DSUM When Criteria Field Is Blank

Jun 1, 2007

I have a DSUM function with multiple criteria that are linked to user selections on a different sheet. If the user doesn't set a value for a particular field, the cell is blank and the DSUM should sum records with both blanks and non-blanks in that field.

Unfortunately, simply setting my criteria formula equal to that cell does not accomplish this. I've implemented an if statement to help but am having trouble defining a single criteria for returning everything.

Simply pointing to named range doesn't work for blanks and nonblanks when the cell is empty because it returns a zero: =SelectedValue

Criteria formula #1 I'm using: =if(SelectedValue="",="=*",SelectedValue)
Criteria formula #2 I'm using: =if(SelectedValue="",="<>*",SelectedValue)

When the SelectedValue cell is blank, these two formulas ensure that all records are summed. I would like a criteria that sums both blanks (=*) and non-blanks (<>*) without having to use two separate cells for the criteria. This gets unwieldy when trying to combine it with criteria for other filter fields.

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AutoFilter Multiple Field Automatically (and Show All If Criteria Is Blank)

Jun 11, 2014

I am looking to adapt a piece of code (originally created by Ger Plante) so that it autofilters multiple columns of a table. I have three data validated lists that need to search 3 different columns in the table and filter accordingly, but also show all if no hits are made (hence why Ger Plante's code) was perfect in most respects. I would ideally like to keep the code as a Worksheet_Change event, but can deal with it being run as a normal Macro via a button if this is necessary.


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B1")) Is Nothing Then
Range("A5:C5").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=IIf(Trim(Range("B1").Text) = "", "<>", "=") & Range("B1").Text
End If
End Sub

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DSum Criteria ..

Mar 11, 2009

I have a list of data with salesperson and qty. (Excel 2003)

I am using dsum and it was working great until I add a new sales man who happened to be the son of another salesman.

when I just had Bill Gates his total (DSUM) was fine.
now I added Bill Gates Jr.
since then Bill Gates totals now include Bill Gates AND Bill Gates Jr.
FYI - Bill Gates Jr. totals are correct.

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Dsum For 2 Different Criteria

Sep 20, 2006

I have a workbook with three diffrent sheets (and more, but they are not relevant here), each with its own webquery. After a query has been done I check with the OnChange- event, and that works fine. My problem is that I want to save the document after the queries has been done, but if I save it after the first one is done, the second and third queries are aborted. Is there any way to see if a query is being refreshed or not. If I can see that a query is refreshing, I can tell the macro not to save, and when the last one is done it will save there instead (I have no idea if its going to be the first, second or third query thats being refreshed last, as they take diffrent time to perform). I was thinking of something similar to:

If Not ActiveSheet.QueryTable.Refresh Then
Call SaveDocument
End If

Now, this doesnt work since the querytable doesnt have the refresh-propery to cehck, but its something like this I would like.

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DSUM Adjacent Criteria

Jan 5, 2009

You can see there is an equation for: The total profit from apple trees. The maximum profit of apple and pear trees. But, there is no example for the total profit from pear trees.

I have an excel spreadsheet that I need DSUM to work not only for A1:A2 (apple tree), But for A3 (pear tree), A4 (another tree), ext. But I don't want it to sum A1:A4 (A1 + A2 + A3 +A4), I just want A4's sum. Or from the example, I want just A3's sum for just pears, but when I put in A1:A3, I get the some for both apples and pears.

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Dsum On Multiple Criteria

Dec 15, 2008

Ihave the following headings in a database. CSAMeeting DateMeeting typeCompanyInhouse Products/FundsJV Product 1JV Product 2VenueSales Manager2nd Manager (JP, KMcI SS)Inv. ManagerFilenote IssuedWorking DayNo. of AttendeesCancelledPack RequiredCompliance Required DivisionReason for no Compliance"Date sent to Compliance""Pack/Literature Used"Pack Path.

i want to use the Dsum to produce the total amount of managers met for a cvertain sales person for a certain type of meeting. I trued thr following but it is returninga #value =DSUM(A27:V1028,13,AND(3=$BH3,9=BI$2,12<>0)). where 13 applies to the number of managers column 3 is the meeting type 9 is the managers name 12 ensures that its only counted if teh meeting note is done.

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Dsum With Variable Criteria

Nov 29, 2007

I'm trying to do a DSUM based on a unique reference number. As I have 500+ such numbers, I need to automate the criteria array based on the reference number.

This is as close as I've come:

DSUM('Income'!$A$1:$Q$37735,"US FREE AMT", LOOKUP(A2,Criteria!$A$1:$BX$2,OFFSET(Criteria!A1:BX2,-1,1,2,2)))

LOOKUP, of course, wants to return a value instead of a range, so this only works as far as getting me to the right cell on my criteria sheet.

How can I get a range 2 rows deep by 2 columns high from the results of a lookup/search?

