Date Between Multiple Non Contiguous Date Ranges On Another Sheet?
Nov 8, 2012
I have been looking at a post number 170404 which NBVC answered with an example grid. This was while I was trying to bring searched data through to another sheet and this is just what I was looking for as a brilliant start,
I have attached my very similar example in my scenario. I have also got NBVC's example on the first two sheets of this as reference. In addition I am also bringing through from-to date ranges which I then need to be applied to a Booking Sheet so I can see that these dates are booked for this person, and ideally where they are going and what they need to do there by colour.
I tried, just as a test in this example the following. Please note that this only had the three ranges as I was testing an example coordinator which returned three date ranges. It could be that the example returns 20 or 30 ranges that need to be applied to the rather primative Booking Sheet.
It seemed to give the right answer initially but trying different dates it gave the wrong result. It seemed to be checking one of the ranges and not all of them. As mentioned above this was just an example to see what I could get working but I don't think that this would be the ideal way of doing this as it would need to check 30-40 maybe more ranges depending on what comes back from the coordinator search.
The aim would be to choose a co-ordinator on the Site Planner sheet and ideally return the city rather than the yes/no in the Booking Sheet for that date and use conditional formatting so that if the type from the Site Planner Sheet was paint it would fill in one colour, clean in another, etc.
Was hopefully trying to get this done without using any VB as I am trying to resolve this for my Wife she isn't very tech savvy and and I need to be able to explain the formulas!
I'm sure you will see from my sheet I have given this a good go but I am a bit unsure on what some of the formulas on NBVC sheet are doing, and that this is my first attempt at doing anything like this. I have also tried using lookup and match but I'm still having issues that they either aren't always in date order and it seems to return no if it doesn't match the first range. The other main issue that I have seen is that I need to check whatever ranges the selection comes back with rather than adding each one to search through.
I hope this becomes a bit clearer on the sheet I have attached,
I have a table with three columns. I'm building a calendar on a separate worksheet and am looking up the "value" based on a calendar date. So if a date falls within any of the ranges, I'd like to return the value in column C. For example, if the date is 02/07/12, I'd like for the result to be value 1, or if the date is 04/17/12, then I would like the result to be value 3. I've used a nested vlookup, but all that give me is the value when either the start or end dates match, but I can't get a value when the date falls within the range. If the dates were consecutive, I would simply use vlookup/TRUE, but the dates are not consecutive.
I need to create formulas that reference a single date and output date ranges. The objective is to have a person input a Monday date in any given month and receive a four weeks out worth of dates and ranges. For example: In a lone cell, the person inputs 10/13/08. Automatically, the sheet produces the next full week range: October 19 – October 25 in a single cell and also produces a cell for each date. Example: Sunday 19, Monday 20, Tuesday 21, etc…. It should look like:
and then repeat for three more weeks. I thought I had it figured out until the month changed. The dates continued in October instead of adding a month. This report will be ran weekly, so simply adding a +1MONTH to some cells will not benefit me as I’ll have to change the formula every week. I want the formula to compute the data without any manipulation over the next several years. The only change will be the Monday date.
But, it fails. I have looked through many topics on this subject, but nothing seems to fit my scenario. This will pretty much complete my current project if I get this figured out and can export these print areas to pdf without a bunch of blank pages as I get now with no print area set.
I transposed them into a separate sheet and used that for my lists. I have to share the file with macs.
My pc is on Vista running Excel 2003. The macs are OSX Panther (not Leopard) and running Excel 2003.
Solution (?): if I make the combobox lists programmatically, it will work on the macs?
The UserForm1 with 3 comboboxes: The comboboxes are not dependent on each other. For each combobox, I need to have 2 columns. For each column, I need to transpose 2 x ranges (they are NOT contiguous)
I am trying to call a function that calculates forecast error (wMAPE). This function needs to be able to handle passing in non-contiguous ranges. I can't seem to figure out how to do that.
Function wMAPE(Forecasts As Range, Actuals As Range, Weights As Range) As Variant Dim Denominator As Double Dim Numerator As Double Dim i As Long Dim Fcst As Variant Dim Act As Variant Dim Wt As Variant
If Forecasts.Cells.Count Actuals.Cells.Count Then MsgBox ("Error: Arrays not same size") If Forecasts.Cells.Count Weights.Cells.Count Then MsgBox ("Error: Arrays not same size")
Can you have more than 1 worksheet change event on the same worksheet, if so, how do you name it to prevent the ambiguous name error. What code would I need to select a text value in colums e11:e15 based on the cell value in cell named STATE and place the selected value in cell e16. I have, thanks to this resource, one worksheet change event that selects a numeric value from any column E3,F3:F7 and places that value in cell C4. but the same code doesn't work for the new worksheet change event.
