Define Non Contiguous/Continuous Range

Aug 5, 2008

I am building a macro to conditionally edit cells that meet certain criteria within the current selection:

Dim FinalStr As String
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
For Each cell In Selection
If cell.Font.ColorIndex = Range2.Font.ColorIndex Then
FinalStr = FinalStr & "," & StrConv(cell.Address, 1)
End If
End If
FinalStr = Right(FinalStr, Len(FinalStr) - 1) 'To remove extra "," at the beginning

What I am getting from this macro is a string like "$I$27,$J$27,$E$28,$F$28" that I use later to edit that range, for instance


It worked fine, however, I found later that XL cannot handle more than 20-30 individual cell addresses. The error msg I am getting is: " Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed " Note that it won't be very practical to pick the cells and edit them within the same loop since there are several criteria times several edit options.

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Convert Row Range With Blanks Into Continuous Row Range

May 16, 2008

How would you turn

A | B | C | D | E | F | G

1 2 3


A | B | C |

1 2 3

A | B | C | D | E | F | G

1 2 3

A | B | C |

1 2 3

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Finding The Rightmost Value For A Non-continuous Range?

Feb 25, 2014

I have a set of data that has repeating column headers. So, on a sheet called "January" I have "Forecast" and "Actual" headers that repeat over and over underneath "Week 1", "Week 2", etc. On a different sheet (called "2014"), I'm trying to write a formula that will produce the latest or rightmost number underneath the "forecast" header. What I want is to be able to input data into the "January" sheet every week so that I have a record of progress and I want the "2014" sheet to show the latest data for every month.

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Find Continuous Data Range

Apr 19, 2009

find a continuous data range in Column A of a worksheet with a header in A1. But now I'm thinking that I asked the wrong question. Each day I have new data (a series of numbers) that are moved into column A of a spreadsheet. I never know ahead of time how many numbers will be in the data set. And I need to perform a series of calculations on the data. I need to do the following:

1. Find the range of the data set.
2. Perform a series of calculations on the data set.
3. Report the results in a new location.

If #1 is pre-defined, then #2 and #3 are very easy. However, #1 is causing problems. I can find the range as a string:

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Indirect With Non-continuous Named Range

Oct 9, 2003

I'm trying to use Indirect in a formula where named range refers to multiple non adjacent cells; e.g. ever other cell {A1, A3, A5... etc}; however, when I use indirect, I recieve a #ref error. Replacing the indirect with the actual named range will make the formula work just fine, or using a named range that a continuous range works fine as well. It seems that indirect doesn't like non continuous ranges. ?

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Copy Same Range To X Non-Continuous Ranges

Oct 10, 2007

I want to select a range of cell relative to A2 then copy and paste that range 12 times.

See my coding below. I have been getting a Warning box titled "Microsoft Visual Basic"
(X) 400.

Sub mycopytry()

Dim check As Integer

For check = 1 To 12
Range(ActiveCell.Offset(29, 0)).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
check = check + 1

End Sub

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Populate ListBox With No Continuous Range From A Sheet

Sep 30, 2013

I have a big sheet and i want to create a mask where i can insert a value and in a ListBox appears all accurrences of this value and the other in the same row.

I created a listbox where, with the RowSource proprety show me LAST row where there is the value i want. Now i want a list of rows not continous in the sheet. For example i have this sheet:

A1 Jim B1 23 C1 1998
A2 Steve B2 27 C2 2010
A3 Francis B3 23 C3 1992

Now i want to search all people with 23. So i want in my ListBox appears:

A1 Jim B1 23 C1 1998
A3 Francis B3 23 C3 1992

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VBA To Highlight Continuous Range Of Cells With Fill Color (green)?

Nov 26, 2012

I am searching for the best way to loop thru col A and highlite cells with a fill color of green. I then wish to copy and paste these cells to another WS.

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Count Frequency Of Continuous Occurrence Of Text Value In Range Of Values

Dec 9, 2013

In an employee attendance file I am trying to count the number of times an employee has taken 3 or more days of leave together (continuously) in a month. My attendance file looks something like this


[Code] ..........

In the example above E001 has taken 3 continuous days leave twice so formula should return 2, for E002 & E003 the answer would be 1 each.

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Formula To Count Highest Number Of Continuous Cells With Data In A Range And Their Sum

Apr 1, 2009

I have a range of 30 cells in a row. From that row there are groups of cells that have data that might be 1-7 cells populated in a row and in between these groups are blank cells in the row. I need to see what is the highest number of cells in a continuous row that contain data, what the mode is for continuous cell counts, and what is the average value for the data from the continuous cells. The average is a nice to have but not entirely necessary as most cell data will be fairly similar and I can get a close enough average just by knowing the average number of cells that contain data in a row. I have to do this calculation for about 1000 rows of individual data so its important a formula fit in one row.

