Deficit Cells Highlighted In Red If The Deposits Are Less Than The Expenses.

Aug 4, 2009

****** http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">****** name="ProgId" content="Word.Document">****** name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 12">****** name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12"> Deposits
Monthly Balance
$ 2,058.20
$ 1,509.10
$ 753.86
$ 549.10
$ 2,185.05
$ 1,939.35
$ 999.56
$ 245.70
$ 1,078.90
$ 1,278.50
$ 799.96
$ (199.60)

I want the Surplus/Deficit cells Highlighted in red if the Deposits are less than the expenses.

Can I this? Maybe using a macro or formula not entirely sure
If so how?

I would like to be able to this myself but could not figure it out using conditional formatting in Office 2007.

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Surplus Or Deficit Cells Values

Jun 12, 2007

I have two columns, one named Plan the other Actual. Under these columns are numerical values that differ. In another worksheet there is a simple formula that subtracts a cell from plan with one in actual.

What I need to replace the existing formula, to a formula that will look at the two values and if the actual cell value is less than the plan cell value then condition format the result into a negative.

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Capture Billable Expenses & Non-billable Expenses To Timesheet According To Date

Jun 6, 2008

I am trying to capture billable and non-billable expenses in a time sheet by date. I thought it was pretty simple, but after a few days of battling with the syntax (I am pretty new to macros)

I have attached the file I am referring to and highlighted in yellow the significant cells.

1. Trying to get data from the all expense sheets to the "Time Sheet" Tab by date and category.
2. Need to show the billable expenses expanded out to each category (meals, hotel, etc.) by date.
3. All nonbillable is summed up in one column by date.

June expense report has:

Date of ReceiptExpense Type "Billable? Total USD
01-Jun-08 Airfare Yes - Recoverable$2,000.00
01-Jun-08 Airfare Yes - Recoverable$2,000.00
01-Jun-08 Ground Transport No - Training$20.00
05-Jun-08 Meals & Entertain Yes - Recoverable$15.00
05-Jun-08 Meals & Entertain Yes - Recoverable $50.00

1) There are TWO June 1, 2008 items that are "Airfare" & "Billable", therefore in the "Time Sheet Tab, I need it to show that under "Billable Airfare" for June 1, 2008 that it is $4,000.

2) Same as June 5, 2008 for Meals & Entertain.

3) All Non-billable (No - Training; No - XXXX; anything with NO) are summed up in one column by date in the "Time Sheet Tab"

4) There are multiple Expense reports and I need the macro to run through all of them dynamically as they input the data in to show on the "Time Sheet" tab.

This would make my job a lot easier if I could get this running. I dont' think it is too complex, but obviously too complex for me. I started on some of the vba below. I do not have all the parts yet, weird thing is, it did spit out a number, but now it is not. I'm at a loss.

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Calculating Vapor Pressure Deficit

Dec 23, 2008

I've run into a formula that I can't seem to get working correctly in Excel and I'm about at the end of my rope.

The formula I'm interested in is the first calculation for estimation of Vapor Pressure Deficit (important in Viticulture and botany in general).

The specific formula can be found under Step 2a in the attachment below. It's also located 3/4 of the way down the page here.

In the code below is the formula I've input into excel. C2 references a field that holds Ambient Temp in degrees F (in the formula it is converted to Kelvin). In the attachment below they give an example using 50F which gives a result of .178 psi.

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Checkbook Register - Auto-enter Deposits / Withdrawals On Certain Dates?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm wanting to make a checkbook register. That part I can do (I am totally an Excel idiot, but I'm fairly decent with Google and I couldn't seem to find anything about this), but I'm wondering if auto-drafts are possible. What I'd like to do is have a table of regular auto-withdrawals (or deposits, for that matter) and then on the appropriate day have them auto enter into the register. Ideally, I'd like them to enter 2-3 days in advance, or even at the beginning of the month.

For example: Netflix on the 1st, Life Insurance on the 12th, Auto Insurance on the 15th, etc.

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Sum Only Cells That Are Highlighted Blue?

Apr 8, 2014

Is it possible to sum only cells that are highlighted "Blue"

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Delete All Cells That Are Not Highlighted?

Jan 22, 2013

I have manually highlighted a large magnitude of cells (I would have tried some sort of automation but there isn't really a pattern unfortunately). The cells that I did not highlight are useless to me, and I would like to get rid of them. Is there any way to delete all cells that are not highlighted on a given sheet?

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Calculate Mean For Non-highlighted Cells?

Jun 29, 2014

creating a macro, which can, for each name's values calculate average for non-highlighted cells in the value column.

