Delete Rows In Excel Between Two Row Headings?

Jun 19, 2014

I have an excel file with multiple sites and I need to delete empty rows base on two repeated words in column A. Empty Rows need to be deleted between the cells in column A called Litter and Community. There are other empty rows that need to stay in so only rows between "litter" followed by "community".

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Delete Visible Rows After Auto-Filter & Exclude Headings

Sep 5, 2006

I am asking if it is possible to delete filtered rows? With code.
What I mean is after setting a filter, then deleting all shown rows except row 1, (Titles)
I did a search but nobody seams to have asked this yet, so recorded it, but that did not seam to enlighten me much either.
Or is this the wrong approach, should I delete using a loop, using the filtered criteria as to say delete row, or move on to the next row?, this would be far more time consuming as when all can be deleted at once if possible of corse.

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Excel 2007 :: Freezing Top Two Rows As Headings

Jan 19, 2014

Trying to freeze top 2 rows as headings.

I select top two rows then

Under VIEW / FREEZE FRAMES I select Freeze ... according to current selection.

But what freezes are rows 1-15 and colums A-N, which I never selected.

How do I get Excel to freeze just the top 2 rows?

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Hiding Some Not All Rows / Columns With Headings

May 18, 2014

How do I get the effect of hiding unused rows/column in the sheet, including headings, while the parts in use still display headings?

The pick below explains what I mean. [IMG][/IMG]

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Sorting Rows Of Data Into Columns With Headings

Aug 30, 2013

I have hundreds of rows of data which I need to sort into headings in a new tab.

E.g Column D has about 40 names which occur many times. Column G has 4 digit numbers which are unique.

I want to create in a new tab a column for each of these 40 names, using that name as the heading and then list the 4 digit numbers unders that heading. So if the name name "John" appears 20 times in Column D, it will get a heading in the new sheet and there will be 20 unique numbers listed below it from the data in Column G.

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Insert Rows & Headings Based On Cell Value

Jan 1, 2007

Inserting Rows and Headings. Is it possible to automatically insert Rows and Headings based on the Cell value of a particular column ? For example column B consists of a field called, 'Assigned Group'. Column A consists of a field called, 'Fault description'. Column A needs to have a heading depending on the value of Column B. One row also needs to be inserted above the heading.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA To Delete Rows?

Aug 5, 2013

I have some code that worked perfectly in Excel 2007 but crashes Excel 2010.

The part of the code that appears to be the problem is this:

For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If Cells(i, 15) = "Delete" Then Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Delete
Next i

For info., both screen updating and calculation are already both set to manual.

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Excel 2007 :: Delete Red Rows Only

Aug 13, 2013

I have a large file with a bunch of color coding and need to delete my red rows only.

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Delete Every Alternate Rows In Excel

Jun 25, 2014

How to delete every alternate rows in excel.

Eg. I need to delete even rows in my spreadsheet, (row 2, 4, 6 etc..)


How to delete rows that contain both text and number but start with text then number.

Eg. My data as below:


Result: what i want


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Trim Spaces On Excel Headings

Nov 8, 2013

I have n rows which has headings. I would like to remove spaces in between them.

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Delete Rows

May 30, 2014

I'm on mac Excel 2010 and i'm trying to delete rows..but for some reason they don't go! My workbook is a basic one, just filled with a bunch of formulas, i can't understand why it wont let me delete it.

When i do try to delete it, nothing comes happens and when i try to delete a large amount it comes up with 'not enough memory, continue without undo deleting rows' but my laptop has 8GB and my other laptop has 16GB so i can't see why a 16GB laptop wouldn't be able to delete it.

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Excel 2013 :: Delete Empty Rows

Apr 4, 2013

In a large table what is the simplest way to delete all empty rows? Excel 2013.

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Delete Blank Rows From Excel Database

Apr 30, 2012

Any code for deleting empty rows from a database, without sorting the database.

I am trying to do a loop going through each row but can't work out the code to check each row as to whether it is blank.