Almost need a count function to count starting with each cell and then stopping at the first no no value it finds. Then it would show those counts and I could run a formula to pick the highest count and also show the mode of counts.

I will let the experts at it!, my weak mind could not think this one through. I thought something to do with MATCH for a while but no go from what I could do.

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Grouping Contiguous List Into Non-Contiguous Groups

Sep 9, 2006

I would like to be able to count the amount of entries in column C and depending on the amount group them in either groups of 3 or 4, all names would be if there are 14 names in the list they would need to be grouped in to two groups of 4 and two groups of 3, if there were 19 then 4 groups of 4 and 1 group of 3 etc to a maximum 50 people, the results could appearon a seperate worksheet say pasted on to the worksheet starting with the groups of 3 (so paste a group of 3 then skip 3 rows then paste groups of 4 skip 2 rows, the row skipping is to allow seperation and manual entry of extra data). There will never be groups of 5 or more and never less than 3

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SUMIF Non-contiguous Range

Jan 8, 2006




I can't get that to work since the commas in the range are throwing the function off.

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SUMIF Non-contiguous Range

Jan 8, 2006




I can't get that to work since the commas in the range are throwing the
function off.

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Finding Last Row Of Non-Contiguous Range?

Aug 17, 2012

I know how to find the last row of a continuous range. it's simply:


How do you find the last row of a non-contiguous range though? Assume the range is vertically laid out and I don't want to do any looping.

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Resizing Non-contiguous Range

Apr 8, 2008

Is it possible to re-size a non-contiguous range? I'm guessing "no", and a Google trawl hasn't provided me with anything.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

dim mult_rng as range
dim rng2 as range

set mult_rng = range("A1:B1,D1:E1")
set rng2 = mult_rng.resize(rowsize:=10)
That is, my original range is comprised of non-contiguous cells in the same row. When re-sizing, I'm trying to increase the number of rows, but leave the columns the same.

Like I said, my gut instinct says that this isn't possible using the 'resize' property. Can anyone think of another method to use? My constraints are that the original mult_rng isn't always the same (and isn't always non-contiguous).

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SQL Queries To Non-contiguous Range

Oct 3, 2009

I want data to columns A, C and E, while I have important data in columns B and D. Should I make three queries? Should I make query and save the results to temporary place and then move all the results to those columns A, C and E?

Right now the copying happens like this:

If Not rsData.EOF Then
rngTarget.CopyFromRecordset rsData
MsgBox "No records returned.", vbCritical
End If

So should I do
1) One query and move everything in the right places
2) Multiple queries
3) Something else

Does this depend a lot about how many results I expect? I'd say likely about 100, maybe less than 1500, never more than 10000

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Define Range() In Vba

Jan 23, 2007

I want to define a Range() in VBA. have cell1 and Cell2 in the format of rows and cols. ie. Cell1 = Row 1, Col 2. Cell2 is dynamic, can be sometimes row100, Col200, or Row23, Col 1000. May i know how to define it in VBA?

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Non-Continuous Range In Event Code: Show A UserForm When A Cell In 1 Of 31 Named Ranges Is Selected

Nov 7, 2006

I am using the following Selection_Change Event to show a UserForm when a cell in 1 of 31 named ranges is selected.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Dim i As Long

For i = 1 To 31
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("StatPost" & i)) Is Nothing And Target.Value = "" Then
If Target.Offset(0, -8).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -7).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -6).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -5).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -3).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -2).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = "" Then....................

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Find Blank In Non-Contiguous Range

Mar 19, 2013

Need code that will search non-contiguous range for first empty cell, paste data into found cell and data into offset cells and end search. If not empty, move to next cell in non-contiguous range. If NO empties are found in entire range, a msgbox.

Non-contiguous range: Range("B2,B32,B62,B92,B122,B152,B182")

Pasted data: 1st range into found empty, 2nd range into range offset of empty.

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Vlookup On Non Contiguous Named Range

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to do a vlookup on a non contiguous named range.

I have a non contiguous named Range called "temp".

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Assign A Non Contiguous Range To An Array

Jan 25, 2009

When I insert a line to select the range on the Worksheet it does select the range named as temp. However, the array does fill but only with the first part of the range eg in this case A7:C44.

My aim is to create an array of size point1A( all the rows in the multiple ranges, 3 columns).

Example of a Range to be assigned to the Array point1A. temp = "A7:C44,D7:F44,G7:I44,K7:M44,N7:P44,Q7:S44,"

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Creating Non-contiguous Range Without Duplicates?

Jun 4, 2012

I am trying to create a large range composed of smaller ranges. Some of these ranges may overlap so I want to make sure when I add cells to the range they don't already exist. I know how to make sure the same value doesn't exist in a range, but not the same cell.

