VLookup Using Date Ranges And Multiple Tables

Sep 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that records the date, specific sporting activities and cash award for participation in a round robin sporting event that was held over 52 weekends. I'm trying to lookup the cash award value of each event the person participated in by using a date range within the vlookup formula.

Each participant has their own spreadsheet which they are able to access via server, and each spreadsheet looks a bit like this:

-Column A contains the date of an event in which the person participated
-Column B contains a category number related to the type of event eg marathon = 12, hurdles = 15, relay = 18 etc. This info is manual input
-Column C contains the amount the person will be awarded by simply participating in the event. This is a lookup value and varies depending on the date the person participated, so I'm trying to incorporate date ranges and 'if' formulas into the vlookup

I'm from Australia so my dates might be backwards...


1 02/01/13 15 (supposed to be $10)

The formula should read a bit like this:

if (date at A1 is within date range 1st Jan 2013 and 31st March 2013, lookup B1 in table 1 column 2), if (date at A1 is within 1st Apr 2013 and 30th Jun 2013, lookup B1 in table 2 column 2)...etc for each quarter

I don't know if the following is right


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Using VLookup To Lookup Date Within Multiple Date Ranges

Jan 5, 2012

I have a table with three columns. I'm building a calendar on a separate worksheet and am looking up the "value" based on a calendar date. So if a date falls within any of the ranges, I'd like to return the value in column C. For example, if the date is 02/07/12, I'd like for the result to be value 1, or if the date is 04/17/12, then I would like the result to be value 3. I've used a nested vlookup, but all that give me is the value when either the start or end dates match, but I can't get a value when the date falls within the range. If the dates were consecutive, I would simply use vlookup/TRUE, but the dates are not consecutive.

ABC102/06/1202/09/12value 1203/12/1203/15/12value 2304/16/1204/19/12value 3405/21/1205/24/12value 4506/25/1206/28/12value 5606/25/1206/28/12value 6

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Vlookup With Multiple Tables (15 To Be Exact)

Mar 2, 2009

Okay, so I have this project for my accounting computer applications class. I'm making it so much arder on myself than what it probably should be. But anyways, this project is a four year plan spreadsheet for the business/accounting division of the school. Inside the spreadsheet is a page that has 15 different tables, representing 5 years with 3 semesters each, fall spring and summer. On the requirements for the major chosen, I would like it to automatically recognize if the class has been placed in the semesters tables and recognize all of the information needed. The only problem is, a single vlookup only allows one table per cell but I need all 15.

I've heard of using the if statement along with these but I've only heard of it being done with a few tables and not 15, and I don't understand how exactly that works anyways.

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Perform Vlookup Across Multiple Tables

Jun 4, 2008

I am wondering if there is a way of performing Vlookup across several tables? I have tried to create a formula myself based on lookup and nested vlookups, but am getting all tanlged up, especially as I need an If isna formula in there so that if there isn't a result, it displays a 0 rather than a #N/A.

See the attached. I do compeltely understand that it would be so much easier if all the data on the commission worksheet was in a simple 3 column table, but it has to be split as it is creating 3 tables. exactly what formula needs to go in cell D7 on the rates worksheet that I can drag down, which will check for those initials across all 3 tables? (The initials will only appear once on the table on the commission worksheet.

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VLOOKUP For Multiple Ranges In Multiple Columns

Feb 21, 2013

Im trying to make a vlookup so I can say find a record where column A is >4, B is =2, C is 1.

Example - The lookup would find these 2 ranges.




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How To Vlookup From Two Input With Multiple Ranges

Jun 25, 2014

I am looking for the formulae in E9.

I may change the value in E8 as 1.5 or 2.5 or 4 or 6 I may scrolldown C9 as it set out there. I need to know the farmulae in E9.

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Vlookup On Multiple Matches In Multple Ranges

Jan 20, 2010

I've information in two sections of a worksheet, columns A and B (range named "temp1") and columns D and E (range named "temp2"). I should also say that the reason I have two sections is that each section will have about 150 rows, so instead of having a huge list of 300 rows, I've tried splitting them into two sections.



What I want to do it show all the results that match the value 1 using a vlookup formula. Also the values in column A and D may change, i.e if value 4 in D1 changed to 1, I would expect to see "d" included in the results.

This is the original formula I got somewhere else which sorts out my vlookup on multiple matches issue.

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VLookup To Work For Multiple Ranges On Different Sheets

Feb 23, 2012

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(ActiveCell, Sheet8.Range("C16:Y1000")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim rw As Integer
Dim arw As Integer
rw = 16

[Code] .....

