Error W/Code To Resize Named Range
May 14, 2009
If I omit the column arguement in resize I get error.
Dim ii As Range
EndRow = MyPL.Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set ii = Range("Data")
q = (EndRow - ii.Rows.Count)
Names("Data").RefersTo = "=" & ii.Resize(ii.rows.count+q, ).address
End Sub
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Jun 1, 2009
I am getting a compile error for named range, the code is below:
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Dec 21, 2007
There are 4 lists containing accounting data and within each list the data rows beneath the headers are named ranges.
The parent input list is on the Payments worksheet with headings in A3:R3 and the data rows underneath are a named range entitled Payments.
The child lists contain formulas to pull the required information from the parent Payments list. These lists are identically sized and headed with headers in A1:K1. The data rows underneath the headings are named ranges entited Debits, Credits and VAT. The worksheets on which each resides have the same names.
I am looking for a way to automatically contract / expand the child lists as each row is added / deleted from the parent Payments list, ie so each list always contains the same number of rows.
The formulas already within the child lists will then ensure that the apprpriate data is copies to them from the parent Payments list.
the named range Payments will always contain at least a single row to ensure the retention of the required formulas and validation.
Note also please that there is a macro which automatically resizes the range Payments to a single row when a command button is pressed.
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Nov 5, 2008
I have to refer to a named range in a macro, but in the beginning I don't know what size it will be. So, in the beginning myRange will always consist of a single cell, which later on will be the 1st cell of the correctly sized range. While the macro runs, the correct size of the range is calculated, and at that point the range has to be resized, say to 'n' rows by 'm' columns, with the original cell as 1st cell.
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Apr 13, 2007
I am trying to define a dynamic range based upon error criteria. After the first error, all the subsequent cells are filled with the error and I would like to limit the named range to the rows with no errors (one column wide). I am thinking something similar to (realizing this is probably very wrong):
=OFFSET( 'Basin Routing'!$X$5,0,0, COUNTIF('Basin Routing'!$X:$X,AND(NOT(ISBLANK()),NOT(ISERROR()))),1)
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Oct 8, 2013
I'm trying to add a dynamic named range to a combo box in Userform but getting this error.
Have tried several lines of code this being the last that hasn't worked . . . .
CustCBx.RowSource = Range("CustList").Value
This is the formula for the named range in sheet
='Customer Info'!$J$2:INDEX('Customer Info'!$J2:$J200,COUNTA('Customer Info'!$J2:$J200))
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Mar 3, 2007
I have named ranges locally in the active file and a named range in a different file.
How do I call these ranges into the VBA code to evaluate them.
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Sep 5, 2007
I am using Andy's scrolling chart, and it is working well. Is there a way to paste the data the chart is displaying into a new sheet? In VB I tried to copy the named range and paste it but it did not work.
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Nov 30, 2007
I am using follwoing piece of code for offset function. For Some reason it is not working.
Reference = Cells(TableRowNumber, TableColumnNumber).Address
Col = Application.WorksheetFunction. CountA(rngF.Columns(TableRowNumber, TableColumnNumber).EntireColumn)
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=TableName, RefersToR1C1:= _
Col value is also being calculated to zero. TableRowNumber and TableColumnNumber are the variables which store the starting location of the column.
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Aug 14, 2014
I'm looking to use a do until/loop code to find a cell that equals a named range ("Clause") that is located on another worksheet, the code I have so far is:
[Code] ......
I've used something similar before and works, but I just cant get it to work. The values that I need to find the match to the ("Clause") cell are directly below the original activecell.
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Sep 15, 2009
I need to insert rows in row A44 depending how many cells exits in a range i named "ALL_C"
I saw this code that inserts 10 rows on A44 so i thought by modifying it the way i did would work but it didn't. I'm still new at this stuff. What am i doing wrong?
