Count Names In One Col If 2nd Col Isn't Blank
Apr 13, 2006
I've got one column with names in it and a second column with dates in it. What I'm trying to do is generate a count in a third column next to each name with the number of times the name appears in the name column when there is a date in the corresponding date column. If the date column is blank I want the count column to remain blank.
For example:
Assigned To: Number Completed Date
Joe 2 1/1/06
Joe 2 2/22/06
I know that there will be repeated info but the end user doesn't care.
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Nov 13, 2008
I have roughly 150 cells I am trying to count, some blank, some not blank, some with numbers. All are in the same column. I want use a simple function that sums the total number for me, say from (A2:A153). Answers?
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Jul 15, 2008
I can count the blank cells withiin a range using
But I dont want it to count the cells if the entire row, within that cell, i.e. C6:AD6, is blank.
It should only count the blank cells within a row if there has been some data entered on that row..provided it has been entered within the specified range.
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Jun 15, 2007
I was curious if it is possible to give a single cell multiple number formats based on what the number is in the cell. So for example if my number is bigger than 1000, I would like to use comas so that it looks like this 1,000. However, if it is less than 1000 I would like it to look more like this 999.00.
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Oct 30, 2013
In any case, what I have is a set of cells that may or may not be filled, and which frequently get changed around. As I need the data counted in a specific way for "shenanigans", I am... getting quite tired with having to manually adjust this whenever my co-workers decide to adjust something (and I have been told that throwing bricks at them until they stop is not a valid option).
Basically, I want to count the cells in a way so that for every time a cell is filled, a counter repeats the previous number before continuing the sequence.
My issue is that I have no idea how to get this to count right. I know the theory of how I want this to work, but I just have no idea how to get it to function. The logic of how I want it to count is below, but, again, I just have no idea how to go about getting it to work right without manually typing in the counter, and without ending up with the code working wrongly when there's two filled cells at the top.
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Oct 28, 2008
Every day I pull a report showing a list of agents that committed an infraction. I want to be able to count how many times each agent committed an infraction. How do I do that? I tried Frequency and it did not work, or am I missing something?
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May 9, 2008
I have a small sample sheet attached..I need a formula in column c which identifies how often the name in column B hass occurred already in the sheet. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;File attached
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Jul 9, 2009
The question is presented and explained within the attached WB.
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Nov 17, 2011
What is the formula for sumproduct to count a say column c for a range of names and as long it match column k for yes.
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May 21, 2008
I've been trying to solve this problem all afternoon and evening but cannot think how to do it. I'm a basic (very) VBA user and the best I could come up with is below.
I have a sheet called Data. In column A I have names, and in column B I have dates (day, month and year).
What I am trying to do is to filter the unique names that occur during the selected month and year (day is irrelevant) and then count the number of times that name appears in the selected time period.
This is what I have so far, but it's not working at all!
Sub countNamesMonth()
Dim rangeEnd As Long
Dim i, y, x
Dim cell As Range
rangeEnd = Cells(Sheets("Data").Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
y = 2
x = 2
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Jun 26, 2008
I am using Office 2007 - Excel
I have a list of students with associated Schools
For each High School -Based on students Date of Birth (DOB) I am trying to get a count for:
Students UNDER 16 DOB before 8/25/91 and for each high school students over 16 DOB after 8/25/91
I thought subtototals, countif , maybe a pivot table to break down by school then do the 2 counts -
but I am at a loss for a formula to do the count
I have attached a sample file but the actual file has thousands of students and 23 different High schools which is why I was trying for subtotals or Pivot
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Jan 23, 2009
I have 10 columns that are as follows. Name, rank 04, name, rank 05, name, rank 06, name, rank 07, name, rank 08. The longest name and rank list is over 1200 names long. What I need to do is create 1, 3, and 5 year averages based on rank.
My question is, is there a way to sort alphabetically that will automatically align column a,c,e,g,and i alphabetically that will also align each row by name.
name 04 05 06
joe 75 72
paul 82
carl 72 48
Joe isn't present in 05, Paul isn't present in 04 or 06, and Carl isn't present in 06.
Basically I need excel to add blank cells for people not on each years list so all names align.
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Jan 16, 2009
I have 6 columns and would like to combine them. If the cell is blank the result should not leave a space.
- Prefix
- First Name
- Last Name
- Middle Initial
- Last Name
- Suffix
Example: Mr. Henry J. Weeks, III
Example: Henry Weeks
Example: Mr. Weeks
Example: Henry J. Weeks, III
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Nov 10, 2012
I have a column of data that is blank-delimited into five blocks. The size of each block will vary, since the data comes from a web query. A blank (empty) cell tells me where a block ends and the next one begins.
I would like to set up five dynamic names (e.g. Block_1, Block_2 and so on), each of which will reference the corresponding segment of data.
What would be an elegant way of defining the dynamic names?
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Feb 6, 2013
I have a 97-2003 spreadsheet with approximately 22,000 lines of seperate companies. I need to know how to insert a blank line between the company names. I have been using the "Right Click - Insert" method but soon realized there must be 2000 different companies. The Company Name column is A.
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Jan 6, 2014
I have a list of names all in one column, separated by row...
