Dropdown List Based On List In Another Cell Using Indirect?

Jan 29, 2013

I have 3 related dropdown lists that work perfectly, if you enter data from left to right. But, if you click in the cell containing the second list, which is based on the first list, of which nothing has been selected, you can just type any value in the cell. Is there a way to prevent this, or at least validate that what is entered is a value in the list.

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Indirect Dropdown List Not Working?

Dec 18, 2013

I can't work out why my indirect drop down list isn't working. I have named ranges and it works for the first couple but not for the rest.

Tab called 'Work record' is where the drop down lists are. 'Work Type' drop down works fine. Description only works when I select 'Doors' under 'Work type'.

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Creating Dependent Dropdown List NOT Using INDIRECT

Jun 20, 2014

I need to create a data validation drop-down that is dependant on what has been selected in another drop-down. However, all the solutions I've come across online so far suggest using the INDIRECT function, which is not appropriate in my case. This is because the data upon which the two drop-downs are based on is itself dynamic. My specific situation is this:

In one sheet, I have a list of university names in one column, and in the next column a list of faculties. The same university can appear multiple times in the sheet (once for each different faculty at the university). This information will be added to regularly, with new universities and new faculties added often.

In another sheet, I want a drop-down in one column that takes its validation from the list of universities. I then want a second drop-down that is only populated with a list of faculties at that university. The INDIRECT solution seems to only work if I can define a static range of cells from which to draw this data. How do I do it in my situation above?

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Cell Value Is Dropdown List Based On Other Cell Value Which Is Also Dropdown List?

Aug 4, 2013

fill the column "Level 2 Area" based on the value selected from "Level 1 Area" which is coming from a drop down list. So the "Level 2 Area" will be a drop down list also based on the selected value from the drop down list from "Level 1 Area".

Level 1 Area
Level 2 Area

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Dropdown List Range Based On Two Different Cell Values

Aug 2, 2012

I'm new to excel and was trying to make a workbook that will have a drop down list populate based on a user input in two separate cells. Basically, i have columns: name, pages, and books. I would like to have the drop down list match data by first finding the amount of books read, then finding the amount of pages read. Then any name that meets the criteria will be available in the drop down list. How can I do this?

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Dropdown List From Comma Delimited List In Single Cell

May 9, 2014

Is there a way to create a drop down list from a comma delimited list in a single cell? For example, col A is Name & Col B is the delimited list - Blue,Red,Green (list can be different for each name). Would like a drop down list in col C that allows you to pick one of the values from Col B.

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Autofilter Data Based On Cell Value (dropdown List) In Different Worksheet?

Apr 5, 2013

I've created drop-down lists in cells B3 and B4 (this is in worksheet 1), based on a column in Worksheet 2. I'd like Worksheet 2 to autofilter the data based on the drop-downs in B3 or B4, or both together.

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Excel 2007 :: Populate Another Cell Based On Selection In Dropdown List

Mar 7, 2013

[URL]....When I select a name in column B, it populates column C's dropdown with that name's list of units. When I select a unity type in column C, I'd like it to automatically populate column E in the same row with the value associated with that unit. The values associated with a particular unit can be found to the right of the sheet. So if in row 2 I select Blake in column B, then Unit 5 in column C, I'd like column E to be populated with 14.

Edit: using Excel 2007.

I attached stripped down version of the sheet which is small enough to post. None of the things I removed should affect the topic at hand. The full sheet is available at rapidshare.

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Automatically Select Item From Dropdown List Based On Cell Text

Apr 8, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where user can search for information inside a search box and the appropriate rows are returned using formulas.

I have a drop down list (Category: Model) in the search box as well as a search field (Category: Program, cell D2). Underneath the search box, search rows are returned with column categories: Program, Model, etc.

What I require is that if a user enters the specific program into the search field D2, then the dropdown list would automatically choose which model that program belongs to based on the returned row.

For example, if I typed "engine" into D2 and pressed enter,

Under the records section (Row 14 and beyond), the following record will pop up:



Based on the record, F-16 would be chosen from the dropdown list. Is there any way this can be done?

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Develop An Indirect Indirect Validation Drop Down List

Aug 18, 2009

I am trying to develop an Indirect Indirect Validation drop down list. Example, Building - Floor - Room, i.e. Select Building from a Validation drop down list. Then based upon the Building selected, select only the Floors applicable to the Building Selected. I am able to achieve this via an Indirect Validation drop down. However, when I attempt to then select the Rooms applicable to the Floor of the Building I selected, I can not produce an Indirect Validation off a previous Indirect Validation.

