Count Hours In DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM Cell?

Apr 3, 2014

I have to count the number of hours within a cell which has also dates. Example below.

12/03/2014 04:00
12/03/2014 04:00
13/03/2014 07:00

What is the formula to count the number of hours given the date ranges need to be in the same cell and the dates and hours are likely to change ?

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Count Hours Between 2 Times Based On Hours In Another Cell

Jun 11, 2008

A1 is 10 (10 hrs worked) , A2 is 10:30am (in time), A3 is 9:00pm (out time), A4 needs to be the total hours and minutes between A2 and A3 based on the hours listed in A-1. What i need is a formula that will calculate the hours and minutes between the 2 times based on hours entered in A1 but that will also compensate for a manadatory 30 minute lunch that needs to be deducted from the total hours if hrs listed in A1 are more than 6.

example: worked 10HRS, 10:30am to 9:00pm, Total hrs is 10hrs 30min, which should be just 10 since the lunch is a none work time and must be subtracted.

If a person worked more than 6hrs, they must take a lunch. if they worked less, than 6 then they don't have to. I need a calcuation to recognize the greater than, less than factor into the equasion also.

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Macro To Convert Dates Format From Yyyy Mm Dd To Yyyy-mm-dd

Feb 25, 2009

I have a 20,000 line Excel sheet...

And all the dates are entered like this:
2009 02 08

I want to add a dash, so they look like this

so I added a command button, and this code, but its not searching the sheet and adding the dash's...

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VBA Incorrectly Changing Some Dates From DD/MM/YYYY To YYYY-DD-MM

May 1, 2014

I have the macro below which opens csv files stored in a user selected folder and processes them changing the date format in column D from DD/MM/YYYY to text stored as YYYY-MM-DD.

For most of the dates the code works without issue, but for some (those with a month <12 possibly) it transposes the MM and DD incorrectly.

I understand that when opening the CSV's in excel it automatically converts the dates to DD/MM/YYYY, so I'm actually opening in wordpad which displays as YYYY-MM-DD, with only a portion being incorrect.

I've attached a couple of sample files (pre and post conversion).


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Userform Changes Date From Dd/mm/yyyy To Mm/dd/yyyy On Spreadsheet

Mar 20, 2014

creating a user form that will make my job of recording data far easier. However, when the date is entered, it changes it form UK to US.

I've checked the cells and they are formatted for UK dd/mm/yyyy.

The script is as follows:

Private Sub UserForm1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub DataInput.UserForm_Initialize()


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Convert Date From DD-MON-YYYY Into YYYY-MON-DD

Mar 20, 2014

I want to convert to date from DD-MON-YYYY into YYYY-mm-DD format in column J.

It is also applicable to date separated by semicolon. It was working previously but not now.

HTML Code: 

Dim rng As Range
Dim rngTotal As Range
Dim i As Integer
Set rngTotal = Range("j1:j" & Range("j" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)


I made one mistake . date conversion should be 2014/03/11 if orignial date is 11-MAR-2014

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Date Formatting (changes From Dd/mm/yyyy To Mm/dd/yyyy)

Mar 3, 2009

I finally finished programming the userform that I've been working on for about a week and started to populate the database with info (dates, names, TRUE/FALSE etc etc).

Then all of a sudden I notice that as I switch between "records", one of the dates gets a life of its own - it changes from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy as I select it. When I jump onto another record and select that previous record again, the format changes from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.

This happens with ALL dates where the days and months are =< 12.

I thought I'd apply formatting to the text box to stop that happening with the code below:

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Change The Date Formatting From "DD/MM/YYYY To MM/DD/YYYY"

Jul 7, 2009

I use MS Excel 2007. When I type in date as 2/3/2009, it gets typed as 3/2/2009
i.e. DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. Attached is file for your information. I have even formatted the Cells in that particular column to Date Format under British (UK) DD/MM/YYYY. I want dates in DD/MM/YYYY format only.

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Change Mm/dd/yyyy To Dd/mm/yyyy

Feb 20, 2014

I need to change mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.

Going to format cells and custom Excel thinks the data is already dd/mm/yyyy.The data I have is historical so the date 1/03/2014 has not happened yet so I need to change it to 3/01/2014.

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Converting Mm/dd/yyyy Into Yyyy/mm/dd

Mar 28, 2008

I have a column currently containing dates in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy

I want to sort these records sequentially from latest to oldest, so I need to convert the data into the following format: yyyy/mm/dd

how to convert this data.