I would like to utilize the IF function to show the following:
If the date in cell J11 is before April 30, J19 will show J18 * .01, if the date in cell J11 is between May 1 and May 30, J10 will show J18 * .02, and if the date in cell J11 is between June 1 and June 30, J10 will show J18 * .03.
I have a spreadsheet that records the date, specific sporting activities and cash award for participation in a round robin sporting event that was held over 52 weekends. I'm trying to lookup the cash award value of each event the person participated in by using a date range within the vlookup formula.
Each participant has their own spreadsheet which they are able to access via server, and each spreadsheet looks a bit like this:
-Column A contains the date of an event in which the person participated -Column B contains a category number related to the type of event eg marathon = 12, hurdles = 15, relay = 18 etc. This info is manual input -Column C contains the amount the person will be awarded by simply participating in the event. This is a lookup value and varies depending on the date the person participated, so I'm trying to incorporate date ranges and 'if' formulas into the vlookup
I'm from Australia so my dates might be backwards...
A B C 1 02/01/13 15 (supposed to be $10)
The formula should read a bit like this:
if (date at A1 is within date range 1st Jan 2013 and 31st March 2013, lookup B1 in table 1 column 2), if (date at A1 is within 1st Apr 2013 and 30th Jun 2013, lookup B1 in table 2 column 2)...etc for each quarter
My problem is trying to identify the applicable rate in a range of dates that are not consistent in every case. I have a number of orders that span 4 years. The rate charged has changed over time and therefore I'm trying to find what the applicable rate would be for that time frame. For example one of my orders was created on 2/27/2012 with a specific item, then again the same item was ordered on 9/10/2013 and I need to find what the rate should have been for both of those orders during those rate periods. I've attached a sample sheet with the 2 tables I've been trying to assess. I've tried using mulitple IF and VLOOKUP formula's but it doesn't work they way I need it to due to the inconsistency in Table 2. H
On one sheet (Data) I have a list of action items, each with owner; target date; classification and in some cases revised target date. I'm trying to report on these fields and provide a status, by owner and classification, of how many are overdue; due this month; due next month; due beyond 2mths.
Using a SUM array formula on another sheet I can count the number that are overdue based on date; owner; classification; and target date, but can't find a solution if there is a revised target date. Any guidance you can give would be greatly received.
I am currently trying to make a digital time card for my place of employment. I has an odd set up and odd date ranges. The pay period starts on the 21st of each month and ends on the 20th of the next month.
The time cards have 5 columns for each week starting on Mondays going to Sunday (also weird its not Saturday to Sunday) What I was hoping to accomplish was being able to select the starting month of your choice for pay period and have multiple cells update the week date range.
Date Date Date Date Date
**Here would be the drop down month select.
Sept 21 - Sept 22 Sept 23 - Sept 29 Sept 30 - Oct 6 Oct 7 - Oct 13 Oct 14 -Oct 20
I want to have a new macro/button to redo the chart cells based on the dates in cols T and U (abt 400 entries). T has the start date and U has the end date.
Row 9 - X9: CJ9 have dates for about 10 months (weekdays only) Column J have either of these two values: A or B Column C has either of these two values: C or blank
I would envisage it going through each row, checking:
If date at top of that col was between the dates in cols T & U then if col J = 'A' then set cell to black block else if col J = 'B' then if col C = C (closed) then set cell to red block else set cell to blue block
I have a spreadsheet that I have developed at work to track sales related data. As part of the reporting for this data, it is sorted by date. I have been asked to capture some additional related data and due to the structure of the spreadsheet(that has been in use several months with no issues) I can not put the additional data in adjacent columns without doing a complete redesign of the format.
I can place the data several columns away.... The data "in the middle" is static and is used for other calculations and should not be sorted. Is there a way to sort both ranges of data WITHOUT disturbing the columns separating them and keep the proper relationship with the data?
See attached for a very simple example. In this data set the "original" data was in range A2:E11 the "New" data is in Range I2:M11. It would make life simple if I could do something like this (but it sorts everything in between)
how to Determine two uncontinnuous ranges are same? "Address" can not work here.
Sub Macro1() Set Rng1 = Range("H1:H10,C1:C10,F1:F10") Set Rng2 = Range("F1:F10,C1:C10,H1:H10") Debug.Print Rng1.Address Debug.Print Rng2.Address If Rng1.Address = Rng2.Address Then Debug.Print "yes" Else Debug.Print "no" End If End Sub
I want to count the number of cells with a “#n/a” in for a cell range which is non-continuous. For example my cell range is: “H5,J5,L5,N5,P5,R5,T5,V5". I’ve tried a few different things but I can’t get the function to work.
