Excel 2003 :: Runtime Error For One Particular User
Jun 10, 2014
I have a workbook in Excel that runs some code when it is opened [see below].
It works fine for everybody except one person using Excel 2003 - they get a Run-time error '5' : invalid procedure call or argument message and I cannot figure out why.
Why am I getting a runtime error on the following code:
Code: If Target.Address = "$E$5" And Target.Value "" Then Range("E5:G5").Copy If Sheets("Sheet5").Range("F5").Value = "" Then Sheets("Sheet5").Range("F5").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues Else Sheets("Sheet5").Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues End If End If
When I select only one cell it's ok but when I select multiple cell to delete it sends me a run-time error '13'.
Trying to convert an Excel 2003 macro to work in Excel 2007.
The problem line is
Dim MyDataObject As DataObject
I suspect the problem is a Missing Reference, but I cannot figure out which one. I have the same ones (in 2007) as 2003 except for one which is not showing
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
Is this the one it needs? It is called something else in 2007?
The ones I do have ticked are
Visual Basic For Applications Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library OLE Automation Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.8 for DDL and Security Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library Microsoft Scripting Runtime Microsoft XML v2.6
I have a user form that builds a workbook from one template sheet and information in a SQL Server database. The template sheet contains 4 charts that are copied to every new sheet in the workbook, then their data ranges are set through VBA code. For a while the code was working wonderfully. All the necessary sheets were being generated and correctly populated.
Yesterday I added a new module to generate another sheet and pull data from the same SQL Server tables. Now if I run the userform it will work fine once and create all the needed sheets, and set all the charts to the proper ranges. However, if I delete all the created sheets and run the form again, I get:
Runtime Error '-2147417848 (80010108)'
Automation Error The Object Invoked has disconnected from its clients
The error consistantly occurs for the following line of Selection.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Master").Range("D1")
After the error the selected range still shows up as surrounded by a selection box, but if I change sheets, the box moves to the new sheet. Also I cannot select any new cells in the work book. In order to get Excel to work again I have to End Task from the Task Manager just to get it to close. When I restart Excel and go back to my work book I get the same results, i.e. The form works great once, then Excel dies.
I have tried qualifing all of the objects that can be qualified. I have tried setting all possible varriables to Nothing before exiting my macros. Nothing I have tried, or found suggested so far in the forum works.
in Master sheet i have defined values in list Column D & F
Column D has COUNTRY as heading and country Names below it
Column F has CITY and city list
I am column A i have 2 data list
I have dropdown in excel sheet (SHEET1) in Column K populated with data from MASTER in Column A ie city & country
When I select city i need Dropdown in column L to be populated with Citylist from MASTERS COLUMN F and if city seleced i need to get data from column D
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)': An unexpected token ""20*"" was found following "1' AND PERIOD = LIKE*. Expected tokens may include: "". SQLSTATE=42601 code died at RS.Open SQL, CN ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sub GET_OSI Dim sn as String, osi as string, saposi As String
I am writing macros for a pop up calender in excel 2010. I followed instructions in the link below but at the testing step # 7 it returned; 'run time eror 424 object required'. It's my first time writing macros.
Code: Private Sub Workbook_Open() Form1.Show End Sub
It has worked perfectly for about 2 weeks, well now when I go to open the workbook it gives me the debug error of Run Time error 424 Object Required. I last ran this today at about 8 a.m. no errors, but now about 4 hours later, it is bugging out. What is causing this?
I am running excel 2007 thin client. in attempting to refresh a query, I have encountered this error message: "run time error 1004 Incomplete datasource". The four line macro is as follows:
Code: Sub RefreshFamily() Sheets("Family").QueryTables("Family_refresh").EnableRefresh = True Sheets("Family").QueryTables("Family_refresh").Refresh BackgroundQuery:=True Sheets("Family").QueryTables("Family_refresh").EnableRefresh = False End Sub
Where the named range "Family refresh" is defined as :
The following script runs fine the first time I click the command button on an Access form but after I close the Excel workbook and click the command button again to edit a new spreadsheet, I get the follow error message:
Run-time error '1004': Method "Columns' of object'_Global failed.