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Dsum Based On Multiple Criteria

Dec 15, 2008

Ihave the following headings in a database

CSAMeeting DateMeeting typeCompanyInhouse Products/FundsJV Product 1JV Product 2VenueSales Manager2nd Manager (JP, KMcI SS)Inv. ManagerFilenote IssuedWorking DayNo. of AttendeesCancelledPack RequiredCompliance Required DivisionReason for no ComplianceDate sent to
UsedPack Path

i want to use the Dsum to produce the total amount of managers met for a cvertain sales person for a certain type of meeting. I trued thr following but it is returninga #value


where 13 applies to the number of managers column
3 is the meeting type
9 is the managers name
12 ensures that its only counted if teh meeting note is done.

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Dsum With Non-contiguous Range Criteria

Dec 28, 2007

Is it possible to use a non-contiguous range for the criteria parameter of the DSUM function? I want to do something like this. =DCOUNTA(wholesale_all,"Assignment Date",D2:D3,G2:G3) This formulas won't work the way I have it typed, but is there a workaround to achieve the same result?

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DSUM Multiple Criteria - Return Data

May 22, 2014

I have attached a very simple model of a much larger BI report that we use. I have written a DSUM that returns the correct result in all cases other than when one of the criteria columns is blank. When one or more columns is blank, the result returned is 0 whereas I need it return all data (for e.g. if you remove "sains" from cell B2, I need it to still return data for person "b", "c" and "d" (i.e. 51 for Mar14)).

Attached File : DSUM (2).xlsx‎

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DSUM Formula With Varying Criteria Across Report Matrix

Sep 21, 2006

I currently have a report with so many large array formulas that it is virtually unusable. I want to use the DSUM formula in place of my array formulas but I am vexed in regards to creating a DSUM formula that I can put in the top-left cell of my report and then copy down to the bottom right side of my report. Currently, the array-formulas sum data from a large list when it meets two criteria -- one part of the data-record in the list must match the row label of the current row in the report and another part of the data-record in the list must match the column label in the current column of the report. I have found with the DSUM formula that you can use a "formula" criteria in place of a static criteria...the problem I am having is that the part of the formula that points to the data-set must be relative while the part that points to the formulas criteria needs to be static -- in order to be able to make one DSUM formula and copy it down and over I would need my formula criteria to have the opposite setup (with the data-set part static and the formula criteria as relative).

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Getting Zero Formula Field When Data Field Blank / Empty

Feb 13, 2013

I have a simple formula ='info page'!b2&'info page'!b5 in places that on my sheet adds a company prefix to a item number, prefix in b2 and item in b5, we have a client that we cant use prefixes but now when I leave the field blank its giving a zero and thats not good either. I'm pretty sure an IFERROR or something will work but can get the syntax right.

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If A Result Is 0 Can A Field Be Blank?

Mar 23, 2009

H2 formula is =OFFSET(A4,MATCH(MAX(D$4:D$1000),D$4:D$1000,0)-1,0)
I2 formula is =MAX(D4:D26)

If either of these result in a ZERO is it possible to leave the field blank?

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#div/o Error In A Blank Fiield Or Field With A 0..

Jan 15, 2009

I tried to read the post and figure it for myself, however close I have not been successful at eliminating this error(#div/0)in a blank fiield or field with a 0.
Below is the formula can someone please help with the IF portion that I can use to correct this statement. =SUM(B12:E12)/F12

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Get =IF(LEN(I3),I3,J3) To Show As Blank Field When No Result

Feb 5, 2009


at the moment if there is no result it equals 0

I thought this might work..


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Enter Blank Row Every Time 2ND Character Of Field Changes

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to enter a blank row everytime the 2ND character of a field changes...

sample cells (ALWAYS COLUMN B)(last row needs to be calculated as it changes daily):


when done:


was trying this:

Dim chkConfirmRw, LastNameRow As Integer
For chkConfirmRw = LastNameRow To 1 Step -1
'Compare the current cell to the one below it
'If they don't match, insert a row row below the current Row
If Range("B" & chkConfirmRw) Range("B" & chkConfirmRw + 1) Then
Range("B" & chkConfirmRw + 1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End If
'Decrement the counter and do it again

but it does not work.

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How To Show All Results If Parameter Field Left Blank

Nov 3, 2013

I have three search boxes in XL , two are search from and to dates and the other is search be ref.

I can currently search by dates and ref but would like to show all records in the specified dates if the ref field is left blank.

I am using the query writer and referencing back to cells in XL. I don't use the wizard or SQL. I have tried many options and think I should be using a OR statement with a wildcard but can't seem to get the result, does the wildcard just show the blank cells in the actual data?

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Leave Fields Blank Until Number Is Entered In Other Field?

Jan 15, 2014

I created this formula =G2*2.9%+.3

what I am trying to do is take the number in the G column multiply it by 2.9% and add 0.30. For instance if 20.00 is in the G2 cell, the number I want the formula to produce is .88

the formula works for me but what happens is the rest of my sheet that does not have any numbers in the G column gets filled with .30

How do I prevent the formula from calculating if the G column is blank?

