Desperately Seeking Solution - Payroll Tax Withholding
Feb 1, 2007
I need to determine federal tax withholding from gross pay.
If gross amount (for S-0 = single no dependents) is
Over.................But NOT Over............Then Subtract.........And multiply
$0.00...............$195.00.....................$5 1.......................10%
$195.00............$645.00.....................$99 .......................15%
$645.00............$1,482.00..................$351 ......................20%
$1,482.00..........$3,131.00..................$447 ......................25%
$3,131.00..........$6,763.00..................$849 .....................30%
If gross is $400 then what are the total taxes taken out? Could someone please provide a formula?
I tried this one: =IF(M10
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Apr 8, 2006
I work for a company that owns hotels and casinos all over the States.
Company wide I would say we have about 13,000 employees. The hotel I work at
has around 125 employees (even w/ the constant turnover after Katrina hit).
My problem is, that my corporate office refuses to update our payroll
operations. We still use punch time cards that every other Friday I have to
manually enter time into the payroll server timesheet. Our system does not
calculate paid time off, among a lot of other things. My employees come to
me almost daily asking if I can tell them how many PTO days they have left.
The only way I have to figure it out is by going through every PTO bi-weekly
request form spreadsheet until I have added up the days taken throughout
their service year.
I am trying to build a spreadsheet in Excel 2003, that consists of:
Emp#, Name, Job Class, Hourly Rate, Hire Date, Birthdate, Last Review Date,
PTO per yr, PTO taken, PTO days left....among other personnel information.
I want to create a formula that will calculate the PTO per yr the employee
After 6 months = 2 days
1 year = 10 days
2 years = 14 days
6 years = 19 days
16 years = 25 days
26 years = 30 days
(If the employee does not use the days within their service year, they loose
I also want in the PTO taken column a formula that will pull the # of days
taken from the PTO request spreadsheet that I have to send in to home office.
The employee's differ every spreadsheet, as does their placement. Once the
days taken are in their proper column, I want the PTO left to be calculated
from PTO days per year minus the days taken.
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May 31, 2013
I am trying to extract times from a work schedule to automatically generate a 'time in' / 'time out' chart. Been trying to use the lookup formula amongst others with little success.
See example template attached...Example Sheet.xlsx
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Jul 13, 2009
I'm looking for the reason why the following use of the INDEX function returns a cell address [ie the formula evaluates SUM($C$2:C3)]-
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Jun 4, 2014
Say employee John Doe has a salary X. Giving him a salary raise Y (euro/dollar) induces a pension premium to be paid by the employer, on that amount.
The premium is (fixed) 17% of the part above a (fixed) treshold value of 3.750. On the part of the raise below the 3.750, the pension premium is (fixed) 4,35%.
E.g. having a salary of 3.600, with a raise of 400.
4,35% of (3.750 - 3.600 = 150) equals 6,525
And 17% of the remaining 250 equals 42,500
So the total premium is 49,025
But, I want to give a raise with a total cost of no more than 400. So, I use goal seek to find a raise that, together with te pension premiums equals 400.
In the example, with 3.600 as a salary to start with, that raise would be 358,10 Because the part below 3.750 stays the same and induces a premium of 4,35% of 150, being 6,525 and the remaining part is 208,10 at 17% is 35,377.
Proof: 358,10 + 6,525 + 35,377 = 400
The question is: is there a possibility to have a formula that calculates the (e.g.) 358,10 based on a salary to start with (e.g. 3.600), an aimed total cost (e.g. 400) and the fixed constants 3.750, 17% and 4,35%?
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Jan 12, 2007
I'm looking for an answer about how I can show the numbers underlying a
nested IF function. The formula works fine, but I need to be able to show
how I arrived at the numbers that I did. Here is an example of one of the formulas:
Instead of the reference to the cell, I would like the formula that the cell represents. I know that I could go through individually and pull each piece apart with control F9, but since there are numerous cells and because the data changes every time I create a new budget, it would help if I could have some way to display it all with one action.
