Curly Braces - If Multiple Cells Contains The Same Characters?

Jul 2, 2014

As I know we can use curly braces if the same cell contains multiple characters. e.g. A1={"XY","WZ","YY"}

How about if multiple cells contains the same characters?

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Searching For Multiple Characters Within Range Of Cells?

Dec 10, 2013

The following code works fine to determine if a particular character occurs within the selected range of cells:

Sub CheckIfCharacterIncluded()
For Each MyCell In Selection
If InStr(MyCell.Formula, "#") Then
MsgBox ("The " & "#" & " character was found in cell: " & MyCell.Address & " at position " & InStr(MyCell.Formula, "#"))
End If
End Sub

However, I would like to extend this functionality to check for multiple characters, using some sort of array that contains all the characters I want to check for e.g. "#","*","£" and so on, without having to repeat the above code for each character for which I need to check.

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SumIf Function To Sum Cells When Other Cells Begin With Certain Characters

Nov 5, 2008

I want to use the SumIf function to sum cells when other cells begin with certain characters.

I've toyed with a few ideas of how this could work, but i don't know how to specify that the cells need to begin with certain characters. The cells that would be the criteria and the ones that would be summed come out of an Oracle database (and i have no control over the way they're pulled out - yet) so the beginning characters are connected to extremely unique information, so i dont want that to be included in the if part, for obvious reasons.

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Filter Under Multiple Characters?

Nov 26, 2013

I have a spreadsheet containing 5 columns of text, I need to identify any that contain any of the following characters;

` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * [ ] | } { " _ ; < >

Is it not possible to do this via either a custom "contains" filter or Find/Replace without doing it one by one ?

This is something i will need to do monthly as a data cleanse activity, and ideally i need it to be quick and allow me to see quickly out of a large list which contain these characters in the form of a filter or highlighted cells.

My excel knowledge is limited but if this isn't possible via custom filters, how i can create a macro that will search for the above characters and highlight any cells containing them ?

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Remove Multiple Characters From Text

Nov 20, 2006

This may be a very simple question so forgive me for my ignorance. I have text in individual cells that look something like this (not actually addresses but same format):

Doe, John – 123, Anywhere St (Apt A), Anytown Anystate 12345

I have about 5,000 records. I would like to convert the records to look like this:

Doe John 123 Anywhere St Anytown Anystate 12345

Basically I want to take out all non alphanumeric characters and anything between curved or square brackets. In my minds eye my macro would read something like this:

Do until last character.

If character = alphanumericTrue – Move to next characterFalse – If character = spaceTrue – Move to next characterFalse – If character = curved or square bracketTrue – Delete all text in brackets including brackets then move to next characterFalse – Delete character then move to next character
Loop. I would of course create an additional loop to run down the 5,000 records.

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Replace Multiple Special Characters

Jan 15, 2008

Working on a macro to replace a list of about 20 specific "Special" Characters in excel, and have ran into 6 that will not work.. Following are the characters: &#257;, &#269;, &#263;, &#345;, &#351;, &#380;


Selection.Replace What:="ä", Replacement:="a", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

Selection.Replace What:="á", Replacement:="a", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

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Cells With More Than 255 Characters

Jan 18, 2010

I have some text that I need to format, at the moment it looks like this:

[note name="Person A" label="0"[Person A's information]/note]
[note name="Person B" label="0"[Person B's information]/note]

I would like to extract the Name (Person A) and the actual note itself (Person A's information) into two columns. I tried using "Text to Columns" as I have in the past, but there is a problem. Many of the information fields contain hundreds of characters, with the largest being ~2500 characters. The text to columns works does its job but cuts out a lot of data (anything over 255 characters).

I'm using MS Excel 2000

The text contained HTML codes, so they have not appeared correctly I have replaced with []

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Get 1st X Characters From Cells

Apr 18, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with approx 1000 rows of data. One column contains ledger codes that can be up to 9 characters. I need the column to only show the first 5 characters.

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Insert Multiple Characters Into String With LEFT RIGHT Functions?

Apr 29, 2014

I've got a long list of account numbers of varying length and ultimately need to add a dash and a dot into these numbers. Here's an example

12345678 to> 1-2345.678
123456789 to> 12-3456.789
1234567890 to> 123-4567.890

The standard format is always 3 numbers after the . and 4 numbers between the - and .

I can get to this by doing a series of functions starting with this:

=LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-3)&"."&RIGHT(A1,3) to get 12345.678 or 123456.789

copy/pasting that value into another field and then doing this

=LEFT(E1,LEN(E1)-8)&"-"&RIGHT(E1,8) to get the results above

I can't quite figure out the format to combine the multiple steps/functions into one so that I'm not copy/pasting values and re-doing the function.