Currently I have to manually do this for each row -- [=(B12+B14+B15+B16+B17)/5], in column S. hence I am seeking a macro approach, which would make it easier to take into account larger dataset.

I have a attached example file, with sample data, which shows row1, representing the actual columns of the data layout. AVERAGE.xlsx

The desired output I am looking for, is to be able to execute the averages in column S, for each name's value (non- highlighted cells) using a macro, if possible.

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Sum If Cells Highlighted Particular Colour

Sep 30, 2008

I know I've written a formula like this ages ago, but I can't seem to recall.
I want to write a formula that says to look at a table of cells, and to sum all cells that are highlighted a certain colour.

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Changing Highlighted Cells At Once

Feb 24, 2013

I have a question concerning highlighted cells. If I am using highlighted cells to show different headings and sections of a model, how could I change the color of a particular header and apply to all of them at once?

I.e. I have a header that is blue and sub headings that are yellow. I have this for 100 different tables. Is there a quick way to say, find cells similar to my blue header, and apply changes to all of them? I'd prefer not to ctrl + click each header to change the color.

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Selecting Highlighted Cells?

Jun 5, 2013

I use this code to select highlighted cells within a column

For Each CELL In Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
If CELL.Interior.ColorIndex xlNone Then
End If

the thing is that it is working from bottom to top, is there a way to make it work from top to bottom?

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Count Highlighted Cells

Mar 22, 2007

I have a column with data that through code certain cells are highlighted. I want to count the number of cells that are a certain color, such as how many are red,how many are yellow,etc..

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Count For Different Colour Highlighted Cells?

Nov 8, 2013

i want to take the count for different colour cells in the excel. ex, if green colour in any particular cell, it has to take only green colour count & same like yellow & so on...

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If Statement Searching For Highlighted Cells

Dec 21, 2007

Would like to write an IF statement where it reads if any cells in a column are highlighted and gives the sum of those highlighted while ignoring the ones unhighlighted.

Is there any way to do this or an alternate method that would possibly work?

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Counting Blocks Of Highlighted Cells

Feb 18, 2010

I have huge sheet with time periods across the top and accounts listed down. I have manually shaded cells red that represent "new" sales. I have used the custom function "colorfunction" to count these red shaded cells in the past. Now, I am trying to count blocks of cells. Each block is a different # of cells and represents sales $ over a different period of months. I want excel to count each block (start to end) ans add them up...

J F M Ap M....
acct 1

acct 2

acct 3

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Referencing Highlighted Cells In Dataset?

Jul 11, 2013



I have a dataset with over a 1000 rows. I just pulled one row in my dataset as an example. My formula above finds the last cell with a value in the 2 row, finds the year associated with it in the first row, and pulls the year from the first row. What I am trying to find the last value highlighted red and pulling the year associated with it in the first row.

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Apply Macro Only To Highlighted Cells?

Jun 21, 2014

I have data in columns that I want to create charts for. However, this data is dynamic and the number of cells where there is data varies. The rest of the cells that don't have numbers have 0s, however if I applied a macro to the whole column all of the zeros would show up in the resulting charts. How can I create a macro where I can highlight just the cells (the ones with non-zero numbers) that I want a chart to be generated for. Or is there a way to ignore zeros/blanks completely in the macro?

Example: here are two columns with data. I want to make a macro that creates a chart by just highlighting the actual numbers and ignoring the zeros.






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Counting Blocks Of Highlighted Cells

Feb 18, 2010

I have huge sheet with time periods across the top and accounts listed down. I have manually shaded cells red that represent "new" sales. I have used the custom function "colorfunction" to count these red shaded cells in the past. Now, I am trying to count blocks of cells. Each block is a different # of cells and represents sales $ over a different period of months. I want excel to count each block (start to end) ans add them up... I can SEND THE SHEET IF YOU WISH....

J F M Ap M....
acct 1

acct 2

acct 3

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Conditional Formatting Certain Cells When Another Cell Is Highlighted

Aug 21, 2009

I want to change (via conditional formatting) the background colour of cell H64 and K72 when I select / highlighted / activate (i.e. just left click in the cell) cell C66.

I don't seem to be able to find in the formulae something to indicate if C66 is selected / highlighted /activated.

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Code To Clear Cells In Range Which Are Not Highlighted?

May 15, 2014

Looking for some code to clear cells which are not highlighted

i.e. clear everything from row 2 downwards (Columns I:P) but exclude cells which are highlighted (not conditional formatting)

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Copy Conditionally Highlighted Cells And Their Fields To Another Worksheet?

