Cumulative Staff Contribution Per Process Activity Cannot Exceed 100%
Oct 2, 2012
I have a spreadsheet whereby process activities can be attributed to the different staff members who complete the activity. Each activity is on a different row and up to three staff can be assigned to each activity, so for example if a level one employee sorts the mail on four out of five days per week I would attribute 80% contribution to the task to the level one employee. If a supervisor sorts the mail on a Friday I would allocated a 20% contribution to that staff group.
My question is how do I prevent someone filling in the spreadsheet from allocating a combined contribution above 100% to any task. This could be for example either putting a number in greater than 100% into one of the allocation columns or a total across up to three different columns above 100%.
The columns where I assign the percentage contribution are E,H and K. I would like to generate an error which says something like 'Cumulative staff contribution per process activity cannot exceed 100%.
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Dec 30, 2013
BASIC PAY : 6000
HRA : 2400
EPF = 6000*8.33% = 499.8 OR 541 WHICHEVER IS LESS
8.33% on basic pay or else 541, which ever is less
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Jun 17, 2013
I have this table which has employees names with basic pay and contribution.
I was tasked to create a excel sheet where in if the employees basic pay is input, the corresponding contribution for the employee will show depending on which salary bracket he/she is on.
I am not allowed to know what my workmates salaries are since im just an associate, so i just have to leave em blank and wait for my manager to input their salary.
See attached file for the workbook : PHEALTHWORKBOOK.xlsx
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Oct 23, 2012
I am planning to calculate the individual contribution on customer satisfaction % for the entire team.
Currently the layout looks roughly like this:
C2 - contains overall team Csat %
C4 - contains total number of surveys received
C9 -> C15 contains operator names
D9 -> D15 contains operator individual csat %
E9 -> E15 contains operatore number of csats received
Using the data above I thought I should be able to generate a number or % that would indicate the individual's contribution to the overall score.
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Mar 4, 2009
I need to write an IF statement that exceeds the 8 statement maximum. Basically, what I want to say is: IF(U2>K2,1,IF(U2+V2>K2,2.........all the way up to U2...AM2>K2,19)
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Apr 11, 2014
I have one spreadsheet with a list of materials by material number. I have another with all sales activity. How can I pull into the first spreadsheet the date of the latest activity from the second spreadsheet?
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May 15, 2014
have a data set with client id and most dates of activity....
I would like to be able to include within a report the date of first activity and the most recent date of activity....
please see attached sample worksheet...
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Aug 8, 2012
I have a very large spreadsheet with financial information I am trying to graph on a line graph (which I know how to do). I would like to take only the last 48 months of activity and graph that. Is there a formula I can use to select only the last 48 months without reselecting the data everytime?
Example (for simplicity purposes in this example I only want ten months of data
Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
10 12 14 10 9 12 11 12 12 10 9 13
I would like a graph that displays march-december sales figures.
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Mar 6, 2013
I have a user form with several command buttons.
Is there a way to show that excel is calcutaing when one of the command buttons is pressed?
The button starts a series of calculation that take a while to complete.
It would appear to other users of my spreadsheet that excel or the user form is not functioning correctly.
It would be neat if there is a way to show a % complete bar. but a simple graphic or text will also work.
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Nov 29, 2008
I run an activity group wherby members have to complete various events such as swimming, cycling, climbing etc..
I have a worksheet that comprises of columns A - P
Column A = Members Name
Column B = Address Info
Columns C - P equals the activities
As each member completes an activity a marker (the word "DONE") is placed in the relevant column C - P
This results in several records being created for each member with a single entry in one of the columns C - P.
I want to consolidate the data into a single row showing the activities completed for each member
The data is sorted by column A brining all like records together
So if the name in the current row = the name in previous row then move entries in columns C - P up one row then delete the current row.
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Feb 26, 2009
I sit possible to run a macro that will record email activity from an Outlook inbox and store it in a Excel file. For example, the date received and the subject line for every email that comes into an inbox would be logged.
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Aug 1, 2006
I received a suspicious email from <Excel Help/VBA Help: []>. It may be nothing but I am wanting to inquiry about it's origin and content, how would I do this? I of course have received other emails from this site.
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Apr 10, 2008
The MS State Tax Credit maximum per person, per year is $500.00. I need to multiply the monthly credit allowance by 12, then multiply that by 25%. This answer must not exceed $500.00. I need this formula for both the male and female. I can't figure out how to make the formula both a SUM and an IF.
(79-D22)*(D20*12*25%max $500)+(83-F22)*(F20*12*25% max $500)
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Aug 8, 2014
I have this table that I put together everyday describing the activity of my department. There is the date displayed as "Num-Date", the day of the week and multiple columns of data. Every day I have to add a new row and update the date, and the data, etc. I have a macro that inserts a new row and auto-updates the date and weekday, I also have a web query set up to fetch the data I want and display it right next to the table, but what I want to do is make the table more intuitive and automated.
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May 12, 2009
I have a simple formula in a cell, just a sum of some columns. (=C6+H6) If the sum happens to be greater than 10, though, I want it to show as the number 10. How can I do this?
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Feb 11, 2013
I am recording attendance to our various activities as follows (screenshot):
Column A show the activity
Columns B onwards show attendance by day of the week (names gathered from list).
Now I've got a simple formula =COUNTA(Sep!B4:AE51) to count the total attendance for the month, modifying the range to cater for each activity, but it would be better if I could keep the range the same and modify the activity.
Also, I would like a formula to show the attendance at each activity by the day of the week (ie to show the total and average attendances for Mondays or Tuesday etc).
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Jan 10, 2010
I am trying to compare a value ( say C80 ) and figure out how many cells it takes to exceed a value ( say -2 ) in a column ( say E79:E2 ) but then actually stopping the count after that first cell count has been triggered.