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Date From: To Dd/mm/yyyy

Jul 16, 2009

I need to change a whole column of dates shown as “” to “dd/mm/yyyy”. I know the answer must be quite easy but it’s been bugging me for some time. Even after sorting the cells, it only sorts using the first two digits, totally ignoring the rest. IE, it sorts 01.07.2009 before 15.05.2009, also before 03.02.2008.

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Changing From Mm / Dd / Yyyy To Dd / Mm / Yyyy

Dec 3, 2011

I have a worksheet with dates as Mon/day/year ( 05/02/2011- May 2nd )

but the template worksheet which i have been told to use, has all dates as day/mon/year. (so above date should read as 02/05/2011)

When i try to use format painter to convert my mon/day/year to day/mon/year, it doesnot work.

Neither does the trick of using text to date format using technique shown in this board worked ( text to columns, fixed , YMD )

So how do i get my dates changed from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy?

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Format Time Cell For Greater Than 24 Hours: Hours & Minutes Only

Jan 29, 2010

Format Time Cell For Greater Than 24 Hours: Hours & Minutes Only .....

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Cell Date Formatting: Cell To Display Mm/dd/yyyy And Enter Mm/dd/yy

Aug 13, 2008

I have Excel 2000, recently when I format a cell to display mm/dd/yyyy and enter mm/dd/yy, it is displaying dd/mm/yyyy. Or it starts out correctly and during a future opening of file it displays incorrectly.

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Read The Cell Offset 3 To The Right, And Then Set To Either YYYYMMDD Or YYYY Depenig On The Value In The Cell

Jan 29, 2010

    For Each C In Sheets("data").Range("A2", Range("A2").End(xlDown))  
           With C
           If IsDate(.Value) Then
               .Offset(0, 3).Value = Format(.Value, "yyyymmdd")
               .Offset(0, 3).Value = Right(.text, 4)
           End If
       End With
    Next C 

which is supposed to read the cell offset 3 to the right, and then set to either YYYYMMDD or YYYY depenig on the value in the cell. I'm not sure how to specify the first part of this line - .Offset(0, 3).Value = Format(.Value, "yyyymmdd") - it keeps reading the cell in column A, rather than the offset cel.

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Typing 230713 Into Cell Comes Out As 01/09/2531 Instead Of 23/07/13 (dd/mm/yyyy)

Feb 24, 2014

when I type a 6 digit date into Excel cells formatted to dd/mm/yyyy very strange dates are being displayed. Tried opening a new book - just the same result. All is ok typing with the / in between but I don't usually have to do that. Regional settings have been checked and formatting etc.

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Count Hours

Sep 29, 2008

How to count the hours using Excel cells (for time table scheduling)....for example : 11:00-9:00 is 10 hours, "OFF" is 0 hour, "X" means 0 also, 10:00-7:00 is 9 hours, and so on. But when I try to put the hours, they show ###### in the cells? I know the time table is mixed with numbers and letters, that's why I'm confused to use any formula to do it, but my boss told me NOT to change the original format what so ever.

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Count Repeated Hours

Oct 28, 2009

i have one Q??

i have these times

is it possible to COUNTIF the repeated hours? the result should be 3 "07:??"

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Count Times Between Hours

Apr 27, 2007

I am working on a spreadsheet where I want to count the number of calls to our service desk between specific hours (ie. 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.) up through 8:00 p.m. I have looked at all the forums and tried all the formulas that seemed to be what I was looking for and it isn't working! I am adding the information to a summary spreadsheet from which I am gathering the information from other sheets in the workbook. This will be an ongoing spreadsheet done weekly for every month.

Examples: I need to know how many calls from these times on a summary sheet.


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Count Hours Where Calls Are Received?

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to count hours where calls are received between 8am and 5pm Mon-Fri. If just one call is received between 8am and 5pm Mon-Fri then only one hour would be counted. Calls in excess of one call in the same hour do not count more than one. So if two people called from 8am - 9am then that would equal 1 and if on call came in from 9-10 then that would also be 1. Attached is a sample output.

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Separate Simple Hours / Holiday Hours And Night Hours

Jun 27, 2014

As you can see on the example i have TEST hours.xlsx, I have a file that calculate the money every doctor should take based on the working hours.

Nights, holidays and holiday night have different price/hour.

The excel is working fine…but now I have to make a formula that separates automatically based on the beginning time and the end time of the doctor’s shift the day hours tha night hours, the holiday hours and the holiday nights hours.
In the excel I have fill the hours Manuscript, I need a formula to do that for me…

On the yellow cell I have try to find out the formula for the holiday hours but because the day is calculated due to a formula it is not working!!!

