Creating Macro For Continuous Averages

Mar 6, 2014

I'm a novice when it comes to macros but was wondering would it be possible to develop one to get continuous averages for a set of data. It's a very big data set with my first observation starting at A1 and last at over A19,000. The data is broken up half hourly so the first average would be from A1:A48 the second from A49:A96 and so on. Can a macro be created to repeat this format rather than me having to continuously highlight the different figures to get an average?

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Creating Cover Worksheet Called Averages?

Feb 8, 2013

I have attached a workbook with various worksheets. the aim being to create a cover worksheet called "averages".

Every few days i will manually add a new worksheet in the same format as "332" i had to delete most of the data from "333" to meet the file size limit but you should still get the idea. I would like the "averages" worksheet to work out an average rating and pull the data for all competitors from all worksheets.

I All my data is obtained from 2 columns, USERS & rating which i manually copy paste to a new worksheet every few days from that info i build my basic pivot table. maybe i can gather all the USER & rating columns on the same page and use a more complicated pivot table and thus do away with all the worksheets completely? But I do like being able to easily compare each individual rating against the other competitors for that particular day.

Attached File : competitor ratings1.xls

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Macro Code Sticks In Continuous Loop

Oct 6, 2006

The situation is that I get a report on a daily basis with many account numbers included in it. I am only concerned with 22 of them. What I am trying to do is look at each account number and compare it to account numbers I have defined in the array. If the account is found then advance to the next row and begin the search again. If the account is not found in the array, then delete that row. Once I have told excel to delete the row, I also tell it to stay on that same row and continue the search. For instance if row 5 did not contain an account number in my array, then that row will be deleted, but since the row is deleted, row 6 just became row 5.This bit of code seems to also cause my code to stay in the loop.

I need to tell excel that if there is no more information to be evaluated, then exit the For Each statement. I donft want to exit the sub, because I need to add additional code, I just need it to exit the loop.

Sub SortFailRpt()
Dim lFailRows As Long
Dim Ary() As Variant
Dim x As Integer, AryIndex As Integer
Ary = Array(1843, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1906, 1907, 1940, 1967, 1982, 1983, 1984, _
1985, 1986, 1987, 2045, 2087, 2088, 2096, 2106, 2108, 2109, 2110)
lFailRows = ActiveWorkbook. Sheets(1). Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 2 To lFailRows
On Error Goto NotFound
For AryIndex = 0 To 21
If ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("B" & x).Value = Ary(AryIndex) Then
Goto NextVar
End If
Next AryIndex
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("B" & x).EntireRow.Delete
x = x - 1
Next x
End Sub

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VBA Macro Code For Calculating Averages Those Which Have More Than One Value?

May 2, 2014

I need vba macro code or excel function to calculate average for some intervals in my excel sheet which have more than one value... I need all those values to be get averaged and placed in one cell...

I have intervals like 0-2, 2-4, 4-6.... 22-24.

In these intervals, few have got more than one values like


Now I need 16503.9902 and 17390.0293 need to get averaged and placed in one cell like,


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Creating A Macro, That Creates A New Button, Which Itself Runs A Macro..

Dec 15, 2009

I have a long complicated macro that processes a ton of data and gives the output in a new sheet. I then want to create new buttons (or some sort of user clickable triggers) on this new sheet that runs another macro.

I have got the actual adding of buttons in the sheet working, but I can't find a way to automatically assign macros to newly generated buttons during runtime. Is this even possible (or are there any clever tricks I could use to get around this?)

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Non-Continuous For Loop

Apr 22, 2006

Here is what I want to do:

Sub test()
Dim num As Integer
For num = 10 To 20 And num = 30 To 40 And num = 50 To 60
msgbox num
End Sub

Rigth now I have to do this:

Sub test2()
Dim num As Integer
For num = 10 To 20
msgbox num
For num = 30 To 40
msgbox num
For num = 40 To 50
msgbox num
End Sub

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Drag Down Top Row Of Formulas For Non-Continuous

Mar 19, 2014

Is there a way to select cells with formulas for a top row and then fill down the formulas for these non adjacent, non-contiguous, etc. columns? I can paste a single formula, but not varying.

i.e. Cells A1, D1, and G1 have my formulas, and I want to identify that they have formulas in the first place and then drag down to let's say A10, D10, and G10. I will not know which columns contains cells before hand, and the given formulas are not fixed

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How To Rank A List That Is Not Continuous

Nov 17, 2012

I need to rank a list that is not continious. I have used the rank function before but its always been in list of numbers.

How do i get the rank to work for example, I only want to rank on cells: B3, B6, B8, B10

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How To Stop Continuous Refresh

Feb 17, 2013

I found instructions within this forum to successfully create a macro to start continuous recalcs of my excel spreadsheet to keep now() current.

Sub continuousrefresh()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "continuousrefresh"
End Sub

I want to be able to set up another macro to STOP this continuousrefresh macro. I think this should be easy but I am just not getting it.

