Automatically Select Item From Dropdown List
Apr 29, 2014
I have two cells and both have a drop down list. I would like Excel to automatically select an item from the second drop-down list based on the manual selection of the first drop-down list. The second cell needs the have the dependent item appear in the second cell not just be available in the drop-down list.
For example, Cell A1 has a drop-down lsit of the names of fruits, vegetables and flowers (apples, bananas, carrots, carnations, corn, daisys, tomatoes, zuchinni). Cell B1 has another drop down with three items (fruits, vegetables & flowers) which needs to be dependent on the first list. Further, I would like cell B1 to automatically select the appropriate item.
For example, if "carrots" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "vegetables" to be selected and automatically appear in cell B1. If "carnations" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "flowers" to appear (not just be available in the drop down).
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Apr 8, 2013
I have a spreadsheet where user can search for information inside a search box and the appropriate rows are returned using formulas.
I have a drop down list (Category: Model) in the search box as well as a search field (Category: Program, cell D2). Underneath the search box, search rows are returned with column categories: Program, Model, etc.
What I require is that if a user enters the specific program into the search field D2, then the dropdown list would automatically choose which model that program belongs to based on the returned row.
For example, if I typed "engine" into D2 and pressed enter,
Under the records section (Row 14 and beyond), the following record will pop up:
Based on the record, F-16 would be chosen from the dropdown list. Is there any way this can be done?
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Oct 12, 2011
I have a dropdown list in C24:C50 (=CategoryList) with data validation and a sub list in D24:D50 (=ItemList) with data validation. I am looking for a way to have code automatically run after selecting an item in the data validation dropdown list in column C.
Example; I click on C24 and make a selection. I what it to trigger code that would move me to D24 and open up the data validation list in D24. After the selection in D24 I would like it to move me back and down 1 row to C25. I have not found anything directly related to this but I have found that code can be run after a selection in a valadition list.
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Nov 15, 2008
I am kind of new to Excel programming and would like to know if there is a solution to my problem. What I need is to have a dropdown list (I know how to make this) then select an item from the drop down, then based on the name i select, Excel automatically fill up the rest of the cells.
For example, from the drop down list I select the company name then Excel automatically type the address, phone number, Fax number and the contact name of the company for me in corresponding cells. Is there a way to do this?
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Mar 22, 2014
I am in need of a Macro that does the following:
In cell B4 I have data validation drop down list which refers to the range of values named Tarifalist. Tarifalist list has the following range of values: 01,1A-1F / DAC / 02 / OM / HM / 5A (Baja) / 5 (Baja) / 03
In cell B5 I have a data validation drop down list with =IF(OR($B$4="03",$B$4="OM",$B$4="HM"),Thirty,ThirtySixty) Where range Thirty has the value 30, and ThirtySixty has values 30 and 60
I would like in addition, a Macro which when either 03, HM, or OM is selected in cell B4, that it automatically sets the value to 30 in cell B5. The purpose is so that the input is foolproof, and no user can accidentally leave the value at 60. As of now, if the value has been left at 60, and 03, HM, or OM is selected in B4, B5 can stay at 60, which is not a valid input and must be manually changed.
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Aug 20, 2013
How do I add a "comment" to an item of a drop-down list? I've got several items and every item has its own comment. I dont know how to do this.
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Mar 9, 2014
I had this posted in Formulas and functions
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Jun 20, 2008
I can't seem to find a way to make a data validation list automatically show the first item in the list rather than showing blank.
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May 30, 2014
I created a drop down list (of various Input Groups) and I need to show the selected group's responsibilities on a separate sheet; is there an easy way to do this?
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Aug 7, 2014
I have created a drop down list for items we quote on. each item has a different formula depending on the variables on sheet one Sheet1. I have listed the formulas in the column next to the drop down list for each item, but our now need the main quote to put in the formula in another cell when the item is chosen from the drop down list.
