VLookup Excel File From PowerPoint
Jun 17, 2014
I am having difficulty trying to access excel from powerpoint and run a VLookup. I think my problem is somewhere around the xlworkbooks.application.VLookup...(line) Herre is the code i am using below
Private Sub loginbtn_Click()
If txtUsername.Text = "admin" And txtPassword.Text = "admin" Then
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Mar 2, 2007
way to find out if an Excel file is open from PowerPoint. I know there are ways to open the Excel file, but you can get a warning message if the file is already open. So I want to check to see if it is open first before I go to the code that opens it.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have got a list of email with identification number + email address. The PowerPoint are named by the identification number.
Can I send out the PowerPoint to the corresponding email address using VBA automatically? Or is there any other way to do it?
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Sep 22, 2008
I have some VBA code that allows the user to open a linked powerpoint presentation from an Excel workbook. It works well but it does not ask the the user to update links so if the Excel book has changed the powerpoint stays the same. I am very new to VBA so I tend to copy things that work but don't always know why! Anyone out there know how to get it to update links automatically or at least ask the user to do so? Here is the code:
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Dec 2, 2011
Code to go to a certain slide in Powerpoint. I kept trying to run the code in Excel VBA and it never worked.
So I said "why not try this code in Powerpoint to see if it works?' and, low and behold, it worked!
What I need is to get the code below, which works in Powerpoint VBA, to work in Excel VBA.
Sub gothere()
On Error Resume Next
ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide 3
If Err 0 Then ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide 3
End Sub
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Sep 28, 2012
I have a monthly task where I collect raw data, and make up various charts in PowerPoint.
I have been making the charts in PowerPoint as previously, the file size of the .ppt was too large as it was embedding the Excel sheets into the PowerPoint. Is there any way I can set up sheets in Excel so that I can update them every month and then run a macro so that it updates the graphs automatically (without the embedding)?
I think copying them over as a JPG might work but is there any other way? I have no idea about the code needed, and I'm using Office 2003.
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Jun 5, 2013
The problem I am having is that the data I am transferring is going to top of column cell first and then when I run the macro again it skips down to the next empty cell in the column...what I want it to do is paste the data into the next empty cell...
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet
Set oExcel = New Excel.Application
oExcel.Visible = True '
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May 6, 2014
I have an excel that gets updated monthly for reporting. The goal is to get the graphs to update automatically by linking them from excel into power point. This is relatively easy but what when I go to update the report for the next month the data for the old power point changes as well. Is there a way to prevent this?
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Sep 25, 2011
I have 3 potx files, for one of them the links come out as:
Site Safety Metrics Rollup.xlsm!PPT1!R101C2:R118C14
the other are like:
C:EHS ReportsTFP EHS ReportSite Safety Metrics Rollup.xlsm!PPT1!R192C2:R209C14
I want to have the same format as the first one i.e., without the path. When the potx files are refreshed the link file will always be opened, so i do not need the path (this is part of a vba program).
The folder containing the files will be sent around and put in different drives.
'EHS Reports' is the main folder and that and everything else inside will remain the same. But the ppt links will not change so obviously will not update when the 'EHS Reports' folder is somewhere else.
Why did the links show up in different formats?
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Feb 18, 2013
I am using an excel spread sheet as a larger display on a huge projected screen with numbers at a large charity event. It is a reverse raffle, so as your name is called you are out of the raffle. I would like to link the cell to a specific powerpoint slide which has the name and town of the specific ticket buyer. When double clicking on the cell listing their number the ticket buyers name and town would appear as a powerpoint a window in the middlle of the excel screen for all to see and then disappear after a few seconds or disappear when the next cell is double clicked. putting excel data into powerpoint slldes but not the other way around!
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Feb 19, 2012
For the chart in the excel worksheets, does anymore know who to copy it to the powerpoint slide with VBA? (either straight copy and paste, or copy and paste in as picture?)
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May 21, 2012
I need to transfer data to powerpoint from my '4 box' reports in excel.
Essentially copying everything in the range A40:U74 inc charts and paste them into a slide as a picture on the click of a macro button.
I have to do alot of reports like this for my project and it takes up alot of time copying and pasting etc.
I have seen different codes for this but they are either for charts only or text... the one i did see for both, didnt work at all.