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Jul 7, 2007
I have created a spreadsheet to work out deductions from gross weekly pay to give a net amount. I would like to be able to get from a net amount back to a gross amount but am unsure of how to do this.
Deductions are tax and national insurance. A person has a tax code for example 885 meaning they can earn up to 8850 a year before being taxed of 8850/52 a week so anything after 8850 is taxable. There are two tax rates (10% )and (18%). The band for 10% is 10500 per year or 10500/52=201.92 a week. This means any taxable pay above 201.92 is taxable at 18%.
To work out National insurance deductions for an employee, weekly gross amount- 100 x 10% giving the National insurance to be deducted. So Gross - Tax - National Insurance = Net amount.
Attached is a spreadsheet I created to work it out. Firstly does this look okay? Secondly is it possible to get back to the gross amount given ONLY a net amount and a tax code?
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a problem in saving multiple pdfs from excel. I am posting a sheet here. First sheet has the employee details. Second sheet have the template for payslip. My aim is to save pdfs of templates of all the employee in the list using a macro.
currently i am doing it as
1. In sheet 2, I lookup each employee using the serial number of employees at the top left corner cell of the template.
2. Once the details are updated in sheet 2 i save it as pdf in my desktop.
The problem with recording macro and looping is that the pdfs are overwritting and the last pdf alone is saved. i could not find how to change the pdf name for every loop.
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Jan 12, 2007
I am having a little trouble with IF. My pest control sales people are paid on straight commission. In addition to paying them a sliding percentage of the total contract value I pay them 50% of everything above $100 they charge on the initial service.
calculating these formulas?
Attached is the payroll document.
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Nov 18, 2008
I am trying to calculate payroll. I have 2 columns where regular hours and overtime hours are manually inputed. They are then multiplied by their respective pay per hour columns to come up with regular and overtime pay. The next column adds these to get total gross pay. That gross pay is then multiplied by the FICA and FICA Med factors to figure those taxes(2 different columns). I then have a column the adds all deductions to get total deductions(Fed,FICA,FICAMed,St). The last column subtracts total deductions from the gross pay column to get net income. My problem is the net pay column is $.01 off sometimes.
I think what is happening is I obviously have all columns in dollar amounts with 2 decimal points. Some function columns have multiple decimal points in the answer and then are only showing the 2 decimal points. When those columns are used in the next equation, instead of using the dollar amount that is showing with 2 decimal points, it is remembering the multiple decimal points. This is resulting in being a penny off when I get to the end. How can I get the equations to use what actually shows in the columns(2 decimal points) instead of remembering multiple decimal places?
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Mar 7, 2014
Each payweek I receive about 600 records some with duplicat names if an ee works overtime. I then look at previous payroll and extract a given account code. Because some ee's work overtime the rows do not always synchronize in count or names.
Any BEST lookup function? Or BEST tool? Is access a more logical option?
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Aug 2, 2006
We are working on a spreadsheet that would project what our labor cost would be for next week. I need some help in figuring out how to calculate overtime when an employee reaches 40 hours.
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Mar 18, 2014
I have thousands of data entries (each in their own row, all in one column) and need to separate the basic info. In the example below, say you want to isolate the Town names by entering a formula that can produce a TRUE or FALSE result. Is there a way to use the FIND function and a pool of terms to isolate cells that contain excess data (i.e.- produce a FALSE result for cells containing any words from a term pool like : "Police, Park, Power, Water, Community, Bakery, Grocery, Field, Garden, Post Office, School" etc... ) ?
Pic of sample spreadsheet with desired result:
Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 3.14.09 AM.png
example as text:
A2 = Springfield
A3 = Springfield Police Department
A4 = Springfield Community College
A5 = Springfield Park Of Recreation
A6 = Des Moines
A7 = Des Moines Power & Water Company
A8 = Des Moines Sunrise Bakery
A9 = Des Moines Post Office
A10 = Des Moines Grocery Store
A11 = Lancaster
A12 = Lancaster Baseball Field
A13 = Lancaster Botanical Gardens
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Jun 18, 2013
I have repetitive task of copying and pasting. Macro to sort some data.