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Substitute Characters With Leading Zeros In Multiple Scenarios?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a spreadsheet I work with which contains a formula that needs to take an item ID letter/number combo, substitute the preceeding letter(s) with leading zeros (if the initial numerical characters are fewer than 5) to make the result return a 5-digit number.

The original ID can be in several possible formats (beside each I will post the desired result):
V7684 07684V366 00366V88 00088V60827 60827VS57871 57871VS67 00067

I have the following formula which works like a charm for all except the last example:

If the first 2 characters are letters ("VS") and there are fewer than 5 numerical characters, the formula results in a 4-digit number, rather than 5. Using the above example, VS67 returns 0067 instead of 00067.

P.S. I just tried
=IF(LEN(K2)>5,(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(K2,"VS",""),"V","")),(REPT("0",5-LEN(K2))&(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(K2,"VS","00"),"V","0")))) which only works when there are 3 or fewer numerical characters.

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Find Text Between 2 Characters With Multiple Instances In A Single String

Feb 9, 2013

The problem - I'm trying to find a formula that will find text between 2 characters with unlimited instances in a single string and combine the found text to a single string. The character enclosing the text i'm after will likely be a % symbol. This formula would then be replicated down 5000-10000 rows.

eg. 1 - This is %an% example %sentence% to show what I %am% looking for
eg. 2 - This %is another% example of what I %need%

eg. 1 answer - ansentenceam
eg. 2 answer - is anotherneed

Ideally this would not use a macro as it will be applied to an ever expanding data set but I realize that may not be possible.

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Filter Data By Matching 1st Characters In Column With Multiple Words

Mar 27, 2008

excel filters.

I have excel document over 50 pages and i need to filter lines that begins with certain letters like ADS, SGH, FAQ. I know how to filter one by one but i need all 3 to filter in same time-

How can i make multiple lines to filter in one search?

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Add Characters To A Group Of Cells?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a column of about 3000 numbers that need to be converted to bar codes. In order for the codes to work, I need to place a set of parentheses "()" around each number in the column. Do I need to do this by hand, or is there a function/script for this? Using Excel 2003

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Count Characters Cells Among Others?

Jan 24, 2014

There are three questions in Comment boxes in the file. The bottom line is that the final item name in column F can only be 50 characters long including spaces. As I am entering the information in columns B,C & D it would be great to be able to see the numbers of spaces I have left to enter characters in column H without having to hit "Return" and leave the cell.

The first question may need a Macro so excuse me that it is included in the Formula section.

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Inserting Characters Into Cells

Aug 4, 2009

I have recently purchased a new GPS for my fishing boat. I am trying to transfer my old coordinates from one unit to the other. I am using a .csv file to achieve this. Can some kind please let me know (and possibly tell me) if there is way to insert characters and spaces in to multiple cells. I have over 800 individual coordinates to modify to the new gps and this would take a long time to achieve individually.

I need to replace this: 12.34.567 to this: 12 34.567 N

and this: -1.23456 to this: 001 23.456 W

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Counting Characters Across Cells?

Jul 3, 2012

Cells in the range of BG8:BP8 either have a "W" or an "L" in them. I want to have cell BO9 display the total number of Ws and cell BP9 to display the total number of Ls.

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Cells Containing 3 Or More Repetative Characters

Mar 28, 2007

I've looked through some of the archieves and couldn't find anything like my request.

I need help filtering through 3+ columns (it varies) of data and look for strings of data that have 3 or more repetative characters or sets of repetative characters.


If this is possible, can it go one step further and do the same for:


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Remove Last X Characters From Cells

Feb 10, 2009

I need to remove the last 2 digits from a cell that maybe different lengths. For example:

PL26 7QS
ST20 0AW
PE30 3WH
CF31 3AY

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Extract First & Last X Characters From Cells

Sep 28, 2006

Column A in Excel has loads of numbers all in this format 971-417. I need to have each of those two numbers in a separate cell from each other(and without the hyphen of course).

Column A Needs to be: Column A Column B
971-417 971 417

In short, I'm looking for a quick way to put each number in its own cell for hundreds of rows. Are there formulas I can use to do this or does it have to be done slowly, one at a time, stripping the information from one cell to another?

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Delete First X Characters In Cells

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to write a macro that will go through each cell in a column with the following format "| 12- 4" or "| 60-11" and will remove the first to character "| ".

There numbers are lengths, the first being feet the second inches. I would like to achieve in a separate column the numerical length (with decimals) multiplied by 1%. My code is as follows I just need help on the conversion.