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Oct 25, 2012
I have excel graphs linked to a power point presentation that runs in a loop and I would like have to the links update everytime slide 1 pops up or when the loop restarts, either one works for me. When I close the looping presentation and reopen it I get a message asking me if I want to update the charts, but I would really prefer the looping presentation to update itself. I know this is going to be a VBA setup, but I cant seem to figure it out. I pasted the links by: pasting special, paste link as microsoft office excel worksheet object.
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Aug 2, 2013
I am trying to write a macro that goes in an excel file that creates a powerpoint presentation, and puts four (4) charts in each slide.. I currently have a code that is pasting all of the charts in the same slide and I can't figure out why it isn't working (side note: I haven't attempted to resize or relocate the pictures on the powerpoint slides yet)..
'Add a reference to the Microsoft PowerPoint Library by:
'1. Go to Tools in the VBA menu
'2. Click on Reference
'3. Scroll down to Microsoft PowerPoint X.0 Object Library, check the box, and press Okay
'keep button in same location
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("CommandButton17")
With btn
btLeft = .Left
btTop = .Top
End With
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Oct 6, 2013
I have a powerpoint presentation which has a bunch of Excel charts embedded as Microsoft Office Graphic Objects, but I don't have access to the source data (plus the links are broken).
how to get the underlying data. I vaguely recall once doing this with some vba that I had found somewhere the net, but I don't have the code anymore.
I have some code that works within Excel however:
Sub GetChartValues()
' this macro will recover the data from a disconnected Microsoft Graphic Object (such as we used to paste
' into PowerPoint). You will need to insert a Worksheet entitled "ChartData" to store the values.
Dim NumberOfRows As Integer
how to make this code work in PowerPoint?
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Nov 20, 2013
I am new to VBA and i need to write a VBA code that should transfer or export any selected thing (whether it may be table, cell or chart ) in Excel Sheet to Powerpoint presentation. My excel Sheet consist of a table and a chart generated from this table.
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Oct 28, 2011
Which the best procedure to copy a chart into a powerpoint slide from a excel workbook? So that when I update the chart data in the excel workbook I can update it even in the powepoint slide ....
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Feb 14, 2012
So far my VBA will copy my range of cells in Excel and paste them into Powerpoint but I'm totally stuck as to how to resize the image from there. I've tried a bunch of different methods and I get some pretty crazy results but can't seem to punch through to a solution. What I'd like it to do, at the end of the VBA is:
Set the lock aspect ratio to false
Set the Height to 5.5"
Set the Width to 9.83"
Set the horizontal position to .08 from Top Left
Set the Vertical position to .58 from Top Left
I cannot seem to get my save as portion to work at all. I commented it out at the bottom. This is all in Excel and PPT 2007.
Here is what I have so far:
Sub Export_Excel_to_PowerPoint()
Dim ppApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim ppSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
On Error Resume Next
Set ppApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
Ultimately the behavior I'm looking for with this macro is to copy a filtered range of cells from Excel and paste it as a picture into Powerpoint (up til this point I'm golden) then resize the image on the slide, save the presentation, then exit PPT.
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Aug 8, 2013
If I have a simple spreadsheet with Name, Class, and date in Columns A, B, and C. Labeled as NAME , CLASS, and DATE acccordingly is there a way to merge that data onto a certificate in powerpoint so the result is a slide of each student?
I can do this in word easily and perhaps the easy answer is to just convert the certficate slide to word and go from there?
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Mar 7, 2014
I've created a powerpoint with a number of slides, and I need to put a textbox at the bottom. I want to change the colour of the textbox border colour.
For intCount = 1 To 5
Set tmpTxtBox = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(intCount).Shapes.AddTextbox(Orientation:=msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Left:=120, Top:=500, Width:=500, Height:=100).TextFrame.TextRange
tmpTxtBox.Text = strTolerance
tmpTxtBox.Font.Name = "Arial"
tmpTxtBox.Font.Size = 12
tmpTxtBox.Font.Size = 12
tmpTxtBox.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
' ??? tmpTxtBox.Line.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Next intCount
I've tried everything I can think of for that line with the ??? in, .line.color, .color, .bordercolor but Excel VBA doesn't like any of them , I get error 438 'object doesn't support this property or method'.
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Jan 23, 2013
I have a chart and a data table (please see attached file named "delete_1.xls).
I need to present these 2 items in a single slide of PowerPoint.
I have done like this.
-First copied the chart from Excel.
-Then pasted it in PowerPoint using "Paste special".
