Delete Columns Based On Cell Values

Feb 6, 2008

I have a standard data import that populates data in columns A through DC. I am trying to delete those columns from BX through DA where the value in row 2 equals 0.

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Delete Columns And Rows Based On Cell Fill Color

Jan 31, 2014

I am a locksmith and attempting to write a spreadsheet app. for my line of work. The output page will use columns A-G and rows 1-?10000? depending on the size of the system. If a 5 pin system is requested then columns A+B will be blacked out. 6 pin system A is blacked out. 7 pin system nothing blacked out. Also, if any cell matches the master key that was input, that cell is filled with red. I know, confusing.

Basically, I am trying to remove the blacked out columns automatically, and to remove the enitire row is any cell in that row is filled with red. Then to remove blank lines.

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Delete And Shift Cells Based On Cell Values

May 23, 2007

I have a spread sheet that has RX codes as field headers and ones or zeros as values. I want to find all cells which contain "0" and delete those cells while shifting the remaining cells left. The range of cells is aj1:dr17365 and the sheet name is "May 07 Rx HCCs"

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Cell/column Values?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a excel file which contains dublicate rows. The duplicate rows can be identified based on few cell/column values. I need a macro to delete the duplicate rows when the below condition is satisfied: let us consider row 5 and row 6:

If column 7,12,13,16,17,18,19,23,24,27,28,29,30 in row 5 = row 6 then row 6 has to be deleted. This condition has to be followed for all other rows in the excel used range. Have attached the sample workbook.

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VBA - Hiding Columns Based On Cell Values

Mar 20, 2014

the support this board has given me as I learn VBA. I have three columns - Q, R, and S. I only need to see columns R and S if the cell values don't equal those in column Q or each other. So if I have cell values like the ones listed in the example below, then I don't need to see columns R and S.

Q Header
R Header
S Header


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Delete Columns With No Values In Range?

Oct 10, 2011

In .Range("A8:CJ8") I want code to delete all columns within that Range that do not have any values in the cells.

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Remove Empty Rows Based On Range Of Columns If Columns Are All Empty (no Data) Delete

Oct 24, 2012

Using the following code to remove empty rows based on whether a specific range of columns is empty. The code works if the cell has a zero, but not when the cell is blank. An example of the data is attached.

Public Sub DelRows2()
Dim Cel As Range, searchStr, FirstCell As String
Dim searchRange As Range, DeleteRange As Range


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Delete Certain Columns Based On Sheet Name

Jun 15, 2013

I have a workbook with sheet name Par1, Par2, Par3, Par4, Par5 and Par6. On each sheet I have the following data.



[Code] ......

for sheet name Par1 , I want to keep first three columns and column name with Par1...same for all the sheets. But there are some exception.

For sheet name Par4 , I want to keep first three columns and column name Par4, and Par7 .

For sheet name Par5 , I want to keep first three columns and column name Par5, and Par7 .

For sheet name Par6 , I want to keep first three columns and column name Par6, and Par8 .

I am using the below code for the same. But this is not working.


For Each sht In mybook.Sheets
For j = sht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count To 4 Step -1
If sht.Name "Par4" Or "Par5" Or "Par6" Then
If Cells(1, j) sht.Name Then

[Code] ......

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Delete Rows Based On Two Columns

Dec 22, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that in column A has either the letters "C", "LP", or is blank.

In Column L it has either numbers 1 through 100, or the letter "D".

What I need it to do is to check and see if the data in column L is "D" and in the same row column A is blank, then delete that row.

Also, if the data in Column L is "D" and the Data in column A is either "C", or "LP", then I need it to change the "D" to "1".

It might be easier to do it separately because once you run the part that deletes the rows that don’t have a “C” or “LP” then I could probably just do one that says if column L = “D” then change to “1”.

Lets see if I can simplify this for you.

If Column L = “D” and Column A = BLANK then Delete Row
(this would delete all “D’s” that don’t have the “C” or “LP”)


If Column L = “D” then change to “1”

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Compare 2 Columns Delete Rows With Matching Values

Feb 5, 2009

I've got two workbooks, Workbook1 with a list in column a and Workbook2 with a list in column F. I want to compare the cells in these columns and delete the entire row in Workbook2 if there is a match.

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Unable To Hide Columns/delete Values Using Combo Box

Apr 24, 2007

Using two Combo Boxes, I am trying to create an drop down outline form input sheet.