In the attachment, I have used Plant - Location - Room. I have name ranged the selections, and have used Validations Lists for Plant, and Indirect Validations for Location. The error occurs where I attempt to do an Indirect Validation for Room.

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Dropdown List Based On Other Cells Value

Jun 26, 2014

Column C and D are should be picked from a dropdown list (data is in named range on sheet 3).

The choices that have t become available in a dropdown list in column E (values also in named rnage on sheet 3) should be based on the combination of column C and D.

The choices that have t become available in a dropdown list in column H (values also in named rnage on sheet 3) should be based on the value of column C.

I'm not sure the way it is set up now (as far as it is setup) is the way to go.

Here is a link to the file : [URL] ...........

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Dropdown List Based On Two Criteria?

Jul 9, 2011

I am trying to create a drop down list that is dependent on two criteria. To depict the issue, I've created a mock-example about sports.

On my 'data' sheet:
Column 1: Name of sport
Column 2: City
Column 3: Name of sporting team
On my 'form' sheet:
Cell 1: Dropdown list to select name of sport
Cell 2: Dropdown list to select city
Cell 3: I want this cell to be a dropdown list of names of sporting teams, based on the conditions set by Cell 1 & 2.

Example is attached.

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Macro Based On Dropdown List

Jun 24, 2009

I am trying to improve a process for someone in my workgroup to save a lot of time when reporting performance.

I have a spreadsheet with a drop down list of names. When I select a name from the drop down list I would like to copy a range of values on another sheet and paste special value a few columns over on the same sheet. I would like to have this only happen for the range of vaules on the row that correspondes with the name that I selected from the drop down list on the original sheet.

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Dropdown List Based On Criteria

Nov 27, 2009


Column A Column B
Customer ID Suppliers
0023 ABC Co.
0046 XYZ Co.
0023 qqq Co.
0034 MNO Co.
0023 ppp Co.

in another sheet in cell B2 user enters customer code(say 0023).

in cell C2 user is required to enter a single supplier of that customer(0023) from a dropdown list(source customerdb.xls). usually the dropdown list of C2 will show all the suppliers name where i need to show only 0023's suppliers in the dropdown.

so what i need is to filter C2's dropdown list based on customer id entered in cell B2.

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Creating A Dropdown List Using Matching Data From 2 Columns To Populate The List

Jun 11, 2013

I'm creating a spreadsheet to keep track of my costs of production in an online game. Within the game there are a range of spawned resources that appear for only a short time before being unobtainable these resources have specific types that is shared between multiple spawns of the resource but each resource spawn has a unique name.

My first worksheet lists all the resources and their various qualities and the later worksheets are meant to allow me to choose from a list resources matching the requirements of the item I'm looking to craft. The example i have shown in the second picture requires Tatooinian Fiberplast and Lokian Wild Wheat to craft so in the Chosen Resource column I would like to have a drop down list allowing me to select the named resource type i would like to use - for Tatooinian Fiberplast the only thing on the list should be Omnitwixi and for the Wild Wheat it should show Fizi and Krad



I am aware there are people with more pressing problems than computer games and as such

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Retrieving Cells Based On Dropdown List?

Jan 13, 2014

I want to be able to pick a word from a drop down list and for related information to appear in the next cell. I just don't know the function to do it.

Here's an example: I have a list of first names and second names in adjacent columns.
Excel question 1.jpg

In the 2nd sheet I have a drop down list of the first names:

Excel question 2.jpg

Is there a function to make the corresponding 2nd name appear in B1 when a first name is selected. I've seen examples where INDIRECT is used to create a dependent drop down list in B1 but I'd like the information to automatically appear.

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Formula Based On Value Returned From Dropdown List?

Jan 21, 2014

I want to perform a calculation that is based upon user selection from a drop down list. In a simple for instance it would be something like:

Cell A1 has a drop down list containing 'Apples' & 'Oranges'

Cell A2 asks for quantity

Cell A3 needs to have a formula that calculates the price based on the user selection from A1 with each option having different prices (prices set and do not require manual input)

Would an 'If' statement cover this and, if so, what would it be?

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Formula To Get An Average Based On A Dropdown List

Jul 14, 2009

Im creating a spreadsheet at work, which has a drop down box with the options of open and closed in it.

I also have a column for length of time of the claim, what i need to do, is now find a way of getting a average length of a claim, but only to see the closed option from the drop down box.

for example,

row 1
open date - 02/06, closed date - 01/07, dropdown box - closed, life - 29
row 2
open date - 10/06, closed date - n/a, dropdown box - open, life - -39400

as you can see from the example above, i cant simply do a average of the whole column, as would read the open ones as well. so is there a way of doing the formula, but telling it to only see the open, or closed ones?