I have time values (sorted in order) in Column A and a value in Column B.
Sheet1 AB1TimeValue
I need separate the time each hour of data into columns. So the above would become
Sheet1 ABCDEF1TimeValueTimeValueTimeValue
200:00:00201:00:00402:00:001300:00:00201:00:00202:00:002400:00:001 02:00:003500:00:002 02:00:0046 02:00:0017 02:00:002
There are a different number of rows of data for each hour and sometimes there might not be any data for a specific hour.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have created an online survey, and people choose ten words (skills) out of 24 possible. Please see screenshot. I would like a formula that does this in layman's terms: "If I see the word "Cooperation" in the source cell, then I'll put "03b" into the target cell; but if I see "Managing" in the source cell instead, I'll put "21a" in the target cell, etc."
I've tried a few IF / Then statements, with no success. Screenshot shows the source cell upper right, and the ten target cells below left with two rows of sample results. I'm guessing the same formula can be in each of the 10 target cells.
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Jul 30, 2013
Sso if you've done payroll before, you may have run into the 53rd instance of a payroll week. Today I've been editing my payroll template to compensate for this occurrence and I've almost got it complete but of all things to mess up on me, a hyperlink is the problem.
I have a legend where I can see all of the payroll week periods, the amount paid, PTO used, etc. And ALL of my payroll sheets are named "Payroll #1", "Payroll #2" ... "Payroll #52" and have a cell on my legend that hyperlinks to cell $A$1 of the corresponding sheet. But when I went to add in this 53rd week, the hyperlink has decided not to work. It will work if I name it anything else, and it will work if I take the # out of the name it will work, but I want to have the # in the sheet name because all other 52 sheets are named thusly and I would rather fix this one link than go back and replace 52 other working links and risk breaking something else.
Here is an example of one of my working links:
Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 5.41.42 PM.png
I created the Payroll #53 the same way:
Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 5.42.50 PM.png
But it always resets to this as soon as I try using the link:
Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 5.42.15 PM.png
And pops up this error:
Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 5.47.35 PM.png
I do have a VBA Macro that hides both that sheet, and the row referencing Payroll #53 on the legend by using a checkbox. I'm not sure why the # sign is making everything so difficult when there are 52 other hyperlinks that use it also. I tried deleting my macro to see if that was part of the problem but it still refuses to properly create the hyperlink. I also tried rebooting to see if that was part of the problem but it wasn't.
As a side note, this particular cell will not link to any page with a # in the name.
Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 5.45.51 PM.png
I tried creating the hyperlink on a Windows based machine (since Microsoft is native to the OS after all) and it worked. So it must be a bug or something in the Mac version.
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Sep 12, 2008
I have a column of over 500 replies to a survey. I want to create a pie chart showing the average ages of the respondee to that that question, broken down into increments of 5 years (this was the question -- how old are you) and reported as a percentage.
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Mar 6, 2013
I have multiple departments I need to keep track of multiple numbers with. For example, I need to see the cost of payroll for last fiscal year, vs this fiscal year and have excel show that as a gain (bad) or shrink (good).
I need to track sales this FY vs last FY, obviously, a gain is good and shrink is bad.
Finally, I need to track d&d goods this FY vs last FY.
Where I'm getting held up is, for example last year's payroll was 12000 and this year's is 12500 but next months is 11000 this FY vs 13000. How do I get excel to figure out that payroll decreasing is good and not just do simple subtraction or negative addition thereby allowing me to just plug the numbers in and excel figure out if what I'm throwing at the cell is bad or good comparing to last year?
Also, if I could figure out the if/then to show positive numbers green and negative numbers red that would be quite awesome too.
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Feb 9, 2007
I currently have an Excel payroll extract that populates a start date and end date via the calender control 11 user form.
What I have found out is I need to inject some sanity to this application. I can not have users select days that are outside of a pay period.
The users should only be able to select the first or the 16th of the month for a pay period start. Then they can only select the 15th or the 28th/31st for the pay period end.