As you can see, my code is located in the sheet8 worksheet object. Now, I have a few questions about this. Because I am located in the sheet8 worksheet object does that mean my code can only work in sheet8, i.e., the following won't work because I am in a Sheet8 worksheet object?

Sheet10.Range("B12) = ..... ....... .....

This is not returning a value in Sheet10? My question is how do I make my code return a value in Sheet10?

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Date Between Multiple Non Contiguous Date Ranges On Another Sheet?

Nov 8, 2012

I have been looking at a post number 170404 which NBVC answered with an example grid. This was while I was trying to bring searched data through to another sheet and this is just what I was looking for as a brilliant start,

I have attached my very similar example in my scenario. I have also got NBVC's example on the first two sheets of this as reference. In addition I am also bringing through from-to date ranges which I then need to be applied to a Booking Sheet so I can see that these dates are booked for this person, and ideally where they are going and what they need to do there by colour.

I tried, just as a test in this example the following. Please note that this only had the three ranges as I was testing an example coordinator which returned three date ranges. It could be that the example returns 20 or 30 ranges that need to be applied to the rather primative Booking Sheet.

=IF(OR(AND(C10>='Coordinators list'!F5,'Coordinators list'!L5<=C10),(AND(C10>='Coordinators list'!F6,'Coordinators list'!L6<=C10)),(AND(C10>='Coordinators list'!F7,'Coordinators list'!L7<=C10))),"yes","no")

It seemed to give the right answer initially but trying different dates it gave the wrong result. It seemed to be checking one of the ranges and not all of them. As mentioned above this was just an example to see what I could get working but I don't think that this would be the ideal way of doing this as it would need to check 30-40 maybe more ranges depending on what comes back from the coordinator search.

The aim would be to choose a co-ordinator on the Site Planner sheet and ideally return the city rather than the yes/no in the Booking Sheet for that date and use conditional formatting so that if the type from the Site Planner Sheet was paint it would fill in one colour, clean in another, etc.

Was hopefully trying to get this done without using any VB as I am trying to resolve this for my Wife she isn't very tech savvy and and I need to be able to explain the formulas!

I'm sure you will see from my sheet I have given this a good go but I am a bit unsure on what some of the formulas on NBVC sheet are doing, and that this is my first attempt at doing anything like this. I have also tried using lookup and match but I'm still having issues that they either aren't always in date order and it seems to return no if it doesn't match the first range. The other main issue that I have seen is that I need to check whatever ranges the selection comes back with rather than adding each one to search through.

I hope this becomes a bit clearer on the sheet I have attached,

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Cascading Ranges - Vlookup (make My Reference Range Access Multiple Columns)

Feb 10, 2010

I need to run a vlookup to find some data. But I have a lot of data about 600,000 lines. Currently this list is spread over several columns (as the limit is something like 50000). How can I make my reference range access multiple columns?

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Excel 2010 :: Creating Multiple Tables In VBA And Referring To Newly Created Tables?

Jul 1, 2013

Using Excel 2010. I'm writing a macro that sets up a workbook to be used for estimating at the beginning of a project. In the code I need to create multiple tables (formerly known as "lists") in the workbook. Then later in the code I need to refer back to those newly created tables. Currently, the code that creates the table is part of a loop that creates the table on many different worksheets. The problem of course, is that I have to name the Table, and then it won't create a table of the same name on the next sheet. Then, later in the code, I need to make adjustments to the table that was just created before looping to the next sheet.

Is there a way to create a table without giving it a constant name? Or by giving it a name that builds off of other info in the sheet? For example, I would be good with the naming the table after the sheet name: "Sheet1_Table" or such.

Sub Auto_Open()
Dim sht As Worksheet
If Range("A1") = 1 Then


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If Function With Multiple Date Ranges?

Mar 15, 2012

I would like to utilize the IF function to show the following:

If the date in cell J11 is before April 30, J19 will show J18 * .01, if the date in cell J11 is between May 1 and May 30, J10 will show J18 * .02, and if the date in cell J11 is between June 1 and June 30, J10 will show J18 * .03.

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Multiple Date Ranges To Find Effective Rate?

Jun 18, 2014

My problem is trying to identify the applicable rate in a range of dates that are not consistent in every case. I have a number of orders that span 4 years. The rate charged has changed over time and therefore I'm trying to find what the applicable rate would be for that time frame. For example one of my orders was created on 2/27/2012 with a specific item, then again the same item was ordered on 9/10/2013 and I need to find what the rate should have been for both of those orders during those rate periods. I've attached a sample sheet with the 2 tables I've been trying to assess. I've tried using mulitple IF and VLOOKUP formula's but it doesn't work they way I need it to due to the inconsistency in Table 2. H

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SUM (count) - Multiple Criteria Including Date Ranges

Oct 23, 2009

My setup is - excel 2003 sp3 / windows xp

On one sheet (Data) I have a list of action items, each with owner; target date; classification and in some cases revised target date. I'm trying to report on these fields and provide a status, by owner and classification, of how many are overdue; due this month; due next month; due beyond 2mths.

