Sheet Custom Properties Show Up

Dec 9, 2006

See custom document properties for a give workbook by using File, Properties but where do sheet custom properties show up.

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Reading Custom Properties From A Closed File

Jul 7, 2008

I would like to read a few custom properties of excel workbook, even if they are close.

My intention is to build a list of compatible workbooks.

The compatibility woul be determined fom a custom property.

How can I read a custom property from a file wothout opening it?

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Show Data From Another Worksheet Based On Matching Properties

May 10, 2009

I'm building a spreadsheet for a sporting franchise using a pull-down validation menu. Once the opposing team name is selected from the drop down menu, I would like it to display the opposing teams players and their statistics.

On the database worksheet, I have a web query pulling names and statistics from the web. Each player name has his team name in his corresponding row. What function can I use that will search for that team name and report it back to the display sheet? Once I have the player name there, I think I can figure the statistic portion... But I can't seem to figure out how to pull all of the players with the matching team name into my display sheet.


A1 on worksheet "A" contains a pull down menu with team names "Lightning", "Storm", "Magic", and "Thunder".

A16-A20 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Lightning"
A21-A25 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Storm"
A26-A30 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Magic"
A31-A35 on worksheet "B" contains players from team "Thunder"

B16-B20 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Lightning"
B21-B25 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Storm"
B26-B30 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Magic"
B31-B35 on worksheet "B" contains team name "Thunder"

If I pull down "Lightning" on A1 (worksheet "A"), I want the following to display:..........................

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Show A Custom Date Formate

Feb 8, 2007

hi i have a formula in a module that show a date as such

"ddd d" and this shows up as say "fri 6"

how can i get it to show up "f 6" or maybe "fr 6" and not have to use the whole three letters


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Custom Functions Show #VALUE! After Macro Has Run

Aug 20, 2008

Recently I found this forum through a Google search along with the perfect solution to a problem I was having finding and replacing text based on a table of replacement values. Here is the thread:

Multiple substitute or replace text using a table

I incorporated the SuperSub function that steveorg developed as a result of that thread into my worksheet by creating a new module and pasting the following code into it:

Function SuperSub(OriginalText As String, rngOldText As Range)
Dim cel As Range
Dim strOldText As String, strNewText As String
' loop through list of old_text used in substitute
For Each cel In rngOldText.Cells
strOldText = cel.Value
strNewText = cel.Offset(0, 1).Value
OriginalText = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(OriginalText, strOldText, strNewText)
Next cel
SuperSub = OriginalText
End Function

It works like a charm as a formula, but I also have a macro in the same workbook that, as soon as it selects the sheet with the formula, calls the SuperSub function and starts executing the code as a macro (even though there is no call to this routine in the macro). The macro ran just fine before incorporating the function into my worksheet.

The formula looks like this: =TRIM((supersub( UPPER(E2),rngSubst)))
If cell E2 contains the string "101 North Main Street, Apartment 5", it would return "101 N MAIN ST APT 5"

Here is the macro:

Sub Import()
Sheets("Shoebuy FTP").Select
Range("A2:R200").ClearContents 'This is where it jumps to Function SuperSub(OriginalText As String, rngOldText As Range)

The function runs for every occurrence of the formula in the worksheet, and when it is finished, all of the cells containing that formula show a value of "#VALUE!". I should mention that it does not change the formula at all, but I then have to highlight each cell that contains the formula, press <F2> to edit, then <ENTER> to get it to display the correct results again.

It is probably some stupid little thing that I didn't do when I created the function, but I can't figure it out. I have written numerous macros, but this is the first time I have ever created a custom function.

