Excel 2007 :: VBA Code To Resize Picture In PowerPoint
Feb 14, 2012
So far my VBA will copy my range of cells in Excel and paste them into Powerpoint but I'm totally stuck as to how to resize the image from there. I've tried a bunch of different methods and I get some pretty crazy results but can't seem to punch through to a solution. What I'd like it to do, at the end of the VBA is:
Set the lock aspect ratio to false
Set the Height to 5.5"
Set the Width to 9.83"
Set the horizontal position to .08 from Top Left
Set the Vertical position to .58 from Top Left
I cannot seem to get my save as portion to work at all. I commented it out at the bottom. This is all in Excel and PPT 2007.
Here is what I have so far:
Sub Export_Excel_to_PowerPoint()
Dim ppApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim ppSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
On Error Resume Next
Set ppApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
Ultimately the behavior I'm looking for with this macro is to copy a filtered range of cells from Excel and paste it as a picture into Powerpoint (up til this point I'm golden) then resize the image on the slide, save the presentation, then exit PPT.
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Nov 26, 2013
I've prepared an excel file (excel 2007) with some tabs that contains several charts (4 to 6 charts). When I want to print this file, the sheets with the charts on it doesn't print properly. I have set the print area to cover the charts only and then set it to fit on 1 page but the charts will not scale to fit.
I read somewhere that this is an excel bug - is there a workaround for this?
I could resize all my charts smaller but only as a last resort.
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Jan 29, 2014
I have a NAMED RANGE of data consisting of 4 columns and as many rows as is selected. Name it CompTable1.
I loop through all of the 4 columns of data to format it (as shown below). This snippet is for column 1 of CompTable1 (a public variable as string) and I basically have the same situation for each column of 4 but replacing each respective x in cells.(n,X) & offset(0,-x) to take into account of where I wish the data to go as I loop through. Ultimately 4 (For Next) loops.
[Code] ......
The new range with 5 columns is as follows:
Column 1 from CompTable1 = Column 1 of new range
Column 2 of new range is blank for something later
Column 2 from CompTable1 = Column 3 of new range
Column 3 from CompTable1 = Column 4 of new range
Column 4 from CompTable1 is not used in the new range but is formatted
Column 5 of new range is blank for something later
This certainly works very well and with my amateur VBA status am quite proud of how far I have come in a few months. Is it efficient? Is it free of possible errors? Likely not. I wish to rid myself of the "Select" each cell plaque though maybe using a resize, offset or copy destination operation but can't seem to get it working. Once I do get the data in the new range, I format everything without selecting quite well with my methods described above.
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Feb 20, 2012
I'm using Excel 2007 and I am taking the contents of various user entered cells and creating drawing textboxes to display this data using VBA. How would I get VBA to resize the width of the textbox so that the text is displayed correctly in the textbox i.e. there will be variable lengths of text in the cells so I currenly can read the full contents?
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Nov 20, 2013
I am new to VBA and i need to write a VBA code that should transfer or export any selected thing (whether it may be table, cell or chart ) in Excel Sheet to Powerpoint presentation. My excel Sheet consist of a table and a chart generated from this table.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have used the following code behind a projects Command button for some time, and works well in Excel 2002/2003.
It's used to look for and insert a Picture file, located on the users PC, select cell C2, re-size it to fit inside a bordered cell area and then nudge it over, off the border line.
Sub Load_Image()
Dim oPict, PictObj
Dim sImgFileFormat As String
'Open file
oPict = Application.GetOpenFilename("All Pictures (*.tif; *.bmp; *.jpg; *.gif; *.jpeg; *.png; *.cpt; *.tiff),*.tif; *.bmp; *.jpg; *.gif; *.jpeg; *.png; *.cpt; *.tiff")
If oPict = False Then End
Set PictObj = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(oPict)
With PictObj
.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.ShapeRange.Width = 712#
.ShapeRange.Height = 510#
End With
With PictObj
Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft 1#
Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementTop 1#
End With
End Sub
Unfortunately, Excel 2007 doesn't seem to identify the Cell reference "C2".
It modifies the Picture size OK but does not position the picture in the correct position.
I've tried re-recording it but 2007 misses most of actions.???
Despite my efforts looking on other forums, I don't seem to find a code that works on both version of Excel.
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Oct 18, 2008
1.My macro code to insert picture from C:pictures to worksheet in colum B,but the insert pictue are very big. how can it is automatic resize with autofit in the height of the column B when i click the insert button.