I'm creating a coversheet that shows the percentage of "yes" and "no" answers from several cells in other sheets of the book. My problem is that I'm trying to use a countif statement to do it, and the cells i'm counting aren't in a simple range. ex. A1:A10
In stead i'm trying to get something like: =COUNTIF((Sheet2!A2,Sheet2!A10,Sheet2!A15),"yes")
I'm getting an error on Range("AB6:AS12,..."). The error is: "1004 Runtime error, Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed". My code should copy the values from place A to B. Then clear the content of B. Heres my code:
Sub Ny_uke() ' copy cells Range("B21:K50").Value = Range("AX21:BG50").Value Range("B54:K83").Value = Range("AX54:BG83").Value Range("B87:K116").Value = Range("AX87:BG116").Value Range("B120:K149").Value = Range("AX120:BG149").Value Range("B153:K182").Value = Range("AX153:BG182").Value Range("B186:K215").Value = Range("AX186:BG215").Value Range("B219:K248").Value = Range("AX219:BG248").Value ' clear content of cells Range("AB6:AS12,B21:K50,B54:K83,B87:K116,B120:K149,B153:K182,B186:K215,B219:K248").Clear End Sub
When the error occurs I can press 'Debug' and continue the script whiteout changing the code and the code will continue without any errors. If I place the line 'Range("...")' on top of the script no error occurs. I I split the 'Range("...").Clear' into several Range("AB6:AS12").Clear the problem solves, but this produces several unwanted lines of code.
So: both ranges contain the same number of cells with the same addresses, and they have been added in the same order. However, if now I try to pass all values from mySource to myTarget, in this way:
the result is a complete mess. Only the first "subrange" of mySource ("C1:C13") is passed to myTarget, and pasted in each of its "subranges", sometimes by rows and sometimes by columns...
Sub Replacing() Dim rRange As Range Dim lArea As Long Dim Co As Byte Dim NaCo As Byte NaCo = 99 Set rRange = Range("B:C,E:F,H:I") With rRange For lArea = 1 To .Areas.Count With .Areas(lArea) Co = Choose(lArea, 1, 2, 3) .Replace What:=Co, Replacement:=NaCo, LookAt:=xlWhole, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _ ReplaceFormat:=False End With Next lArea End With End Sub
the problem is that it's not working for Office 2000
This time I want to replace: number "99" in range("B:C") to number "1"; number "99" in range("E:F") to number "2"; number "99" in range("H:I") to number "3";
Sub Replacing() Dim rRange As Range Dim lArea As Long Dim Co As Byte Dim NaCo As Byte NaCo = 99 Set rRange = Range("B:C,E:F,H:I") With rRange For lArea = 1 To .Areas.Count With .Areas(lArea) Co = Choose(lArea, 1, 2, 3) .Replace What:=Co, Replacement:=NaCo, LookAt:=xlWhole, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _ ReplaceFormat:=False End With Next lArea End With End Sub
before sort: ---A-B-C--D-E-F--G-H-I 1-99-5-6-99-1-2-99-3-4 2-99-6-5-99-2-1-99-4-3 3-99-7-8-99-5-6-99-8-9 4-99-8-7-99-6-5-99-9-8 etc
after sort: ---A-B-C--D-E-F--G-H-I 1-99-5-6-99-1-2-99-3-4 2-99-5-6-99-1-2-99-3-4 3-99-7-8-99-5-6-99-8-9 4-99-7-8-99-5-6-99-8-9 etc
Sub SortNoncontiguousRanges() Dim rRange As Range Dim lArea As Long '10 rows in columns B and C '10 rows in columns E and F '10 rows in columns H and I Set rRange = Range("B1:C10,E1:F10,H1:I10")
With rRange For lArea = 1 To .Areas.Count With .Areas(lArea) .Sort Key1:=.Cells(1, 1), _ Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, Orientation:=xlLeftToRight End With Next lArea End With End Sub
I use to have a macro that could copy formulas from non contiguous ranges and paste the values in the same cells. So for example, I could select a non contiguous range like B5:B10, E10:F12, and G1:G10. The macro would then copy and paste the values in those 3 ranges, so those 3 ranges would be values instead of formulas.
I think it worked by storing each range and then looping through each range to copy and paste special values.
I am trying to use excel to score a test. I want to tick a cell to do so. There is an excellente information about Tick Cell Upon Selection, posted here Its range is limited to (A1:A100)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A100")) Is Nothing Then Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" If Target = vbNullString Then Target = "a" Else Target = vbNullString End If End If End Sub
How can I increase the range so it would target C1:C30, E1:E30 ( total of 17 columns)?.
take a look at the attached example and let me know how to make the formula work?
For each "title" in column A, I want to compare the two sets of start and end dates (columns B & C versus D & E) and if the date range in column B &C overlaps with the date range in column D & E, input "yes" or "no" in column F.
In my attached example, rows 8,9,11, and 12 would be populated with a "yes", the rest would be "no".