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Show Custom View Upon Exit

Sep 26, 2008

I am trying to set a custom view when exiting, but I keep getting runtime error 424 saying an object is required. I am attempting to unprotect the sheets, check the value of an option button, set the custom view based on that value, and then protect the sheets. Please keep in mind that the user may or may not be on the sheet containing the option button when exiting. Here is the code I am having trouble with.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Call UnprotectSheets 'Unlock to set option button value

With Worksheets("Customer_Info")
If btnExistCust.Value = True Then
End If
End With

Call ProtectSheets 'Call the sub before closing

End Sub

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Display/Show Custom Error Message

Aug 31, 2006

I have a userform with a combobox (cmbSearch) , a textbox (textbox1) and a listbox (listbox1)....and a commandbutton (cmbFind). This userform is used for searching records in my worksheet....where user selects a "Search By" category from the combobox and then enters relevent text search criteria in the textbox....and all the search results are shown in the listbox. This part works fine untill someone tries to search a "non-existent" record. e.g. a customer name thats not in the database and it gives an error. I would incorporate in my code to have a Message box pop up on these type of searches saying "textbox1.value Not Found!" insetad of error message.

Private Sub cmbFind_Click()
Set c = Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
'write userform entries to database
Dim DataSH As Worksheet
Set DataSH = Sheets("ComplaintData")

With DataSH
.Range("L1").Value = cmbSearch.Value
.Range("L2").Value = TextBox1.Text
.Range("N1"). CurrentRegion.Clear
.Range("A1").CurrentRegion. AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, criteriarange:=.Range("L1:L2"), copytorange:=.Range("N1")
End With
lstSearch.RowSource = vbNullString
lstSearch.RowSource = "outdata"

End Sub

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VBA - Loop Through All Images On Sheet Change Properties

Jun 18, 2013

I need some code that will loop through all the images on a spreadsheet, and change the properties so the images will "Move and Size with Cells"

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Enter Custom Date Range To Show Data

Dec 10, 2008

I took an Excel course in college but am a bit rusty. I have a customer database that I created and I would like to see certain things after entering a date range that I specify. I uploaded a small excel sheet to show my database and what I'm looking to do. Basically I would like to enter a date range and see these answers:

Total Orders in that date range
Total unique orders in that date range
List of customers (name included) who ordered more than once in that date range

The only columns of data I need to use are: firstname, lastname and orderdate.

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Custom Number Format :: To Contain (and Show) Both An Interger And Text

Nov 29, 2009

I would like to format a row of cells. I want each cell in the row to contain (and show) both an interger and text. The interger will range in value from one to ~10,000. The text will always be two characters long...but these characters will change from cell to cell.

Elsewhere in the spreadsheet I will have a cell (w/ a formula) that counts the values of the intergers in the row, but ignores the text in each cell.

a procedure for format ing the cells in the row?

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Custom Number Format To Show Difference In Two Dates

May 11, 2006

I'm trying to get an excel custom number format to show the difference in two dates as 0 years and 0 months...for e.g.

Cell a1 = commencement date = 1/1/05

cell a2 = expiration date = 12/31/10

Then cell a3 = Lease Term = 6 years 0 months.

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Show Custom Error Message When No Data To Paste

Aug 27, 2007

Below is a macro I recorded to help copy 'Paste Special - values only' data between two spreadsheets that have different colour and conditional formatting in cells.

However, if this is run and there is no data to paste, it throws up the End and Debug error.

Any chance that someone knows that if there is no data sitting on the Clipboard, then a msg box would appear saying "Please select the data you require to be copied" in the message box.

Sub data_input()

ActiveSheet. Unprotect
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.sort Key1:=Range("B5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

End Sub

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Show UserForm Before Printing For Custom View Choice

Apr 9, 2008

When I click the excel printing icon, I want a userform to pop up in which I make the choice for a certain customview that I build. This customview must then be printout. Note that I want to use the standard Excel print icon, not a custommade one in the worksheet. I figured out some code, but it doesn't work. For instance my if structure returns "false" even if I did click that commandbutton, see the code below.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Static PrintRequest As Boolean
If formMyview.CmdCancel= True Then
MsgBox "printrequest canceled"
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
If PrintRequest = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
If formMyview.CmdOk = True Then
For Each Myoption In frameViewoptions.Controls
If Myoption.Value = True Then..........................