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Continuous Cells Without Breaks

Jun 29, 2006

I have attached an example Excel file that shows what I am looking for. I have one sheet with a list of parts in inventory. Each part, we'll call them A-F, has a reorder point and will automatically detect whether or not the B column should say order or not. What I want is a second sheet that will list all the parts that need to be ordered continuosly, without the breaks where parts dont need to be ordered.

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Creating An If Then Macro

Feb 3, 2010

I am creating a macro that when cell range H7:H78 = x then the cell in the same row but column A changes to r. This is what I have so far.

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Finding The Rightmost Value For A Non-continuous Range?

Feb 25, 2014

I have a set of data that has repeating column headers. So, on a sheet called "January" I have "Forecast" and "Actual" headers that repeat over and over underneath "Week 1", "Week 2", etc. On a different sheet (called "2014"), I'm trying to write a formula that will produce the latest or rightmost number underneath the "forecast" header. What I want is to be able to input data into the "January" sheet every week so that I have a record of progress and I want the "2014" sheet to show the latest data for every month.

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Not Sold Continuous Months Count

Mar 27, 2014

Find attached , expected result in on w2 needs to be 9 that I have punched manually : Team(A)01.xls‎

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Continuous Numbering Excluding Holidays?

Dec 23, 2013

how to to get a continuous number in a cell without the increase in holidays that is Sunday etc.,

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Find Continuous Data Range

Apr 19, 2009

find a continuous data range in Column A of a worksheet with a header in A1. But now I'm thinking that I asked the wrong question. Each day I have new data (a series of numbers) that are moved into column A of a spreadsheet. I never know ahead of time how many numbers will be in the data set. And I need to perform a series of calculations on the data. I need to do the following:

1. Find the range of the data set.
2. Perform a series of calculations on the data set.
3. Report the results in a new location.

If #1 is pre-defined, then #2 and #3 are very easy. However, #1 is causing problems. I can find the range as a string:

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Count Continuous Occurrence Of Each Signs 1-X-2

Oct 22, 2011

Will it be possible to Count continuous occurrence of each signs 1-X-2 and arrange them in corresponding column From Q To AE as shown below in example table: 1

Draw result is shown in cells A2:N11 and result of Count continuous occurrence of each signs 1-X-2 is shown in cells Q2:AE11

For example we take a look row 7 where first sign-2 has occurred 3 times, as

Column Q is for to place result of sign1
And column R is for sign-X
So far count of sign-2, which is 3 times, must be paced in cell S7,
And then count of sign-1, which is 1 time, must be placed in cell T7,
And then count of sign-2, which is 5 times, must be placed in cell V7,
And finally count of sign-X, which is, also 5 times, must be placed in cell X7,


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Indirect With Non-continuous Named Range

Oct 9, 2003

I'm trying to use Indirect in a formula where named range refers to multiple non adjacent cells; e.g. ever other cell {A1, A3, A5... etc}; however, when I use indirect, I recieve a #ref error. Replacing the indirect with the actual named range will make the formula work just fine, or using a named range that a continuous range works fine as well. It seems that indirect doesn't like non continuous ranges. ?

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Count Continuous Occurrence Of Each Signs 1-X-2?

Jul 31, 2013

Will it be possible to Count continuous occurrence of each signs 1-X-2 and arrange them in corresponding column From Q To AE as shown below in example table: 1

Draw result is shown in cells A2:N11 and result of Count continuous occurrence of each signs 1-X-2 is shown in cells Q2:AE11

For example we take a look row 7 where first sign-2 has occurred 3 times, as

Column Q is for to place result of sign1
And column R is for sign-X
So far count of sign-2, which is 3 times, must be paced in cell S7,
And then count of sign-1, which is 1 time, must be placed in cell T7,
And then count of sign-2, which is 5 times, must be placed in cell V7,
And finally count of sign-X, which is, also 5 times, must be placed in cell X7,

Example table: 1



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Continuous Evaluation Of Time Function NOW()

Mar 4, 2008

1) The following formula returns TRUE or FALSE:

=AND($J$15"",(MOD(SECOND(NOW())-1,6)+10) = COLUMN())

It works fine as long as the w/b is busy doing something!

2) Otherwise if the w/b is not busy, the formula appears to be calculated only ONCE at the current time NOW(), and F9 must be pressed repeatedly to re-calculate the formula despite Tools::Options::Calculation is set to Automatic.

3) Is it possible to have NOW() representing a progressive NOW()?

4) If not, can the above formula be modified such that it is evaluated continually for, say, the next 60 or 120 seconds from the current NOW()?

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Continuous Plot Update With Scrollbar

Dec 3, 2008

I am using excel2000 on WindowsXP. I have a 2D surface plot pointing to data that can be continuously updated using a scrollbar from the Forms toolbox. For some reason, when I place the plot over the continuously changing cells, the plot does partially update when I scroll, and then fully refreshes once I let go of the scrollbar handle. If I move the plot far from the changing cells, it doesn't refresh at all until I let go of the scrollbar, so I'm forced to use it to page, instead of smoothly scroll. How can I get the whole surface to refresh continuously? Seems some kind of magic "event" logic is at work here....

