I have a file in which the data is written in cell.
1g Injection Total 10mg Tablets Total 1.5% w/w Gel Total
i want the to delete the word "Total" from each cell so that i can use the vlookup formula to get the desired result from another file.if there is any solution.looking forward for the an easy and understandable reply.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to pull information from different worksheets. One field which I require has slight alterations between the sheets. I'd like to delete everything in the cell except for the very first word.
Here is a simple example (and I'd have this all through column A for instance)
Cell A1 = Multiple words here
Lets say I want to delete everything in the cell except the word "multiple"
I am trying to find a macro that deletes a row that does not contain a given word or string.
For example, if a row does not contain the string -> then delete it or even better select and move all such rows to another worksheet so that the main worksheet is left only with rows containing the string.
I want to delete a specific words from string but i have a problem with the code below. For example, i wan to delete the word "Inc" only but the problem with my code is that it is deleting from "Incorporated" too and i want only the code to delete only if it finds the word "Inc" only.
I searched the forum the last couple of days and got the following formula: =RIGHT(TRIM(E3),FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(E3," ","~",LEN(TRIM(E3))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(E3)," ",""))))-1)
However that is leaving: "228 PENICILLIN VK 250mg 28". Unfortunately I need to get rid of all of the first word.
I get a report each week that has a bunch of unwanted header info. It used to be static and the macro just deleted the first 49 rows. I recently found out that the header format changed and it's been deleting crucial data.
I need something that will find the words "Medical Center" and delete all the rows above it, however many that may be...
I can trying to let the user type a word in to cell A1 and then have Excel remove the rows that contain the word. But VBA below just seem to delete all nonblank rows?
sub delete2() Range("a2:a200").Select For Each cell In Selection If cell.Value = A1 Then cell.ClearContents End If Next cell Range("a2:a200").Select Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete end sub
i have this macro that currently looks in column J and if a cell contains "Total" it deletes the entire row.
Now what i need is to check in same column but i need it to delete the entire row if any part of the sentence in a cell within column J contains "Main Total"
Sub Macro1()
'this deletes all rows if cell in column J says "total"
Dim DeleteValue2 As String Dim rng2 As Range Dim calcmode2 As Long
With Application calcmode = .Calculation .Calculation = xlCalculationManual .ScreenUpdating = False End With
I need to build a macro which will look for a specific word say :"ABC" in a particular column say "B" and delete 5 rows including the row containing the word "ABC"
I have a spreadsheet that I need VBA Code to do the following
1) Delete all rows where the word totals appears in Column B for eg "Totals for Vehicles Stocked in 0706" "Totals for Vehicles Stocked in 0707" etc
2) Delete all rows where the value in col m is less than 45
I have written the code, but cannot get it to work-see my code below
Sub Del_TOTALS_Underaged() FinalRow = Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row For i = FinalRow To 1 Step -1 If Cells(i, 2).Value >= "Totals" Then Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete If Cells(i, 13).Value < "45" Then Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete End If End If Next i
Column A's rows are merged according to column B. E.g.
Column A:
Row 1-7 (merged) Ron
Column B:
Row 1: New Jersey Row 2: New Delhi Row 3: New Jersey Row 4: New York Row 5: New York Row 6: New Jersey Row 7: New York
My result should be like:
Column A:
Row 1: Ron
Column B:
Row 1: New York
and similarly for other rows also.
PS: The no. of rows merged for column A can be different.
Also the keyword that should be present in Column B should be according to hierarchy, New York, New Delhi and then New Jersey i.e. first the macro should check for New York, if its present (in 1st 7 rows according to example given) then New York should be written in Coulmn B, if New York is not present then it should check for New Delhi and New Delhi should be written in Column B and if New York and New Delhi both are not present then it should check for New Jersey.
There are only 3 keywords which need to be checked i.e. New York, New Delhi and New Jersey.
If these 3 keywords are not present then the macro should not do anything.
the active sheet contains a number of defined named ranges. i would like to delete range names beginning with "Sales", yet the number of defined ranges changed from sheet to sheet = for example, Sheet1 may have 3 defined ranges (Sales1, Sales2, Sales 3), Sheet 2 may have 1 (Sales 1). Is it possible to included a wildcard search in the following code?
Sub DeleteRangeNames() Dim RangeName As Name For Each RangeName In Names ActiveSheet.Names(RangeName.Name).Delete Next RangeName End Sub
I'm looking to simply delete certain words that are in cells, without having to delete rows, columns or the entire cell. I can use 'find and replace' and replace the particular word with a space, but I really want to delete the word. I'm using both Excel 2003 and 2000.
I have the following code, but it takes longer than expected to run. Is there anyway to speed this up? I am not sure if autofilter is a option. I just want to search through range A16:Z16 and if the word "FALSE" exists delete the entire column. The word "TRUE" is the only other word that would exist in range A16:Z16
I have an excel file, where there is a section "Additional Requirements". This section is repeated like 20-25 times in the sheet and has a group of merged cells below it to enter data as shown in the picture. Issue is that majority of these "Additional Requirements" are not filled by the user. Hence maybe only 3 or 4 are filled and I have to manually delete the rest. I tried the code below, but it doesn't do anything.Running the macro just jumps the cells slowly downwards the sheet. Maybe if the macro runs 10-15 times it reads the whole code and then moves on to the next row.8-1-2014 12-43-27 PM.png What I'm trying to achieve is:
1. for the macro to find "Additional Requirements"
2. Then check the Merged cell below it (thus the offset)
3. If this cell is blank, select this cell and the cell containing "Additional Requirements"
4. Delete entire rows of these cells/delete the selection (entirerow.delete). (I read somewhere to set a variable as selection and clear it, hence ive included in the unreadable code. This wasn't working either)
I have been automating reports that will be generated in word documents for every company. The baseline is that I have a excel sheet which contain the data inputs and a word template document (template with bookmarks). I have written a macro that generate the reports when the user clicks the button but found that there some reports that generates empty bookmarks since there is no data for the corresponding bookmark. I have uploaded the excel sheets that has the full data and the setup sheets. The setup sheet has the Column Number, Bookmark Name, Description. The data sheet has the data values and the code info sheet has the name of the template doc and the name of the destination folder where the reports will be generated and stored. My requirement is to delete the empty bookmark from the report named "Blackberry". where to write the macro for deleting the empty bookmarks and its sentences (whether its in excel book or word template doc)?
I have an excel program that is supposed to count word instances in a word document. I can't seem to find the right declaration for a word document. For example to declare a workbook in excel its
Dim wb As Work Book
I've tried
Dim doc As Word.Document 'or Dim doc As Word.Application
as shown in some of the forum posts, but an error user-type not defined keeps displaying.
I need to read A1 Rows and if it's values is bold letters then i have to add from top of it's above un bold members like that the should work for 2000 rows Like below Ites income - (A) vlues need to be added from row 3 to row 9
if there is anyway of sorting data from a word document into an excel spreadheet?
I want to sort be able to export the data according to the column on the far left hand side (month), into excel.
ideally i would have liked to have all the data in excel as it would make things easier but in this instance i need to keep all the data input in word.
I am trying to make a simple program that will go down column A deleting the rows until it meets a cell with the word "Date" in the A column. When it has found that row I want it to delete that row also and then stop.
This is what I have so far
Sub FindAndDelete()
Dim row As Integer Dim col As Integer
If Range("a1") "date" Then Rows("1:1").Select Selection.Delete End Sub