Excel 2007 :: How To Make Unique List From Repeated Items

May 22, 2012

Using excel 2007. I have a column with multiple items, a lot repeated.....how do I make a to show just one of each item? I want a unique list of my column of repeated items.

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Excel 2007 :: Extracting All Unique Items From Pivot Table

Feb 20, 2012

I am looking for a way to extract all of the unique items in a Pivot Table. For example, I have a Pivot Table that has category A items and category B items. There may be several B items to one A. For example:


Now, what I need is a list that looks like this:

A0 - B1
A0 - B2
A0 - B3
A1 - B3
A1 - B4
A1 - B5

Formatted so that those are two columns. However, in Excel 2007, I cannot set the option to have it repeat the A series items in the Pivot table. Is there some easier way to do this?

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Count Items Repeated In A List

Feb 15, 2010

I have a table of data, from which I have created lists for “items created within a period” (the items are paintings on canvasses).

Each list displays which canvasses were completed within 2 dates.

My main data table is large (over 1000 lines and growing) and I need to extract the total quantity of each canvas size that appears in each period list.

My sample attached shows sample data, with corresponding lists of canvasses created within each time period, together with the result I am looking for (shown in red).

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Excel 2010 :: Limitation On Formula To Create List Of Unique Items

Jan 21, 2014

Excel 2010. There is a limit to the usability of the


method. It seems like the limitation is in the Countif function going over 1000 (or some other size limit)

I have a list of ~1500 rows, of that there are approximately 55 unique items. Doing the unique array works correctly up until item ~40, upon which it fails by returning the 1st item only (for the rest).

Trying to debug, and pulling out the Match section, it functions up until 976 (that is


returns 976) anything after returns just 1 (1st item).

It seems to be a limitation on the text string size that COUNTIF can handle.

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Excel 2007 :: Count List Of Items In A Cell?

Jul 12, 2012

I have a worksheet with an inventory of items in cells in column A. I need to count the number of items listed in the cells in column B. I have data in about 1500 rows. The items in the list in each cell are separated with a space. Please see small sample below. I would normally do Text-To-Columns, but some of the cells contain up to 30 items.

Excel 2007




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Excel 2007 :: How To Make Dropdown List

Apr 3, 2014

i want to make a dropdown list from excel 2007. I try data validation then allow then list then source but i cannot make the sheet 2 as the source of my dropdown list in sheet 1. i uses excel 2007 and my OS is XP.

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Excel 2007 :: Putting Info Together To Make A List

Apr 17, 2014

If I have a set of number in a column. a1-12345 a7-12356 and a20-15487. how can I get them to show like this in columns Z.


I am use 2007 and my data go down to cell 40000 in column A:A

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Excel 2007 :: Make One List Out Of Columns Based On Common Information In Column C?

Oct 12, 2011

Is it possible to take the information below and make one list out of columns F, H and J based on the common information in column C? For example, group all the 18s in a list, followed by the 44s.this is excel 2007

column CColumn Fcolumn Hcolumn J

Option code

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Creating A Unique List Of Items In Column A That Have A Corresponding Non-zero Value In Column B, I.e. Excluding All Items Where Sumif ColumnB Would Sum To 0

Jul 17, 2009

I know how to use array formulae to create a unique list, i.e.{=INDEX($G$1:$G$760,SMALL(IF(ROW($G$1:$G$760)=MATCH($G$1:$G$760,$G$1:$G$760,0),ROW($G$1:$G$760)),ROW()))}

however this is giving all the unique items from column G and I only want the unique items that have a non-zero value in column H as well. This would be the sumif of all instances that would have to be zero. I've tried to crack it and I've tried to search for solutions but so far no joy.

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Make Unique List From List Without Duplicates But Hold Cell And Pull Corresponding Dates

Apr 18, 2013

I have my dummy data, and I have (what I think) is how I want the data to be shown. My friend uses Google Sheets, but I prefer Excel. I am trying to convert the code because I am a stickler for excel. Typically I can convert codes some easily, but this is way beyond me.

