Parsing A Row Of Multiple Items From A List Of Matching Unique

Jan 8, 2008

I have two worksheets: A and B.

Worksheet A:Contains 2 columns: Issue# (Col. A) and Program (Col. B).

Issue# contains a list of multiple issues. There are several instances in which the issue# is repeated.

Any particular Issue# field may have several issues in it, delimited by a comma.

Program is a program associated with the issue and this column also contains duplicates.
Worksheet B:Contains 1 column: Issue# (Col. A)

This is a unique list of issues#'s.

All Im looking to do is parse all Issue#'s from Worksheet B and have some way of knowing if that issue# is anywhere in Worksheet A. Most importantly, I need the "indicator" to be displayed on Worksheet A. This way I can see what program(s) is/are associated with the matching issues.

A couple other notes:All Issue#'s in Worksheet B are referenced at least once in the Worksheet A Issue# list

There are several issues in Worksheet A which are not referenced in the issue list on worksheet B (of which I dont care about)

I really hope that makes sense, but if not...

Here's the best example I could come up with: ....

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Parsing List Of Inventory Items Into Names And Numbers

Mar 28, 2014

I've got a long list of inventory items. The naming convention of these items is not totally consistent. Below is a representative sample of all the different kinds of names:

1800Brandacom (CLIENTA) 25.00
1800Brandacom 25.00
brandb (Variable)
brandd variable

[Code] .....

I need to separate out the name of the brand and the number (or if the item says "variable", use a 1 for the number) into two columns, so that the results would be:


[Code] ....



[Code] ....

For the numbers, I have used this array formula to search for the first letter in the string, and then search for the first number following the first letter, and then return all numbers up to "." Unfortunately this does not work consistently when there is a number in the middle of the brand name or the item has no number.

[Code] ....

For the names I have used this formula, which fails when the name has a "-" in it.

[Code] .....

Any way to extract the names and numbers which would work consistently across all the items!

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Creating A Unique List Of Items In Column A That Have A Corresponding Non-zero Value In Column B, I.e. Excluding All Items Where Sumif ColumnB Would Sum To 0

Jul 17, 2009

I know how to use array formulae to create a unique list, i.e.{=INDEX($G$1:$G$760,SMALL(IF(ROW($G$1:$G$760)=MATCH($G$1:$G$760,$G$1:$G$760,0),ROW($G$1:$G$760)),ROW()))}

however this is giving all the unique items from column G and I only want the unique items that have a non-zero value in column H as well. This would be the sumif of all instances that would have to be zero. I've tried to crack it and I've tried to search for solutions but so far no joy.

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List Unique Items ...

Jun 15, 2009

I have a list of >50 contract numbers listed in cells A1:A350, with several of the numbers listed more than once. What I would like to do is, on a separate worksheet, list each contract number only once, in column A.

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Dynamic List Of Unique Items?

Sep 13, 2012

I have a sheet of un-ordered data with duplicates. Looks a little like this:



What I want to do is: on a separate sheet, when the user inputs a Region name, it will return an array of unique Locations under that Region. For example, if the input is "NORTHEAST", the following would be returned:



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Remove Matching Items From A Workbook Based On A Master List

Jun 16, 2009

I have Workbook A populated with skus from a report and I want to remove all rows in this workbook that do not have a matching sku in Workbook B. Each workbook contains only one sheet and the skus are in column 1 of both workbooks.

Also, I am looking for a good resource/tutorial for working with workbooks, worksheets and ranges within. I don't anticipate this being the last time I will be confronted with this and would like to learn more.

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Multiple Matching Items From Table

Jan 30, 2008

I'm working on a travel form, which allows people to enter a travel itinerary. From that, I want to be able to extract the cities where they are spending one or more nights - so that I can then do the calculations for accommodation allowances.

I am able to calculate the number of nights stay in each city where there is an overnight stop. But I'm stuck on how to extract every combination of City and Nights where Nights is greater than zero - there is no need to calculate for cities with no overnight stay.

I have attached an example spreadsheet.

Some notes:

- the itinerary and accommodation tables have to remain separate, as they hold more data than in the example,
- the itinerary table can't be sorted for number of nights. It has to be in chronological order for each segment!

Every lookup function I check out seems to demand a sorted table.

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Select Multiple Items In List And Then Print Those Items?

Dec 26, 2013

I am wanting to create a list where I can select multiple items within that list and then print only those selected items. I have created something similar thru data validation, but I can't get it to print.

In addition, I would like to be able to subdivide the list into multiple categories, then select items from these multiple categories and print them.

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Formula To Create List Of Unique Items

Feb 12, 2009

I have a column that looks something like (it is VERY long and has over 20 different names):


I want to create another column (automatically) that lists each of of those once:

Any idea of how I can do this automatically?