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Duplicate Cells Delete BOTH Rows In Excel

Nov 12, 2013

I have a report with about 7000 rows in it. I need a macro that will find all rows where column A and column B are the same as another rows column A and column B and delete both rows.

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Macro To Copy Rows From Multiple Worksheets Into One Worksheet With Only One Headings

Jul 3, 2013

I worked on a workbook which has multiple worksheets( mine has 6). The data doesn't start from A1. I want to copy the data from each worksheet into a sheet called summary. I want to create the macro that would only copy the heading row once.

WB test.xlsxWB test.xlsx

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Excel 2011 :: Column And Row Headings Missing (Mac)

Jun 5, 2012

I have a friend using Excel for Macs 2011 and the column and row headings (ABC & 123) are not showing on the spreadsheets on the screen. How to turn them on. I fgure they got turned off somehow?????

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Excel 2010 :: How To Delete Rows Based On Cell Value

Sep 23, 2011

I have a massive spreadsheet (ca.110 000 rows [excel 2010). I need to cut this monster by deleting all the cells that do not have a certain cell value within them.

Say that in my column A there are different entries (text type). I would like to delete the ones that do not match the following criteria:

"mytextascriteria*", where * somehow stands for the rest of the string.

Strictly speaking I can only determine beggining of the string I want to perserve but the values at the end of that string are changing.

I found the thread about deleting entire row based on a cell value here:
Delete entire row based on one cell?

but I couldn't quite work out how to apply it in my scenario....

Otherwise is completely pointless to do it manualy with these amout of records.

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Excel - Delete Unwanted Rows On Closing File

Dec 30, 2011

I want to delete some unwanted rows on closing my excel file. the blank rows are between set of datas. so it has to check all the blank rows, delete it until the last one. example

blank rows
blank rows
blank rows

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Excel 2007 :: Delete Rows If Value Is Found In Column S

Jan 23, 2012

I'm using this code to find values of "FEP MHS" or "LSD MHS" in column S and if column S containes either of these values it deletes the entire row from the spreadsheet. I need this to work on a spreadsheet that runs on a daily basis and each day it contains a different number of rows. I have used this code to successfully delete most rows that contain these values in Column S but for some reason it does not delete all the rows, typically leaving 6 - 7 rows that contain these values. I'm using Excel 2007 I need code that finds the last row used and deletes the entire row if these values are present.

Set RngRSLHMHSD = Columns("S").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues)
For iRSLHMHSD = RngRSLHMHSD.Count To 1 Step -1
Then RngRSLHMHSD(iRSLHMHSD).EntireRow.Delete

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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Delete Rows In A Table

May 19, 2013

a VBA problem I have and I do not know how to solve. I use Excel 2003.

I have a workbook with a table; all cells except the table area are locked so at users cannot add any data. The table is on D2: H?. The workbook is password protected (users can only "Select unlocked cells", "Format cells" and "Sort"), and for that reason there is a "Add Rows" macro button so they can add more rows if necessary. It works well.

There is also a "Delete Rows" button, but it does not work as I want it to do. If the table is for example on D2:H4, and I select a cell on row #3 (ex. D3, or E3, or H3) and click on the button it deletes row #3, if I click on the button again it deletes row #4, and if I click on the button again it also deletes row #5 and so on, but it should not do it because all rows below row #4 are locked and should not be deleted.

I found on the Internet a code that I modified, but I do not get it to work. Below are the two macros.

My original macro (it deletes even locked rows):

Sub DeleteRows()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="123"
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="123", DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowSorting:=True
End Sub

The macro found and modified (the original rows are commented):

Sub DelRows_2()
Dim rngDelete As Range
Do While rngDelete Is Nothing
On Error Resume Next


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Excel 2013 :: How To Hide And Unhide Headings From All Sheets At Once

May 14, 2014

i want to hide and unhide headings from all sheets at once (Excel 2013)

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Excel 2007 :: Move Data From Multiple Rows To One And Delete?

May 2, 2012

I'm working in Excel 2007 and need to move data from multiple rows to a single row if the ID matches.Below is sample data I would be working with. I want to move data from columns F-U to the right of the original data in the row above it. I would also like to delete the rows that had data moved.