What I am trying to do is have them select the month and the pay period start date, then the end date would automaticly be selected. But I don't want to have to create a bunch of loops to counter for the differing month end dates or leap years.
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Dec 9, 2009
Is it possible to have a formula that will return the answer as the value.
For example if I have 15.75 in A1 and I use the formula =ROUND(A1,0), the solution is 16, but when you click on the cell it shows the formula and not the value.
I know about Paste Special, but was wondering if anything could be added to the formula to provide the solution.
Would this require a macro?
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Dec 3, 2013
I am trying to attempt to create a payroll spreadsheet with certain aspects and with multiple worksheets. so what im trying to accomplish is this
1/ on my main worksheet would have the payroll template there would be 2 columns (1) would be "routes" (2) would be the dollar value of that route.
2/ i want to be able to pick from a drop down list in colume (1) which will have various routes such as A,
B, C, D, E etc
3/ once i have selected a route in colum (1) i want to have the dollar value that is associated to that route to show up in column (2)
ex/ route A worth $1
route B worth $2
create a dropdown list but thats about it, i have not been able to link any values together.
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a payroll spreadsheet and I want to highlight cells that have hours entered for vacation. For example, in cell E4 I put the job name which is "VACATION" and in cells G4 through M4 I put the hours in for each day. (G4 is Monday, H4 is Tuesday, etc.)
I tried to put a conditional formatting using the following formula ="IF(E4=""VACATION"")" then I chose the fill color however it is not working.
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Jan 30, 2010
my questions below are more oriented to hows & whys, as opposed to asking for a fast solution to a pressing problem.
I'm just reviewing the basics of SumProduct to be sure that I understand what I'm really doing when I deploy the function. So, I have the following formula:
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Jan 20, 2009
I'm looking for a VBA solution that will return a list of unqiue job numbers in B by date, the below is some sample data in Sheet 1
Sheet 2 is the result I'm looking for and usually there will be muliple job mumbers for the same date and in this case I'm fine to leave it as a blank cell in sheet 2 for that day.
Unable to use advanved filtering as it's a data table thats changing all the time. It's verly likely that the same job numbers will be in multiple days....
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm looking for a VBA solution that will look at the machine name above in blue and insert in in column E
Machine 2's expected results have been filled in....
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Jan 24, 2010
I have an excel sheet which has been exported from an 'Employee Attendance Software',
In the above screenshot, The employee name highlighted in Yellow should feauture in column A in the cells highlighted in Yellow.
Similarly, there are some other employees in the list for whom I have to populate the data in a similar fashion
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Feb 7, 2007
I am trying to solve a problem with = LOOKUP. Here's the data. A1 can have a value between 1-100.
IF AI IS 80.01 TO 85.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 0.37%
IF AI IS 85.01 TO 90.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 0.52%
IF AI IS 95.01 TO 95.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 0.87%
IF AI IS 95.01 TO 100.00, MULTIPLY A2 BY 1.07%
Is there a =LOOKUP formula that can be used here?
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Oct 9, 2008
I have the new version of excel and I can't figure the correct formula to do the following.
Attached is my example.
A1 is available Inventory qty. C1:H1 are forcast qty's. I would like to have the available forcast qty. shown in black and the unavailable forcast qty. shown in red based on available inventory shown in A1
So C1,D1 and E1 would be Black and F1 and G1 would be red. As inventory changes so would the colored numbers on the forcast.
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Oct 3, 2008
I am using HLOOKUP to show a date depending on the month shown in B10.
If B10 is January then the dates throughout January ie. 01/01/08 to 31/01/08 are shown in the cell range of F13 to F43. There is no problem with this unless there are 30 or 29 days etc in a month. So if November is in B10, in F43 I have the value of 00/01/1900. Can I modify my formula so if there is no data in the lookup table to return a blank value ie. "".
Here is my formula:
I obviously change the 2 to 3, 3 to 4 as I copy the formula down the table.
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Mar 3, 2010
I would like to have the answer to a formula, say in cell G6, to show up in say G5. I notice in my college coarses, doing our homework through excel, the solutions are always in a cell around the entry cell.
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