Dropdown Selection Of Months To Autofill Out Date Ranges In Multiple Cells
Sep 20, 2013
I am currently trying to make a digital time card for my place of employment. I has an odd set up and odd date ranges. The pay period starts on the 21st of each month and ends on the 20th of the next month.
The time cards have 5 columns for each week starting on Mondays going to Sunday (also weird its not Saturday to Sunday) What I was hoping to accomplish was being able to select the starting month of your choice for pay period and have multiple cells update the week date range.
**Here would be the drop down month select.
Sept 21 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Sept 29
Sept 30 - Oct 6
Oct 7 - Oct 13
Oct 14 -Oct 20
I'm scrambling my head to put this together. Could somebody show me how this is done? I have two rows of data that contains dates in the mmm-yy format. The first row is the start date of the activity and the second row is the end date of the activity. Thus, in each column i would have an activity with its start and end dates. If i want to total the number of months taking into consideration only unique months (counting over-lapping months just once), how do i do that? These dates could have breaks in between, too. Like if an activity ended Jul-08, the next could begin Dec-08. I am able to count the months using the datedif function, is there a match or other function that i need to use?
What I'd like to do is fill specific cells with specific information drawn from other pages based on a combo box selection.
For example, if I were to pick 10131 in the combo box, I'd like it to fill out cells X, Y and Z with information from the three cells to the right of 10131. Assume X, Y and Z are not touching.
how best to do this (bare with me I'm not quite a pro at excel yet!). I'll attach my doc (JMP Excel Forum) so you know what I'm taking about. I've set up the data to work in a similar way to this, as you can see I've a table set up (Appliance Sheet) which feeds information to the Main Sheet which contains the drop down lists.
What I need it to do is autofill the wattage column (Main!F8 onwards) with the wattage for the device as described in Appliance!N3 or N4 for example. For the wattage column to equal 28 (equivalent to Appliance!N3) then the following would show in the dropdown selections Type>Computers SubCategory>Monitors Device>BENQ G2222HDL Status>On
Is there a way to do this with the set up I have?
I did have a previous version of the whole worksheet that each Device had its own table and I looked up the wattage using and If formula to lookup a info on the device and knowing where to look it up based on the subcategory
And I got it to work but it was getting to cumbersome to add in new devices and update the formulas. If attached that doc (OLD) so you know what I'm talking about. The last two sheets are the same sheets that make up the new document (JMP Excel Forum)OLD.xlsm
I really prefer the new way I've got it set up. Its easier to add new information or options to the dropdown list
I am trying to create a simple order entry worksheet. In cell M1 I need a dropdown box that lets the user select which options go on the product. You can have multiple options. The list of options is contained in column A of the Options worksheet. Depending on which options are selected, I want to put a 1 in column B of the Options worksheet. how to do this or have a sample workbook that I can look at.
I have a userform where I want the user to be able to select multiple options, but am having a bit of a problem finding the best way to do this. If I use a combobox, I don't appear to be able to allow multiple selections, but if I use a listbox I don't appear to be able to implement a dropdown facility. I would prefer to have a single line sized box on my form, but doing this with a listbox would probably be confusing for the user as it is not very easy to see what has been selected.
The worksheet is basically a sales funnel and I want to use a drop down menu selection in ever row of column Z to update the relevant cell, based on the selection, in the same row, column Q to Y, with a date stamp which will then not change as the drop down is progressively changed to suit the relevant stage of the job.
I have 5 cities and each city has a set of data in separate tabs. Right now i have data pulled for all 5 cities in a single sheet but its too cramped up..
I want to use a drop down list (data validation) and if any of the 5 cities are selected in the drop down, the data from that particular city (tab) should be pulled up. This way my sheet size will be reduced 5 time which will look good.
A common v lookup wont work because the data has to be pulled from 5 different tabs for 5 different cities.
I am trying to create a spreadsheet which allows me to select an antibiotic from a drop-down menu (refer to cell D1) on Sheet 1.jpg, which would then color the cells below based on the color-coded coverage based on another sheet (refer to D2-D17 of Sheet 2.jpg).
how to create drop down lists which is making a sales forecast template for my small company look pretty jazzy. Of course, now I want more out of it and can't figure it out.
I successfully added a drop down list for a sales person to pick a supplier, let's say their selection populates cell E4. Once selected, the next cell over (F4) gives them another drop down list with the products made by that particular supplier. The next cell over (G4) is in a column titled "Unit Cost", how can I make the Unit Cost cell populate automatically when the product selection is made in F4?
