Dropdown List - Item Can Only Be Chosen Once?
Mar 9, 2014[URL]
I had this posted in Formulas and functions
I had this posted in Formulas and functions
I am hoping to create a drop down list of months in one sheet, and when I select a certain month, columns in about 10 other worksheets in the same workbook will either hide or unhide columns...
The spreadsheet is laid out with columns (C-N) for each month in the year, for actuals, then columns for budget and budget variance (O-P), then YTD Actual, YTD Budget and YTD Variance. When I select September, for example, I want October-December to hide, and leave Jan-Sep unhidden, while keeping the budget, YTD and variance columns.
Is there a VBA code that can achieve this?
My attached files contains stock returns for companies. Each sheet contains the returns over a 5 year period for a certain stock, with the ticker symbol of the stock used as the sheet name. I want to write a sub that presents the user with a user form. This user form should have an OK and Cancel buttons, and it should have a list box with a list of all stocks. The user should be allowed to choose only one stock in the list. The sub should then display a message box that reports the average monthly return for the selected stock.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a set of data on excel and would like to make searching for it easier.
I have created a drop down list in cell B4 (say, "Banana", "Apples" and "Orange"). Is there a way that if i select "Banana" in cell B4, excel will automatically go to cell A20 ?
I see that IF statements can only be nested 7 times. How do I create a cell that checks to see what item was selected in the dropdown box of 20 different choices and choose a particular cell range depending on what is chosen?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I add a "comment" to an item of a drop-down list? I've got several items and every item has its own comment. I dont know how to do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a drop down list (of various Input Groups) and I need to show the selected group's responsibilities on a separate sheet; is there an easy way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two cells and both have a drop down list. I would like Excel to automatically select an item from the second drop-down list based on the manual selection of the first drop-down list. The second cell needs the have the dependent item appear in the second cell not just be available in the drop-down list.
For example, Cell A1 has a drop-down lsit of the names of fruits, vegetables and flowers (apples, bananas, carrots, carnations, corn, daisys, tomatoes, zuchinni). Cell B1 has another drop down with three items (fruits, vegetables & flowers) which needs to be dependent on the first list. Further, I would like cell B1 to automatically select the appropriate item.
For example, if "carrots" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "vegetables" to be selected and automatically appear in cell B1. If "carnations" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "flowers" to appear (not just be available in the drop down).
I have created a drop down list for items we quote on. each item has a different formula depending on the variables on sheet one Sheet1. I have listed the formulas in the column next to the drop down list for each item, but our now need the main quote to put in the formula in another cell when the item is chosen from the drop down list.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a dropdown list called SN (for serial numbers). items are abc001-abc100. i would like to remove an item once ive selected it. i.e. if i have chosen abc001 on the first row, when i go to the next row and open the dropdown list, abc001 should not be there anymore. this is for me to avoid duplicate listing of the items.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a spreadsheet where user can search for information inside a search box and the appropriate rows are returned using formulas.
I have a drop down list (Category: Model) in the search box as well as a search field (Category: Program, cell D2). Underneath the search box, search rows are returned with column categories: Program, Model, etc.
What I require is that if a user enters the specific program into the search field D2, then the dropdown list would automatically choose which model that program belongs to based on the returned row.
For example, if I typed "engine" into D2 and pressed enter,
Under the records section (Row 14 and beyond), the following record will pop up:
Based on the record, F-16 would be chosen from the dropdown list. Is there any way this can be done?
I have a drop down box on a worksheet and once I have selected the item I want from the list, I would like the price of that item to appear in the cell next to it..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to choose a Size from a drop down list.
After choosing the size, the Parts and Price records (rows of data) will populate below a few cells.
I will manually insert the Quantity amount of items I need,
This will calculate the total from the cells (price & Qty).
I have an excel form with a command (submit) button that opens up Outlook when clicked. I am looking for a way to have this submit button disappear when the user selects a specific item in a drop down list to make sure they do not email the form when it is used for a promotion (Promotion would be selected in the drop down).
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a list of employees that can be assigned to tasks, the list is large enough that I cannot remember who is assigned to what.
All the employees assigned major tasks are automatically filtered out but these are employees with administrative tasks that should only be assigned as a last resort. I would like to assign the employees with administrative tasks a gray, italic, strike-out or some other font to indicate that they are different.
I assume this is done during the Add Item process...
I have a dropdown list in C24:C50 (=CategoryList) with data validation and a sub list in D24:D50 (=ItemList) with data validation. I am looking for a way to have code automatically run after selecting an item in the data validation dropdown list in column C.
Example; I click on C24 and make a selection. I what it to trigger code that would move me to D24 and open up the data validation list in D24. After the selection in D24 I would like it to move me back and down 1 row to C25. I have not found anything directly related to this but I have found that code can be run after a selection in a valadition list.
compare one coloum with another and return a corresponding value in the adjacent cell. For example
I have 4 colums A,B,C,D. In "column A" I enter Products names (Example- Apple, Orange..)and in corresponding Coloumn B, I enter Product Codes (01 for Apple and 02 for Orange etc..) When I enter Apple in coloumn C for 10 rows (C1 thru C10), I need to get Code 01 in Column D in all rows (D1 thru D10)
I have, 10 combobox, if the user makes click in the combo,start the event combobox1_change, and the value of the combobox is searching in excel, when find it, move one cell toward the cell of the left, and the value of the cell of the left is shown in a label, that work.
