Custom Formatting - Show Numbers On Excel Spreadsheet In Thousands

Jun 14, 2013

I want to show numbers on my excel spreadhseet in thousands. However, the challenge is I want to show negtive numbers in red within brackets. For instance, I have a number -104,784,089. I want to display it as (104,784) in red color. Similarly, I want to show 577,090 as 577. Is there a customer formatting I can set up in excel that do that?

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Millions & Thousands Custom Number Formatting

Feb 24, 2009

To display 1,100,000 as $1.1M & 110,000 as $110.0K I've used the below Custom Number Formatting.

[>=1000000] $#,##0.0,,"M";[

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Custom Number Format (hundred-thousands, Millions)

May 22, 2009

I have a giant sheet that culminates in a graph. It is for various regions. When used in a country with in-control currency, you end up with a nice healthy number that looks good on the graph. When our Zimbabwe office uses it with their crazy inflation and high prices, we get a crazy number that goes into scientific notation...

Anyway, my question:

Given a number like 4,200,000 or 6,500 or 345,123, I want to be able to show as few trailing numbers as possible, and give a nice K or B or D or however you abbreviate Quadrillion (kM? for Zimbabwe) after it.

And, if possible, I'd like to do it with number formats, but I am flexible so long as it doesn't use VBA.

The lookup table would be:

Sheet1  AB1<1,000As is21,000K31,000,000Mil.41,000,000,000Bil.5>1,000,000,000,000Tril. Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

All numbers have 2 significant digits, and I want to keep 2, so if it ends up as 4,200,000, I want the answer to read 4.2 Mil, etc.

I tried doing this with a lookup, and couldn't handle it.

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Custom Cell Format In Which Space Follows Thousands Place

Feb 10, 2010

I am trying to write a custom cell format that would allow me to replace the comma with a space after the thousand's place. Therefore, 1 million would look like: 1 000 000 instead of 1,000,000. I do NOT want to change my regional settings to accomplish this.

When I write ### ### ### it accomplishes this, however, there is one small glitch. When you apply an "underline" you get the following result:

_1 000
_10 000
_100 000
1 000 000
10 000 000
100 000 000

The underline does not lineup evenly with the "ones" digit until we reach 1 million. I want to write a universal format in which the underline lines up evenly regardless of the number.

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How Can I Show Whole Thousands?

May 4, 2009

One of my colleagues wants Excel only to show whole thousands, but I am not sure how to do this

For example, if the number is 78654.98, he only wants it to show 78.

Is this possible?

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Custom Formatting Cell With 2 Numbers?

May 5, 2014

I would like to enter 2 numbers in the same cell i.e;


and have it format to


I can use the following for single number entries

[Code] ......

i.e. 300 would format to 3:00

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Formatting Of Numbers In Spreadsheet

Jul 18, 2007

We have a list of numbers in a spreadsheet (telephone numbers). The numbers have been put in with () around the country code and hypens separating the rest of the numbers - for example (44) 0111-123456

Is it possible to remove the formatting to just read as a full number e.g 0111123456? I have loads to do and the thought of doing it manually is painful!

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VBA Number Formatting - Thousands Separator / No Decimals

Apr 11, 2014

How do I use a number formatting function that gives me the thousands seperator and no decimals?

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Number Formatting :: Show A Variety Of Account Numbers Properly

Jul 22, 2009

I am trying to find the right format that will show a variety of account numbers properly.

I have these types of numbers displaying like this right now:

9.04585E+13 (should be 90458524211818)
785656.001 (showing properly)
NRDE1312089 (showing properly)
SCGA 396.00 (showing properly)

The formatting is set to general, which works for all but the top type of account number. I tried setting to a custom format like "#.#######" ...The only problem with that format is that the "." shows up whether there is a decimal in the number or not. What's the way around that?

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Convert Numbers To Thousands Without Physically Changing Each One?

Apr 18, 2014

To convert numbers (975,095.97) to thousands (975.1) without physcially changing each one?

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Excel 2007 :: Custom Icon Sets For Conditional Formatting?

Mar 26, 2010

Any way to import and use icon sets for conditional formatting other than the ones provided in excel 2007? I would like to have some circles and shapes in colors other than just yellow, green, red, and gray.

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Getting Binary Bits Field In MsQuery To Show In Excel Spreadsheet

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to do a query against my database using MsQuery, but I am having a problem with it...

One of the tables in my database stores information as Binary (Bits) instead of actual text.... When I create the Query in MsQuery, the text is displayed as desired...but when I send it to Excel that column is not displayed..

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get it to send the column to Excel?

See attached for what I mean. The Bits column shows in MSQuery, but not in Excel.

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Excel 2010 :: Formatting Numbers Written In Text To Numeric And Pulling Only Numbers Out

Feb 20, 2013

I am extracting data from a website to excel 2010. my problem is the data contains both text, numbers, and sometimes a combination of both.

e.g. hi im ron for more information you can reach me at 6 five 6 four 5 seven 7 three 2 two..

I need it to look like this 6564577322 or 7 * 0 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 8 * 6 * 2 * 1...i need to look look the same

How do i first format the numbers written in text into numbers and then show only the numbers in a cell minus the text?