John Doe
John Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
James Jones
James Jones
I want to count how many times each name appears. Like this:
John Doe | 2
Jane Doe | 3
James Jones | 2
This is a very large list of names and I prefer not to have to type each single name into a formula because there are hundreds of separate names.
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May 25, 2012
I have many names of people in column A .. what formula do i use to count all the names in the range in coumn A?
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Apr 4, 2013
I've got a set of data that I update once a month and the number of team members per team changes all the time. I'm trying to write a formula that basically says, if the date matches AND the manager name matches, count the number of team members.
In the attached sample if A2 and B4 are found in the data set, count the number of SalesReps they have. So I'm looking at Sarah for February 2013, she has two sales reps that sold something, but Katherine appears twice, so I'm not looking for a result of 3, the correct answer is 2. How do I write the formula?
A2 will look to the data range of A14:A23 and SarahK will look to I14:I23, but I want to count H14:23.
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Oct 26, 2006
I am desperately in need of a macro that will count the number of items in column A of each worksheet and then summarize the results next to the names of the worksheets (i.e. in two adjacent columns) on Sheet 1 of the book. Obviously, Sheet 1 needs to be ignored by the macro.
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Jan 28, 2010
I want to count the number of unique, or distinct, company names in column [C7], subject to two conditions that will exclude certain unique company names from the count.
I should also point out that most company names appear multiple times in column [C7].
a) Count the unique company names in column [C7]...
b) ...including only those companies who have at least one "Yes" in column [C8] somewhere among their records
c) ...and who also have at least one value equal or greater than "1" in column [C15] somewhere among their records
Note that that there is no requirement that the "Yes" and the "1" ever appear in the same record.
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Apr 24, 2006
It effectively counts the number of non-blank (>0) rows in an array. This
formula is limited, however, in that every column requires a separate
statement. I would like to find a function that could handle an array of any
size with a single statement.
1=OR(A1:C1>0) for
every row in the entire array. Unfortunately, according to this document AND
and OR functions cannot be nested within SUM+IF statements:
Dim oRow As Range
Dim cNonBlanks As Long
For Each oRow In Range("50:80").Rows
If Application.CountA(oRow) <> 0 Then
cNonBlanks = cNonBlanks + 1
End If
Next oRow
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May 11, 2012
In a single cell I want to return the number of columns in a matrix which contain entries. So, for the matrices below the formula should return '2' (two columns contain values):
A1: 0 , B1: 0, C1: 1
A2: 1 , B2: 0, C2: 1
A3: 0 , B3: 0, C3: 1
A1: d, B1: e, C1: 0
A2: 0, B2: f, C2: 0
A3: 0, B3: g, C3: 0
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Apr 12, 2007
I have a worksheet that I have to sum in one cell and count in another cell from A1:until it hits a blank cell. The thing is, I insert the blank row (only 1) in different places depending on the new data and where the cut off is. How do I do a sum formula from cell A1...until I hit a blank and a Count formula in cell B1: until I hit a blank cell?
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Feb 3, 2010
On sheet4 i need the total from sheet1
here is what i'm looking for in sheet1
IF COLM A2 to A600 contains the name "AUSTIN" and if in colm M cell is blank then add total to sheet4
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Jun 9, 2006
how to create a macro that will count blank cells. I've tried several different variations of a basic 'count cells' macro, but I can't seem to find the right one.
If anyone would be kind enough to post a solution VBA, I would be extremely thankful, and so would my superiors. I'm an intern trying to get my foot in the door, and this would certainly be a first major step for me.
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Mar 21, 2007
I have a spreadsheet where I'm trying to determine the number of weeks that have transpired since the last sale of an item. COUNTBLANK is the direction I started in but it only shows the number of blank cells, it doesn't count the blanks until it recognizes a numeric value and stop. Essentially, I need a "count until x happens" function.
I've attached an example to walk through the issue. The weeks are across the top, the item number in col A, and I've put the result I'm expecting in col B.
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Nov 3, 2008
I am creating a chart and want to get a count of only the blank cells in Column D only if there is information contained in Column A (same row). I am using Excel 2003.
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Feb 19, 2009
getting a formula to do this
I have
......D E
5 )......1
6 )......2
7 )......3
8 )......4
9 )......5
etc down to 31
They only show up when the cell next to it is not empty.
If nothing is put into say D5 D6 or D7 but something is put in D8 then i would like E8 to become 1 as it is the first to be filled.Then when D9 has something in it, it becomes 2 if D10 has nothing in it it gets left blank but when d11 has something in it e11 becomes 4 counting the blank cell in between.
How can this be done.
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Nov 30, 2012
I have a column, that have different values in each cell.
I am trying to get the count if the value is NOT equal to Closed and or BLANK
My formula : =COUNTIFS(O7:O827, "<>Closed", O7:O827, "<>""")
still not working, it counts the blank cells !
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Dec 29, 2012
I want to be able to count the number of rows until I hit a blank row, and use the counter as an index. How is that possible?
I have a no. of rows that are fulled, followed by a blank row then another set of rows that are filled then a blank row etc. I want to count the rows filled till the blank row and set the counter to that number. Then I want to do the same with the next set of rows etc.
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