I am using Excel 2010 version.

Whenever, I try to copy a graph and want to do "Paste Special as Link picture". The problem I am facing as "Paste Link" option is inactive.

I am attaching the Excel for your reference.

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Rename Sheet While Copying To New Workbook

Jun 12, 2014

I have an electronic meter (Fluke AirCheck) that provides me with reports in the form of excel documents. I need to combine those documents and have a page/worksheet that contains a legend and some notes etc. for reporting to management.

I have a folder with nearly identical workbooks. All contain 4 worksheets:
Document map

1. Copy and combine, either specific sheet(s) or all the sheets from multiple workbooks into a new workbook (with prompting)
2. Rename the worksheets as the workbook file names and existing worksheet names combined.

Workbook name is "101B.xls"
Worksheet 1 would be = "101B - Document Map"
Worksheet 2 would be = "101B - Sheet2"
Worksheet 3 would be= "101B - Sheet3"
Worksheet 4 would be= "101B - Sheet4"

Results thus far:
Okay so I managed to find a script that does most of what I need:

[Code] .....

For renaming the worksheets I have tinkered with:

[Code] .....

But alas none of that works. I can also only copy 1 sheet at a time currently.

Another issue which seems to have reared its ugly head in the copy and paste function as the text on my new worksheets is white on white when the originals are black text on white. I can select the new worksheet and select all cells and hit "Automatic" on text and it fixes it but that's a pain on 100+ worksheets. So I need some sort of copy /paste special command, I think to make that work too.

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Copying Sheet One From Every Workbook In A Folder

Oct 5, 2009

In a folder i have a large number of files all formatted the same but with different data in, basically what i want to do is have a mastersheet in each folder that when you run code it will open the first workbook, copy sheet 1 and paste it to sheet 1 in the mastersheet. then open the next workbook again copy sheet 1 find the next empty row in sheet 1 of the mastersheet and paste below, then basically repeat through all the files. There are changing number of files in the folder so it needs to be able to loop and open every workbook. at the moment the sheets are called ME1, ME2 etc etc and the mastersheet called mastersheet.

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Copying Sheet From Emailed Workbook

Dec 15, 2009

I am trying to set up a macro so that when I receive updates (via email), I can simply hit a button and the information is copied into my workbook.

This is what I have however i get a 'Runtime error 9' which I believe means the references don't exist, I have double checked all my workbook/sheet naming and all is correct.

With Workbooks("Database").Sheets("Database").Range("A1:AP5000").Copy
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database").Range("A1:AP5000").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
End With

I be addressing the copy method in a different way.

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Macro To Transfer All Data From One Workbook To Specific Sheet In Another Workbook

Feb 23, 2014

I have data in 2 different workbooks, and I need to transfer all data in 'Jx_ex1' to sheet1 in the 'template' workbook, and all data in 'Gr_ex1' to sheet2 in 'template' workbook. All data should be transferred to the same cell numbers, from A1 to Y5000. I actually have loads of workbooks to transfer to the template but if I have an example with the two then im sure I can work out how to modify it. All files will be in the same folder.

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Copying Specific Excel Sheet From One Workbook To Another

Jun 16, 2014

Scenario is - n number of files are kept at a location say D:excelfiles

Each excel file contains, say, 10 sheets among them one sheet is called "custom".

Example -
file 1 - sheet1, sheet2, sheet3, custom, sheet5, sheet6
file 2 - sheet7, sheetB, custom, sheet9, sheet10, sheet11, sheet12
file 3 - sheet13, sheet14, sheet15, sheet16, custom, sheet17, sheet18, sheet19

and so on.

Requirement - all cell values of each "custom" sheet should get copied into a master excel sheet in file "import-sheets.xlsm".

To achieve this I started with copying each custom sheet from all excel files to the "import-sheets.xlsm" but I'm getting error.

Any way to directly copy paste the cell values of each "custom" sheet into a single master sheet of excel file "import-sheets.xlsm".

Attachment - dummy files to test macro. Macro name is copypaste.

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Color- When Copying Excel Sheet To Other Workbook

Jul 23, 2008

I Have a macro which combines five excel sheets from five workbook into single worbook with five tabs containing five excel sheets.Everything is fine except that color of all five excel sheets is totally changed in the combined excel workbook.I tried this manually i.e copying excel sheet from each workbook and pasting the same in the new work book.