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Excel 2007 :: Saving File With Name Based On Cell Contents With Custom Formatting

Aug 16, 2012

I have a worksheet that has a number in cell K5 - the number is generated on "file open" code and is custom formatted as "TN"0000. Thus 1 appears as TN0001, 2 as TN0002 and so on. I am trying to save a copy of the workbook based on the this cells contents i.e. TN0001.xls, TN0002.xls etc. but the files are saved as 1.xls or 2.xls. The code I am using is

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:DataExcelFORMSDelivery Note" & Range("K5") & ".xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, ReadOnlyRecommended:=True, CreateBackup:=False

I know I must make reference to format within the above....but how? if try something like

" & Format(Range("K5").Value, ("TN""0000")) & ".xls"

I get TN00000.xls

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How To Find Missing Numbers In Excel Spreadsheet

Dec 24, 2012

i need to find the missing numbers from 12 rows of 20 numbers.

ie, i have these numbers (only between 1-80) and need to find the *normally* 2 numbers that are not in that list between 1-80. there are 14 rows in this example



these numbers wont be the same every time, but in theory after i enter 12 rows there should be only 5/6 numbers left max.

i need a script so that when i copy/paste 12 rows, i can be presented with the numbers not in that field. or even if i have a field of 1-80 displayed, then i copy paste my numbers in the fields below and can somehow highlight which numbers between 1-80 aren't in my pasted fields on the 1-80 field.

btw the numbers missing here are 24-68

ps im using excel starter 10 if that makes a difference

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Excel 2010 :: New Spreadsheet Won't Format Numbers

Jan 16, 2014

Open a brand new spreadsheet whether the format is set to "General" or "Text" it will not let me enter numbers. For example, when I enter 2007 in the cell it displays 20 07 not really that big of space between the two zeros - but still a space. I can't format this no matter what I do.

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Excel 2010 :: Cell Selection - Set Comma To Appear For All Thousands

Apr 12, 2014

Question 1: how i can automatically add a cell into a formula by just clicking the cell to be added? in other words, say i typed an "=" sign in a cell and want to add a number of cells just by clicking the mouse without having to type the "+" sign after selecting each cell. the formula will just appear as > =A1+B1+C1 by default with each click of the mouse. Is there a default setting that can be set so the plus sign will appear with each click?

Question 2: how can i set a comma to appear for all thousands, (i.e. 1,000) without having to format each cell individually to show commas?? in other words that any spreadsheet i open will always insert comas for numbers larger by a thousand?

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Forcing Excel To Show Numbers In Scientific Notation To A Constant Power?

Mar 8, 2013

I need to have all of my number be "x10^-6", but Excel wants to make them, for instance, 7.66x10^-3, when I need it to read "7660x10^-6". How can I force excel to do this?

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Get Totals From One Sheet In Spreadsheet To Show On Another Spreadsheet?

Apr 7, 2014

I have 2 sheets in my excel spreadsheet. One tracks data for a number of projects five different employees are working on. The other sheet is where I want to total up the number of minutes each employee has worked on their individual projects. I tried writing an IF statement like below but I am only getting the total in the first field even if the employee's name is not Employee 1....

[Code] .....

How I can write this so their totals show up in the correct row?

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Excel 2011 :: Removing Brackets And Spaces From Phone Numbers From Within Cell (formatting)

Feb 21, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with Mobile phone numbers in the following format:

+44(0)77 7296 5210

The spreadsheet has 2500 of these phone numbers.

Is there a way to remove the brackets and the +44 to leave:


I am using Microsoft Office for Mac 2011

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting Of Numbers Will Not Stay Cleared On Reopening File

Apr 27, 2013

Excel 2007 Conditional Formatting. I am trying to apply conditional formatting to a wide range of cells. I only want the rule to adjust the color and shading, under the FONT tab in the section below. Specifically, I do NOT want to adjust the number format (I have the user select the scaling and use VB to populate the number formatting). I accomplish this by removing the number formatting by going into the conditional formatting rule, clicking on format, and then on the first tab (Number) -- on the bottom right there is button to Clear.

This resolves the issue perfectly, and I can operate the report exactly as I would expect.

Unfortunately, when closing the report (after a save), and then re-opening, the conditional formatting number format is no longer cleared. Worse yet, because it no longer is cleared, the scaling VB doesn't work, unless I go back into conditional formatting rules, and go to the number tab, and click clear.

Screen shot of after re-opening, no changes:

Report looks terrible (not real data):

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Sheet Custom Properties Show Up

Dec 9, 2006

See custom document properties for a give workbook by using File, Properties but where do sheet custom properties show up.