Simple Example: A doctor Is working from 21:00- 8:00 (next morning Sunday) he should have 1 simple hour (21:00-22:00) 9 night hours (22:00-6:00) and 2 holiday hours (6:00-8:00,)

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Formula To Count Number Of Patients Per Time Interval Over 24 Hours+

Jan 23, 2014

I have been trying to work out a formula for capturing the number of patients in the hospital at half hour time intervals. There are a lot of formulas for capturing this information within a 24 hour period however not a lot of information when the Length of Stay or episode time is +24 hours.

As you can see in my example spreadsheet below, some of the patients stay for 244 hours (row 9).

The outcome that I am looking for is that a 1 is placed in all of the time slots when the patient is there. For example if they arrive on Jan 1st at 2.15 and leave on Jan 3rd at 10.30 all of the time slots in between would have a 1 placed in them.

I have been playing around a lot and think it is probably only possible if you set it up as I have in the example i.e. by having the date running down and the time running across.

How this could work? I have tried SUMIFs and SUMPRODUCT formulas which generally work for Jan 1st but then go wrong for any date after that.

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Countif Formula: Count Of Employees Next To The Each Manager's Name Who Login Time Is Less Then 8 Hours

Oct 6, 2009

I have a sheet in which in Coloum A I have manager names, then in Colum B I have list of Employees reporting to that manager, then in Column C, I have total login time of each employee which should be => 8 hours. In a new sheet, I want to get the count of employees next to the each manager's name who login time is less then 8 hours.

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Solve Between 24 And 48 Hours OR Less Than 24 Hours OR Greater Than 48 Hours

Nov 4, 2008

In column A I have a date AND time entered. By the way, this is not via cell format, I have manually entered, say today's date and the current time. In column B I have a future date and time.

Basically, column A is the date and time a problem was given to me. Column B would be the date and time I resolved the problem. Now for the formula....Column C needs to spit out whether the problem was solved between 24 and 48 hours OR less than 24 hours OR greater than 48 hours.

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Calculate Hours Worked With Lunch / Overtime / Holiday / Vacation And Saturday Hours?

Jan 13, 2014

Lunch is not paid. Holiday and vacation hours get calculated at the regular pay rate. Overtime is anything in excess of 8 hours per day and/or in excess of 40 hours per week and/or over 5 working days per week. Saturdays for most the employees will be overtime because it will be their 6th workday of the week; but it will be regular time for one employee as it will only be his 5th workday of the week.

For accounting and payroll purposes, we need the totals to display in both hour and decimal format.

So far, I have Lunch, Regular and Overtime hours figured out, but I still need to work with Saturday, Vacation and Holiday hours. Also, currently, the time in and out has to be typed in with the colon and AM or PM. Is there another way to input the info without having to type in those items? I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible.

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Difference Between Dates And Times In Days , Hours Mins ( Working Hours )

Mar 2, 2010

The below formulae allows me to see the difference between two dates and only returns the difference in working hours ie :
Difference between
02/02/2010 08:00 & 03/02/2010 08:00 is 16 Hours 0 Minutes


The following displays it in the Hrs and Mins format

=TEXT(B15,"[h]")&" Hour"&IF(OR(TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0=0,TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0>1),"s "," ")&MINUTE(B15)&" Minute"&IF(MINUTE(B15)1,"s ",""))

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Adding Hours Worked Minus Lunch Break IF Over 5 Hours?

Dec 15, 2013

I'm attempting to make a simple time sheet for a handful of employees. I'd like to enter the clock in time and clock out time for each day. The end cell should be the running total for the week. The tricky part for me is having the formula subtract an hour for each day that is over 5 hours.

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How To Calculate Hours Between 2 Or 3 Days Exclude Non-Working Hours

Dec 29, 2013

I'm having difficulty to calculate hours between 2 or 3 days exclude non working hours.

Attached is the example of start date with time & end date with time.

The situation is like "when the case log in till the case assist in working hours." so i will get the hours from case log to case assist.


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Calculating Actual Hours Worked Only In Core Hours?

Aug 11, 2010

I have been working on a timesheet but the problem I have come across is calculating actual hours worked only in the core hours and any work outside the core hours is calculated in the outside hours column. A standard work day is 7.6 hours working between 8.30am and 5.00pm. However if someone was to commence work either before 6am or after 8pm this is outside of core hours. I have attached an example of my timesheet for you to see what I am talking about.

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Calculate Hours Between Date And Time Within Business Hours?

Apr 4, 2013

find a formula that will calculate the hours between the two below values but only take in to consideration the business hours (from 9 to 17) and exclude any weekends?

08/03/2013 13:32:00
02/04/2013 09:32:50

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