Sub newLength()
Dim LR, lrow As Integer
Dim feet, inches, Line As Double

LR = Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
For lrow = LR To 2 Step -1
If Cells(lrow, "D") <> Cells(lrow - 1, "D") Then
Rows(lrow).Insert Shift:=xlDown
End If
feet = Left(Cells(lrow, "E").Value, 4)
inches = Right(Cells(lrow, "E").Value, 2) / 12 'I need to debug this line, but I suspect there is more I need to do.
Cells(lrow, "F") = feet + inches
Next lrow
End Sub

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Color Cells That Contain Certain Characters

Feb 22, 2008

I need a formula that will turn a cell green if either A*, A, B or C is in it.

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Remove Last 2 Characters From Cells

Jun 17, 2008

i deal with column that has client initials, date of birth and gender, in this format t-b-23/05/72-f however i want to remove the initials and gender(i.e. f or m on the left) and - so that only date of birth remains in same column.

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Removing Multiple Invalid Characters For Dependent Data Validation List

Oct 14, 2009

I have a list drop down that is dependent on a first list. The first list has numbers, spaces, and "-" at the beginning I need to get rid of to make it a valid name to reference. The "Substitute" function can't be nested enough times to make this work for me since I have a fairly lengthy list for the independent column which has differing numbers at the beginning. The first two examples of the independent drop down (which would dictate the second dependent column and drop down) are:

00 - Preconstruction
01 - General Conditions

I would like to name these something like "Preconstruction" and "GeneralConditions" for valid naming convention.

Second thought:

If character removal isn't the most efficient or possible at all, is there a combination of reference functions that could make this work? Ultimately I want to use these 2 drop downs for reference functions on a second worksheet.

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How To Assign Characters For Group Of Cells

May 30, 2014

If I have 5 names like apple, boy, cat, dog, energy

and if i enter a in a cell it should output apple in the same cell.

example: (=IF(A1="a",A1=apple,0))

How to do this?

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Selectively Remove Characters From Cells?

Jun 11, 2009

my values within column A are separated by a dash. I'd like column B to continuously copy column A with the exception of the characters after the dash. example:


How can I format cell B to constantly reproduce this result?

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Splitting Cells By Non-printable Characters

Oct 12, 2009

I've had a quick look at past posts and there is plenty on splitting cells but I haven't been able to find anything to help me with the following:

I've pulled address details from a database which have populated into a single field with each line separated by 2 'square' characters. I need to split each line into a separate cell for a mail merge. I've seen these characters before and always assumed they represent a space or 'return' and I believe is an ASCII character?

If I select a cursor in the cell the lines drop as they should with 1 square character left at the end of each line and it stays this way when I leave the cell.

I've tried CLEAN & TRIM functions; the first removes the characters, the second doesn't recognise the character at all. The most promising seems the 'Text to Columns' function, setting it as a delimited string, but I don't seem to be able to enter this particular character as the delimiter under the 'other' option.

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Testing Range For Cells That Do Not End With Certain Characters

Jul 26, 2012

Basically, looking at the range E6:L19 I need to ensure that any data that is entered into any of these cells ends in either H or W, and if it doesn't flags up a warning message (which I am hoping to link in with the Worksheet_SelectionChange event)

I'm managing it for one cell, but not a whole range.

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Search Through Cells With Alphabet Characters

Dec 20, 2007

I have a worksheet with a list of ID Numbers:

for example:


I purchased the book from Mr.Excel and got it last week called VBA and Macros for Microsoft Excel. I can't seem to find the code for macros to search through the cells and then either change the cell colour to highlight the cells that contains an alphabetical character. I am trying to remove all the characters in the cells so only the numbers are left over.

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Finding Unwanted Characters In Cells

Aug 6, 2009

I'm having the following little problem, and i'm hoping that
someone here can help me solve it.

I have a number of rows containing data starting at row 1.
I already made VBA code which finds the last row containing data.
That row number is stored in the variable "LastRowWithData".

What i want to do now is the following.

In column B (in row 1 to the row number stored in "LastRowWithData"),
there are long code's which all have to be checked for unwanted characters.

Some of these unwanted characters are the "I" and "O" characters both in
upper case and lower case.

If these characters are found a messagebox has to appear, saying something
like "Illegal character found in cell ____".

If more than one cell containing unwanted characters are found, either more
messageboxes with the cell coordinates have to be displayed or one messagebox
displaying all the cell coordinates in which the unwanted characters are found.

Im planning to use a while - wend statement to check all cells for unwanted
characters. (While ActiveCell.Row LastRowWithData)

Is there a simple way to do this in (Excel 2003) VBA ?

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Split The Characters And Display Other Cells

Nov 4, 2009

I want to accept a string, well typically a name say "Manik" from one of the cells in Excel say "B2"; then split it as characters M a n i k and display it in five other cells like say from D2:D6. how can I do it? Also the name may change its not a fixed string.

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