Delete Cell If Particular Word Found
Feb 14, 2012I want to delete if my sheet have a value miles away
A1=0 miles away
a5=25 miles away
a30=50 miles away
how i delete these
"' means null
I want to delete if my sheet have a value miles away
A1=0 miles away
a5=25 miles away
a30=50 miles away
how i delete these
"' means null
I need my macros to search for the word "Cancel" or "Cancelled" in columns "T" and "U". Once found, I need the macros to make that entire row an opaque shading.
There will be other wording in these cells that contain "Cancel" or "Cancelled". Is it possible for the macros to search in the sentence and find the words "Cancel" or "Cancelled"
I started on the code below but am stuck.
I have two different functions, first is importing website to excel and the a second is testing string according to pattern. Each one of them is working ok. I'm trying to find a word " finance" in URL and put it into cell "A1".
Sub ParseWebsite()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To 10
SiteURL = "URL;"
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=SiteURL, Destination:=Range("A" & i))
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False................
Looking to find 1 of 2 words in a cell in column B and return the word found in the same row in column E. This seemed easy but I am not having any luck.
the cells in column B have several words in them but I am looking for 2 specific words "PLAT" and "ORIG". If the word is not in the cell, it should show a blank cell in column E in the same row, otherwise one of the 2 words should be in that row in column E. A VBA loop would be ideal but a formula that can do it might work as well.
I have two workbooks, one is used for importing items to the site while the other is a monthly product list. In each of these I have a list of sku codes. I need a macro that will search each sku from the import to the entire product workbook. If it's found then delete the whole row from the product workbook. I have attached the examples below.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need a formula or VBA macro to do the following:
I have 2 worksheets, namely sheet 1 and sheet 2.
Sheet 1 contains data in columns A to H.
Sheet 2 contains data only in column A.
I want Excel to check the data found in column A of Sheet 2 with those in Column A of Sheet 1. Hence, when an exact match is found in Column A of Sheet 1, Excel will delete that entire row.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to pull information from different worksheets. One field which I require has slight alterations between the sheets. I'd like to delete everything in the cell except for the very first word.
Here is a simple example (and I'd have this all through column A for instance)
Cell A1 = Multiple words here
Lets say I want to delete everything in the cell except the word "multiple"
My text currently looks like:
"PEN228 PENICILLIN VK 250mg 28"
I need it to look like:
"PENICILLIN VK 250mg 28"
I searched the forum the last couple of days and got the following formula: =RIGHT(TRIM(E3),FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(E3," ","~",LEN(TRIM(E3))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(E3)," ",""))))-1)
However that is leaving: "228 PENICILLIN VK 250mg 28". Unfortunately I need to get rid of all of the first word.
Looking to write a macro to delete an entire row if the word GROWTH is found in any cell under Column C.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to a macro to start of with a Find method Eg Account..something like this
Account could be in any row or may not be in the document.
My problem is when it is not in the workbook my macro will come up error. how to recode my macro to fix this.
Dim Finder as string
Set Finder = Cells.Find(What:="Account",...............
'Problem here
If Finder is not found then skip till next part of macro.
If it is then just select the Cell and I can work of that.
Also Can I do a Find formula to Find Either 'Account' Or 'Debt' Or Asset'?? Just want to know save me copy and pasting it down to change a name.
I have an Excel Worksheet with 80,000 lines on it. The Columns are arranged thus:
Col A
Col B
Col C
Col D
Col E
Col F
Australia Mobile
Not Mobile
[Code] ........
I am looking for an Excel Formula that will look up Australia & Mobile and then return the highest value of the range of cells it finds that meets that criteria and enters that value in the Rate column next to mobile (F3).
Then I just want a variant of the same formula that will look up Australia but exclude Mobile and then return the highest value of the range of cells it finds that meets that criteria and enters that value in the Rate column next to Not mobile (F4).
I would like to use the following code to see if the word "reservoir" shows up in any of the rows in a certain column. If it does I want to insert the formula = SUM(D7:D257)*0.1 into cell C2 and if it doesn't then I want to put a 0 into cell C2. I've tried many routes but can't get past the error if it can't find the word.
I have 10 worksheets in my workbook. The two that I'm concerned with in this post are "Main" and "Completed".
If Column AA in "Main" contains the word "Complete" (which is from a drop down list) I want to copy the entire row from "Main" and paste in the "Complete" sheet without over-writting previous pasted rows.
Back in sheet "Main" I want the data in that row to be cleared with the exception of Column A as it contains a formula for sorting blanks. If I delete that row it will mess up my links on other sheets.
I have two lists, one has 250 items, the other 4500, both contain a String
I need to compare any word within a cell in the short list, against any word within a cell in the long list.
The returned value needs to display both the short list item, as well as the long list item for manual comparison by an analyst.
I have a file with over 20,000 rows that contain a date (Mon~Sun), What I need to do is remove every day that contains Mon~Sat and only keep Sun, this is the code that I have come up with and is working.