Here also color comes correct in only one excel sheet and rest all sheets color is lost.Please any one knowing solution to this problem explain. macro is used is shown below

Sub CopySheets()
Dim fileFolder As String
Dim fso, fsoFiles, f1
Dim w1 As Workbook
Dim w2 As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim flag As Integer
Set w1 = Application.Workbooks.Add
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

fileFolder = "D:documents est est" '

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Check If Sheet Exists In Destination Workbook Before Copying

Nov 26, 2012

I am trying to write some code that will copy the worksheets from one workbook (wkbSource) to another (wkbTarget), but I need it to maker sure the worksheets being copied from wkbSource don't already exist in wkbTarget. If they do exist, it just skips and moves to the next worksheet. Here is the code I have already, I thought that by adding the On Error Resume Next to the code it would just skip it, but for some reason it is still copying the first duplicate workbook, then it skips.

Dim wkbSource As Workbook
Dim wkbTarget As Workbook
Dim WorkbookName As String
WorkbookName = ThisWorkbook.Name

[Code] .........

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Delete Buttons Made From Shapes When Copying Sheet To New Workbook?

Jan 27, 2014

I have a code that copies a sheet into a new workbook. The copied sheet is for information only. On the original sheet I have various macro's assigned to buttons made from using Insert Shape command. I assume if I can find away to remove the buttons then the functionality of the macro's would be lost which is what I want?

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Formulas: Get Data Added In One Sheet Of A Workbook To Automatically Be Entered Into Another Sheet

Jun 26, 2006

i'm trying to get data added in one sheet of a workbook to automatically be entered into another sheet. such as a monthly, Quarterly and Annual balance sheet.

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Auto Entering Data From Sheet 2 Into Sheet 1 Of Same Workbook?

Jun 30, 2013

I'm looking for a formula that will paste an entire row from sheet 2 into sheet 1 of the same workbook when only 1 cell is typed.

I am trying to come up with a property access log for my guards so when they enter a tag number from(sheet 2 column B) into (sheet1 column D) , it will auto fill sheet1 column C and E with the entries from sheet 2 column A and C.

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Aquiring Data From One Sheet To Another Sheet In The Same Workbook

Jul 29, 2006

I have a work sheet with the datas as below

E ------- so on.
1 P.O.# STYLE# ORD.QTY PRICE VALUE ............ etc...
2 P-150 ABT-5 500 $2.50
goes on....

I have more than 1000 entries in an year

Now I need the following to be worked out in the next sheet

1 P.O.# Here I have to select the P.O Nos what is entered
in the data sheet
2 INVOICE NO Here the relevant Invoice No. for what I selected as above
should apper
3 VALUE Same as above

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Copying Data From Recently Opened Workbook To Workbook Where Form Is Present

Jun 16, 2014

All i did was i just created a form to open a workbook from the directories.

Code to copy the data from that recently opened workbook to my workbook where I have my forms. I need to copy that data as in the case that i don't know the workbook and the sheet name i'am going to open as i may open any of the files!!

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Copying Data From Userform To Another Workbook Without Opening Second Workbook

May 16, 2014

I have created userform and it works fine. Following code assigned to 'SUBMIT' button in userform - works fine. I am trying to include code where certain data from userform is also copied to workbook2 ( of course without opening it)- as marked in red...below


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Copying Rows From Workbook Containing Data To Template Workbook

Mar 6, 2014

So I basically have a template workbook that the code is stored in. I need it to pull an entire row if Column C in workbook "rawdata" contains specific text, in this case "PRCH - Purchase".I have never had to do anything like this before, it has always been working in the same workbook. It's failing at the 'mp = ...' line every time. There might be other errors in the code too, I just cannot resolve the first one!

[Code] .....

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SaveAs - Copy Sheet Into New Workbook And Save It In Same Folder As Original Workbook

Jun 17, 2014

I have been trying to edit a code which previously saved a copy in a new workbook to a specific folder/path. (Additionally it copies and clears some figures, but this is working as it should.)

However I would like the copy to be saved at the same location as the original workbook, regardless of the path the original workbook is saved.

I.e if I need to move the workbook containing the code to a new folder/location, when using the macro, the new copy should be stored in the same folder/location as the original one.

For now it is only saving the copy into "My Documents"

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 16-02-2009 by ceng

Sheets("Bunker ROB").Select
Sheets("Bunker ROB").Copy
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Path & Range("D3"), _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False

[Code] ........

