I have attached a spreadsheet I am working on. In it I need to count the number of cells populated in F5:F34. The issue I am running into it that there are formulas in those cells that determine what to display. Is there a way to count what cells are blank and not blank based on the result from a formula? In the attached for I should get an answer of 3.
I'm putting together a calendar that will have show when people are off on holiday, training, out of the office or ill. But as it will identify people by name I have changed to cell style to reflect just what activity they are doing. As such I want to be able to count over a year just who has done what.
Is there a piece of code that can count based on the text inside a cell and it's style e.g. "20% - Accent1"
I have 2 columns that I need to use simultaneously to conclude something.
Column A Row 1: Dog Row 2: Cat Row 3: Bird Row 4: Dog Row 5: Dog Row 6: Dog
Column B Row 1: See Vet Row 2: See Vet Row 3: Get Rest Row 4: Get Rest Row 5: Get Rest Row 6: See Vet
Okay, so I have these columns, and I want to count the unique number of animals that need to see a vet, or get rest. Based on the table above, there are 2 unique animals that should see the vet (Dog and Cat), and 2 unique animals that should get rest (Dog and Bird). how to do this in excel.
What I would like to do is create a column that will count the number of cells in each row whose background color is not red or yellow. The yellow background color was input manually, and the red background color was input through conditional formatting.
I have a spreadsheet full of GPS locations of different pumps on different dates. Each column represents a different pump, and each row represents a different date. The cells on this sheet contain one of two things - either a set GPS coordinates or the word "Repair" and a description of the repairs done. A few days ago I went through and checked the GPS coordinates to see which pumps were where every day during the past three years, and changed the background color of each cell containing GPS coordinates determined to be off-site to yellow. I then used conditional formatting to change the background color of each cell containing the word "Repair" to red. Now I need to go through and find out how many pumps were on location, not being repaired on each day.
Here's a link to a sample workbook. Any cell containing the word "GPS" just represents the fact that there are GPS coordinates in the cell. Their format is basically "(#####, #####)".
i have a spreadsheet which is used to keep the training records for the company it counts no of staff and their skill levels for different parts of the job, when a person moves to a different branch the skill required changes and they have a set period of time to aquire the new skill.
when the time is up the colour of the old skill is changed to a red font by a conditional format based on the date.this is then counted by a calculation so the team know how many people are to be targeted for extra training.
the problem i have is the calculation will not count conditionally formated cells, so whenever i update the sheet i have to go to each cell with red text and change the font colour manually to red, this sounds really silly and is impossible to explain to anyone who does not understand conditional formatting. i e the people who will end up using the database
what im looking for is a way to count conditionally formatted cells based on the condition being met i.e. they are showing as red font.
In column C (Times Traded) I have used a simple countif formula: =COUNTIF($B$2:$B$8068, C2)
Now I have to check for how many times this instrument was bought or sold. This is in column A .... How will I count the Buy values ... cause this formula I devised doesnt work =COUNTIF($B$2:$B$8068, and(C2, A2:A8068="Buy")
I have a column of data (say in cells J1 to J20) such as
etc etc - not every cell has an entry.
In another column elsewhere, each of these items has a number associated with it, e.g.
AB 3 CD 3 EF 4
Note that the symbol (*,+,&) is not in the table.
What I want to do is this: For each value in column J, I want to lookup it's corresponding value in the table and add 1 to a count if the value is say 4 (so in the example the cell containing my result would be 1 because only EF has a value of 4). If I wanted a value of 3 my count would be 2 (because AB and CD both have a value of 2).
I think I need a combination of countifs, vloopkup and left (as I need to strip off the number in row J somehow) but I can't get the syntax right (left for example won't work on a range).
Need to writing a formula that will calculate the number of times a contract is used each month. Problem is that RMA numbers sometimes repeat. So I need to count the contract number for every unique RMA in a month......