Dim c As Range
Dim SrchRng
Set SrchRng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1", ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Lastrow).End(xlUp))3
i have list in A2:A4 (description) and B2:B4 is the Group of.
now i want B2:B4 fill using E2:G2 (group list which is Animal, transportation and fruit) if one of the key word in E3:G5 found in A2:A4
A2: people like to eat apple
A3: car is very expensive
A4 : dog is human best friend
E2: Animal, F2 : transportation, G2: Fruit
E3:E5 = dog, cat, horse
F3:F5 = train, ship, car
G3:G5 = apple, banana, watermelon
result i want is :
B2 :Fruit,
B3 : transportation
and B4 is animal
I am currently using this macro for deleting a row if a string is found:
[Code] .....
But I would like to be able to not delete that row, but also to delete the 13 row above that row, including that row too.
ROW 10
ROW 11
ROW 12
ROW 13
All this from No Money up to Row 1 will be delete, and loop.
I am using this vba to delete if the "field" is found, but how can I do that it will delete only if the "field" is not found?
If NO DATA found, the sheet will be delete.
I want as if "NO DATA" found, do not delete. If "NO DATA" not found, then delete..
Is there a scripting way to delete a sheet name if found ?
Is there a scripting way to create a sheet name based on a cell syntax ?
Is there a scripting way to find text in a sheet based on a cell syntax from another sheet ?
I have two buttons with macros attached. One button inserts a new wave line and everytime a wave is inserted, the number of that wave follows on. I have another button which inserts a new store line. There can be multiple stores per wave. What I want now is another button which when clicked would bring up a listbox of all the waves so that I could select a wave to delete. Once I deleted a wave I want the waves which are left to re number themselves so that they aren't out of order. This would have to also delete each store which was underneath that particular wave.
View 8 Replies View Relatedi want to delete the column which are blank
i have data in Column A1:N1 then delete the column O:Z
I have a userform that allows a user to enter data from columns A to P. I successfully installed a macro (which I got from this site:[url]
that deny a duplicate entry in Column A. The macro then "clears" the duplicate value in column A, which is okey. However, I need help for a code so that the
rest of the entries from Column B to P (within the same row) will also be cleared automatically. I tweaked the "target.value" quite unsuccessfully.
I have been trying to create a macro vba that will look at a specific row in the current sheet and if it sees a name I need to delete that row. But I am looking to also under stand what it is doing so I can use this script in other instances. I just bought some things off MrExcel's Store but i won't get this for a few days.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need a VBA code that will search column H for any value that DOES NOT start with "9" (this is a character field). If it finds a cell that doesn't start with "9", I would like it to delete the entire row. It will need to repeat this process for every cell in Column H that has a value and then stop.
View 7 Replies View Relatederror in my code, its the final part of the jigsaw for me to complete my project.
I am trying to find a variable that the user types in my spreadsheet and delete columns from several worksheets. I'm really close but keep getting the above error.
Here is the code.
Sub DeleteEmp()
Dim RemoveEmp As String
MsgBox "Warning. This process will result in the permanent removal of an employees datails"
FinalWarning = MsgBox("Should I continue?", vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton2, "Confirmation")
If FinalWarning = vbNo Then
I have a list of email addresses in column A of a sheet1, and a list of "Do Not Send" email addresses in column A of sheet2. I'd like to have a macro that would delete any cells in column A sheet1 that were listed anywhere in column A of sheet2.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a simple program that will go down column A deleting the rows until it meets a cell with the word "Date" in the A column. When it has found that row I want it to delete that row also and then stop.
This is what I have so far
Sub FindAndDelete()
Dim row As Integer
Dim col As Integer
If Range("a1") "date" Then Rows("1:1").Select
End Sub
I tried defining row =1
col = 1
and then going if range ("rowcol") but no joy.
You can find attached the workbook I am working on.
In my workbook I have four sheets. Only two sheets are relevant in this case: "Sheet1" and "List". On "Sheet1" there in column A there is big range of codenumbers (highlighted with red).
On the "List" worksheet I have a smaller list (highlighted with green).
I have a code also in module1 but the code is not working.
I would like my macro to do the following. Check the code number from the "List" worksheet (green) and search for it in "Sheet1" column A (red). If this codnumber can be found in column A then leave the number on the green list. If it cannot be found in column A then, delete it from the green list. If you open the file, you can see on the "List" worksheet that there are three code numbers in the green range. The upper and the bottom code number can be found on the "Sheet1" column A (red) range, but the middle number cannot be found. So if the macro would work correctly then it would delete the middle number, and leave the other two untouched!
Is there a macro that will begin in cell A2 and delete rows until the contents “Total” is found in a random row in Column A?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using this code to find values of "FEP MHS" or "LSD MHS" in column S and if column S containes either of these values it deletes the entire row from the spreadsheet. I need this to work on a spreadsheet that runs on a daily basis and each day it contains a different number of rows. I have used this code to successfully delete most rows that contain these values in Column S but for some reason it does not delete all the rows, typically leaving 6 - 7 rows that contain these values. I'm using Excel 2007 I need code that finds the last row used and deletes the entire row if these values are present.
Set RngRSLHMHSD = Columns("S").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues)
For iRSLHMHSD = RngRSLHMHSD.Count To 1 Step -1
Then RngRSLHMHSD(iRSLHMHSD).EntireRow.Delete