Sub Insertinrow43()
Range("A44").Resize(10, 1).EntireRow.Insert
End Sub
Modified (doesn't work)
Sub Insertinrow43()
Range("A44").Resize(Count(All_C), 1).EntireRow.Insert
End Sub
Thank you!
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Oct 26, 2009
This piece of code gives me Type Mismatch Error:
txt1NegShunt = txt1NegShunt & Join(.Transpose(.Transpose(myRecord.Resize(, 1).Value)), Chr(44)
Basicaly, I am trying to resize myRecord to only one column. The problem is Resize(, 1).
If I put 2 instead of 1 so that it looks like Resize(, 2) everything works fine. However in that case I get two columns selected.
How to select only one?
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May 20, 2006
I want to paste data from a table without the header row from one workbook (Test1) into another (Test2), from Test2. Test1 is closed before this operation starts. I'm using the following
Sub Macro2()
Dim myTable As Range
Set myTable = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Workbooks.Open "C:ExcelTest1"
myTable.Offset(1).Resize(myTable.Rows.Count - 1).Select
End Sub
When I have both workbooks open, comment out the line that opens Test1 and step through the code, it works fine but when I close workbook Test1, and run the macro, it generates the following error message: Run-time error 1004 Application defined or object defined error. When I click 'Debug' it has highlighted the row that has the offset instruction so there is no trouble with opening the workbook Test1.
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Mar 17, 2014
I am trying to clean up my code by using named ranges so that it will still work if/when others add columns or rows to the spreadsheet. These should be pretty easy solutions for most of you but I can't seem to find any answers online.
Here are 2 examples of the code I am trying to update:
I was thinking that replacing "A" with "namedRange" would work but I suppose that's not how the Columns application works. How can I modify the code below to work with a named range instead of the fixed column "A"?
For the following I would have thought that replacing "AU" with "namedRange" would do the trick as that's how things have worked for me in the past using the Range application. Unfortunately I get an error when I make the change.
[Code] .....
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Mar 11, 2008
This seems really basic, but I can't seem to find it...
Using Visual Basic, if I have a named range, lets say like "NAMEDRANGE", how can I refer to cells in that range by their position in the range? For example, if I want to refer to the cell in the 2nd row and 3rd column of the range.
Also is their an easy way to refer to the first(top-left) cell in a named range?
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Nov 30, 2012
i need to prepare a bar chart from some data. what i want to do is that i want bar size to be fixed (larger than what automatically comes) and then excel changes the size of chart based on no of x-axis values keeping the bar size fix.
(currently chart size is fixed and bar size changes accordingly, i just want the reverse that bar size is fixed and chart size changes according to no of values in axis)
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Nov 7, 2006
I am using the following Selection_Change Event to show a UserForm when a cell in 1 of 31 named ranges is selected.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 31
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("StatPost" & i)) Is Nothing And Target.Value = "" Then
If Target.Offset(0, -8).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -7).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -6).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -5).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -3).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -2).Value = "" Or Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = "" Then....................
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Feb 14, 2012
So far my VBA will copy my range of cells in Excel and paste them into Powerpoint but I'm totally stuck as to how to resize the image from there. I've tried a bunch of different methods and I get some pretty crazy results but can't seem to punch through to a solution. What I'd like it to do, at the end of the VBA is:
Set the lock aspect ratio to false
Set the Height to 5.5"
Set the Width to 9.83"
Set the horizontal position to .08 from Top Left
Set the Vertical position to .58 from Top Left
I cannot seem to get my save as portion to work at all. I commented it out at the bottom. This is all in Excel and PPT 2007.
Here is what I have so far:
Sub Export_Excel_to_PowerPoint()
Dim ppApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim ppSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
On Error Resume Next
Set ppApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
Ultimately the behavior I'm looking for with this macro is to copy a filtered range of cells from Excel and paste it as a picture into Powerpoint (up til this point I'm golden) then resize the image on the slide, save the presentation, then exit PPT.
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Oct 4, 2006
Trying to add a named range at run-time
Here's what I have so far ...
