I am sure this should be REALLY simple, but i just can't find the answer i'm looking for. I have a sheet which changes daily in quantity of information. I want some simple code which counts up the number of populated cells in column A and returns the answer to a cell in another worksheet - or just automatically use it to print that number of pages.
I think i should be able to do the printing side, but, currently have no idea how to count up the number of populated cells in the row. If someones feeling very generous though, giving me the code for printing that number of pages too would save me some work (the worksheet which needs printing is different to the worksheet which needs the number of cells adding up.)
How to produce a formula that will stop counting after the day is over. For example, i have a spreadsheet that is calculating the total number of pending questions for multiple project types which are found on seperate tabs. The first tab of my spreadsheet is a Summary tab which displays the statistics of each project tab including how many questions we have pending. The number of questions are calculated by picking up how many cells display "Y" in the PQ (pending questions) column of each tab.
Our current process is to type in the number displayed in the summary that shows how many questions we have pending. What that does, is freeze the total number of questions we had pending for that day. I am trying to make this more automated by coming up with a formula that will freeze this number on its own.
If I write out what I am trying to do, it would go something like this:
Count cells with "Y" and stop counting after today.
I need to do a total of the dates entered in the RAW DATA sheet that fall in between today's date and 7 days ago. I am comparing it to B3 in sheet 2. Have tried a COUNTIF but cannot get it to work.
I'm trying to create an excel worksheet as follows:
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Date Time In Time Out Hours Worked Pay 01/03/2000 01/04/2000 01/05/2000 . . 11/11/2008
I want to insert in the first column (Column1) dates starting from 01/01/2000 all the way up to today, 11/11/2008. So I would end up with a unique date on each row. To accomplish this manually would be a daunting task. I'm a newbie to excel and don't know how to use any in-built functions.
There are dates in column C and I need to count how many days are coming due within 90 days of each date based on the today() function but do not exceed the 90 days.
I have a form in which users will manually enter a date in Column A. I would like to create a formula in Column B which will add 4 days to the date based upon Column A. However, the 4 days should only be added to a select set of dates which I would like to specify. If the date is not found in this select set of dates, then the result in Column B should be the same date as Column A.
I have attached a sample file. I would if possible like to have a hyperlink at the top of the sheet that when pressed would take you to the last populated cell in column G. I can do a normal hyperlinks but over time the hyperlink would take you to the wrong place as the sheet is filled in more and more. Is this possible?
I have tried to adapt various macros I have found on this forum but they on't seem to do want I ask of them I also seemed to have acquired an extra vba project (Ubitmenuo4) in the worksheet and can't get rid of it, so just ignore that
I have a worksheet where the first two cells in the header are blank but the third and last cell is not. I'm trying to find the code which would give me the last populated cell in the header.
I have a column array with various cells in that array populated. In every subsequent cell in that array I want a formula that finds the previously populated cell and that value added a cell that is in the same row but two columns to the left.
Basically i have a manpower chart with months along the top and names down the far left. People are going to start work in different months so i want to know at the side of each persons name the month they start. Heres a simple example
I have column headers starting at B1 thru F1, with the following values Month1,Month2,Month3,Month4,Month5 In cell D2 i have the value 1 I want Cell A2 to return the value Month3
I have 3 columns (data, date & price). What I would like to do is find the last populated cell in 'date' column and autofill it based on column 'data'. The tricky thing is that the date form is text and while autofilling manually it changes.
I have a template worksheet that several people use and print from. The range on this worksheet used is A1:C499
I want the VBA to look at tha last cell that is populated in column A and set the print area to suit. i.e. the last cell used in column A could be A277. then I'd want the print area to be A1:C277.
i have a manpower chart with months along the top and names down the far left. People are going to start work in different months so i want to know at the side of each persons name the month they start. Does that make sense? Heres a simple example
I have column headers starting at B1 thru F1, with the following values Month1,Month2,Month3,Month4,Month5 In cell D2 i have the value 1 I want Cell A2 to return the value Month3
I have attached a sheet as an example, as i am trying to Divide a cell by the number of populated cells in that column e.g column (A) has a table of 16 but only has 13 populated cells in that column, the sum would be something like this =sum(A18/13. Sometimes the column will have less and at times more populated.
I have a workbook where I am trying to COUNT the values greater than zero in column "J" based on a selective criteria of column "B".
In other words, if the date in a column "B" cell (B3:B78) is greater than the date in A86, I want to count the number of cells whose corresponding value in the "J" column is greater than "0". And then I want to take this selective COUNT and divide it by a COUNT of all the cells in the range "J3:J78".
I have a sheet that shows employee absences, I require a formula that will look to see if a friday and a monday are populated and auto-populate the saturday and sunday to match the run, if the only the monday is populated then the saturday and sunday need to stay blank, if only the friday is populated then I also need the saturday and sunday to stay blank.
I have attached a sheet with the current display and the desired outcome.
get a cell to return a value depending on whether or not a cloumn is populated for example. If i Have 3 columns EUR, GBP and CHF and there can (99% of the time) only be one entry in any of the 3 on any given row. How then can i get a 4th column to return the value EUR, GBP or CHF on the same row as an entry. I have a relatively complicate nested IF fromula but i think this is slowing down the worksheet as there are 500 or so rows containing it. Ive attached an example segment
I'm basically looking for a forumla that will count each employees total scheduled work days for the month inserted and then depening upon the day it is will show how many days the employee has left to work for the month.
This formula is being used in a vacation time spreadsheet. So after each paycheck the if statement is applied and need to calculate the accumulation for that week based on if the person has worked 5 yrs or less. I need to stop the today's date calculation in the if statement after it is used. So that each time the spreadsheet is opened the values are a fixed number not changed based on the current date. However if the if statement is pasted into the next pay week it will calculate based on the actual date.
It is calculating is the following:
C4 = 5yrs Anniversary Date of Hire 3.08= less than 5 yrs 4.62= more than 5 yrs
formula that will count the number of times the name 'SIMON' appears in column C:C but here is the catch: I only want to know how many times that name has appeared over the course of the previous week. IE NOW - 7days
Im trying to search a column (A), that has a list of dates (not in order), for the row in which the dates are equal to or greater than today and less than or equal to a week from today. I then want the information contained in the rows with these dates to be transferred to another sheet and ordered by date.
I have an infinite list of consecutives dates on a row like the one below. I want that everytime I open my file, the first column shown is the one containing today´s date. If today´s date is 16.Feb, then the first column must be the one containing 16.Feb and so on.
I have been working on this issue for some time, searches let me down paths to tell me of the color of the cell, but can't put all the pieces together. What I am trying to do, is upon Clicking Command Button 1 it will go row by row of column D (there are 2 headers so D3 would be the first fillable data) looking for dates that is past todays date, if past, it will color the cell red then copy it to the next available row in sheet2 then continue, date past due, color red, copy entire row to sheet 2 looping until the end is reached
I am looking to have a dropdown list (1-30 days) to add the selected number of days to today's date. The number selected in cell B2 adds that number of days to today's date in C2.
I have one cell that I have formatted as a date in the following format:
January 16, 2007
In CELL A3, I would like to have excel calculate the number of days between the date in cell A2, and today's date (preferably having the cell auto-update as today's date changes).
For instance, the value in A2 will remain constant, however today's date will change. On January 17th, I would want cell A3 to have a '1' in it. On January 26th, I would like cell A3 to have a '10' in it...