-Then clicked "picture (windows metafile)" this is to reduce memory consumption
Then repeated the above steps for the excel table too.
The PowerPoint slide that I got cannot be attached as system doesn't allow me.
Question: I wanted to a give a paper copy of the PowerPoint slide to my Director who needs a PowerPoint slide and not an Excel chart. But in the slide, the numbers of the table look much juggled and as if the numbers are too closely typed.
I tried with various different fonts in Excel and then copy and pasted in PowerPoint but the problem persists.
What things I should do in Excel table so that cell values are clear in the Table presented in PowerPoint ?
Attached File : Delete_1.xls
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Jan 18, 2012
I have to prepare a monthly presentation for my company. I have all financial data in multiple tabs in excel that have been linked to many powerpoint slides.
The problem is, I update the same excel sheet every month and save it with a different name. How can I change the source in powerpoint to select and update all the slides with all the corresponding tabs.
At present, I use Edit link (ALT+E+K) > Select each slide on the powerpoint> Change source to new excelfile. When I select all the sheets, the "change source" greys out. Hence I have to do it individually.
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Apr 14, 2014
I've been using a VBA code to look through my spreadsheet and find any graphs in any tab and move it to powerpoint. I have about 70 tabs with 7 graphs each.
I have is that the order of the graphs in the slidepack isn't in the same as found on each excel tab.I also tried renaming them (chart1-chart7) but problem still remains.
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Jun 12, 2013
I have created a table in Excel 2010 (pls see attached table named post.xlsx).
Then copied the above table into PowerPoint 2010, using "paste link" (I tried to attach the PowerPoint file but the system says "invalid file type" and I cannot attach it).
I have received income data for another month - the new month is 13 and the corresponding new income is 100.
I typed 13 and 100 into the Excel table post.xlsx and thus extended the table by another column.
Then I went back to PowerPoint slide, then right clicked on the table there, then clicked "update link".
Specific Question:
The newly-typed column in Excel table is not get updated in PowerPoint table.
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Jul 29, 2014
I am using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Microsoft VBA 7.0 on my system. I would like to eventually create a PowerPoint and insert charts generated in the Excel workbook. In the meantime, I cannot get the basic PowerPoint created.
The line in red is highlighted blue when the compile error "User-defined type not defined" message box appears.
Public Sub TryAgain() Dim myPowerPoint As PowerPoint.Application
' do nothing for now
'End Sub
I have set the references such that Microsoft Project 14.0 Object Library is indeed checked. The Excel file only contains this code in a module. All sheets are blank. Nothing else is written yet.
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Oct 10, 2011
VBA coding for automatically saving an excel file as another file using the current date as part of the file name together with "32ga" as a constant add-in. I also what this macro to run at a particular time of the day let say 00:20hrs. The excel file i want to save as is always open . It has data that changes every 24-hrs.
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May 31, 2013
loop and range function to apply in the below code through which I can avoid writing code for all the rows.
I am trying to open excel files located in single folder from files name (along with the path) in single worksheet (Column B and Row 1 to 500).
I have created follwing code which opens the file and then runs a macro in it.
a Sub Test()
Dim strFName As String
strFName = Sheet1.Range("B2").Value
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Jun 4, 2012
Is it possible to write vba code that will generate a text file with ALL changes that were made to an excel file. Ex. If Cell A17 = "Monday, June 4, 2012" and a user updates Cell A17 to "N/A", I would like to know what the value was before and after the udpate was made.
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Jun 3, 2009
I have a workbook with many spreadsheet named Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on. Each sheet is filled completely upto 65536 rows. This data is being picked up from a CSV file. In this file there are sites with each site there is a assciated set of data. What happens is the data that extracts data does not differntiate between sites and when it reaches to the end of worksheet it splits the data into next sheet. So I am trying to create a macro to check each spreadsheet starting with the last sheet in the work book for example last sheet in the workbook is seven it should go to sheet6 and if there is a blank row after row 64000 it should cut all the rows and move them to sheet7. Then it should goto sheet5 and do the same and keep on doing it until it reaches sheet1.
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Jan 27, 2014
A co-worker of mine is exporting files from Quickpen as excel files, but every time he names the files with any Uppercase letters in the files name, they are automatically changing to all lower case. Even when he tries to rename the files, they will not stay with any uppercase letters....I have searched all over and cannot find a solution. If he sends ME the file, I can open it in excel and save it with any cases.
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