NOTE: My "lists" are on Sheet 1 along with my working spreadsheet. I have a Suppliers List, Products List (for each supplier), and anticipate I will need a Price List for each Product List, right?
Once I finish the spreadsheet can I cut and paste all the data to sheet 2 (I put it 100 rows below my spreadsheet to hide it)?
I am trying to use a row of cells as update cells, where the user inputs an amount into greyed out cells, which in turn updates Sheet1!$I$2:$I$11, from which it will update other worksheets that are currently in progress. but I do not know how to go about it. Is it possible?
For each amount the user enters (for each Code Number) a date will be displayed below the amount.
Using MS Query in Excel, I've created a simple query that pulls its records from an SQL dbase. Here's the statement:
SELECT uvVisit.FacilityListName, uvVisit.DoctorListName, uvVisit.Date, uvVisit.PatientVisitId, uvVisit.PatientLast, uvVisit.PatientFirst FROM CPS.dbo.uvVisit uvVisit WHERE (uvVisit.Date Between ? And ?) ORDER BY uvVisit.FacilityListName
The query runs fine and prompts the user to enter beginning & ending date ranges for the visit date when executed. So far...so good...but, this requires me to manually insert a line in Excel above the 1st record and type in something like: "For Date Range: MM/DD/YYY - MM/DD/YY" to denote the date range that the qualified records fall into (something the user wants to see).
However, I'd like to find a way automatically preface and display in the report's output (perhaps as the 1st line of the report in Excel??) something similar to what I'm already typing, and have it pull the beginning and ending MM/DD/YY values from those supplied by the user in the parameter.
I have two sheets that I am using. sheet 2 has a list of experiments in column C with information regarding the experiment in columns F - J. On sheet 1 I have a dropdown box with a list of all the experiments. When I select an experiment from the dropdown box I would like to populate columns K - O on sheet 1 with the information from columns F - J for the selected experiment on sheet 2.
I need to make a dropdown list (I know how to do that) and based on that selection, I need some cells below to automatically complete. How can I do that? Is it possible with or without VBA?
I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.
I have a workbook that has two worksheets. One worksheet is an input worksheet. A user will select a date from a drop-down list and type in the events that occurred on that date in 8 adjacent cells. The user selects a button that advances date and clears form. On sheet 2, whatever was typed into sheet one is saved via VLOOKUP formula. However, if I try to change something retroactively and select a previous date from the drop-down list, it clears everything in sheet 2 that was typed for any selected day.
First sheet has a client name and several cells of data along the same line. All of the data on this sheet is kept long term.
The second sheet is completed copied and deleted. In completing the second sheet the client name is selected of a drop down list and pulled from sheet one.
What I want to do and not sure if there is a way is that when I select a client and populate it on sheet two I would like the related data on that clients line from sheet one to populate to same named lines on sheet two.
if this is possible and if so provide a brief description of how it would work
I am using excel 2013 in my laptop (windows 8.1) after having upgraded excel 2007. Everything works fine during my daily tasks. Especially autofill which I use quite often works perfect.
At the same time I upgraded my girlfriends laptop (Windows 7) with the office 2013 (office 2007 was the older version) and somewhere there begun some isues. Autofill doesn't. Especially with months or days. I enter the value "Monday", I drag down (of course using the black filled cross down right of the cell) the cursor and all the cells get the value Monday. Even if enter the value Tuesday in the second cell and then try to autofill (having marked before both these two cells) I get the same results. Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Tuesday.
I tried to test the autofill with numbers. If i write only the one number (for instance the value "1") and then autofill, this doesn't work. It gives me the value "1" in all the cells. But if I enter the value "2" in the second cell, the autofill works fine (marking these 2 cells and then autofill).
We make some online courses using exactly the same excel exercise files. In my laptop everything works perfect.
If a user selects certain options from a drop down list created by cell verification (from list), is it possible to display an input box and have the resulting input populate on another worksheet in the workbook? I have an attendance template I'm working with and if a user selects OT (Over Time) then a input box is displayed prompting for how many hours. The overtime is then tracked on another worksheet.
I have been looking at a post number 170404 which NBVC answered with an example grid. This was while I was trying to bring searched data through to another sheet and this is just what I was looking for as a brilliant start,
I have attached my very similar example in my scenario. I have also got NBVC's example on the first two sheets of this as reference. In addition I am also bringing through from-to date ranges which I then need to be applied to a Booking Sheet so I can see that these dates are booked for this person, and ideally where they are going and what they need to do there by colour.