What it does is if you select the first selection in the combo box 1, then it hides certain rows, and deletes certain cells. If you select the second option in the combo box 1, it shows another combo box (2) which has another list of categories.

When I select the option 2 on the combo box 1, it unhides a bunch of rows, and activates combo box 2. However, when I try to select categories on combo box 2, each time it tries to hide/unhide rows I get this message "Unable to set the hidden property of the range class." I have no idea whats going on.

Here is my ....

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Find Maximum In Mutiple Columns & Delete All Values After

Dec 2, 2006

writing a macro to find the max value in each column and delete all the data points that come after it (or preferably: delete all the data points that come 2 rows down after the max, if possible). There will be many columns of data where the max will come at different positions in the column.

Instead of deleting post-max values, it would also be acceptable to just copy values from the beginning to the max to the same column in a new worksheet.

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Count Unique Values In Column Based On Values In Other Columns

Mar 14, 2014

I'm running into an issue trying to calculate unique values in a Data column based on a few variables in other columns.

My current formula in Summary tab D4:D19 is

This is currently counting the number of times a date value (data column I) appears for that name (A4:A19) in the data when meeting all of the conditions. I need it to instead count the number of times a unique date appears for that name with the additional conditions met (which all appear to work fine).

The results in the pink highlighted cells (Summary column D) should be:

Names starting with A - 3
All others - 2

I've left some other columns in the data with X's so that I can easily convert this back to my working spreadsheet.

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Delete Rows Based On Data From Two Columns?

Sep 21, 2012

two things on the attached sheet.

First problem: in column B, I have a formula based on contents of column A. However, the limitations of 7 nested IFs leaves me with errors - I need 3 more IFs. Is there a way around that?

Second problem: I need to show the row of the first (earliest time in column A) and the last (latest hour in column A) record for each name. I've been sorting by name and time, then manually deleteing the rows I don't need. I know there's a better way, but I can't find it!

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based Only 2 Columns.

Feb 18, 2010

I need to filter the following file.

I need to remove all rows where COL A value and COL B value are the same. COL C does not need to be considered. However I need to retain one of the Col C values for purposes of formatting.

The end result should look similar to columns F,G and H!

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Delete Rows Based On Data In Two Columns

Mar 18, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with hundreds of rows. Columns C and D contain either TRUE or FALSE. I want to be able to automatically delete the rows where both columns are FALSE.

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On All Columns

Jan 7, 2010

How do I delete duplicate rows in a sheet using a macro. When I say duplicate row, it is not based on a particular column but all the columns, so it is a true duplicate record.

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Delete Rows Based On Duplicates In X Columns

May 14, 2006

I've been looking through various forums looking for a macro for a particular task, but I have not found something that works yet. Maybe someone could help me out? It's pretty straightforward situation.

I need a macro that removes an entire row when: information in column B and column C are both found in other rows ( duplicates).

I'm dealing with a worksheet with store record information ... Store Name (column B), Street Name (column C), State/Province, etc. I import new store records all the time and many are invalid because they share the same name and street address and therefore need to be removed. The ones that I’ve played with unfortunately end up deleting the cells only and not the entire row.

It's a tedious process to do manually remove entire rows (for duplicate column B&C) when dealing with thousands of rows and I would very much appreciate any assistance or insight into how simplify the process with a macro. I've attached a sample of what I'm working with.

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Delete Duplicates Rows Based On 2 Columns

Dec 6, 2006

I want to delete the current row if the data on row A and Row B match. Its hard to explain so I posted an example.

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Insert Row (Based On Values In Range) With Sum Of Values For Other Columns

Apr 21, 2014

I have different reports, some have fifty transactions, others have thousands. My goal is to: Insert a new row every time the values in the "Account" column meet a certain criteria, AND THEN add the totals for the Debit and Credit Columns.

Let's say I start with a table that looks like this:



[Code] ....

I want to group the first four rows because Accounts 33010 and 33015 are in the same department. Same with 50050 and 500060. I want to then insert a row below the last row with "33015" as its Account #. And add the values for Debit and Credit. It'd look like this:


[Code] .........

Honestly, I have tried everything. Running a Macros with Relative reference does not cut it.