For Column A: I want to create a list on sheet 'Setup!' based on ids!D2:D="yes". If that list has duplicate entries, I would like only the first entry to show up, but for the next entries I would like the cell to be blank. (this is important for the next step) For Column C: I want to have the corresponding dates go with the name entry. For Column D: I want to have the notes go with the corresponding date entry. (I believe I can manipulate Column C's code to do Column D myself).

I am also going to upload a data sheet, and an expected results sheet.

unique list.xlsx

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List Unique Items ...

Jun 15, 2009

I have a list of >50 contract numbers listed in cells A1:A350, with several of the numbers listed more than once. What I would like to do is, on a separate worksheet, list each contract number only once, in column A.

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Dynamic List Of Unique Items?

Sep 13, 2012

I have a sheet of un-ordered data with duplicates. Looks a little like this:



What I want to do is: on a separate sheet, when the user inputs a Region name, it will return an array of unique Locations under that Region. For example, if the input is "NORTHEAST", the following would be returned:



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Formula To Create List Of Unique Items

Feb 12, 2009

I have a column that looks something like (it is VERY long and has over 20 different names):


I want to create another column (automatically) that lists each of of those once:

Any idea of how I can do this automatically?

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Populate Combobox List With ONLY Unique Items ()

Nov 16, 2006

Populate Adv Filter Criteria from Inputbox with valid data

I've set up a macro to extract 3 different sets of data using Advanced Filter (same data range, different criteria & extract ranges)

There are multiple options (different individual dates) to satisfy the criteria (a date) for each of the 3 extracts and I want the user to select the criteria (a specific date) from the range of unique values in the data range upon which the Advanced Filter criteria is going to be applied. (A bit like the effect provided by Autofilter)

My initial attempt was to capture the criteria date from the user and populate a cell, and then have a vlookup function in another cell check if that crieteria value exists in the specified range. I then ran a loop in the VBA code until the value is valid (ie. exists in the range). However, to streamline this I was hoping to allow the user to see a list of the valid (available) dates when they respond to my Inputbox request for the criteria.

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Count Of List & Make Unique

Feb 8, 2008

I have created a VBA Script with the goal of taking an initial Excel Spreadsheet and essentially creating a summary of it. The original Spreadsheet has data in it such as:

110 Compact Car
110 Compact Car
111 Full Sized Car
111 Full Sized Car
111 Full Sized Car
113 Truck

The numerical part of the above data is in column A, and the description is in column B of the original spreadsheet. I have been successful in creating a new Spreadsheet, naming the columns with each unique entry from the first set of data, but I cannot seem to correctly formulate a looping statement which correctly counts the above. The solution that I would like to get to on the new sheet is the following:

110 Compact Car 2
111 Full Sized Car 3
113 Truck 1

The number after the descriptions would be generated by the VBA Script and placed into column C in the new Spreadsheet behind the correct description.

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Parsing A Row Of Multiple Items From A List Of Matching Unique

Jan 8, 2008

I have two worksheets: A and B.

Worksheet A:Contains 2 columns: Issue# (Col. A) and Program (Col. B).

Issue# contains a list of multiple issues. There are several instances in which the issue# is repeated.

Any particular Issue# field may have several issues in it, delimited by a comma.

Program is a program associated with the issue and this column also contains duplicates.
Worksheet B:Contains 1 column: Issue# (Col. A)

This is a unique list of issues#'s.

All Im looking to do is parse all Issue#'s from Worksheet B and have some way of knowing if that issue# is anywhere in Worksheet A. Most importantly, I need the "indicator" to be displayed on Worksheet A. This way I can see what program(s) is/are associated with the matching issues.

A couple other notes:All Issue#'s in Worksheet B are referenced at least once in the Worksheet A Issue# list

There are several issues in Worksheet A which are not referenced in the issue list on worksheet B (of which I dont care about)

I really hope that makes sense, but if not...