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Pivot Table Is Displaying 1/29/14 For Every Cell In Particular Data Field That Is Blank

Jan 23, 2014

On my data tab I've got a column for "review date." Some of those cells are blank. When you go to the pivot table, the respective cell for that blank.review date cell displays the date 1/29/14. There is no data in the cell on the data tab, so why would it be displaying 1/29/14? I want it to either say "blank" or just be blank. It does this for every review date cell that is blank.

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Subtracting Dates Results In A Big Number When A Date Field Is Blank

Jul 11, 2009

How can I change the ....

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(multiple) VLOOKUP Function To Return Blank Field On False

Mar 10, 2009

Where in this function would I put " " to return a blank field if false is returned?


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Extract Zip Code From Address Field - Return Blank If Not Found

Jul 17, 2013

I'm very new to excel. I need a formula to put in a column (I) that returns ONLY a five-digit zip code from the adjacent cell in column J, which is a full address. Nearly every entry is written differently, and many do not contain a zip code. I would like the cell to be blank if the cell in J contains no zip code .

I'm using the formula:

This formula sometimes returns -**** format numbers, considering them to be negative and still five-digit. It also returns #N/A if no zip code is present, and I would like this to be blank. I'm sure I can nest the formula within an IFF, but have not been able to make it work myself.

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Autofilter: Highlight Criteria Column/Field

Sep 15, 2006

When activating Autofilter in a wide table, the only way to determine which criteria field was selected is to try and identify which drop-down arrow has become blue. When working on a laptop, it is rather difficult to identify the difference between the black arrows and the blue ones. Is there a way to have a macro or event procedure that will cause the selected criteria field (or fields) change its background color (into yellow, for example)? This way, the yellow fields will "stand out"… No more searching...

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Select Pivot Field Items By Criteria

May 18, 2007

Need code that takes names of people from one excel sheet and selects the names in a pivot table field in another excel sheet. Basically I need to know the code that selects pivot items in a pivot field (say name of the pivot field is 'EmpName' and the pivot items are the names of the employees). As of now I check the name in one excel sheet then manually select the name from the 'Emp Name pivot field in the pivot table. There are many names and manually selkecting one by one is very time consuming hence I am trying to automate this.

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VBA Auto Filter To Select Field Based On Certain Criteria?

Feb 5, 2014

I'm currently using the following:

[Code] .........

However, i'd like it select the field ie 2-17 based on a year in a cell on another sheet "x" in cell E3.

At the moment i have a row of numbers 1-17 above the corresponding field cell so for example the number 15 is attached to the year 2013 (although this is dynamic).

I just cant work out how to get the autofilter to select the number that matches the cell in "x" E3 with the same value in T2:AJ2 on filter sheet and then filter the column that matches.

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Copy Correct Multiple Choice Answer Into Blank Field Based On Corresponding Number Identifier

Mar 23, 2014

Here's an example of what i want to do

A_________ B Frank Sinatra C Sammy Davis D Dean Martin E Joey Bishop F 3

I want to put "D"'s value 'Dean Martin' in column A - i know it belongs in A because the "3" in column F indicates its the 3rd answer listed i.e Dean Martin. This format would be the same where there are 4 possible answers on the column to the right dictates which answer is correct.

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Displaying MIN Date Based On Criteria In Calculated Field Of PowerPivot?

Jan 23, 2014

I have a database with a list of transactions with multiple fields, including:

Customer ID
Store ID
Item ID

I am wanting to add a calculated field that displays the first (or MIN) Date from the date column, looking at all of the orders where the customer ID, store ID, item ID and price are the same.

In the attached file I have shown what I currently have, as well as a solution using a helper column, and formulas I would use if I wasn't using powerpivot.

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Dsum Or SumIf

Nov 17, 2006

I'm trying to keep a running total (in one cell) for a range of cells
(see below).

The cells in the range consist of two columns- account number and an
amount. Given that the account numbers range from those beginning with
2XXX, 3XXX and 4XXX. The running total should be derived from the
totals associated to accounts beginning with 2XXX and 4XXX.

First attempt using pivot tables doesn't work since the amount column
is dynamic and thus is changed by user input - pivot tables would need
to be refreshed regularly which isn't possible. My goal is to have
this running total also be dynamic and performed automatically.

Second attempt using SUMIf doesn't work because the 'criteria' also
changes and isn't statis; the criteria in this case would be moving
with each row of data.

Third attempt using DSUM doesn't work b/c I can't seem to get the
syntax correct.

Account Original Budget
535030 24,600.00
535030 -
535036 36,900.00
535037 -
247695 -
258804 17,936.10 ..........

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DSUM Function

Nov 10, 2003

I am trying to convert the following Lotus .123 function into an excel function:


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DSUM Date Ranges

Apr 14, 2009

I an having trouble with DSUM, the result I get is 0. I have a Journal Entry and I need to total the amount for a particular range date.

For the header I have:
Date|Account|Debit|Credit|Total|Account Name|Description

This is located from A5:G21

For A1:C2 I have Account|Date Start|Date End
For both Date I used the formula =">="&TEXT(E2,"mm/dd/yyyy") and the same for the ending date which is ="

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