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GoTo Another Range Based On Value From Dropdown List

Jun 6, 2014

Based on the value (month) picked from a dropdown list, I want to go to the specific range of that month in the same worksheet.

Attached you can find a sample sheet. Map1.xlsx

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Copy Row Based On Dropdown List Selected?

Jun 10, 2014

I am trying to copy/extract row of data from worksheet(Detail)A:W to worksheet(1st Letter) if X=1st Letter on worksheet(Detail). I have never used VBA and i am not sure if this can be done with a formula.

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Auto Dropdown List Based On A Range?

Apr 30, 2014

Say columm Ahas values like:


Is it possible to have this columm filtered to return a dropdown list say in Cell B1 to show only unique numbers? In the case above would return;


Almost as in data validation "List".

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Getting Conditional Formatted Dropdown List Items To Keep Their Formatting In List

Feb 12, 2014

I found code online that I can put on my sheet to get my formatting properties to stay the same for the items in my dropdown list located on another page. However the code does not work for conditional formatted cells...which is what I need. This is the code that I have that will carry over regular formatted cells. Just not Conditional formatted cells.

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How To Get Unique List From A Column To Data Validation Dropdown List

Oct 28, 2011

I'm looking for a way to get a unique list from a column to a data validation drop down list. Any fancy formula or vba script to create a UDF which. Does this?

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Getting Function That Will Return Numerical Value Based On Dropdown List

Aug 3, 2014

What I am trying to do is have a drop down list in one cell and have the next cell bring in the correct price for the item in the first cell. Sounds fairly easy? Well both lists are 200 items.

I have been trying to do this with just three items so far. On sheet two, I have created two lists. The first list in column A contains dogs, cats, mice. The second list in column B contains 1, 2, 3. On sheet one, I have created the drop down list for the animals in the A12 cell. I would like for B12 to auto populate the corresponding number to the animal without having to create an if formula for each animal and number.

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Creating SUM In Table Based On 2 Selections From Dropdown List

Aug 19, 2014

I'm creating a new spreadsheet for different fines we have as a football club.

I have a table frozen at the top which looks like this:

Fine 1 Fine 2 Fine 3
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3

Then also I have a list below this with the date and specific fines:

Date Player Fine Amount
(drop down (drop down Entered manually
list of players) list of fines)

I am wanting the amount of the fine to be entered into the table at the top of the spreadsheet automatically based on the 2 drop down list entries. I would also need the table to keep adding the fines together once new entries are made.

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Charting Data Based On Dropdown List Choice?

May 28, 2011

Charting Data Based On Drop Down List Choice

I am trying to build a report where I can chart data base on a dropdown selection.I did build the dropdown lists, however I don't have any expertise on execel functions in order to make it work.I am attaching my draft report.

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Dynamic Dropdown List Based On Column Filter?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a spread sheet that has three sheets, PROJECTS - TIMES - LISTS Time sheet.xlsx PROJECTS contains a list of 'In Progress' and 'completed' projects for work, with relevant other data, I.e. PROJECT No. / STATUS etc This will grow to 1,000's of rows TIMES will contain the amount of time a person spends on a PROJECT on a daily basis. This will grow to 10,000's of rows LISTS contain basic validation list for the first 2 sheets.

Part A
I would like to have a validation drop down list for the PROJECT NO column in the TIMES sheet that only lists the PROJECT NO from the PROJECTS sheet where STATUS <> COMPLETED. I.e. I only want to display the PROJECT NO's for current projects.

Part B
Even though I only want the PROJECT NO used, can the drop down list also contain other column's data for reference information only before one is selected.

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Drop-Down List: Generate A List Based On The Value Of A Cell

Jan 7, 2009

I am trying to generate a list based on the value of a cell. That list will then be used as the range for a drop-down list. Example: Cell A1 returns a value of 15
A drop-down list displays the values 1 through 15. Cell A1 changes to 20
Drop-down list displays the values 1 through 20. I assume I'll need a two-step macro to accomplish this but I can't figure out the logic to populate the drop-down.

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How To Create A List Of Items For Use In A Dropdown List With Data From A Different

Mar 17, 2007

I Attached a sheet for what i'm asking about ,, i sent it before but the sheet showing it more clearly

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List Values From Multiple Columns In A Dropdown List

Dec 17, 2012

how to list values from multiple columns in a dropdown list based on lookup value of 1st column as below.

This is how the table looks like.

4" AB1 AB2 AB3
6" ZA2 zd4 -

This is how the dropdown list should look like for Product 4"


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