Here's the best example I could come up with: ....

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Creating A Macro To Count Unique Items In A List

Jun 1, 2006

I need to count the unique for a customer. The areas to be counted are separated by blank lines. At present, I am using sumproduct(1/countif(range1,range1), to count the unique items. This formula works perfectly except that it takes me almost an hour to do this for all the measurements. Is there a macro that can provide me with the same results -- putting the same values where I am presently have the formulas (the cells that before the blank lines)?

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Make A List Of Unique Values Using 3 Different Columns?

Feb 26, 2014

See attached file with a smaller sample of the 1667 row table of data I am working with. What I am looking to do is make a list on another sheet of each every line with a county and have the corresponding Township and range with it. So if I have a cell and I select Audubon county, I would like a list to populate that has the 12 lines of Audubon county in column A, and the Township in column B and the Range in column C.

Excel Rate Example.xlsx

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Dropdown List On Sheet2 That Displays Unique Items In Column A On Sheet 1?

Feb 13, 2014

im looking to have a drop down list on sheet2 that displays unique items in column A on sheet 1.

then when an item is selected from the drop down list, i want to be able to display all unique values that correspond to that option. i have attached an example worksheet

data on sheet1 is ever changing

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Excel 2007 :: Get Two Cells To Be Used To Adjust Other Cells On Same Sheet Repeated Times

Jul 7, 2013

I am trying to get two cells to be used to adjust other cells on the same sheet repeated times.

In a inventory sheet I have 5 columns as such , A1 previous balance, B1 Qty received, C1 qty on hand, D1 last cost, E1 current avg cost What I want, is to be able to enter my weekly received items in the B1 Qty received and the new cost in D1 Last cost cells and have them calculate my current average E1 and update my qty on hand C1 total. This in itself is not the biggest challenge. I was asking if there is a way that after the E1 current average cost and C1 qty on hand are updated by that formula, that the next time I enter a new B1 qty received and new cost in D1 Last cost cell they will update again basically without changing the earlier calculations achieved .

Example: Today I have item X with a A1 previous balance of 10 , with a D1 last cost of $1, and E1 current avg cost $1

I want to receive B1 10 more today at $.50 D1 last cost, which ideally would end up showing

A1 previous 10 (or 20 if adding) , C1 Qty on hand 20, D1 Last cost .5, E1 current avg $.75

Next week I want to receive B1 10 more at $.25 D1 last cost , which then would update showing

A1 previous balance 10 (or 30 if adding), Qty on hand 30, Last cost $.25 and E1 current avg $.58

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Unique Values In A List That Appear At Least 3 Times (2007)

Jan 16, 2010







I'm looking to tweak this formula to count the number of unique values that occur at least 3 times.

So, imagine that A1:A50 contain 50 last names from the phone book, 27 of which are unique according to the formula above.

Now, further imagine that only 5 of these unique 27 last names appear at least 3 times.

I'm looking for the formula that returns 5.

And (like always), for simplicity and sharing reasons, I'm hoping to find a single formula that occupies a single cell, and does not rely on additional columns of intermediate information.

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Make 1 Unique Email List From 2 Other Email Lists (one List Minus Other)

Feb 26, 2013

Imagine this..

In Column A I have 500 email addresses.
In Column B I have 2000 email addresses.

Now in Column C, I want to have all the email addresses in Column B MINUS all the email addresses in Column A.

IE: So basically if Column B had 300 of the same email addresses in Column A, then Column C will have 1,700 email addresses (2,000 - 3000) = 1,7000.

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Excel 2007 :: Adding Items To Combobox At Run Time?