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Save Single Sheet To New Workbook And Delete VBA Code From New Workbook

Jun 25, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to save a single sheet of an excel workbook and in the same process delete all vba code and shapes from the new single sheet workbook. I was looking around and found this code which does save only the single sheet to a new one sheet workbook but doesn't delete the vba and shape that I have used to assign macros to in the original.

Sub SaveSheetAsNewBook()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim InitFileName As String
Dim fileSaveName As String
Dim wshape As Shape
InitFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Format(Date, "mm.dd.yy")


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Open Workbook, Find Sheet That Contains Cell Value From Active Workbook

Jun 20, 2008

I'm trying to figure out a way to find a specific sheet in a workbook that does not contain the macro. Within the macro I have a cell which holds the name of the specific sheet I would like to find but I can't get it to work for some reason...

'Dim officen As Integer
'Dim thiswb As Workbook

officen = Range("A2").Value
Set thiswb = ActiveWorkbook
' Open the Active Info file
Workbooks.Open "C:My DcoumentsActive 20080616.xls", , , , "xxxxxx"
' Dim sourcewb As Workbook
Set sourcewb = Workbooks.Open"Active 20080616.xls"

RowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

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Copy Of Sheet From Specific Workbook To Active Workbook

Mar 6, 2014

My requirement is as follows......

I want to get a copy of worksheet from specific workbook to active work book in which i want a copy of sheet get moved.

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Merge All Sheet In Workbook In Last Sheet With Sheet Name For Each Entry?

Mar 25, 2012

I have workbook having around 25 sheets and i want macro to merge all sheets except first (summary) in to last sheet ( mergedata ) inpute data will be start from cell A17 in all sheet. also sheets may be add or delete as per requirement. after merge data from sheet name should add after each entry .

attached sample file for your reference.


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Copying Data From Old Workbook To New Workbook

May 14, 2009

I am trying to automate the process of filling out monthly reports and I have run into a problem I just cannot seem to work around.

These reports contain both weekly and monthly information, but because most months do not end on a friday or begin on a monday I have to have a couple of the week reports as partial weeks (e.g. April ended on a Thursday and so that week's report has both April 27-30 and May 1). When the first week of the next month's report runs I would like it to prompt the user to locate the last month's report, open the report, find week 5 of that report and copy the relevant data into the current month's report. (Hopefully that explanation is sufficient)

What I am running into is, after prompting for and opening the past month's report I am trying to select the Range A137:I232 on Sheet5 but instead the previous month's report just opens to wherever it was when it was last saved and won't select any ranges I tell it to, it just selects the range it was on last time it was saved. It will then copy that range and paste it into the Current Month's report.

below is my code ...

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Transferring Data To Another Sheet In The Same Workbook

Apr 8, 2009

I am attaching a workbook with two sheets 'PO' & 'Quote'

The data in Quote is not in right order. I need a macro to put the data in PO in appropriate fields. I am interested only in Unit, Unit Price, Par Description, part no. if any otherwise blank.

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How To Link Data From One Sheet To Another In Just One Workbook

Sep 22, 2013

So I have a set of data in my sheet 2 that I want to be connected to sheet 1. The data in sheet 2 looks like this,


2Fe2O3 + 3C = 4Fe + 3CO2



Cr2O3 + C = 2Cr + 1/2CO2



while in sheet 1,Reaction No

Carbothermic Rxn



What I want to do is that when I put a reaction no (e.g 1) at the empty cell next to the label Reaction No, the data in sheet2 (i.e. Reaction, H and S) would automatically be reflected in the empty cells next to Carbothermic Rxn, H and S.

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Copying Sheet Names And Cell Data Into New Overview Sheet

Mar 21, 2013

I have workbook that has several sheets within the workbook that are set up identical. Each of the sheets in the workbook are for a specific company.

As of right now I have been adding a sheet to the workbook that is an overview for what is in each sheet (the individual companies). Currently I am doing the formatting of the heading and column names manually and I pull the data from each sheet with a VLookup. I have been trying to enhance my VBA skills with coding something that will fill in the appropriate cells from worksheet to worksheet.

What I am trying to do is to populate an overview sheet with cells C24, C25, and B36 being static on each row per sheet. Then each row will be populated with cells C(36, 59, 70, 81), D(36, 59, 70, 81), F(36, 59, 70, 81), G, and H(36, 59, 70, 81). The overview sheet will have the diagram below in a ru

I attached an example : example.xlsx

Sheet 1

[Code] .....

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