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Show/Hide Specific Columns For Custom Views

Jun 12, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with four columns of data for every month (i.e. January has a Prior Year, Budget, Outlook, and Actual column). I have been trying to come up with a macro or form that will allow me to customize which columns I would like to see and hide the rest. For example, if I chose to see the Budget and Actual columns, it would hide the Prior Year and Outlook columns for each month.

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Custom Formatting - Show Numbers On Excel Spreadsheet In Thousands

Jun 14, 2013

I want to show numbers on my excel spreadhseet in thousands. However, the challenge is I want to show negtive numbers in red within brackets. For instance, I have a number -104,784,089. I want to display it as (104,784) in red color. Similarly, I want to show 577,090 as 577. Is there a customer formatting I can set up in excel that do that?

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Another Sheet To Show Each Class Down The Rows And The Columns To Show Each School Rule

Mar 20, 2009

I have an excel 2003 sheet that collects data from Infopath forms. The forms are to record students who have broken school rules, when, where, repercussions etc. One column shows their class and there is a separate column for each rule broken.

I want to create another sheet to show each class down the rows and the columns to show each school rule. Therefore, each cell would show the number of each particular rule broken for each particular class. I have tried to do countif and sumproduct (if on sheet 1, column B the class is KA and on sheet 1, column M, the rule is bullying = how many times this has occurred).

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Show Custom Error Message If Opening Workbook Macro Code Fails

May 17, 2008

I cannot figure out how to get my error handler to work, or actually, not work. It seems to work fine when there is an error, but the code still gets read even when there was not an error. Basically, I am trying to open a file, which may or may not be there. When it is not there I want a message to pop up informing the user. However, when the file is there and it opens, the error handler still gives the message box. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim LCSfile As String
LCSfile = frmSelectFile.Listbox1.Value
On Error Goto ErrHandler
Workbooks.Open Filename:=sPath & sDate & "" & LCSfile & "QUANT.CSV"
MsgBox ("File is not quantitated. Please select another file.")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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Excel 2007 :: Sheet Name In Show Details For Multi-sheet Pivot Table?

Jan 30, 2014

Excel 2007.

I have a workbook with a sheet per day, each sheet has a variety of 'jobs' as columns and a variety of people and kit as rows. Hours are manually input each day during the month.

Simplified version... These are two separate sheets 'M060114' and 'Tu070114'.







I have a Pivot Table on a separate sheet. This was created using the Wizard (ALT +D +P).




So far, lovely.

But when I double-click on a number or right-click and choose 'Show Details' I don't get the sheet names in the newly created information sheet. I get the Row label, column label and a list of the entries.

So if I clicked on 10 above...




That's fine with just a couple of entries but with about 80 columns and 250 rows spread across a month, therefore 30ish sheets, it's difficult marrying up the 'Show Details' sheet to the actual data.

So after all that, the question. Is there a way of getting the sheet name to appear in the 'Show Details' information sheet?

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Using A Userform Search A Spread Sheet And Show Cells In Another Sheet

Jun 28, 2006

I have included the table. What I want to do is in a user form pick a county ie Devon, Then by clicking "go" all entries that contain "Devon" are then copied to a " sheet 2" I don't want to use the Ctrl-F

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Custom Format In VBA - Name Of Sheet For Customer

May 28, 2013

I have to create about 100 sheets based off of a customer number in column a. The customer number in column a is something like 000000001905. I want the name of the sheet for that customer to be 019.05. Here is my code which is returning the sheet name as 01905.00

Sub createWorksheets()
nRow As Long

nRow = 7

Do Until nRow = 108
Sheets("Blank Customer Statement").Copy after:=Sheets("Table of Contents")
Sheets(2).Name = Format(Right(Sheets("Table of Contents").Range("A" & nRow).Value, 5), "000.00")
nRow = nRow + 1

End Sub

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Custom Rules For Sheet Naming

Apr 4, 2008

I want something strange but i guess you can do just about anything with excel these days if you ask around.

I want names for the sheets that are contained on a specific excel file that i have to be automatically generated accordingly to the following:

sheetname = runxyy_s=zz%

Where x is the lowercase letter of the word formed on the name of the first sheet of the workbook
and yy and zz are values stored on specific cells on the sheet,lets say yy is A1 and zz is H4.