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Reference Every Nth Row Cell In Continuous Formula

Aug 21, 2008

I have a range G7:6107 is sheet2, cell G7 directly references cell C2 in sheet 2. Cell G8 in sheet 2 reference C9 in sheet 1, G9 is C16 and so on. For evey one cell down n column G in sheet two, it reference 7 cells down in column c in sheet 1. I now need to insert the same formula into each cell G7:C107, but I would like to keep the current references that are there. When I overight the current refernce in G7 with the formula, and then try to copy and paste all the way down to G107 it will only copy the reference row by row. so G7 is correct, but G8 refernce C3, G9 refernce C4 and so on. Is there a way i can insert that cell reference into a formula, mabye by useing collum H and type my formula and put "insert refernce" somehow. Is this possible? Or could I do it the other way, and insert the formula into the G7:G107 range.

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Continuous Chart Instead Of Splitting It Into Two Series

Apr 22, 2006

I have data on two rows and would like to have a continuous chart instead of splitting it into two series. see attached file.

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Printing Of Non Continuous Ranges Of Data

Aug 11, 2006

I am trying to print non continuous ranges of data in the same worksheet using the print area - by keeping the ctrl button pressed etc... it works fine but the outcome is that the text in the pages becomes very smaller when compared to when you print page by page and fit every page to one.

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Copy Same Range To X Non-Continuous Ranges

Oct 10, 2007

I want to select a range of cell relative to A2 then copy and paste that range 12 times.

See my coding below. I have been getting a Warning box titled "Microsoft Visual Basic"
(X) 400.

Sub mycopytry()

Dim check As Integer

For check = 1 To 12
Range(ActiveCell.Offset(29, 0)).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
check = check + 1

End Sub

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Sum Multiple Non Continuous Ranges By 1 Criteria

Jan 18, 2008

I am trying to write an array using =sumproduct. I cannot get the second array to work. Whenever I split up the arrays they work fine separately, but not together. This is what I am putting. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am not sure if I am even using the correct formula.


So basically, I am creating a transcipt. So in column B if the subject is Math, I want column F to be added and so on and soforth. See there are more arrays, because it is broken down to grades 9, 10th, 11th, 12th. And what is being added is their credit (.5 or 1) for the class for each year.

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Define Non Contiguous/Continuous Range

Aug 5, 2008

I am building a macro to conditionally edit cells that meet certain criteria within the current selection:

Dim FinalStr As String
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
For Each cell In Selection
If cell.Font.ColorIndex = Range2.Font.ColorIndex Then
FinalStr = FinalStr & "," & StrConv(cell.Address, 1)
End If
End If
FinalStr = Right(FinalStr, Len(FinalStr) - 1) 'To remove extra "," at the beginning

What I am getting from this macro is a string like "$I$27,$J$27,$E$28,$F$28" that I use later to edit that range, for instance


It worked fine, however, I found later that XL cannot handle more than 20-30 individual cell addresses. The error msg I am getting is: " Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed " Note that it won't be very practical to pick the cells and edit them within the same loop since there are several criteria times several edit options.

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Macro Creating An Email

Oct 17, 2008

I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. I would like to create a Macro on each sheet that when you click a button it creates an email to a list of recipeients for each sheet.

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Macro And Creating CSV File

May 5, 2009

I have a text document to which i need to do some changes and then turn it into CSV. Here are some lines of what the document looks like and below i will show you what i need it to look like. So i open the document with Excel and next I'm not sure how to do what i will show you below. Original:

HTML 111text

Here is how i need it:

HTML 1,1,1,"text"

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Creating A Macro For Printing

Jun 7, 2009

I am working with excel 2003. I get a workbook sent to me via Email that has 12 tabs on it and each tab has to be printed out. The fastest way that I know, to get this done is start with tab 1; hit alt+f, u, alt+f, enter, Ctrl+P, enter, Ctrl+page down ( to move to next tab and do it all over again), each tab is a slightly different width so I am constantly have to use "Fit to Page" but each tab will fit on one page easy.

I was wondering can I use a key stroke macro to print this workbook. I actually get 5 workbooks like this every night, it does not really take that long, maybe I am just being lazy, I was thinking that I might be able to use a key stroke macro and then name it for what ever workbook it works with (workbook 1 print ) but I don't no if this will work or if there is an easier way to get the printing job done.

I can't upload the workbook but I could create a simple say 5 tab workbook that has no data in but has same formatting and upload that if you need to see what I am doing.

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Creating A New Application Through Macro

Nov 8, 2009

I want to create a new excel application through macro. I basically want to transfer few columns from the parent workbook to new workbook. but these new workbook must be contained in a new excel application.

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