Create Formula In Column B To Add 4 Days To Date Based Upon Column A
Apr 3, 2014
I have a form in which users will manually enter a date in Column A. I would like to create a formula in Column B which will add 4 days to the date based upon Column A. However, the 4 days should only be added to a select set of dates which I would like to specify. If the date is not found in this select set of dates, then the result in Column B should be the same date as Column A.
Formula which can calculate how many days in a month and create a column for each day. Columns for day 28, 29, 30 or 31 also need the formulas in columns 1 to 27 copied over automatically. [sheet name "LARSheet1 to 1" ]
I'm trying to build "Leave, Attendance Management" system using Excel. I am about 40% there so far.
The basic structure of the workbook is as follows:
12x main monthly "Leave Attendance Record" worksheets (i.emonths April 2012 through to March 2013). [I will refer to these sheets asLARSheet1 to LARSheet12 ]. 1 x worksheet which holds "data validation" list andvlook up info. ["FormulaListSheet"] 1 x worksheet acting as a database of staff details andpay numbers. ["StaffdBaseSheet"] 1 x summary page which shows staff reaming leaveallocation. ["SummaryLeaveSheet"]
What I'm having problems with at the moment is as follows:
A formula or a macro which works out how many days are present in a given month [starting date of month located in CELL B10].
Days 1-27 will be already set up on the sheet. Based upon the monthly value I would like a solution which can calculate how many days are in a month and create a column for days 28, 29, 30 or 31 (depending on the month).
I would like it to work like this:
When the user opens a new worksheet, they first entre the month start date in CELL B10. Hopefully this will trigger columns E13:AH22 to update with the relevant week day & date.
I also need the formulas and formatting in cells AH13:AH100 (column for day 27) to copied over automatically.
Any way to construct a formula in excel that will look at a reference in one column and find the latest date from the data in an adjacent column for that specific reference?
Below is an exctract from a much larger sheet of the columns in question.
The result in the last column should be 21/05/2014 for anything with D.O.001 in the second column and 15/05/2014 for anything with D.O.002.
Date Decision agreed Disposal Order Latest Decision date for D.O.
I am creating a tracking spreadsheet and I will need to f/u on a process 30/60/90 days out from a particular date. Example: CPAP Therapy began 1/22/09 and I need to follow-up by 2/22/09. How do I create formula to add 30/60 or 90 days out from the setup date?
is there a formula that will look at A2 and if the date in that column shows May 5, 2013, then in E2 it enters June 1, 2013? I would like E2 to automatically populate the first of the following month of A2.
I am trying to write a formula with some variables passed into it. i want to sum up part of a column based on a date range (i've got the range already).
I'm trying to create a list that references an existing data set where I have staff listed month by month and based on today's date, imports only if there is data in that column. I have figured out how to check if the cell is blank or not, but what I want to do now is change the cell that is referenced in the formula based on the date. Here is the format of the spreadsheet I'm working with:
In this case, the "Team 1" and "Team 2" and "Team 3" references what team they are on that month. If it is blank, they aren't with the company any longer. The formula I am using is intended to import this data elsewhere, and is formatted like this:
=IF(ISBLANK(B2), "", A2) - My understanding is that this checks to see if B2 has data, and if it does, it inputs the employee name (A3) in that cell.
My ultimate goal is to be able to change the column referenced after the "isblank" calculation based on the date. So if today is April 2013, I want it to check B2, but if it's December 2013, I want the formula to check J2. Is there a way to do this? I don't mind if it's two steps (like if I have to put the date somewhere in the spreadsheet in order to run the calculation), but ultimately it would be the type of thing I could do that would leverage the existing data set so that I don't have to maintain two different spreadsheets of information.
I have a model built that calculates the daily Profit and loss ('Data for Pivot' tab, column M). I would like to calculate the cumulative profit and loss and am having a difficult time doing this with a simple formula. The Daily P/L column is empty (#NA value is in the cells) up until cell C138 as there is no data before that (which is the way it is supposed to be). However, once data has begun to be populated the daily profit and loss is shown (in this case from M138 onwards). The issue I am having is that I cannot seem to be able to create a formula that will capture the cumulative P/L. My desired result is evident in cells N179 onwards, as it simply captures the cumulative p/l. However, this only works if I change the formula once data is populated (in this case cell N177 is where i put in a new formula; the previous formula can be seen in cells N3-N176). If I attempt to put in the formula that is in cell N177 for all of the cells in column N, it gives me an error. Thus, I think that this may need to be programmed via VBA, but I have not been successful in doing this. The issue is that the data population in this model begins on different cells based on the different inputs that I put in ('Mov_Avg_Chart' tab, cells c6 and c8). Thus, I can't hard-code a formula based on a particular cell. If anyone can help me with this,
I think I am working all around this in Excel 2003 and feel like I am in the neighborhood, but can't seem to quite get there. On sheet1 I have 2 columns of 100s of rows. All of the cells in column A will be filled in with a date as time goes by (1-May-09 for example). Several of them may be 1-May-09 as a matter of fact. In column B, some of the cells will have a number in them and some of them will be empty. On sheet2, I want to construct a formula that returns a count of cells in column B that have a number in them based on a specific date in column A. For example:
If I could get the formula right, it would return an answer of 1 for 1-May in the example, because only 1 of the 1-May entries in column A has a number in the adjacent cell in column B. A formula for 2-May would return an answer of 2 since only 2 of the 2-May entries in column A have numbers in the adjacent cell in column B, and so on for the month. If I understand things right, there are too many arguments for COUNTIF. It seems that SUMPRODUCT should work, but I can't make it so.