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Oct 10, 2011
i have a dropdown list called SN (for serial numbers). items are abc001-abc100. i would like to remove an item once ive selected it. i.e. if i have chosen abc001 on the first row, when i go to the next row and open the dropdown list, abc001 should not be there anymore. this is for me to avoid duplicate listing of the items.
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Dec 6, 2012
I have a drop down box on a worksheet and once I have selected the item I want from the list, I would like the price of that item to appear in the cell next to it..
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May 26, 2013
I would like to be able to choose a Size from a drop down list.
After choosing the size, the Parts and Price records (rows of data) will populate below a few cells.
I will manually insert the Quantity amount of items I need,
This will calculate the total from the cells (price & Qty).
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Mar 4, 2014
I have an excel form with a command (submit) button that opens up Outlook when clicked. I am looking for a way to have this submit button disappear when the user selects a specific item in a drop down list to make sure they do not email the form when it is used for a promotion (Promotion would be selected in the drop down).
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Oct 12, 2013
I have a list of employees that can be assigned to tasks, the list is large enough that I cannot remember who is assigned to what.
All the employees assigned major tasks are automatically filtered out but these are employees with administrative tasks that should only be assigned as a last resort. I would like to assign the employees with administrative tasks a gray, italic, strike-out or some other font to indicate that they are different.
I assume this is done during the Add Item process...
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Feb 28, 2014
I wrote a macro that creates a data validation list from a set of cells on Sheet 1.
On Sheet two I would like a have Macro select each item in order on the validation list and paste into every fourth cell.
For example, if my Data Validation list on Sheet 1 contains three items: Comp. A, COmp. B, Comp. C
On Sheet 2, I would like to see Comp. A in cell K1, Comp. B in cell O1, Comp. C in cell S1.
I have seen a few codes but nothing that works effectively.
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Aug 21, 2007
I have a normal data validation box on excel, but I want to be able to navigate my way through it using a macro. I can select & opent the drop down list with the following
SendKeys "%{DOWN}"
but then an action like
SendKeys "{UP}"
Does not navigate itself up the menu as a normal keystoke would. Any ideas on how to solve this? Basically, I want to select a cell, open the drop down menu, select the first choice in it (so thinking SendKeys "{HOME}{ENTER}" ) all using a macro.
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Jan 6, 2013
I have a sheet where I have a "Status" column in each row which could be "Waiting for Band", "Waiting for Organizer", or "Ready to Go!". These options are set as a data validation list. I have 2 cells later in each row where the response can only be "Yes" or "No". I want for the Status column to be set automatically based on the responses in the later two cells. So for example
where C3 and M3 are Yes, the status column in B3 should read "Ready to Go!"
where C3 is no but M3 is yes, the status column should read "Waiting for Organizer"
where C3 is no and M3 is no, the status column should read "Waiting for Band"
The above is actually an exhaustive list of all of the potential outcomes(!)
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May 9, 2014
I have attached an example sheet : LATEST.xlsm
To sum up - need a drop down box - that when "flange" is selected - It opens a file automatically - no clicking etc. just when that option in the drop down box is chosen.
[Code] .....
But doesn't work, plus means I have to click on something.. etc
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Feb 26, 2014
I am hoping to create a drop down list of months in one sheet, and when I select a certain month, columns in about 10 other worksheets in the same workbook will either hide or unhide columns...
The spreadsheet is laid out with columns (C-N) for each month in the year, for actuals, then columns for budget and budget variance (O-P), then YTD Actual, YTD Budget and YTD Variance. When I select September, for example, I want October-December to hide, and leave Jan-Sep unhidden, while keeping the budget, YTD and variance columns.
Is there a VBA code that can achieve this?
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Jan 28, 2007
i'm writing a refrigeration selection user interface, working from values on an excel spreadsheet. how to get the programme to automatically select a value from a list or range once a user has selected corresponding value from a list within a combobox. for example if a user sets the temperature of their refrigerator to -5 celsius i need the programme to automatically select the corresponding value of enthalpy for the air at that temperature.