GIDSurnameNameEmployee Number OriginalDate of birthGranting ARE
Employing ARECountry Employing ARECHCM Supplier IDVehicle
Investmt. shares / Awards at termination dateMatching Shares
at termination dateTermination


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Excel 2007 :: (Cannot Complete Task With Available Resources) When Trying To Delete Rows

Jul 11, 2012

I have VBA code that attempts to delete an entire row from my worksheet:


This works fine on small data sets, but on larger data sets it gives me the error message, "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources". This happens even when I try to do the deletion manually (without VBA code). Clearly, the code itself is not the problem.

My document has about 250,000 rows and 2,500 columns. While this is big, it is significantly smaller than Excel's documented limit of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns.

I am using Excel 2007. My computer has 2GB of RAM but even when I try it on a computer which has 8GB of RAM it gives me the same error. If I "ClearContents" instead of "Delete" it works fine. For my purposes, however, deletion is entirely necessary.

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Excel Macro Delete Rows Where Date Criteria Is In Another Sheet

Feb 28, 2014

I am trying to adapt a macro which deletes all rows in Worksheet 1 where the date in column K differs from a date in Worksheet 2. The date in Worksheet 2 will change each day.

I think the macro below could be used, but don't understand how to replace the "Value = ":70:" with a reference to the master date in Worksheet 2.

Sub test() Dim lr As Long, i As Long lr = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
For i = lr To 1 Step -1 If Cells(lr, 1).Value = ":70:" Then
Cells(lr, 1).EntireRow.Delete End If lr = lr - 1 Next i End Sub

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Excel 2007 :: Make Column Headings Appear On Large Spreadsheet?

Sep 7, 2012

How do I make the column headings appear when I'm working on a large spread sheet so I don't have to scroll to the top each time to see where I am. This is on Excel 2007.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Values Of Cells

Jun 17, 2014

I'm new to VBA and macros, using Excel 2010, and am trying to figure out how to delete all duplicate rows in a sheet where 2 or less of their values in column A is "1". I'd like have a script that is flexible enough to change to 3 or less if need be. I also have a header row that needs to be offset in the process.

0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete


0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete
1--123 <-delete based on this the value of column A
0--123 <-delete
0--123 <-delete

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Excel VBA Code To Select A Range (rows) Based On Values And Delete

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying out with a code which checks for cell value as "Select" in column IU and then checks for corresponding column IV for value as "0". Please note that "Select" and "0" are populated by formulas. I need the select "Select" and "0" till the next "Select" occurs in column IU and delete the selected range and continue the process until last non empty cell based on column C.

I have written the below code but it doesn't work.

Public Sub Test()
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nStart As Long


I could have uploaded the excel file that I am working on but did not find any upload attachment option.

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Excel 2013 :: Make Heading Column Match With Table Headings?

Apr 11, 2014

I was going through "To do list with progress tracker" template in Excel 2013. I noticed when i scroll down the page the heading column (A,B,C,D,E,F,G etc.) automatically matches with the inserted table headings.

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Modify Macro In Excel / Transpose - Delete Contents - Skip X Rows - Repeat?

Mar 7, 2013

I have a list in Excel, and it has the company in one column, and it's information in the next x rows until there is a blank row (4-7 rows). I get that you can copy the rows under the Company, transpose next to the company, and then delete the contents of the cells that you just took the data from, but I have 6200 rows do to this to, for 500+ companies. I tried recording a macro for two entries, and this is what I have (see below), but how do I modify this so that I don't need to type in every single range, and it will do it to the whole column? The data is in column A, I am posting in column B.

Basics for Macro Requirement:

1. Find the blank cell in row A
2. Skip the next cell/row (this is the company)
3. Select all the cells beneath the company cell, until it reaches the blank cell underneath
4. Copy, transpose these cells next to the Company cell (transpose in column B)
5. Delete the contents in row A that were just transposed
6. Find the next cell with data (company)
7. Repeat Steps 2-6

My recorded Macro:

Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+q


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