2.I need some code for the delete button. if I need to delete some picture,when the delete button is clicked , the input box prompt for key in the picture name to delete. if i key in the pictue name , eg.pictue2 , so the name of pictue2 in the column A and the pictue2 in the column B is deleted.
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Sep 14, 2009
I'm trying to copy a picture from one Worksheet to another and then resize it, when i select the picture after pasting it into the other worksheet i use the code ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 6").Select, the problem here is that i don't know the name of the picture because i use a loop that copys alot of pictures.
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Jun 17, 2009
I have a sheet where I would like to have a picture inserted in a particular cell range and auto resized into that range. What I'm looking for is, if I type the name of a picture (meathead4uu.jpg) in a cell (Say, B3) then the picture should appear in range D14 to E28.
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Nov 23, 2006
open the attachment & click the button. I'd like you to please help me in reducing both the height & width of the picture. So that when the button is clicked the pic. overall size will appear smaller.
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Aug 21, 2014
I have a picture on my image at userform. And I want to change my picture size ( like attached picture: fast image resizer program ) and save as different location. It is my school project.
Your valuable macro codes about ıf this and attached workbooks are very important for me.
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Mar 7, 2013
I am having a problem updating a jpg file in an existing Excel file which I created. There is a LOGO in the right hand side Header block which I can delete ( the words &(Picture) appear after the logo is deleted. For some reaon I cannot replace this LOGO with a newer version. The new LOGO appears in the body text area, bot it will not drag into the header. I must have missed something very basic!!
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Dec 9, 2011
I got a database that include a link for pictures stored in my drive.
I would like, to scroll trough the database entry and have the pictures resisze and displayed in a define region of my sheet.
How do I display a picture from a link?
How do I re-size so it fit in the region?
Working with Database
I'm using Excel 2007. I don't see anymore the form creation tool that I have used many many years ago.
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Sep 1, 2012
Trying to create a macro to run through the following steps when I select a chart and run the macro:
Paste>As Picture>Copy As Picture>As Shown When Printed>OK
I used the macro record feature and when I enter the shortcut it always returns the same chart. How do I get it to run on whatever chart I have selected instead?
I am constantly using this function to copy charts from Excel into PowerPoint presentations and am frustrated with all the extra steps it takes (versus just Ctrl-C).
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Nov 10, 2012
i am totally new in excel and i am using excel 2007, my question is : how can i create an object in an excel sheet, so that when the mouse cursor move to it, it pops up anohter image?
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Oct 23, 2012
Excel 2007
I have a few dozen pictures created when a macro runs. They all have unique names. I'd like to add comments to cells, where the cell.value decides which picture to pull. All the examples I've found online show how to do this if you have pictures saved on your hard drive by referencing the file path "c://mydocs/...blahblah/"
Is there a way to reference the pictures I've created/named with my macro?
Here's the snippet of code that creates the pictures and names them:
For i = 2 To Application.CountA(Sheets("Allocation").Rows(1))
Set rInput = Sheets("Allocation").Range(Cells(1, i), Cells(10, i))
sPicName = "_" & Sheets("Allocation").Cells(1, i) & "_"
sSheet = Sheets("Allocation").Cells(3, i)
dDate = Sheets("Allocation").Cells(5, i)
[Code] ......
Here are some examples that are close to what I'm looking for.
VBA Popup Pictures - 1108 - Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast - YouTube
VBA Express : Excel - Add pictures that float like comments.
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Mar 19, 2012
In Excel 2010, is there any way to paste a picture into a small picture/diagram box, and upon double clicking the picture it would explode to a larger size? And I guess double clicking it again would make it return to its original (smaller) size. I would be pasting several pictures into several different picture/diagram boxes and would need this to be a relative reference so that upon selection it explodes the appropriate picture?
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May 12, 2009
I don't know if this is possible, but is there a way to have a macro in Excel copy and paste charts into a Powerpoint file? I've got a program that creates all the material needed for a Powerpoint slide deck and I want to automate the copy/paste work.
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Jun 29, 2012
I have this VBA code which I use for transferring data from my data sheet to slides in PowerPoint - it works fine.
However in PowerPoint I'm currently forced to transfer data to "text-objects" which is a bit of a drag because I'm used to working in a table in Powerpoint when organizing data.
Therefore my question is how to edit my VBA code so I can transfer data to a table in PowerPoint instead of an object.
