Excel 2007 :: Removing Border Line From Camera Shot
Dec 1, 2013
The title in the attached chart is a camera shot transferred from another excel 2007 worksheet in the same workbook.
I'd like to remove the border line, I've tried right clicking... then format picture ...no dialogue box comes up. I've scrolled through all the commands in the ribbon + non ribbon commands and can't find anything that seems appropriate that's not greyed out ....
I'm having this problem where I used the camera tool to take a shot of some range of cells. After taking here on the worksheet the image looks fine but when I print preview the same image seems to be bigger than the actual image.
I have selected a range of multiple rows and columns. I can change the alignment, cell color, where border lines appear, and the color of border lines.
However, I can not change the border line style. No matter what style I select, when drawn on the sheet it apppear as a thin solid line. I've tried all the dashed/dotted line options, but they appear to have no effect.
Ultimately, I want to color alternating rows of cells, and (since coloring hides grid lines) I want to add border lines the same color and style as the hidden grid lines.
I merged about 15 adresslists from media contacts to one excel list. Each list had a name i.e. music, health, theater, etc. and the same logic in colums. I added a few columns and have 1 large list now.
As some journalists write about music & health & theater, architecture, etc. they are listed up to 10 times in the new list now. But the "genres" from the original list i.e. music, health, theater, etc. are in different columns. Some of the lines have empty fields (i.e. no address or mail)
All I want to do is have one line with all the information of all 10 lines in it, merged, dupes removed:
company - firstname - lastname - Adress - Mail, etc. : genre: music - health - theater: example.xlsx
I atteched an example of the full list and the result i want
Can someone look at the sheet sample? I am trying to turn duplicates into a zero like Ive done in record 1 so that the same tax bill is not counted twice. The records are in rows and if I do a transpose and try to do it by hand it will take forever cause I have hundreds of records.
I have recived a CSV file with dollar amounts that need to be formated with out a deciaml and with our rounding. Example I need 12558.64 to be changed to 1255864.
I'm working with a very large spreadsheet which has somehow divided itself into print areas. Each section has 'Page 1' or the equivalent as a background, behind the data itself. I thought it would be simple to remove this, but for the life of me I can't see how. I'm using Excel 2007.
I have several sheets with about 250,000 rows per sheet.
But, even I sort by Column A, there are STILL hundreds or rows that are total blank interspersed down the page . . . I can't autofilter for blanks because there is too much data . .
I am using Excel 2007 on Windows 7. I would like to remove duplicates as follows: If column A = column A, column B = column B, and the two rows are within one hour of each other, then remove all duplicates, leaving one instance of the row. As you can see, sometimes the duplicates are right next to each other, and sometimes have rows between them. (Rows 1 & 2, Rows 30 & 32). Even though this sample doesn't show it, sometimes there can be tens of duplicates within an hour, not just two.
Excel 2007 ABCD1EruptionI Can't Stand The Rain (78)3/7/20129:12:55 AM2EruptionI Can't Stand The Rain (78)3/7/20129:10:02 AM3ChicagoJust You 'N' Me (73)3/7/20129:05:59
When I duplicated a worksheet in Excel 2007, I received a warning that "A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name ___" (an existing Name) and was given options. The Name in question should not have been relevant because I never intentionally linked it to the worksheet that was being duplicated, but apparently something happened at some point to create such a link.
I opened Name Manager and deleted the Name in question, and this invoked a warning. "Privacy warning: This document contains macros, ActiveX controls, XML expansion pack information, or Web components. These may include personal information that cannot be removed by the Document Inspector." I had no macros. Each time I attempted to save the document, I got this error/warning, even after disabling Macro Security completely.
It was still saving, fortunately, so I closed Excel and relaunched, and the issue seemed to vanish.
Should I be worried about the integrity of my document? Everything seems fine now, but I'm a little concerned.
I am having trouble delete a drop down list inspite of selecting clear all from the data validation tab in excel 2007. When I hit Alt + Down Arrow, I still see picklist options. I didnt set up the spreadsheet, hence I am not sure how to begin troubleshooting.
I am using the following macro to set print area which I found on the net. I am trying to modify it as I would also like to place a border line on the bottom row but cant find anything to assist me despite searching through several threads.
Dim myrange As String With ActiveSheet.Range("A:A") myrange = .Find(What:="*", After:=.Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False).Address End With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$K$1:" & myrange End Sub
In Excel 2010, I used the camera tool to take a snapshot of a selction of cells. How do I save the snapshot only as a JPG or GIF file?
I know that there are programs outside of Excel that can take snapshots or print screens, but I need to accomplish it using the camera tool so the snapshot is the exact selection everytime. Is the excel snapshot temporarily saved somewhere on my computer where I can access it?
I have place a camera-picture of a table on the right side of a chart. On the screen it looks great! (See below - with some redaction)
Problem Example.png
.... but when I print it the table expands off of the side of the chart. Scale is 100%, zoom is 100%, Excel 2010 (See below - with some redaction). Whether or not I have a print area does not seem to make a different in the problem. Also, it appears that this happens with any shape I put in that place, it's not specific to the camera tool.
I have been using it to take a picture of a graph, pasting to an alternative sheet within the same workbook, and renaming the picture by a defined name. S by selecting the names from a drop down list the picture will select various different sized graphs defined within my drop down.
What I am experiencing is when I initially do this the pic works great and resizes automatically with each selection, however the next day some of the pictures resize and some do not.
Is this a glitch within excel or am I missing a setting which will resolve this?
This seems so simple but i looked everywhere and i cannot find the vba script to add a 3 point solid black line border around the chart and plot area of my graphs. The record macro option does not record this.
I am trying to split cells that have addresses in them into separate cells via writing a formula but am having no joy, i wonder if anyone could help me please.
What i need is to split cell A1 which contains an address i.e
Red Roofs 12 Chiltern walk Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 1PL England
I need to put a formula in cells B1,C1,D1,E1,F1 and G1 tha splits each line of the address and puts it in the separate cells so it would look like:
B1 Red Roofs C1 12 Chiltern walk D1 Tunbridge Wells E1 Kent F1 Tn1 1pl G1 England
I have a spread sheet with product codes on and 5 different prices types but they have only pulled through 4 times so need to insert a 5th line for each product code
I am trying to assign a border and fill to cells, of identical colors, using VBA. Simple enough, yes? I am using the same RGB value for both the fill and the border, but in Excel 2003, they are assigned two different colors: the fill is the correct shade, but the border is not, which makes absolutely no sense to me. I could understand if both colors were slightly off from the shade I'm getting in 2007, but to have one be correct and the other not? I can manually assign the border to be the proper color, but this doesn't help.