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Delete Columns From All Sheets Based On Condition In X Workbooks

Mar 28, 2008

I am sure this is a very simple questions. I am using the below code to work on the worksheets on a workbook called "MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" so far the code that I am using is:

Sub Commandbutton2()
Dim iCol As Long
Dim Isheet As Long
Dim Item As Worksheet
For Each Item In MFBANK.Worksheets
With Item. Range("A1:T65536")
For iCol = .Column + .Columns.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
If IsEmpty(.Cells(65536, iCol)) And IsEmpty(.Cells(1, iCol)) Then
If .Cells(65536, iCol).End(xlUp).Row = 1 Then .Columns(iCol).Delete
End If

Next iCol
End With
Next Item

End Sub

I would like to extend the code so that it works on the worksheets of two workbooks at the same time the one being the "MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" and the other being "MF CP EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" .

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Delete Rows Based On Values

Nov 10, 2008

I have a 20,000 row text file that I import. It has blank rows, page headers and footers, and many rows at the bottom that I do not want. I have been cleaning up the data manually but this takes a great deal of time and I have a need to perform this clean up on a more frequent basis.

I have tried recording a macro to do some of the deleting but I am running into an issue that I do not know how to over come. When I filtered the data based on "Blanks" on a specific column and then try to delete them in mass, Excel errors out stating that my request was too complex.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Values Of Cells

Jun 17, 2014

I'm new to VBA and macros, using Excel 2010, and am trying to figure out how to delete all duplicate rows in a sheet where 2 or less of their values in column A is "1". I'd like have a script that is flexible enough to change to 3 or less if need be. I also have a header row that needs to be offset in the process.

0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete


0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete

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Excel VBA Code To Select A Range (rows) Based On Values And Delete

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying out with a code which checks for cell value as "Select" in column IU and then checks for corresponding column IV for value as "0". Please note that "Select" and "0" are populated by formulas. I need the select "Select" and "0" till the next "Select" occurs in column IU and delete the selected range and continue the process until last non empty cell based on column C.

I have written the below code but it doesn't work.

Public Sub Test()
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nStart As Long


I could have uploaded the excel file that I am working on but did not find any upload attachment option.

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Sum Up Values Based On Values From Two Columns

Jan 1, 2014

I have a budget spreadsheet as follows:

Category, Sub-Category, Amount
Food, Lunch, 10
Food, Dinner, 20
Food, Lunch, 15
Food, Dinner, 30

I need to track how much was actually spent on various categories and sub-categories, as follows:

Category, Sub-Category, Budget Amount, Actual Amount
Food, Lunch, 50, 25
Food, Dinner, 90, 50

Essentially, the actual amount contains a set of formula, that sums up the spending sheet (the one on top) based the category and sub-category on the budget sheet (the one on the bottom). Tried to use SUMIF but it seems to work on a single column.

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Finding Value Based On Two Values In Columns And One Value In A Row

Mar 19, 2014



In the example above I am trying to look up a value from columns C-E. I need to be able to search/index using 2 criteria to figure out which row to match with the given column. for example: If I want to know the invoice qty. for R&D for Jan-2012, so the returned value would be 13. I have tried several different combinations of match and index to get this to work but have had no success. Ultimately what I want to do is have a drop down for the month and year that our VP can select and it will give him the given values for that month.

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Excel VBA To Sum Column Based On Values In Two Other Columns

Jul 9, 2014

I have successfully populated a website forms using Excel VBA. As a continuation of this task, i need to calculate the total of a column based on two other columns in the same worksheet.

Column A contains Date, column B contains 3 fixed alphabets (I, L and K) and column C contains time. I have attached a sample sheet here. sample.xls

How can i write a VBA code to find the sum of effort values of column C for each values in column B for a given date (value in column A).

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Capture Values Based On Number Of Columns?

Jun 7, 2012

My data comes from 3 different sources

Source A = 4 columns (3rd one is important)
Source B = 8 columns (3rd one is important)
Source C = 5 columns (4th one is important)

Is there a slick way to capture values based on the number of columns in that row?

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Highlight Duplicate Values Based On 3 Columns?

Nov 8, 2012

I just want to colour duplicate values but want to do it with this Dictionary method

Sub highlight_Dups()
Dim cell As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim dict As Dictionary


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Sum Of 3rd Column Values Based On Nested If On 2 Other Columns

Apr 28, 2007

I have three columns as follows:

ItemsWeekEnding Count
a14/7/2007 10
a34/7/2007 3
a14/14/2007 11
a14/7/2007 5
a44/7/2007 6
a24/7/2007 6

I want to Sum Count values (column 3) for matching WeekEnding (Column 2) and Items (Column 1), example:

a1 4/7/2007 15
as a1 for this weekend is occuring twice.

I need the formula to do it in excel.

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