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Add Custom Sheet Template Macro Code

Mar 21, 2008

I am trying to use the worksheets.add method with the Type specifier pointing to a file location containing a worksheet template.

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VBA - Show Timer On Sheet Then Hide Sheet

Oct 15, 2012

I have a sheet named SEND FORM that has some info that I would like for the user to see for about 10sec when he opens the work book and then it will hide and show the sheet they will be working in named STOCK CUTTING FORM.. Also is it possible to have the 10 sec timer to be shown in cell L12 in the SEND FORM sheet... I already have a couple of things in my open event which are below

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call RunOnTime
Call ShowMsg
End Sub

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Limiting Custom Menu Selection Based On Sheet Name

Jun 13, 2008

i am considering the use of custom menus in an Excel application. is it possible to limit the selection of menu items for each worksheet? for example, sheet 1 all menu items are available, sheet 2 all but 2 menu items are available, sheet 3 all but 5 items are available.

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Custom View Error. Cannot Shift Object Off Sheet

Jun 15, 2008

I have a very wide sheet in which I have hidden and saved seven views.I am using it for a very long time but when i did some edit work in the 'full' view,the other views are not showing. In stead I am getting the messages "cannot shift objects off sheet" and "some view settings could not be applied".This is very frustrating since a lot of patience was tested while making this wide data.

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Graying Out Custom Menu Buttons When Sheet/book Protected?

Oct 6, 2009

is there a way to cause my custom menu items to grey out like the built-in ones, depending on the current selection or when the status of the active worksheet/workbook changes (e.g. when the book is protected to disallow certain actions)?

Obviously I can trap any problems once the associated VBA is invoked, but it'd be more professional if I could just prevent that from happening in the first place.

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How To Make A Custom Conversion Program / Formula Between Custom Data

Feb 15, 2014

I'm trying to make a converter between about 8 various types of values. These are not units like Km or miles or something like that, but rather numbers that represent a specific "hardness value" on a variety of scales (to name a few: HRC, HRA, K)

What I've been doing so far is plotting the two types against eachother and then getting the best trendline I can so that I can use that formula to convert between the two with relative certainty. (for example, when plotting HV vs HRC my fourth order polynomial trendline with an Rsquared of 1 is y=0.0001x4 - 0.0188x3 + 1.0768x2 - 20.709x + 350.69)

My questions comes up where I was hoping to make a window or box of some sort allowing the user to input a numeric value, then selecting the Input units and the hopeful output calculated units, and have the box spit back to the user the conversion.

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Custom Transferable Toolbar Of Custom Functions

Sep 2, 2008

I want to be able to create a range of VBA userforms to quickly perform long tedious tasks. I want these userforms to be accessed from a nice tidy toolbar.

I have done this and it looks nice and works well. What I would like to be able to do is have my custom toolbar of userform controlled functions be transferable so that if someone else wants my toolbar and attached functions they can install it easily much the same way you can do with an add in.

Is this sort of thing possible or does it require them to manually install all my userforms, modules and toolbar? If it is possible what sort of things should I be looking at?

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Code To Show Only One Sheet

Mar 29, 2007

I am trying to write a code for a dropdown box where only the sheet selected from the dropdown is visible. Then, when you select another option from the dropdown, that sheet is the one visible (and all others are hidden).

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Checkbox To Show A Certain Sheet.

Oct 9, 2008

I have a query Work sheet that has the names of my worksheets in the following format.. mmm dd, yyyy H15 has a formula that returns the sheetname as a value. What Id like to have is a checkmark that when checked it will take you to that worksheet. Ive played with it and came up with the following...but its not working...any advise??

Sub SHOW_H15()
Worksheets("Query").Range("H15").Text .Select
End Sub
Also id like to have the check mark named as "Would you like to see (h15) 's worksheet?"

One more thing...if a value is in H15 Id like the checkmark box to appear. If nothings in H15 dont show the checkmark Box.

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