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Populate Combobox List With ONLY Unique Items ()

Nov 16, 2006

Populate Adv Filter Criteria from Inputbox with valid data

I've set up a macro to extract 3 different sets of data using Advanced Filter (same data range, different criteria & extract ranges)

There are multiple options (different individual dates) to satisfy the criteria (a date) for each of the 3 extracts and I want the user to select the criteria (a specific date) from the range of unique values in the data range upon which the Advanced Filter criteria is going to be applied. (A bit like the effect provided by Autofilter)

My initial attempt was to capture the criteria date from the user and populate a cell, and then have a vlookup function in another cell check if that crieteria value exists in the specified range. I then ran a loop in the VBA code until the value is valid (ie. exists in the range). However, to streamline this I was hoping to allow the user to see a list of the valid (available) dates when they respond to my Inputbox request for the criteria.

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Multiple Arrays - Matching Data To Items

Jun 20, 2012

I have code that runs through multiple arrays trying to match data to items in the arrays and it takes a long time to run.

dim a as long
dim b as long
dim c as long
dim d as long
dim e as long

dim MyAarray as variant

[Code] ..........

That's basically what the code does. however, it takes an extremely long time to get through with everything as each array increases in size.

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Creating A Macro To Count Unique Items In A List

Jun 1, 2006

I need to count the unique for a customer. The areas to be counted are separated by blank lines. At present, I am using sumproduct(1/countif(range1,range1), to count the unique items. This formula works perfectly except that it takes me almost an hour to do this for all the measurements. Is there a macro that can provide me with the same results -- putting the same values where I am presently have the formulas (the cells that before the blank lines)?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Make Unique List From Repeated Items

May 22, 2012

Using excel 2007. I have a column with multiple items, a lot do I make a to show just one of each item? I want a unique list of my column of repeated items.

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Excel 2010 :: Limitation On Formula To Create List Of Unique Items

Jan 21, 2014

Excel 2010. There is a limit to the usability of the


method. It seems like the limitation is in the Countif function going over 1000 (or some other size limit)

I have a list of ~1500 rows, of that there are approximately 55 unique items. Doing the unique array works correctly up until item ~40, upon which it fails by returning the 1st item only (for the rest).

Trying to debug, and pulling out the Match section, it functions up until 976 (that is


returns 976) anything after returns just 1 (1st item).

It seems to be a limitation on the text string size that COUNTIF can handle.

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Dropdown List On Sheet2 That Displays Unique Items In Column A On Sheet 1?

Feb 13, 2014

im looking to have a drop down list on sheet2 that displays unique items in column A on sheet 1.

then when an item is selected from the drop down list, i want to be able to display all unique values that correspond to that option. i have attached an example worksheet

data on sheet1 is ever changing

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Count Unique Items With Multiple Criteria

Aug 12, 2009

1 Yes Red Green
2 Yes Blue Black
1 No Blue Black
2 No Blue Green
2 Yes Red Black

I am interested in finding the number of unique entries under column A where column B = Yes; Column C = Red OR Column D = Black (answer is 2)

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Vlookup To List Multiple Items With The Same Key

Jan 17, 2006

I want to do a function similar to a vlookup. I want to input a key
into a cell and have the relevant names listed. The problem I have is
the vlookup only shows one of the multiple names. Is there a way to
list all of the names?

Input Key: ____


Ideal Output

Input Key 2356

HEITON BUCKLEY LIMITED //all brought up by a formula

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VLookup With Multiple Items In List

Apr 2, 2013

In column A i have list with the names like this.


When i use the Vlookup to return the value in column M it does not work as you would expect, i have done some searches and found a few different formulas but can't get any to work, the data i am searching is listed on one sheet and the criteria and the formula is on another.

I tried this formula as an array but no joy.

=IFERROR(INDEX(Data!$A$2:$M$900, SMALL(IF($GO$4=Data!$A$2:$A$900,
ROW(Data!$A$2:$A$900)-ROW(Data!$A$2)+1), ROW(1:1))),"" )

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Selecting Multiple Items From A List In One Cell.

Feb 10, 2010

Is it possible to restrict the values of cells in a particular column to entries defined in a list BUT to allow each cell in that column to display multiple items from the list (seperated by a comma for example). I've attached an example of what I would like to do -

In Sheet "2010 Data" I want to be able to select multiple values in column F....(the values are defined within the list named "Platforms" on the worksheet called "Lookups"

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Select Multiple Items From Data Validation List?

Feb 4, 2014

I have created a DAta Validation List and it only select one item. I want it to select as many items that is on the list but i can't get it to work for my main worksheet I am working on. I can't figure out why I can't get it to work for the work sheet "This Don't" but it works for the worksheet "This Works" why and how I can change it so both Reason (Column F and H can) select mutliple items on there. Data Sheet.xlsx

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Lookup Details For Multiple Chosen List Items

Sep 5, 2007

I was wondering if there was a way to create a pop-up list to appear when a user selects a certain cell that would provide the user with a list of (in this particular case) inventory items. The user would select which items they require for the task at hand and the total $$cost of the items would appear in the cell once is is deselected.

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Select Multiple Items From Excel Data Validation List?

Jun 7, 2014

I watched a video on youtbe. And the women had three or four items in drop down box. She was using vba. When i emailed her to ask her how she did this, she kept telling me to go to her website and i was supose to figure it out on my own. I am trying to do a start up construction company. the link to her site is as follows Select Multiple Items from Excel Data Validation List - YouTube the idea of what i want to do, is how she clicks on a word and it follows in the coloumn to the right going down. This is what i need to know how to do. It is probably pretty elementary to many of you. But i build, i know how to read prints, to cut footprints for new homes etc. But when it comes to excel i am so green.