I have a spreadsheet that has Leads in column H for eg Advertisements and Presentation dates in column K
I need to set up a formula that will count the number of dates (Items) in column K that is applicable to the item in column H for eg Advertisements, Referrals etc . There can also be blank items in column K which can be ignored
I'm using a sumproduct forumla to count rows based on specific data in multiple columns. So if column A equals 1 and column G does not equal 6 and column M equals 4 then count that row. I know how to do this. The problem I'm having is that I want to count column A if equals 1 or 2. I tried adding an OR comand in with my sumproduct but it doesn't seem to work that way.
I want to count the number of times a certain value is found in columnB, only for unique values in columnA.
I have made a simple example file, attached. Column B shows Status which can be Active, Current, Dormant. Column A holds Item names. I want to know how many Active Items I have, but an Item can appear more than once in ColA, so I want it only to include in the count the unique ColA values.
Is it possible to count unique values in one column based on that column and another column? I have a report that has a column of dates (B:B), column of month and year (C:C), and a column of RMA numbers(A:A). The RMA numbers repeat if there is more than one part on the RMA. I would like to count the number of RMA created each month. Below should be Jan = 2; Feb = 2; Mar = 1............
I have a CSE formula that allows me to count based on two criteria but it does not count unique values and you have to specify the two criteria.
I'm having difficulty trying to write a formula for the following type of data:
[data] ....
This is a data set with 10k+ lines; I have about 150 different items in the "Criteria" column. What I want to do is count how many unique items occur in "Column to be counted" by each vairable in the "Criteria" column. The output should look like this: ...
Need a way to count the number of times a certain bit of text occurs in a range based on a given criteria? Say I've got a column of names and another column with true or false in it (next to each name), how could a do a total of how many times 'TRUE' occurs next to each name?
There are 2 sheets, the 'Open Cases by Resolver' sheet is where I am trying to gather all the relevant information from the 'Open Cases - STATS' sheet. I need to be able to group the tickets in ages, ie tickets open Inc<30, Inc 31 to 60, Inc 61 to 90, Inc >90. The spreadsheet will help explain it in better detail. I thought a ' CountIf(And' formula might work (am trying to keep it formula based) but am having trouble recognising the team name then counting the ageing tickets.
I run a report that dumps from data from an ERP system. I've attached a sample of this report in excel that has two sheets. A summary and the data.
I am able to report on the total number of Purchase order lines and total purchase orders using various formulas. I am also able to use formulas to report on the number of lines associated with each product in the I column.
However I cannot, how to calculate the number of unique Po# (B Column) numbers based on the Product (I Column) .....
I have a large sheet (several thousand rows and growing) - see a small cut of the data. The columns following on from this have a list of people's names, hence why a lot of the data repeats (as a number of people attended each program).
Program Clinic Title Start Date
formula that will automatically give me that answer?
Trying to count the number of fields that meet a criteria base in 3 different columns. Worked on this for few hours but still keep hitting the wall of no right answer. I have attached an example sheet.
Trying to find the Number of fields that are not blank in the range of B9:B28 and have no date (are blank) in range(C9:C28) and have a number that is < 7 in range (D9:D28).
I wish to count the number of entries in a workbook based on the entries in two columns. The columns are for example H1:H100 ( date) and L1:L100 (status). I want to the number of times the date in H1:H100 is over 30 days old, as well as L1:L100 = 'Started' for example.
I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that will count the number of times a certain incident occurs, for a particular person, for a particular month. The attached spreadsheet is an example of what I need done.
For the attached spreadsheet, I need to find out how many times x employee has been late for x month, and how many times they've been late overall.
You can see one of the many tries I've attempted in the second sheet, but it doesn't seem to want to work. I have to be able to do this without VBA, because of signature issues.
I have column in my table that calculates time in hours between now and ticket open date (ticket open date in B1) so, in C1 i have following formula:
Results are in hours, such as 15, 25, 32, 65 etc
In pivot table, I would like to see how many tickets with values of less than 24 or more than 48, etc
My available columns are: Region, Ticket#, AgingOpenHr(this new column).
I tried it different ways, and I cannot get it Less Than and Greater Than work under Values, works if I select grater than or less than in Label, but label does not produce consistent numbers.