But I need copy teen time the same code? (My english is very bad)
this is the
Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()
If Sheets.Application <> "Materiales" Then
End If
Cells.Find(What:=ComboBox2.Value, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
I have a userform which manipulates data based on the userselection from the combo box. I have setup the userform so that the user may select up to 3 sheets due to the presence of 3 combos boxes. I need to writing an IF statement which checks to see if combobox1 is occupied to carry out a function, followed by it checking to see if combobox2 is occupied to carry out the function, and then checks to see if combobox3 is occupied and carries out the funciton.
As such, if only 1 combo box is occupied it would then only carry out the operation on combobox1's selection, and if none are occupied, nothing occurs, the box simply stays open. This is what I have so far, I know there is probably a more eligant way of writing such a If/Then/Else statement
Sub Start()
If UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value And UserForm1.ComboBox2.Value > 0 Then
Call Find1
Call kTest1
End If
If UserForm1.ComboBox3.Value And UserForm1.ComboBox4 > 0 Then
Call Find2
Call kTest2
End If................
How do I check the information from a user selection of all comboboxes on a multi-page control to format a worksheet?
A few more specifics: There are roughly forty comboboxes on a multipage with six tabs. The comboboxes contain a list of choices for how different aspects of the project are financed. I want to check for whether the user has selected a specific entry. If any of the forty comboboxes have made that selection, some code runs that formats the column of the worksheet in a specific way. I have written the code which formats the column, and it works fine, but my attempts to run the check mentioned above, have not worked. The code cannot check based on .listitem, it must check based on a specific string.
A few more clarifications: It doesn't matter whether all forty comboboxes have this selection, or one; if any of them have the selection, the code needs to recognize this. The code would currently run off a command button which performs a series of calculations, tests, and then runs the code to format the worksheet.
I have two comboboxs on a userform, both are populated like this:
(ComboBox1 is a different sheet/column)
' Sets Remarks in ComboBox4 Contents
With Worksheets("Data")
Set rng = . Range(.Cells(1, "C"), .Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp))
End With
With ComboBox4
.RowSource = rng.Address(external:=True)
End With
The function is that ComboBox1 will populate the names on lets say Sheet1, Column A, and when selected will populate by offset all the other Textboxs, and ComboBoxs.
Textbox1 is a date
ComboBox4 is populated off of items from the data sheet
ComboBox1 is populated off of sheet1 and provides names, then fills the userform fields
In populating the Userform, it fills Combobox4.value by the offset value of the selected name.
That cell does not contain the same info that was loaded into the ComboBox initally, and it does not show it. All other ComboBox entries match preloaded values, and show.
How do I get the ComboBox to display what is in the OffSet cell value, rather than blank because its different?
Not overly familiar with ComboBoxes but what I want to do is load a ComboBox with data based upon the selection of another ComboBox
Please see attached example.
ComboBox1 - I can get to load.
ComboBox2 - I want to load but only those lines that match the above selection
TextBox - Load with the data on row selected by ComboBox2
I have a list of country names in a listbox that are populated using another worksheet that has these country names. When I make a selection in the listbox, I want the same country names to be highlighted in the worksheet. I will then be able to run a macro that takes those selected cells as input.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a sheet with several entries. I want to find a way to have the user go to a specific cell instantly. What I thought I'd try was a combobox that when I click on a name in the combobox. It will make the matching name from the list the active cell.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have a combo box in excel, where, when an item is selected, it is assigned a colour depending on which item it is? Eg, The combo box list has item 1, and item 2. If I select item1, then the text becomes red, if I select item 2, the text becomes blue. If not possible using combo box, what method can I use?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a budget type spreadsheet for a club I run. I have a popup box where I click what was purchased, and now I want a drop down list of all the members of the club so that when I choose one name it is inputed beside what was purchased (I hope this makes sense !). I've managed to make a dropdown list in a dialog box but I don't know how to make it so that the name I choose is inputted into the spreadsheet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a dynanic range named Room on B1. My combobox1 rowsource is linked to the Dynamic range Room. I would like to be able to delete the the specified selected room from the combobox and the next 3 column C,D,E (delete Shift cells up)
View 2 Replies View RelatedLet's say I have pivot data in the form of:
| Major Category | Minor Category |
toys | balls |
toys | puzzles |
toys | blocks |
clothes | shirts |
clothes | pants |
I want to loop through every minor category and display it and its major_category on a different worksheet. (I'm doing more than this, but for simplicity sake ...
I use the code below to enter a value from a list box in a cell on a workssheet. Is it possible to code VBA to enter a number for the position of the selection in the listbox to a cell in a worksheet rather that the actual value from the list box. For example if my list is:
And I click on Option2 in the list, I can sennd the value 2 to a cell on the worksheet rather that the value "Option2' from the list.
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
Sheets("SA").Range("SA_Poistion_To_Archive_A_New").Value = ListBox1
End Sub
I'm looking to use a drop-down to allow me to highlight a complete row depending on what I choose, each row is unique.
So if my drop-down is say 20 different words and I choose "Oil" I want it to look down the table and highlight the row that shows oil prices.
Example of column A might be as shown below (Starting in say A3).
From my drop-down located in A1 I choose "Oil" I want it to select only row A5 and either highlight it or blank out the rest.