I'm in a bind - any help would be highly appreicated.
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Apr 26, 2007
I have Activity data from my production line that details when a job is running "RUN" and when its on stop "SETUP". It looks like this:
Run 0.45 hrs (decimal hours)
Setup 0.1 hrs
Run 1.2 hrs
Setup 0.2 hrs
I want to be able to graphically present this against a fixed timeline, I have the timeline in a column, (not a row). I have cumulatively summed my times so I have this...
Run 0.45 hrs
Setup 0.55 hrs
Run 1.75 hrs
Setup 1.95 hrs
However I want to be able to establish whether the job was ON RUN or SETUP at each interval of my timeline. For example: if my time line was in 0.01 decimal minute intervals, my chart would look like this:.................
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Mar 10, 2014
I'm preparing Quarterly Evaluations, and am having an issue because an Analyst has superseded an overall percentage goal. In the attached example, it is the overall evaluation with the 'problem data' in red D19 and highlighted.
I'd like to add a condition that limits the points in D19 for 'responsibility 3' to 150.
*just a note for clarification, the other two responsibilities are a 'per hour' weekly goal, whereas the 3rd is an overall personal effort divided from the overall team effort.
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Feb 21, 2007
a macro to print a series of worksheets only when a certain cell (probably would have to be a named cell as lines may be added to some of the worksheets at some stage) in that worksheet exceeds zero.
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Aug 4, 2014
How do I delete rows, with the maturity date exceeding the current date ("A10"). Note here that every time I open the excel sheet, the current date ("A10") would change, so I intend to write a VBA file to ensure that new rows are deleted when the dates expire.
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Jan 27, 2010
I need to show an information box e.g. "Initialising..." that I can show and remove without user interaction. I can't seem to find this using either a userform or msgbox.
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Nov 24, 2013
Is there a way I can count the number of different people in a column in any one day. The same persons name may appear more than once on the same day. My table is as follows:
Column A has my list of dates running from A2 to A500
Column E has my list of workers running from A2 to A500
My table of results is in a different workbook but basically what I need is this:
Nov 1 - Count how many people worked on 1st November
Nov 2 - As above
Nov 3 - As Above
Nov 4 - As Above
Nov 5 - As Above
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Apr 24, 2013
I have an Excel file that is 590 MB and Excel is telling me that since there are over 1,048,576 rows in this file (which I understand is the row limit for Excel 2010), it will only open partially, up to that row amount.
Excel suggested I open up the file in Word, but that has been unsuccessful - Word gives me error messages and won't open the file. I've also tried converting the file to .rtf and .odt, but again, that doesn't work.
Is there any way to break this excel file down? I'm assuming that whoever created it could not have made the document more than 1,048,576 rows, if that is Excel's limit, but maybe I am wrong. The document is in date order from 2008 to 2011, but only 2008 will show, and I know the later years exist. It doesn't matter to me which program this file opens with, I just need the data.
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Sep 28, 2008
Row totals exceed the limit for Excel 2003, so I have split the data into different worksheets by year.
Problem is, now I can't create a useful pivot table, i.e. using 'multiple consolidation ranges' reduces the field list to "Row", "Column", and "Value".
I have 26 columns in each worksheet (all identical structures); some are multilevel factors, some are variables - and the way these relate to each other is unknown as this stage, so I literally cannot have the dimensions reduced in the way Excel proposes with multiple consolidation ranges.
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Jul 28, 2014
I need counting the number of staff within a time period. Unfortunately the schedule structure does not allow application of the simple solutions I've found regarding this which results in this being more complicated. My example is attached. My start and end time are in the same cell. I have used the Left() and Right() functions to manipulate the times. I am unable to count the number of occurrences of between the start/stop times of all my employees in the array. The formula also needs to take into account a manually entered time on the actual day.
00:00 if F9:F42 = time is TRUE and I9:I42 = "" then count occurrences of 00:00 in scheduled times F9:F42 + if F9:F42 = time is FALSE, then if I9:I42 = time is TRUE then count occurrences of 00:00 in scheduled times I9:I42
Even when I think I've gotten close the midnight time crossover keeps throwing off.
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Dec 17, 2012
My boss wants me to take the holiday info from SAGE for 80 employees and create a record on excel. He wants to know what holidays each employee has taken and is due to take throughout the year. As each employee works a different amount of hours and a different shift pattern, SAGE records their holiday entitlement in hours rather than days. I have attached an example of one employees details and if come up with an excel document containing similar information for 80 individuals - all starting on different dates and all having a different amount of holiday entitlement. He wants to be able to look at each employees record for the year and see not only holiday data but sick days too. I don't know where to start with this - I've thought about creating a workbook with 80 pages and create a 12 month calendar for each individual with days off marked on it?
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Feb 12, 2012
I have a table on a sheet called Contracted Staff. Table has staff names down the side and along the top is training needed.
Training H & S. fire. General training
Lucy. 5/4/12
Jeff. 5/4/12
Dawn. 5/4/12
I would like on a training summary sheet to tell me who hasn't completed the training. I know I can use auto filter to select blanks to get who hasn't done it. However I want to print every training and list on the same sheet.
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Feb 25, 2014
From the attached data is it possible to create a formula to count the number of staff in post that are line managers?
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Nov 6, 2008
I am trying to work out a % score for a telephone operator. To explain further, I would monitor a call that an agent takes. The agent starts at 100%. There are 20 points to be scored and they are scored like this
1 - Yes
0 - No
left blank - n/a
B3 counts the number of entries in the column
B2 counts the number of 1's in the column
B28 = B2/B3
Seems to work fine until the agent makes a fail which would enter a 0 in the column. Somewhere I think I need to take account that there are 20 possible fails or passes?
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