Jan 26, 2013

I'm currently working on a maintenance task sheet for a couple of generators. I have successfully created button macros to input dates. I would like a macro to copy all the cells that are RED (due to a condition rule) plus their associated fields to the left from worksheet "Schedule" to worksheet "Tasks Due". [URL]

Here's the pre-programming flow, I just don't know the code to do it:

Scan worksheet "Schedule" for red cells in following Range


If cell = red Then Copy Row A:I

Insert Row into sheet ("Tasks Due")
If red cell is in worksheet "Schedule" H8:I16 then insert copied cells in worksheet "Tasks Due" one below cell = Fuel System
If red cell is in worksheet "Schedule" H18:I22 then insert copied cells in worksheet "Tasks Due" one below cell = Lubrication System

[Code] .....

If my uploaded workbook doesn't work I've linked screenshots of my document.

Top of "Schedule" worksheet: [URL] .....
Middle of "Schedule" worksheet: [URL] .....
Bottom of "Schedule" worksheet: [URL] .....
"Tasks Due" worksheet: [URL] .....

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VBA Or Macro To Copy Highlighted Cells And Paste Into New Sheet

Jan 28, 2014

I have a set of data on sheet1 indicating test scores and basic information. At the top of the data, I have some drop-down menus that allow me to select certain minimal score results. I used conditional formatting to highlight the rows of individuals that meet the selected criteria from the top of the screen. You will notice in the screenshot, that I placed a button at the top called "Go!". Ultimately, I'd like for when I push the "Go!" button, Excel will copy the highlighted cells and paste them into sheet2 (beginning on row 2 as I have a title bar in row 1).


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Color Function To Count Cells Highlighted In Different Colors

Feb 22, 2010

using =ColorFunction to count cells highlighted in different colors.

Is that function available in Excel 2007 under a different function name?

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Custom Keyboard Shortcut To COLOR FILL Highlighted Cells?

Jun 20, 2013

I copy/paste a good enough information and i like to separate these automated information into different colored rows using keyboard shortcuts. I can't use Conditional Formatting, because i have to investigate each piece of information before I color it a certain color.

For example: Color Purple, Green, And Red

Press Ctrl+1 = Color Purple
Press Ctrl+2 = Color Green
Press Ctrl+3 = Color Red

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Highlighted Cells (enter A Character And For Each Cell Within The Selection That Value Is Entered)

May 8, 2009

when i highlight any number of cells what i want to be able to do is enter a character and for each cell within the selection that value is entered.

i know this is possible by pressing CTRL + ENTER but is there a way i can code it onto the sheets module?

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Change Cell Formatting Of All Highlighted Cells

Jul 25, 2012

I'm using windows xp and excel 2010. I have a very large sheet that has a bunch of highlighted cells. There all highlighted the same color. I need to remove the highlighting colors and change the font color of the highlighted cells to red.

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Advanced Goal Seek: Two Cells Missing Highlighted In Blue

May 8, 2007

I have the total sales for a company. Then I have four specific segments that fall under those sales. Two out of the four segments I have exact sales figures for. The other two segments I just have the year-end sales and the dollar increase in each quarter. Is there a way to solve in excel for the missing quarters. So each of the four segments would have to add up to the total sales for both the quarter and the year. I've attached my example spreadsheet too. There are two cells missing highlighted in blue but i'm going to try to obtain that data. provided i fill in those two blanks, is there way to back into the rest of this spreadsheet?

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Total Categories Of Expenses Spreadsheet

Feb 8, 2014

I have a small online business and am slowly learning Excel to keep my records. I looked at Quickbooks and I think that it just a little too complicated for my needs, besides I like excel better.

The spreadsheet I want to make is how can I summarize the different categories, shipping, travel, EVSE, Wire, or whatever I come up with in the future from a daily expense spreadsheet. I guess the summary should be on another page.

I also guess I can make up a total also of the companies I buy from...

I've attached a beginning daily expense spreadsheet with some entries.2014 costs.xlsx

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Formula For Calculating Capitalized Expenses

Oct 21, 2009

I have the following information: Capitalized Expenses TOTAL, Date of Implementation, and Life Cycle as 36-months.

What I am trying to do is write a formula that knows to calculate the total amortized expense per year based on the implementation date and the life cycle. What's tricky is that not all implementation dates begin in the formula has to know where to begin placing the amortized/depreciated expenses...see below:

ABCDEFG1Implementation Date: 5/1/112Life Cycle in months:363Total CAPEX: 3,500 45Lump Sum201020112012201320146Capitalized Expenses 3,500

I am looking for formulas to inset in rows C6:G:6...

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Userform Data (allows Input Of Information And Then Deposits The Information On A Specific Sheet)

Feb 11, 2010

I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.

here is my current

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