It fails here:
Code: Columns("H:H").Select
The script is being run from Access 2007 and is opening a spreadsheet in Excel 2007 (but using xls extension)
Code: Private Sub IdahotoExcel_Click() Dim dlg As FileDialog Dim idahofile As String
Trying to be slick with my macro I have 2 sheets collecting data in a workbook. I am attempting to send as attachments only those 2 sheets. I am getting an error at the following space within the code. How do I get around this?
Code: Sub Send_to_Me()
' Send_to_Me Macro Dim objTemp As Object Dim FileExt As String Dim TempFileName As String Dim FileFullPath As String Dim FileFormat As Variant
[Code] ......
This is the line that I get with the message above. It is only 2 sheets. Excel 2010 Windows 2007
I have been given a macro recorded on a mac and it works fine with Mac Excel 2011. Unfortunately, I need to make it to work on a windows machine, but it comes up with an error message "macro unable to set width property of the window class. Run-time error 1004". When I press debug it takes me to the line .Width = 1456.
Below is the chunk of the code that becomes highlighted when pressing debug.
With ActiveWindow .Width = 1456 .Height = 795 End With
I would like to be able to limit a drop down list's contents based on a user's selection in a different drop down. I am using Excel 2003, and I know how to do this in Access, but I can't figure it out in Excel. Basically, I have a list of themes in one drop down. The user picks a theme, and goes to a second drop down which is a list of sub-themes attributable to that one theme and no other theme.
I have a VBA excel file that pulls data from a CSV file downloaded from a link. I format this data into a table through excel and then copy it over to Outlook. This is where the problem is. I get a runtime error 4065 for "file is locked for editing".
1.) I have excel 2007 and when I recorded the macro yesterday it worked just fine, but today it's coming up with the box to update values. The macro is set to open up the vendor assignment sheet and do a vlookup against the clerk and then return the information to the original sheet and then copy paste special values. 2.) Today it's also doing the calculating thing in the corner using 2 processors which it has not done before. 3.) Run-time error '1004': PasteSpecial method of Range class failed.
[code]' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+r ' Dim OriginalSheet As Workbook Set OriginalSheet = ActiveWorkbook Columns("B:B").Cut With Columns("A:A") .Insert Shift:=xlToRight End With
I am using this code (below) to hide certain rows or columns depending on what number is entered. Everything is working fine and I am at the point where I would like to share this excel sheet with others but I would like to lock certain cells so that others cannot alter the formulas. As soon as I lock the cells and then enter values into the unlocked cells, I get the "run-time error '1004': Unable to set the Hidden property of the Range class".
I am using excel 2010 x64.
Code: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B3")) Is Nothing Then If Range("B3").Value = 0 Then Columns("G:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = True Else If Range("B3").Value = 1 Then Columns("H:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
but my code is running in a loop and i can see that atleast 20 buttons were added and it fails to select when it try to add this iteration. It is completely confusing me.
I also notice that when it fails, on select method .. the button was actually added to the sheet with caption/name as "Button 65536" but then fails to select it. What makes the select to fail after adding the button? Could there be anything special with Button 65536?
Is there any better way to code the adding button and setting action and name for excel 2007?
note before entering the loop i am deleting all the shapes with myShape.Delete which name matches "btRun"
I also want to highlight that i don't have 65536 rows in my sheet. I just have 200 rows. and when this error happens it is on row 150 so firstly i wonder why it is naming the button as Button 65536. I would assume it will start with 1 and go on increments.
What makes excel to fail to select an added button in VBA?