Using a SUM array formula on another sheet I can count the number that are overdue based on date; owner; classification; and target date, but can't find a solution if there is a revised target date. Any guidance you can give would be greatly received.


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Dropdown Selection Of Months To Autofill Out Date Ranges In Multiple Cells

Sep 20, 2013

I am currently trying to make a digital time card for my place of employment. I has an odd set up and odd date ranges. The pay period starts on the 21st of each month and ends on the 20th of the next month.

The time cards have 5 columns for each week starting on Mondays going to Sunday (also weird its not Saturday to Sunday) What I was hoping to accomplish was being able to select the starting month of your choice for pay period and have multiple cells update the week date range.


**Here would be the drop down month select.

Sept 21 - Sept 22
Sept 23 - Sept 29
Sept 30 - Oct 6
Oct 7 - Oct 13
Oct 14 -Oct 20

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Pivot Tables Using Dynamic Ranges

Jan 7, 2014

Worksheet A - I've set up a dynamic range to display the last 12 row entries of 2 columns
Worksheet B - pivot table of the range

The dynamic range is working perfectly, it displays the correct rows I can set up the data source once... the results on the pivot table display corectly

Problem When i press refresh, the data source "dissapears" and i have to rebuild the pivot table.

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Dynamic Ranges (tables) Not Working On Protected Sheet?

Sep 10, 2013

I have a data set that is defined as a table (Ctrl + T). There are formulas so I locked those cells and Protected the sheet. If I am at the bottom right cell, and press Tab to add a new row, I get an error message: "Cannot use this table functionality on a protected sheet"

I really need to protect the cells with formulas so that the are not accidentally deleted. But I also want to retain the Table format.

Is there a way around this without using VBA?

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Vlookup Date From Multiple Occurences

May 23, 2008

I am having trouble doing a VLOOKUP, whereby I have a column of staff that are frequently detached from the workplace (See extract sample). One member of staff could be away 4 times in a year and I need to place the most relevant detached date (which would be 2 months ago and 4 months from today) into another table. This other table would then show all members of staff in alphabetical order with just one detached and return date. If the date falls out of the above parameters (6 month window), nothing would be displayed.

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Vlookup And Concatenate Multiple Columns Of Date?

May 8, 2014

Say in L4 on form test i want to look for the value of A4 in Drill data range a2 to z1000 and retun a concatenated string of something like "sav 407 : 08-may to 11-may"

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Vlookup With 2 Different Tables

Sep 7, 2006

i'm building a spreadsheet where there is a list where users will input work shifts (those shift can be, for example, "M", "N", "T", "Me", "Ne", "Te"). i use two different columns to retrieve (using vlookup) values for M, N, T and Me, Ne, Te shifts. those values are in two different tables (one table for M, N, T shifts and another one for Me, Ne, Te)

for the M, N, T shifts column i use:

for the Me, Ne, Te shifts column i have:

this seems to works fine, but only for one shift per day. the problem is that workers may work more than one shift per day. is there a simple way of, in one column, vlooking up the values for every M, N, T shift, every day ignoring any Me, Ne, Te and the opposite in the other column?

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VLookup Two Tables In Spreadsheet

Jan 18, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with two tables in it. Table 1 contains some data consisting of two columns both populated with data (where 1 = a, 2 = b, 3 = c and so on) and table 2 consists of two columns one column contains data and initially (numbers) column two is blank. Now I need a VLOOKUP that will look at the second column (red letters in the example) in table one, and where the same value (number) appears in table 2 populate the corresponding letter.
I do not wish to use filters as the table is extremely large. I have attached an example

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Multiplying Vlookup Tables

Jan 6, 2008

I have tried to put together three simple formulas for a very simple problem. I wanted to string together three vlookup formulas which were as follows;


The first lookup would work but as soon as I added another it would result in #n/a. I tried adding the suffix "false" after column no. but that did not work.

On the second lookup I did mix text and numbers e.g the first row in the column had a "G" in it and the rest were numbered 1-10. The second two vlookups were on a seperate sheet but in the same workbook.

I have checked the named ranges and they work fine when done individually but it seems to be the combining which messes things up.