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Manipulating On A Range Of Contiguous Rows Using VBA

Apr 13, 2008

I have a contiguous range of rows starting from row 5. ...It starts from row 5 but could end anywhere below.

The name of my Sheet is Tester.

Now in Tester, columns B,C, and D have numerical values in them. Using VBA, how can put in values in corresponding row of column A.

So if there are values from B1:D39 and B40 onwards is empty, then A1 will have value B1*C1*D1, then A2 will have B2*C2*D2 and so on until A39 = B39*C39*D39

**I need to write the code so the whole process is done fastest.The code may be long but the macro needs to run as fast as possible.

(Also, I remember using Screen.Updating = False when I wrote similar stuff many yrs ago. Would this be useful here?)

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Select The Top Right Cell In A Non-contiguous Range

May 29, 2009

Is it possible, through VBA, to select the top right cell in a non-contiguous range? For example, I have defined A1, A3, and A5 as a range. How could I tell Excel to select A5 from within that range?

I am using Excel 2007.

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Macro: Count Non-Contiguous Range

Dec 17, 2006

I'd like to count non blank cells in 16 separate ranges (each range consists of 6 consecutive cells). The first range in the series is C9:H9. 3 cells are then skipped and the process is repeated with the next range, ie L9:Q9 then skip 3. The last range in the series of 16 is therefore EK9:EP9.

If the value of non blank cells = 2 in any of these 16 ranges then copy the contents of this range to C24:D24 in sheet " Record Form Games 3583". If C24:D24 is not empty copy these values to C25:C26.

If the value of non blank cells = 6 in any of these 16 ranges then copy the contents of this range to C22:H22 in sheet "Record Form Games 3583". If C22 is not empty copy these values to C23:H23.

The ranges colored yellow in the example workbook are the ones that need to be copied to the sheet Record Form Games 3583.

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Nth Lowest Number In Non-Contiguous Range

Aug 10, 2007

I want to use the Small function on a set of cells that are non-contiguous. But I know that the Small function only works on an array, which cannot contain cell references. Copying the cells to a contiguous range is not an option, as some of the cells I want referenced are generated on the fly in a Sumproduct function. Is there some alternative I could use? I can use the Min function to get the lowest value, as it allows for references, and the Max function to get the greatest, but what about those in between?

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Copy Non-Contiguous Range & Paste To Last Used Row

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to have this loop go through colums of data and compare columns 3 and 4. Where there are differences, parts of the row are copied and pasted in a summary table.

My problem is the output to the summary table.

How do I control which cells in the row are copied? (I only want to copy columns 1, 3 & 4)
How do I control where the copied cells are pasted to?

Sub Change()
Dim r As Long

'Loop to Compare Values
For r = 4 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Looks For Funds That Upgraded
If Cells(r, 4) < Cells(r, 3) Then
'Highlights the row
Cells(r, 1).Resize(1, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 34
'Copies The Applicable Cell Over Into Column 7
Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = Cells(r, 1)
'Places a note into column 5
Cells(r, 5) = "UPGRADE"
End If
If Cells(r, 4) > Cells(r, 3) Then
Cells(r, 1).Resize(1, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = Cells(r, 1)
Cells(r, 5) = "DOWNGRADE"
End If
Next r
End Sub

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Dsum With Non-contiguous Range Criteria

Dec 28, 2007

Is it possible to use a non-contiguous range for the criteria parameter of the DSUM function? I want to do something like this. =DCOUNTA(wholesale_all,"Assignment Date",D2:D3,G2:G3) This formulas won't work the way I have it typed, but is there a workaround to achieve the same result?

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Number Of Columns In Non-Contiguous Range

Jun 9, 2008

Consider the following range (in my case a PivotTable):A1:E7

I create a Named Ranges that corresponds to column 1:3 and 6 from the range above. i.e : A1:C7,E1:E7

I need to find out the number of columns of my range, this is because it can change in the future, and I have an offset formula needing this information.

When i type =columns(MyNameRange) it returns #REF! as there are 2 areas in my Named Ranges. I am expecting 4.

I have written the a VBA User Defined Function that does the job, but I would like to know if there is no native solution to get this information.

Function TotColumns(rng As Range)
Dim Cols As Integer
For Each Ar In rng.Areas
Cols = Cols + Ar.Columns.Count
TotColumns = Cols
End Function

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Define A Time Range

Jan 21, 2010

I have two columns containg the arrival and departure hours of workers. From these columns I must define the workshift by specifiyng the time range for each shift. AZ contain the arrival hours while BA the departure.

The formula I use doesn't return the results correctly because some shifts are almost the same. i.e: if shift one starts (arrival hours) between 05:00 and ends at 12:59 and shift 1-2 starts at 08:00 and ends at 23:59 then it will go with the first shift even though the times in range belong second shift.

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