I have a formula that counts if a date range is present. However I need to change it to count another column only if that date range is present. For example a17 a50000 the user will enter the date of the order. and in column B has the order number. I want the formula to count the order numbers for a data range in column A. Here is what I have but it is counting the dates in col A not the order numbers in B?
I have an excel sheet wherin there is a column that has the data where in the dates are displayed and many other columns.
I get this excel every Thursday so i want to filter this date column in such a way that it give me the data related to the date of the previous week only yet there is a catch here. When i say previous week i mean.
Suppose today is 03/14/14 then i want the data from 03/07/14 till today ie Last week friday to this week full( so cant use Current week option) and then paste it in a new sheet.
I tried the Record part but in that it is taking a hard coded value as i am selecting the date myself. I dont want to change the date manually every time.
I have a worksheet that keeps track of members for an organization. One column, let's call it B, notes the month when the members are due to renew their membership. Our organization requires that members be notified of pending renewals one month before, the month of, and one month after they're due to expire. Rather than having to re-sort the database every time I want to pull up this information, I'd like to create a second column, column C, that puts a character next to the names of members who are about to come do.
Ideally this character would change depending on what stage they are in the renewal process (a month before, month of, month after). Super ideally, if this is even possible in Excel, members who haven't renewed by the last month will automatically be moved to worksheet two, which contains recently lapsed members. What sort of code would I need to do this? I've tried googling for it, but I can't find quite what I'm looking for, and I have no script savvy whatsoever.
I'm needing a formula that will determine the number of days that fall in a specific month based on a date range. For example, if I have a date range of 10/15/2009 to 01/13/2009, I need the formula to determine the number of days in each month within the range (October has 15 days in the date range; November has 30, December has 31, and January has 13.) I have a large spreadsheet that would be so much easier to manage with such a formula. Currently, my spreadsheet is setup as follows. I need the forumla automatically fill in the number of days under each month.
Stard Date End Date Oct-09 Nov-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 10/15/2009 01/13/2009
There are dates in column C and I need to count how many days are coming due within 90 days of each date based on the today() function but do not exceed the 90 days.
I am wanting to paste formula from N1 till N X (X = varaiable row) where X reliant on Column A Row X. If Column A Row X has character "=====" it should paste N1 Formula all the way down till N Row X which is equal to A Row X containing "=====" .
I might be sounding complicated over here but it is a simple equation.. I have tried to approach this in the capacity i could by condition if Column A row x is blank delete the row.
I'm trying to calculate the number of days between dates in column A and B. I've looked at the examples in this site and thought I used the formula correctly, but the cell returns an error message when I type: =DATEDIF(A1,B1,"D")
I have a worksheet with two columns and a few hundred lines. One has titles and the other integers indicating how many times the title needs to be copied to another worksheet or text file.
Desired Output (Worksheet or Text File) [The entire row, including the integer could be copied as well, if it is easier.] TitleA TitleB TitleB TitleB TitleB TitleB TitleB TitleC TitleC TitleC TitleC TitleD TitleD TitleD
I need a VBA/macro very similar to several I have seen posted here. I have a worksheet with two columns and a few hundred lines. One has titles and the other integers indicating how many times the title needs to be copied to another worksheet or text file.
Desired Output (Worksheet or Text File) [The entire row, including the integer could be copied as well, if it is easier.] TitleA TitleB TitleB TitleB TitleB TitleB TitleB..............
I was going through a thread that is open now about a similar subject: Create Workbooks & Worksheets For Each Group In Table. I tried getting it to work myself but was unsuccessful. I want a code that will create a new workbook for every new Vendor. I tried doing it myself but was getting compile errors... If this is not what I should be using let me know, it works the way I want with just worksheets, i thought it would be an easy conversion to workbooks
Sub PagesByDescription() Dim rRange As Range, rCell As Range Dim wSheet As Worksheet Dim wSheetStart As Worksheet Dim strText As String Set wSheetStart = ActiveSheet wSheetStart.AutoFilterMode = False 'Set a range variable to the correct item column Set rRange = Range("A1", Range("A65536").End(xlUp)) 'Delete any sheet called "UniqueList" 'Turn off run time errors & delete alert On Error Resume Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False Worksheets("UniqueList").Delete 'Add a sheet called "UniqueList" Worksheets.Add().Name = "UniqueList".....................
Is there a macro that can create workbooks based on this data. So, i'd have one workbook that would contain all the Johns and all the other data in Columns A -Z, then another workbook for Ted, and so on...
The number of workbooks I need is not fixed. It all depends on how many names are in column C.
I have a workbook with about 10000 rows of data for about 100 suppliers in Sheet1 and about 15000 rows of same Suppliers payment details in sheet2.
What I am doing now is:-Filter every supplier names in Column A of sheet1, copy all the rows and paste in sheet1 of a new workook & Again copy the Payment details of a same supplier from master file sheet2 and paste the same in sheet2 of this new workbook then save the files with the supplier name as file name in my documents folder code, that filters each suppliers data from sheet1 & 2 and paste in new workbook sheet1 & 2.
I have to make a macheine cycle chart. I have a column containing Step Names and a column containing step time in whole seconds. I need to paste the step names across Row 1 and whole numbers counting to X down colum A. I then need to have each second represented by coloring the cell, for example, Step 1 is 1 sec. and Step 2 is 2 sec. if "Step 1" is in B1 I need B2 colored then for "Step 2" in C1 i need C3-4 highlighted and so on for a variable number of steps. This is my first question so I hope I was clear enough. With this much programed I will be able to make simple changes to tweak it to fit my needs.
I have a workbook that lists system analysts and information on the systems they're responsible for. I would like to have an Excel macro that will:
1. Create and name a new worksheet for each UNIQUE value in the 'Name' column (new worksheet for each analyst) 2. Copy their system info to each respective worksheet