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Vlookup: Search The Tables

Jan 17, 2007

I have a few tables on a worksheet, and to search these tables i am using a VLOOKUP, however i want to be able to search for other than just the one field! but still pull up all of the data. If i were to do the same tables in access i would be able to query all fields and then recieve an output of those that match, is there any way to do this in excel

Note I am only into basic VB. Other question i have is, on a VLOOKUP you only return the one record, is there anyway of searching a table of data and returning all records that hold that value in a specific field, like applying a filter to them. or am i just being extrememly dumb and missing something simple?

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3 Different Tables - VLookup Depending On Selection From Dropdown

Jun 12, 2013

I have 3 different tables on a sheet which I want to do a vlookup on depending on the selection from a dropdown.

I created the ranges I want to use in 3 cells and tried to reference the cell rather than the range. Excel no likey:

=vlookup(B2,A1,2,FALSE) instead of =VLOOKUP(B2,D1:H14,2,FALSE)

Is there anyway I can do what I am trying to do?

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Conditional Formatting Using VLookup - Comparing Two Tables?

Nov 5, 2013

these are two tables i have to compare.Sl No






[Code] ........

Sl No
Type number



[Code] ........


i want to compare between these two table based on the condition writen in RED. IF there is a mismatch i want to highlight the values in the first table.

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Date Range: Reference A Single Date And Output Date Ranges

Oct 11, 2008

I need to create formulas that reference a single date and output date ranges. The objective is to have a person input a Monday date in any given month and receive a four weeks out worth of dates and ranges. For example: In a lone cell, the person inputs 10/13/08. Automatically, the sheet produces the next full week range: October 19 – October 25 in a single cell and also produces a cell for each date. Example: Sunday 19, Monday 20, Tuesday 21, etc…. It should look like:

Monday Date:
October 19 – October 25
Sunday 19
Monday 20
Tuesday 21
Wednesday 22
Thursday 23
Friday 24
Saturday 25

and then repeat for three more weeks. I thought I had it figured out until the month changed. The dates continued in October instead of adding a month. This report will be ran weekly, so simply adding a +1MONTH to some cells will not benefit me as I’ll have to change the formula every week. I want the formula to compute the data without any manipulation over the next several years. The only change will be the Monday date.

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Using VLookup / Pivot Tables To Achieve Reused Formulas

Feb 13, 2013

I am tired of doing the same amount of repetitive work, I would like to know if it is possible to acheive a "template" where I just drop a database pull and it negotiates where the data should fall.

When I pull data, I have the following values I need -

Part number
Date - which is by day, I need grouped by Monday - Sunday to seperate amounts ordered by week.
Branch plant - East and West
Order Quanity which is placed by day
QOH - Quanity of parts I have on hand

I need the days grouped by weeks, 7 days by date equal 1 week.
I need summing part number amounts due within that 7 days into one total.

I would need 4 columns
1) Demand due
2) Supply due
3) QOH

I need each branch to have their own sheet, for a total of 4 sheets... Supply and Demand for both plants.

What it boils down to is I need to know what the demand is per week, and the supply I have to meet that demand, broken down like the attached sheet.

Seems my sheet is too large due to the amount of data for the site, but here is the link to the LARGE File...

[URL] .....

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VLookup For Dynamic Ranges

Oct 28, 2008

I want to create dependent lists using data validation. The lists need to be created from ranges that will be growing as users add more data. I think the best way to create the list is a VLOOKUP. However, I am not sure how to use the VLOOKUP when the range is changing.

I have attached an example. I have a list on sheet "Vlookup" called "FRUIT" with "apple", "orange", "banana". Then to make the depedent lists I have created three other lists called: "APPLE", "ORANGE", "BANANA". I want to pull the COST from sheet "VALUES" into the lists "APPLE", "ORANGE", "BANANA". Users will be adding costs next to the FRUIT they purchase.

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Vlookup With Named Ranges

Jan 14, 2009

I am having problems getting the code below to follow my intentions. I have 2 files. I have a temporary file that holds all the data that I need. I have a destination file that needs to have data copied into it. In the temp file, I have data for several dates and product types. What I intend to do is to do a vlookup in VBA to look for the date and the product type in the temp file and copy the appropriate data to the destination file. I have numerous named ranges both in my temp file and my destination file. For the code below, I wanted to make a loop to find the date in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. Once this is done, I wanted to find the product type in the temp file that is listed in the destination file. If both conditions exist, then copy a certain range from the temp file to the destination file. My intention is evident in the code, but I don’t think that I am putting in the correct “code format”.

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VLookup, Named Ranges And IF

Feb 19, 2010

=VLOOKUP('ITEM ADD-CHG Form'!Z19,Brand_V,2,FALSE) Another wrench!. If the value in cell Z19 is not found in the named range "Brand_V", the formula returns #N/A. I need to replace #N/A with the verbiage DEF while leaving the other results intact.

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