Here's the VBA code:
Sub TDPTest()
Dim shtStudent As Worksheet
Dim strMedarbejder As String
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Nov 30, 2012
i need to prepare a bar chart from some data. what i want to do is that i want bar size to be fixed (larger than what automatically comes) and then excel changes the size of chart based on no of x-axis values keeping the bar size fix.
(currently chart size is fixed and bar size changes accordingly, i just want the reverse that bar size is fixed and chart size changes according to no of values in axis)
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May 14, 2009
If I omit the column arguement in resize I get error.
Dim ii As Range
EndRow = MyPL.Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set ii = Range("Data")
q = (EndRow - ii.Rows.Count)
Names("Data").RefersTo = "=" & ii.Resize(ii.rows.count+q, ).address
End Sub
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Nov 1, 2011
how to make VBA code work in all workbooks. I created a new module in my PERSONAL.xls file, and added the code, but the code does not work when I open a new workbook. Using Excel 2007.
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Dec 2, 2011
Code to go to a certain slide in Powerpoint. I kept trying to run the code in Excel VBA and it never worked.
So I said "why not try this code in Powerpoint to see if it works?' and, low and behold, it worked!
What I need is to get the code below, which works in Powerpoint VBA, to work in Excel VBA.
Sub gothere()
On Error Resume Next
ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide 3
If Err 0 Then ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide 3
End Sub
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Sep 28, 2012
I have a monthly task where I collect raw data, and make up various charts in PowerPoint.
I have been making the charts in PowerPoint as previously, the file size of the .ppt was too large as it was embedding the Excel sheets into the PowerPoint. Is there any way I can set up sheets in Excel so that I can update them every month and then run a macro so that it updates the graphs automatically (without the embedding)?
I think copying them over as a JPG might work but is there any other way? I have no idea about the code needed, and I'm using Office 2003.
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Jun 5, 2013
The problem I am having is that the data I am transferring is going to top of column cell first and then when I run the macro again it skips down to the next empty cell in the column...what I want it to do is paste the data into the next empty cell...
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet
Set oExcel = New Excel.Application
oExcel.Visible = True '
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Jan 23, 2013
I have the equivalent of Vlookup code(I couldn't get vlookup to work correctly) I am using Excel 2007. I have an array 2 cols x 1652 rows. I have another column of 6264 items. If a text item in the first column of the array matches a text item (minus 3 characters) in the longer column, I place the matching row from the array next to the item in the longer column. Whats not working is that the text never gets put in the cell.
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
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Jan 27, 2014
I have a macro that does exactly what I need it to do, but it takes a long time.
There are 4 horizontal sections. The top section (code not included) is the total of 3 sections which are segregated by location.
For the 3 sections:
rows 101 to 172 (section 1), 198 to 269 (section 2), & 295 to 366 (section 3) have the same formula for every other column starting with column F ending with column AT (sums hrs)
rows 173 to 194 (section 1), 270 to 269 (section 2), 367 to 388 (section 3) have the same formula for every other column starting with column G ending with column AU (sums dollar amount)
the columns are corresponding dates
Below is the code snippet that produces the results for section 1. I repeat the same code pattern for each section.
Dim r As Long
For r = 101 To 172
With LaborDetail.Cells(r, "F")
.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIFS('Data '!C17,'Data '!C38,RC1,'Data '!C37,R1C)"
.Value = .Value
[Code] .........
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May 6, 2014
I have an excel that gets updated monthly for reporting. The goal is to get the graphs to update automatically by linking them from excel into power point. This is relatively easy but what when I go to update the report for the next month the data for the old power point changes as well. Is there a way to prevent this?
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Sep 25, 2011
I have 3 potx files, for one of them the links come out as:
Site Safety Metrics Rollup.xlsm!PPT1!R101C2:R118C14
the other are like:
C:EHS ReportsTFP EHS ReportSite Safety Metrics Rollup.xlsm!PPT1!R192C2:R209C14
I want to have the same format as the first one i.e., without the path. When the potx files are refreshed the link file will always be opened, so i do not need the path (this is part of a vba program).
The folder containing the files will be sent around and put in different drives.
'EHS Reports' is the main folder and that and everything else inside will remain the same. But the ppt links will not change so obviously will not update when the 'EHS Reports' folder is somewhere else.
Why did the links show up in different formats?
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Jun 17, 2014
I am having difficulty trying to access excel from powerpoint and run a VLookup. I think my problem is somewhere around the xlworkbooks.application.VLookup...(line) Herre is the code i am using below
Private Sub loginbtn_Click()
If txtUsername.Text = "admin" And txtPassword.Text = "admin" Then
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