I'm using Excel 2013 and I'm getting an issue in vba I can't figure out. (This is something I've done several dozen time before) But everytime I try to copy a sheet in a workbook,
The macro I'm writing (Excel 2010) is a loop that inserts a column based on a variable location, enters in a formula in the first cell, enters another formula in cell 2, then should fill that second formula to the last row, then keep going until the loop ends. There is always a chance that there will be blank cells to the left and right so I didn't use xldown. I've tried writing in multiple ways, but I keep getting the error.
Code: Sub colfrmadd() Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Select colcnt2 = Selection.Columns.Count
I have produced a basic search/lookup facility on an Excel workbook that simply allows the user to enter a post code and some details will be returned using a vlookup. The document is going to be rolled out to a number of operational users so I want to basically 'lock down' everything I can in the document (basically everything except the data entry cell) and make it fool proof- I have locked all cells apart from the data entry cell and have made the file read only.
The only issue I am encountering is when the cursor is in the one 'unlocked' cell (i.e. the one the users will enter the post code into); it appears that you can break the document. For example, when the cursor is in the 'unlocked' cell, I am able to go to Tools > Options and change various settings including cosmetic colour changes but also cell calculation which breaks the lookup functionality. This is probably enabled as the cell is unlocked, but if I lock the cell, when I protect the document, it disables data entry!
if there is another way of providing this one cell for users to input data into for the vlookup to work whilst locking down the rest of the document to ensure that no-one can break it?
I've been using a macro successfully for the last couple of years, but this morning when I went to use it, it decided to fail. I have a workbook which contains various spreadsheets. The macro that has failed performs the following tasks:
1. It copies a list of email addresss from an external workbook to a sheet in the current workbook (still works) 2. It copies the referral sheet I want to send to a new file, and saves it with an appropriate filename to an appropriate folder (still works) 3. The macro then creates an email with a standard subject line, attaches the new worksheet and emails it to each of the addresses as above (broken)
The error message is from Microsoft Visual Basic. "Run-time error '1004': Mail system failure. Check your mail installation."
I'm guessing there is a setting somewhere in Excel that has changed as part of an update.
I've been through a number of the options in the developer menu to remove any obvious restrictions (& reopened excel afterwards), but so far it hasn't resolved the problem.
For what it's worth, here is the macro code.
With Application .EnableEvents = False .ScreenUpdating = False End With Run "PullInSheet1" Dim oldbook As String
[Code] .......
In case you're wondering about the pullinsheet code, I'll add it below - but I probably grabbed it from this forum a couple of years ago (like some of the above) & just made some changes.
Code: Sub PullInSheet1() Dim AreaAddress As String '''''' Sheet11.UsedRange.Clear Dim ClRange As String ClRange = "= 'L:ADMINEMPLOY SERVICES" _
[Code] ........
There are a couple of things I've wanted to do to improve the macro, but I couldn't justify the need to spend time working it out (since writing spreadsheets isn't really my job). Since it's broken at the moment, I can...
1. I'd like to create a subject line that reflects the name of the person being referred. For some reason though, anything other than text in the cell reference caused an error for me. eg, I tried using concatenate to create my subject line, but it didn't work.
2. I'd like the copied sheet to contain all of the formatting of the original sheet. Presumably there is a paste option that will do this and I just picked the wrong one.
The mailsystem we use is Groupwise 8. I couldn't find any settings in that program that have been changed, or that I could change.
I should change the extension from xls to xlsx in the code since I'm using Excel 2010 (but changing it doesn't fix the problem).
I'm using 2003 (I know!) version & I can't open excel files directly by clicking on them. I get an "error in sending command" message. I can circumvent problem by opening Excel & then opening the relevant file, but this sometimes causes me problems.
I'm trying to create a vba script that conditionally copies a row to another sheet in my workbook, then deletest that original row. In this demo version, the condition would be that a cell in column A is empty.
I've searched all over, and there seem to be so many different solutions for copying and pasting rows, but when I apply them to my script, I always get a "Type Mismatch" error at the point of copy/paste (Line17).
Code: Sub CopyPasteDelete() Dim LSearchRow As Integer Dim LCopyToRow As Integer