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Sep 8, 2007
I have the following
Cells(c,r) = Range("fa:" & "fa.Offset(0,5)").value
Fa is a code that searches, once it's found something, it then puts that one cell.value into Cells(c,r). it then moves on until the next cell found with the required contence. I need it to put that one cell, and the next 4 columns along side it starting in Cells(r.c)
The problem is, I keep getting a global error. I am sure I have done something like this before, but cannot find it, or remember how i did it.
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Aug 16, 2014
Let's say you have a named range, Rng1, which consists of cells A1 & A2. In vba how would you report back what, if any, named range the following cells resides:
Code] .....
here are multiple named ranges so using intersect is not feasible. Essentially, through code, I will be given a range and I need to determine if that range if part of a named range.
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Apr 26, 2006
I have some code that, although works fine in Excel 2003, does not in Excel 1997. I receive this error when I try running it:
Dim r As Range, myStr As String
myStr = "HP"
Set r = Cells. Find(What:=myStr, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
r = r.Value
While Not r Is Nothing
Set r = Cells.FindNext(r)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
r = r.Value
End If
End If
End Sub
It looks like Excel is getting hung up on the "SearchFormat:=" portion of the code.
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Apr 29, 2009
Range.Resize to an entire row? I have a range variable:
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Oct 14, 2009
I am trying to print a range that falls just outside of a normal A4 size. Is there a way of scaling this range to fit the page. Withough changing the column sizes before printing(each column is diffrent size). Or will i need to load the column sizes into a array and resize for the print then back to original size from array.
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Oct 20, 2005
Macro to CHANGE number of rows “3” to a variable range
(end.xlDown) on the macro below.
Sub GotToRangeResizeCopyPaste()
Application.Goto Reference:="MyRange"
ActiveCell.Resize(3, 10).Select
End Sub
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Feb 7, 2010
Before I will hand in my proposal I have to check if my ideas are achieveable in excel. To keep it simple, the idea is to use different moving averages and the Min/Max(t-1, t-n).
For example, a buy signal is given when a fast MA crosses the slow MA from below. Or a buy-signal is given when the price on t is greater than MAX(t-1:t-n). Due to the scientific aspect I have to analyse a lot of variations of these moving averages and breakouts.
My question: How can I change the range of a formula with an other cell.
For example: Range: B1=20
How can I program it such that when I change the value in A1, the range of the formula will change with that value?
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Jun 21, 2006
I have the following code which works successfully on my Excel 2002 PC and my Excel 2003 PC.
However when I take it to a clients machine it fails...
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Sep 27, 2009
how can I resize a from my active cell to a specific cell (eg. L1) and select all the cells in between? I am using this code to select the last cell after my data (active cell is in column A).
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Jun 2, 2006
I need to create a named range on multiple sheets with the same named range & i cant figure out how to do this. EG :- I want to create a named range called "_SubUnitRows" on sheet1 starting from "A1:A50" & other named range again called "_SubUnitRows" on Sheet2 starting from "A1:A25" ...
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Jul 19, 2013
I'm trying to make my named ranges remember the values of the last active cells used within another named range. The purpose of this is to make my charts dynamically change dependant on two criteria selected. My spreadsheet currently updates itself as and when I change the active cell within a single named range, dynamically changing the chart data by using Lookup based on the active cells value. However I want to get away from having several charts showing, I would like to have a single chart which dynamically changes based on a second selection. So the first selection is for a department (Facility) which changes the chart data relevant to that department, the second selection is to dynamically change the chart shown for the pre selected department.
Using the following code when updating just one criteria with several charts
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, [MeasureType]) Is Nothing Then
[valMeasurePicked] = ActiveCell.Value [code].....
which works fine but I'm not sure how to add a second selection criteria because my code uses Activecell. I thought that the VBA needed to set the last used value of a range as a variable and therefore allow the second criteria to be selected but am not sure how to put it into practice.
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