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a workbook with a Cost Analysis sheet, a master menu sheet, and then all the sub sheets. I have coded command buttons on the master sheet, so once a category is selected, it goes to the appropriate sub sheet. On the subsheet is a list of items of varying sizes, and command buttons beside that which will allow the user to "Select" that particular size. Once the size is selected, the verbage in cell B5 plus the verbage (size) beside the selected amount, and the prices (labor and materials) in the next two columns, need to be transferred to the first available blank line, starting with line C5, to the Cost Analysis sheet. I have never done coding before for a Loop (i.e. For i = ???) and am not sure how to get it to do what I want. After they select that, they can pick a command button that takes them back to the master menu so they can continue picking various items until they are through. Then the Cost Analysis sheet will show all the items they picked, (name of item, material cost and labor cost: Columns B, C, & D). Not everything is coded yet (such as selecting a command button to go back to the main menu, because I wanted to make sure I could solve this problem before doing the easy stuff).
I read over quite a few of the previous threads and am not sure how to change them to suit my circumstance. I know some code (VB), but not much. I do not understand the concept of DIM, and how the loop works to make it happen myself, and all the websites I could find were not suited to my situation of copying three cells of data to the first blank cell on another sheet.
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Apr 30, 2014
I have a drop down list that is dependant on another drop down list, all this works fine, however if the user changes the first drop down list the second still continues to display the last option chosen by the user, is there a way to make the 2nd drop down list display "Please Use Drop Down List To Select An Option" instead, also is it also possible to do this without code?
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Dec 19, 2013
Is it possible to have an in-cell drop down list to select a value from, while still being able to enter free text?
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Apr 15, 2014
What I want to do is select other options in IE html drop down list. But somehow the other methods I read online doesn't work with my situation. I got either "Variable or Block Variable not set yet" or "Property or Method doesn't apply" errors. The following is the VBA code I have so far:
and the following is html code of the web page:
HTML Code:
<div id="reports">
<h6>Name ~ Doc Date</h6>
<select name="dxr_report" size="1"
<option value="file1" selected = "selected"
[Code] .......
I tried IE.document.getElementByName("dxr_report").Value = "file2" to choose the file2 but failed.
I also tried IE.document.all.Item("dxr_report").Vaule = "file2", doesn't work either.
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Mar 10, 2013
How do I allow the user to select from a dropdown list but disallow them from entering value into the textbox?
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Mar 27, 2014
How do i make a drop down list in a cell show Select One in the cell when the cells previous contence (Option selected from drop down list) have been deleted. E.g Cell E5:E400 must show Select One in the cell and when clicked on show drop down list I dont want a input message box or error box i can do that with validation
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Dec 27, 2012
it has been eye opening to say the least. I have a question however, I am in the process of creating a workbook of different things for my construction company and I am stuck. Is there a way that I can pull a cost code from a drop down and have whatever data is inputted into the cell to the right automatically transfered to a budget report (another sheet)? Example - Inputting time for my crews - select a code from the drop down list say for "concrete" Then I input the crews hours per day in subsequent columns and then sum it up at the final column. Can the sum of the hours worked doing "concrete" then automatically be transposed to the budget in the "concrete" section?
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Jan 8, 2014
I have some data validation drop down lists in excel, I can tab through all the lists but I have to press alt + down arrow to show the list, Is their a way it can be automatically shown as soon as I focus on the tab.
Check the attachment: Survey.xlsx
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Jan 23, 2013
I've defined a number of variables in my spreadsheet. When I want to use one I type "=variablename" and 'm presented with a list menu.jpg
In the above example, I have several variables starting with the word "Harvard" (a town, not the university :-)
How do I select one of these without having to double click with the mouse.
Up and down arrows allow me to highlight an item but I cannot find a keystroke that allows me to select the highlighted item. Instead I have to lift my hand off the keyboard and use the mouse.
Excel 2010
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