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Show A Custom Date Formate

Feb 8, 2007

hi i have a formula in a module that show a date as such

"ddd d" and this shows up as say "fri 6"

how can i get it to show up "f 6" or maybe "fr 6" and not have to use the whole three letters


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Custom Functions Show #VALUE! After Macro Has Run

Aug 20, 2008

Recently I found this forum through a Google search along with the perfect solution to a problem I was having finding and replacing text based on a table of replacement values. Here is the thread:

Multiple substitute or replace text using a table

I incorporated the SuperSub function that steveorg developed as a result of that thread into my worksheet by creating a new module and pasting the following code into it:

Function SuperSub(OriginalText As String, rngOldText As Range)
Dim cel As Range
Dim strOldText As String, strNewText As String
' loop through list of old_text used in substitute
For Each cel In rngOldText.Cells
strOldText = cel.Value
strNewText = cel.Offset(0, 1).Value
OriginalText = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(OriginalText, strOldText, strNewText)
Next cel
SuperSub = OriginalText
End Function

It works like a charm as a formula, but I also have a macro in the same workbook that, as soon as it selects the sheet with the formula, calls the SuperSub function and starts executing the code as a macro (even though there is no call to this routine in the macro). The macro ran just fine before incorporating the function into my worksheet.

The formula looks like this: =TRIM((supersub( UPPER(E2),rngSubst)))
If cell E2 contains the string "101 North Main Street, Apartment 5", it would return "101 N MAIN ST APT 5"

Here is the macro:

Sub Import()
Sheets("Shoebuy FTP").Select
Range("A2:R200").ClearContents 'This is where it jumps to Function SuperSub(OriginalText As String, rngOldText As Range)

The function runs for every occurrence of the formula in the worksheet, and when it is finished, all of the cells containing that formula show a value of "#VALUE!". I should mention that it does not change the formula at all, but I then have to highlight each cell that contains the formula, press <F2> to edit, then <ENTER> to get it to display the correct results again.

It is probably some stupid little thing that I didn't do when I created the function, but I can't figure it out. I have written numerous macros, but this is the first time I have ever created a custom function.

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Show Custom View Upon Exit

Sep 26, 2008

I am trying to set a custom view when exiting, but I keep getting runtime error 424 saying an object is required. I am attempting to unprotect the sheets, check the value of an option button, set the custom view based on that value, and then protect the sheets. Please keep in mind that the user may or may not be on the sheet containing the option button when exiting. Here is the code I am having trouble with.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Call UnprotectSheets 'Unlock to set option button value

With Worksheets("Customer_Info")
If btnExistCust.Value = True Then
End If
End With

Call ProtectSheets 'Call the sub before closing

End Sub

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Display/Show Custom Error Message

Aug 31, 2006

I have a userform with a combobox (cmbSearch) , a textbox (textbox1) and a listbox (listbox1)....and a commandbutton (cmbFind). This userform is used for searching records in my worksheet....where user selects a "Search By" category from the combobox and then enters relevent text search criteria in the textbox....and all the search results are shown in the listbox. This part works fine untill someone tries to search a "non-existent" record. e.g. a customer name thats not in the database and it gives an error. I would incorporate in my code to have a Message box pop up on these type of searches saying "textbox1.value Not Found!" insetad of error message.

Private Sub cmbFind_Click()
Set c = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
'write userform entries to database
Dim DataSH As Worksheet
Set DataSH = Sheets("ComplaintData")

With DataSH
.Range("L1").Value = cmbSearch.Value
.Range("L2").Value = TextBox1.Text
.Range("N1"). CurrentRegion.Clear
.Range("A1").CurrentRegion. AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, criteriarange:=.Range("L1:L2"), copytorange:=.Range("N1")
End With
lstSearch.RowSource = vbNullString
lstSearch.RowSource = "outdata"

End Sub

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Enter Custom Date Range To Show Data

Dec 10, 2008

I took an Excel course in college but am a bit rusty. I have a customer database that I created and I would like to see certain things after entering a date range that I specify. I uploaded a small excel sheet to show my database and what I'm looking to do. Basically I would like to enter a date range and see these answers:

Total Orders in that date range
Total unique orders in that date range
List of customers (name included) who ordered more than once in that date range

The only columns of data I need to use are: firstname, lastname and orderdate.

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Custom Number Format :: To Contain (and Show) Both An Interger And Text

Nov 29, 2009

I would like to format a row of cells. I want each cell in the row to contain (and show) both an interger and text. The interger will range in value from one to ~10,000. The text will always be two characters long...but these characters will change from cell to cell.

Elsewhere in the spreadsheet I will have a cell (w/ a formula) that counts the values of the intergers in the row, but ignores the text in each cell.

a procedure for format ing the cells in the row?

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Custom Number Format To Show Difference In Two Dates

May 11, 2006

I'm trying to get an excel custom number format to show the difference in two dates as 0 years and 0 months...for e.g.

Cell a1 = commencement date = 1/1/05

cell a2 = expiration date = 12/31/10

Then cell a3 = Lease Term = 6 years 0 months.

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Show Custom Error Message When No Data To Paste

Aug 27, 2007

Below is a macro I recorded to help copy 'Paste Special - values only' data between two spreadsheets that have different colour and conditional formatting in cells.

However, if this is run and there is no data to paste, it throws up the End and Debug error.

Any chance that someone knows that if there is no data sitting on the Clipboard, then a msg box would appear saying "Please select the data you require to be copied" in the message box.

Sub data_input()

ActiveSheet. Unprotect
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.sort Key1:=Range("B5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

End Sub

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