I tried, just as a test in this example the following. Please note that this only had the three ranges as I was testing an example coordinator which returned three date ranges. It could be that the example returns 20 or 30 ranges that need to be applied to the rather primative Booking Sheet.
It seemed to give the right answer initially but trying different dates it gave the wrong result. It seemed to be checking one of the ranges and not all of them. As mentioned above this was just an example to see what I could get working but I don't think that this would be the ideal way of doing this as it would need to check 30-40 maybe more ranges depending on what comes back from the coordinator search.
The aim would be to choose a co-ordinator on the Site Planner sheet and ideally return the city rather than the yes/no in the Booking Sheet for that date and use conditional formatting so that if the type from the Site Planner Sheet was paint it would fill in one colour, clean in another, etc.
Was hopefully trying to get this done without using any VB as I am trying to resolve this for my Wife she isn't very tech savvy and and I need to be able to explain the formulas!
I'm sure you will see from my sheet I have given this a good go but I am a bit unsure on what some of the formulas on NBVC sheet are doing, and that this is my first attempt at doing anything like this. I have also tried using lookup and match but I'm still having issues that they either aren't always in date order and it seems to return no if it doesn't match the first range. The other main issue that I have seen is that I need to check whatever ranges the selection comes back with rather than adding each one to search through.
I hope this becomes a bit clearer on the sheet I have attached,
I have a table with three columns. I'm building a calendar on a separate worksheet and am looking up the "value" based on a calendar date. So if a date falls within any of the ranges, I'd like to return the value in column C. For example, if the date is 02/07/12, I'd like for the result to be value 1, or if the date is 04/17/12, then I would like the result to be value 3. I've used a nested vlookup, but all that give me is the value when either the start or end dates match, but I can't get a value when the date falls within the range. If the dates were consecutive, I would simply use vlookup/TRUE, but the dates are not consecutive.
I was just wondering if there was a way for a dropdown list to allow the user to input just the first letter or two of a selection and automatically bring that information into the list.
Type in ch
...the dropdown list will automatically filter to Cherrywood? Is this possible? I have been searching through excel but can't seem to find anything.
I'm trying to calculate the average of every five rows. I have a formula =Average(A1:A5) in cell B1. When I do an autofill in B2, the formula would read =Average(A2:A6). What I actually want it to be is =Average(A6:A10), increments of 5. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I have also tried selecting all the B rows and doing autofill and that still doesn't work.
I've got a spreadsheet that I download a list of information into. The information relates to activities that are taking place e.g. start time, end time, type of activity (e.g. meeting) and duration (which identifies the length of the activity in 30 min slots e.g. 9.30am - 11.30am = 4).
The rest of the columns are labelled to represent the time in 30 min slots starting from 9am. What I would like excel to be able to do is to identify the first cell in the range which would be the cell that represents the start time in the row. Then from this cell fill cells in the row up to the end time with something - it doesn't matter what as long as the cell can be differentiated from the other blank cells in the row.
I don't think that I've explained myself that well so I've attached the spreadsheet for you to look at.
I would like to utilize the IF function to show the following:
If the date in cell J11 is before April 30, J19 will show J18 * .01, if the date in cell J11 is between May 1 and May 30, J10 will show J18 * .02, and if the date in cell J11 is between June 1 and June 30, J10 will show J18 * .03.
I have a spreadsheet that records the date, specific sporting activities and cash award for participation in a round robin sporting event that was held over 52 weekends. I'm trying to lookup the cash award value of each event the person participated in by using a date range within the vlookup formula.
Each participant has their own spreadsheet which they are able to access via server, and each spreadsheet looks a bit like this:
-Column A contains the date of an event in which the person participated -Column B contains a category number related to the type of event eg marathon = 12, hurdles = 15, relay = 18 etc. This info is manual input -Column C contains the amount the person will be awarded by simply participating in the event. This is a lookup value and varies depending on the date the person participated, so I'm trying to incorporate date ranges and 'if' formulas into the vlookup
I'm from Australia so my dates might be backwards...
A B C 1 02/01/13 15 (supposed to be $10)
The formula should read a bit like this:
if (date at A1 is within date range 1st Jan 2013 and 31st March 2013, lookup B1 in table 1 column 2), if (date at A1 is within 1st Apr 2013 and 30th Jun 2013, lookup B1 in table 2 column 2)...etc for each quarter