The below formulae allows me to see the difference between two dates and only returns the difference in working hours ie : Difference between 02/02/2010 08:00 & 03/02/2010 08:00 is 16 Hours 0 Minutes
The following displays it in the Hrs and Mins format
1) The output of an excel duration is : 22.00:8.00:25.00 ( day:hour:minutes ) - excel cannot average and work with this number format
2) resolution - =(LEFT(L2,4))+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2)+1,4)/24+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2,7)+1,4)/1440 as an array and Custom Format the cell as [h]:mm - works perfectly.
Q: to be conistent, the initial reporting is dd:hh:mm and then I convert to hh:mm so that excel can process the data. How can I convert from hh:mm to dd:hh:mm so that the excel report can be consistent in presenting the data to senior management?
i had a sheet with the employee name,Working Place, Designation,Starting Time & Ending Time of each employee working in a Department. I want to track the no of hours each employee worked in the Format 1 Hr: 45 Mins .
i tried to get the result by substracting the ending time from starting time and then formatted the cells using the TIME FORMAT from the FORMAT Menu>Format Cells > TIME. But i m not getting the required result. I want a vba code or formula for extracting the no of Hrs & Mins the employee worked using the above formula.
I have a downtime tracking spreadsheet that we want to be able to track the downtime on the line. However, we only want to count the working hours, not overnight, etc. I have added the weekend day work hours and Saturday work hours but haven't been able to figure out how to connect them into a formula with the down time.
I am currently using Excel 2007 and I am trying to find a good working formula for Normal Hours worked:
I have the following code for Total Hours, Time and a Half and Double Time hours but I can't seem to get the right formula for working up to 8 hours.
Whereas C11 = Total hours added for the day.
=MOD(SUMPRODUCT(C8:C10-C7:C9),1) =Total Hours Worked =Normal work hours between 0 to 8 hour work day. =MIN("04:00",MAX(0,C11-"08:00")) =Time and a Half hours over 8 hours worked. =MAX(0,C11-"12:00") =Double Time hours over 12 hours worked
Lunch is not paid. Holiday and vacation hours get calculated at the regular pay rate. Overtime is anything in excess of 8 hours per day and/or in excess of 40 hours per week and/or over 5 working days per week. Saturdays for most the employees will be overtime because it will be their 6th workday of the week; but it will be regular time for one employee as it will only be his 5th workday of the week.
For accounting and payroll purposes, we need the totals to display in both hour and decimal format.
So far, I have Lunch, Regular and Overtime hours figured out, but I still need to work with Saturday, Vacation and Holiday hours. Also, currently, the time in and out has to be typed in with the colon and AM or PM. Is there another way to input the info without having to type in those items? I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible.
find a formula that will calculate the hours between the two below values but only take in to consideration the business hours (from 9 to 17) and exclude any weekends?
How should I calculate working hours between two dates? Say if start at 9/25/2009 7:26:13 PM and finish at 10/20/2009 9:46:13 AM, the function should return 245:20:00 because the working hours are from 8am to 11 PM (8 - 23), and there are weekends between the dates. Preferably the function should work like the NETWORKDAYS() function, but it should also include the time, not just the dates.
As you can see on the example i have TEST hours.xlsx, I have a file that calculate the money every doctor should take based on the working hours.
Nights, holidays and holiday night have different price/hour.
The excel is working fine…but now I have to make a formula that separates automatically based on the beginning time and the end time of the doctor’s shift the day hours tha night hours, the holiday hours and the holiday nights hours. In the excel I have fill the hours Manuscript, I need a formula to do that for me…
On the yellow cell I have try to find out the formula for the holiday hours but because the day is calculated due to a formula it is not working!!!
Simple Example: A doctor Is working from 21:00- 8:00 (next morning Sunday) he should have 1 simple hour (21:00-22:00) 9 night hours (22:00-6:00) and 2 holiday hours (6:00-8:00,)
In column A I have a date AND time entered. By the way, this is not via cell format, I have manually entered, say today's date and the current time. In column B I have a future date and time.
Basically, column A is the date and time a problem was given to me. Column B would be the date and time I resolved the problem. Now for the formula....Column C needs to spit out whether the problem was solved between 24 and 48 hours OR less than 24 hours OR greater than 48 hours.
Imagine that i have an item entering my warehouse on 22/05/2008 at 21h35 and leaving on the 25/05/2008 at 5h42.
A1= 22/05/2008 and B1= 21h35 A2= 25/05/2008 and B2= 5h42
The goal is to count the full 24 hours day and the remaining hours.
For the example given i can say that on day 22 the item only says 2 hours and 25 minutes, on day 23 it stays 24 hours and on day 24 another 24 hours, on day 25 the item leaves at 5h42, so it only stays those 5h42.
So we have 2 full 24 hour days and 2h25 plus the 5h42, the the item were stored 2 days and 8 hours and 7 minutes.
The problem is when the item arrives at (example) 22/05/2008 2h00 and leaves at 25/05/2008 23h00 on another day. Lets say that on the first day the item is 22 hours stored, plus the 2 full 24 hour day and another 23 hours. So it is 2 days plus the 45 hours, that is 2 days plus 1 day and the remaining 21 hours.
how to add to this 2 full days the 1 day and 21 hours
I have a spreadsheet where I record individual staff start time, end times and the length of their break. From this I caculate the hours they worked for the day.
E holds Start, F holds End and G holds Break length. Thus using the following forumula gives me the number of hours and minutes:
I'm attempting to make a simple time sheet for a handful of employees. I'd like to enter the clock in time and clock out time for each day. The end cell should be the running total for the week. The tricky part for me is having the formula subtract an hour for each day that is over 5 hours.
I can’t figure out why this formula is not working. I am trying to alter it a little, but I still think it should work. Here is what I am trying to do. I am looking to calculate the time difference between two work projects, but exclude time when the office is closed. So someone starts a project at 2pm and finish 10am the next day it will show a result of 4 hours because the office closes at 5.
Here is the formula. It is the time formula from ...
I have been working on a timesheet but the problem I have come across is calculating actual hours worked only in the core hours and any work outside the core hours is calculated in the outside hours column. A standard work day is 7.6 hours working between 8.30am and 5.00pm. However if someone was to commence work either before 6am or after 8pm this is outside of core hours. I have attached an example of my timesheet for you to see what I am talking about.
I have got a formula that can separate day shift hours from night hours, in this case night begins at 7pm to 7am, however the problem is after 12am we get into negative numbers, what formula would fix this and can be combined with the formulas below?
E10 = 19:00 or start of night time hours B3 = start time C3 = end time D3 = day hours workeds =24*IF(E10
A1 is 10 (10 hrs worked) , A2 is 10:30am (in time), A3 is 9:00pm (out time), A4 needs to be the total hours and minutes between A2 and A3 based on the hours listed in A-1. What i need is a formula that will calculate the hours and minutes between the 2 times based on hours entered in A1 but that will also compensate for a manadatory 30 minute lunch that needs to be deducted from the total hours if hrs listed in A1 are more than 6.
example: worked 10HRS, 10:30am to 9:00pm, Total hrs is 10hrs 30min, which should be just 10 since the lunch is a none work time and must be subtracted.
If a person worked more than 6hrs, they must take a lunch. if they worked less, than 6 then they don't have to. I need a calcuation to recognize the greater than, less than factor into the equasion also.