Jan 12, 2012

Adding items to combobox at run time

Setup office 2007 win xp pro ie8

Further to my post relating to swaping jpgs

The code below scans from the column on the row of the worksheet till it finds a blank, this seems to work ok as I previously had a msgbox in that displayed the value of n once the loop finished

So I was hoping that the values in the columns on that row would be added to the combobox but for some reason I get a typing missmatch error.


Dim n As Integer
n = 1
Do While LValue6 "" 'find out how many alternatives there are
LValue6 = FoundISBN.Offset(0, 32 + n).Value
n = n + 1
DataInput.ComboBox1(n) = LValue6 - I was hoping that the value in the cell was added to the combobox

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Excel 2007 :: How To Make VBA Code Available In All Workbooks

Nov 1, 2011

how to make VBA code work in all workbooks. I created a new module in my PERSONAL.xls file, and added the code, but the code does not work when I open a new workbook. Using Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Make Connection To SQL And Perform SELECT

Jun 2, 2014

Essentially all I want to do is create a procedure/function in Excel such as =SQLdata(3), where 3 could be customer ID and then the function would make a connection to SQL and perform the SELECT etc procedure and return the CustomerName in the cell with that formula.

I have excel 2007 and MS SQL where my data is stored. I understand that I need to make the connection to my SQL database, but I really do not know how to do this.

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Excel 2007 :: Finding Code To Enable Emailing Items On Spreadsheet

Jan 20, 2013

Need a code that sends emails to the intended receipients based on hold codes if Columnd J reads as YES Email formats are listed on "Email Format" tab, code should pick the required field value from the table (Hold Report).

Analyst name, Phone number are entered in the text boxes (data validation for these is desired)

option boxes are used to send email based on the selection as below

if "send initial email without attachment" is selected then emails should be sent without the attachments

if "send initial email with attachment" is selected then emails should be sent with the attachments

Attachments are usually .PDF files and are stored on users desktop with file name as .pdf

if the follow up otion is selected the subject line on the mail should be appended as *** 1st Follow-Up*** along with standard subject line

Rest of the requirement remains same for followup option (same email format is used) based on the option selected, code should be able to send emails with or without attachments. I have provided three command buttons that are intended to work as follows;

Validate data: need to validate the data to ensure that each row has atleast one email address in "TO" column and there are no spaces in the email address.

Clear Data: Should clear the existing data from the table

Send Emails: Should send emails

Standard subject line is a combination as below

Invoice on Hold for ; Invoice number: ; PO Number: ; Invoice Amount:

Note: Column H and I apply only for hold codes Qty Ord and Max Ship Amount

I use Microsoft 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Make Button In Ribbon Menus To Run Macro?

Aug 9, 2013

I've been trying to research how to do this for a while now and still can't figure it out. My impression is that this is fairly straightforward in Excel 2010 since the menus and ribbons are easily customizable but not so in Excel 2007.

So far I can get macro shown as a button in the Quick Access Toolbar. But the issue is that I can't organize them or customize the icons.

Is there an accepted practice for this?

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Excel 2007 :: Make Connector Lines Invisible In Some Columns

Feb 3, 2012

Using Excel 2007.

I have some connector lines that cross over tables in Columns G:K that are connecting tables in $D to tables in $M

How can I make the part of the connector line in $G:$K invisible?

something like:

Sub FormatConnector
Dim oConnector as Shape
With oConnector
If .Connector Or .Type = msoLine
If .Connector In Columns($G:$K) Then
.Connector.Segment.Visible = False
End If
End If
End with
End sub

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Excel 2007 :: Make Column Headings Appear On Large Spreadsheet?

Sep 7, 2012

How do I make the column headings appear when I'm working on a large spread sheet so I don't have to scroll to the top each time to see where I am. This is on Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Counting Unique Values

Dec 9, 2013

I am using Excel 2007

I have 50 000+ rows that covers fiscal years from 2006 to 2014 and I want to calculate how many unique clients are there per asset type per fiscal year. In addition, the results table needs to adjust to filters i would use on the raw data..





Here is a sample file: SampleData.xls

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