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List Box To Select Multiple Items In Report Filter Of Pivot Table?

Jun 19, 2013

I'm trying to use a List Box to select multiple items on my Pivot Table but I can't seem to get it to work. Its the Report Filter part of the pivot table.

When the list Box is set to fmMultiSelectSingle it work and selects the indivdual items, but I need it set as fmMultiSelectMulti for if i'm also needed to select multiple items. (which doesn't seem to work!)

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Parsing HTML From List Of URLs

May 1, 2013

I need some type of vba or macro that can extract text in between html tags from a list of URL's.

For example

I have a list of urls in column A

Columns B,C,D,E - are where different types of information from the website will go.

So B contains values of text between a <title> tag </title>
C will contain values of text between a <object> tag </object>

and so forth ....

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List Unique Values Of Multiple Columns

Mar 12, 2008

I need a UDF to make live easier. I have a huge excel file and I need a final function (I suppose a UDF) that lists all values from a range spanning over multiple columns and rows. I would not really like a macro, since it does not update when certain values are changed.

It's part of a bigger functionality, but I need this one, really bad, since it spans over 6000 rows as the search range, and 7000 as the search values. In short:
I got to list all the unique values. They are in specific cells on worksheet 1 (A1:C5 and A25:C31) and should be listed on worksheet2 starting in field A2. As 'simple' as that. Nothing more, nothing less, just list all unique values of a certain range, which I specify. If it can not be done, by selecting the two fields separately, it's no problem at all to list all values in eg A1:C6000. Do note that some of the cells will be blank, and I don't need blanks. I only need the actual data sets. I added a sample excel file, that shows a representation of the data. I can not upload the actual file, since it's way too big (60 MB). So a sample file should give you the idea.

Three sheets:
Data 1: some value lists multiple columns
Data 2: some value lists, again multiple columns
Desired result: the result as it should be listed.
example.xls. zip

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Building A Unique Consol List From Multiple Other Lists

Feb 3, 2014

I am trying to automatically construct a unique consolidated lists from several other lists. I want this to be formulated in such a way that the mother list is uptodate and reflect all changes made to the subsidiary lists. I have attached an example of what I am trying to achieve.

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Collecting Unique Values Of Multiple Ranges Into One Master List

Dec 20, 2012

I gather two lists of serial numbers (i.e.) from two different sources; one populated in sheet1, A:A (with variable row numbers) and the other in sheet2 B:B (again with varying number of rows)

I am trying to gather a master list of unique serial numbers in sheet3, C:C.

So far I have tried advanced filter, union.range, etc. but couldn't figure work it. I guess some of these columns need to have names assigned to it and have a header.

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Parsing Out File Into Multiple New Files

Nov 16, 2009

to separate a very large excel file into multiple files based on what's in a single column.

I am an intern at my district school board and I'd love to know if there is a way to do this.

In the attached file the first tab is an example of some of the information I have in my file. My file is thousands of rows larger. The next few tabs are examples of new files (not just new tabs) That I would like separated and saved somewhere on my hard drive.

Notice the files are split up based on the student.

Is there a way to parse out this information into new files? The file is huge and I need it to do this automatically. If it isn't possible to save new files, is it possible to parse out the students into new tabs? But I have too many students I think. How many Sheet Tabs can you have in 1 file?

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VBA: Parsing Multiple IP Addresses From A String

Jul 23, 2009

I have some code that will parse the FIRST IP address it finds in a string. Could someone help with the code for continuing through the remaining part of the string and parsing out any additional IP addresses it finds and concatenating them with a comma and space (", ")?

There are specific rules for validating a "proper" IP, but for the purposes of my work, I don't need to validate. I found the following code on a google group (thanks Jeff M). All it does is parse the numeric text surrounding the 3 periods that all valid IPv4 addresses contain. For my purposes, it works ....

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Matching Items

Jan 27, 2006

getting correct formula and normally there are people much smarter then I in the
discussion group. What I have is a workbook with 4 worksheets and on on of the worksheets I have a layout like this. (sheet 1)
1 Name Origin Driver #
2 Mrs Soandso 125 anywhere
3 Mr. Someone 327 anywhere

Drver numbers are blank

On another worksheet(sheet 3) I have a list of subscriptions (I.e drivers
numbers already filled in) I have this set up as a list.

1 Name Origin Driver #
2 Mrs Soandso 125 anywhere 37
3 Mr. Someone 327 anywhere 39

What I am looking for is a way to pull the drivers numbers from sheet3 into sheet1. so basically in sheet 1 if a1 and b1 match the name + origin in sheet 3 it will pull the driver number from that row into c1 sheet1 . If nothing matches then it should leave it blank. The data in sheet 1 changes everyday for me as I get a manifest on who to deliver wheels on wheels to, my problem is while I know all the correct drivers go to what people, I can never have a day off as someone filling in for me has to go through 400 addresses and look each one up and put coresponding drivers number into it.

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