Excel 2007 :: VBA Macro Executes When Press ESC?

Jun 4, 2012

I have an excel workbook created in 2007, but now running in 2010. In the workbook I have a form Combo box with a macro assigned to it. When I click any value in the combo dropdown list the macro executes. In 2007 I could click the combo dropdown box and then press ESC to exit from the form control without executing the assigned macro. Similarly I could also click on any other cell to exit from the control without executing the macro.

But, in 2010 if I press ESC or click on any other cell the macro will execute. Sometimes I want to be able to exit from the combo box without executing the macro.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA Find Macro Executes But Copy / Paste Not Working

Mar 23, 2012

Excel 2007, Windows XP Pro

Dim strLoan As String
Dim longCat As Long
Dim rHere As Range
[Code] .....

I can see the cursor move to all the desired cells when this macro executes; it just isn't dropping any data where it should be. I have been working at this stage for the last five hours with no success. I don't know whether my copy-paste methodology is broken or if it is my selection criteria

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Excel 2007 :: Divide Operation Executes More Than Once

Mar 12, 2012

Using Excel 2007.

My vba code seems to be dividing a range by 1M more than 1 time

My initial value is 51543942

After by code runs the display is 0.00 MB and the value in the formula bar is 0.000000000051543942 or 5.15439E-11

I would like the final display to be 51.54 MB

what I might be doing wrong?

'Format columns
r = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = .Range("C2:C" & r)
.Range("IV1").Value = 1000000


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Excel 2010 :: Automation Error When Click On Button That Executes Macro

Aug 22, 2012

I keep getting an automation error in excel 2010 when I click on the button that executes the macro. Excel crashes when the box appears. There is no code in the error box. Why I get this error message.

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Macro That Executes Upon Open

Aug 18, 2009

I have the code below that puts in the file name, date and time and page numbers. That works fine, however, I changed the name of this macro to AutoOpen thinking that this would execute upon opening an Excel doc -- I think this works for Word, that's why I tried it. Anyway, it doesn't execute upon opening an Excel doc. Can anyone tell me how to get that going? Also, the font of the file name comes at at 12 point while the other entries come in at 6 pt - any way of making these all consistent, say 8 pt? Thanks for your help.

By the way, I'm a novice at Excel macros so being fundamental in your answer would be very helpful (i.e., don't know why there is a distinction between Regular Modules, Worksheet Modules and Workbook Modules. Seems to me I should always be creating Regular Module macaros so that they are accessible to all Excel docs but, again, I'm new at this so I'll have to read more about these items as well).

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Timer Running While Macro Executes

Jun 2, 2013

Is there a way to have a count up timer display in a cell while a macro is running, and then stop when the macro stops

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Macro Code Executes Very Slowly: Filling Some Cells On Different Worksheets

Nov 9, 2006

I have the following code attached to a userform. It works perfectly (for what I need) although I know it may not be perfectly written. However it does seem to take for ever to execute considering it's just filling some cells on different worksheets. Have I missed something out or got it tied up doing something that takes a long time. If it's just a fact of life that it takes this time then I can live with it.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim wsCB As Worksheet, wsLL As Worksheet, wsBond As Worksheet
Dim rngFound As Range
Set wsCB = Sheets("Current Bonds")
Set wsLL = Sheets("Landlords")
Set wsBond = Sheets("Bond")
TenancyStartTxt = Format(TenancyStartTxt, "dd-mmm-yy")
RnwlDteTx = Format(RnwlDteTx, "dd-mmm-yy")
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
10 MyBond = Application.InputBox("Bond number for renewal?", "Bond Number")
strFindMe = MyBond
With wsCB
Set rngData = .Range("c13:c490").......................

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Macro To Run When I Press Alt+v

Dec 5, 2008

I want a macro to run when I press alt+v ..

I hv written following code for that :

Application.OnKey "%v" , "hello"

But when I press alt+v, it opens the View toobar from the top ..

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Macro Sheet When Press Crtl+F11

Apr 18, 2007

What is the use of Macro Sheet in Excel. (When you press Crtl+F11)

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Macro To Press F2 Key For Multiple Cells Simultaneously

Nov 2, 2011

I am trying to use Vlookup and match on a large volume of data. The Vlookup true function was having trouble when an exact match occurred. I changed the table to allow for all options (sizes in this case) but the Vlookup with false came up with #N/A. The Vlookup key was the result of a formula. I then typed the same data and the formula was successful. I then copied and pasted Value the entire contents of the cell. I still received the #N/A. I then pressed [F2] to edit the cell and then pressed enter and this was successful. I have over 60,000 cells to edit and can not do manually. Any macro run the [F2] function on a range of cells or another way.

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Macro Running Very Slow - Cell (press Esc To Cancel)

Dec 10, 2009

I have written some very basic code to format a report in excel. When I run the code it take a very long time to execute and I receive the following error message at the foot of the page:

Cell (press esc to cancel)

Annoyingly I have had this error before and found the solution on the web but can't remember where. If memory serves my right I deleted some temp files from a specific location on my hard drive?

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Merge Macro Excel 2007

Nov 30, 2007

The code to merge sheets to a master sheet runs great, however when I copy the code to the Personal.XLSB to have the macro available to use on every workbook I’m getting an error. The line of code is Application.Goto DestSh.Cells(1) and the error is Method ‘Goto of object’_Application’failed. This happen even if I create a new workbook with 3 sheets and only a few cells with information. The macro to mail the sheet works fine using the Personal XLSB.

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Calculation Using Macro ( MS Excel 2007 )

Jan 6, 2008

I want to do simple calculation using Macro in MS Excel 2007..

All the data is in Sheet1 ( Which is 13a ), the calculation is in Sheet2 ( Which is work ) and the result of the calculation will come out in Sheet3 ( Which is result )..

Here is my coding..

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Excel 2007 :: Printing Setup Macro

Jul 10, 2012

I am trying to put together a standalone VBA macro that can easily be inserted into my financial models that allows me to quickly switch between two different printing setups - e.g. 8.5x 11 and 11x17 tabloid.

I also am using excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Won't Recalculate Automatically?

Feb 4, 2014

A certain macro (or is it a VB script?) in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet has to be manually recalculated every time I open the file. The only way I've found to do this is to click in the formula bar and hit Enter, or else click the green check mark to accept the formula. The spreadsheet is set to recalculate automatically, so I do not understand why this is happening.

Another wrinkle is that I can't locate the specification/definition of the macro. I checked the Developer menu on the ribbon and looked in the Visual Basic and Macros lists, but could not see the definition of the macro in question. Another user created the spreadsheet but I am unable to contact him...

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Rename Table?

Nov 20, 2011

I am trying to rename a excel table from its file name after importing the data into the current sheet i am working in. Is there a method for going this? I can do it manually easily, but when I try to record myself within a macro, it still uses the file's previous name in the code before renaming it. Using Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Use Macro To Generate A Form

Mar 11, 2012

I have a sheet with 500 rows and 20 columns. I want to put an input box and a button on a different sheet. What I would like to happen is that when you put the criteria in the input box and click the button it opens the form for the row corresponding to the criteria and allows you to edit the 20 columns. Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Updating Access Using SQL In Macro

Mar 29, 2012

I have a CSV that I have a excel macro created to do some formatting and then export the data into Access. that part works. I also have it checking for duplicate entries and skipping them. The problem that i run into is that not all my duplicates are truly duplicate, there have been updates and now i need to update Access. I have 2 fields, my primary key which is what I'm primarily matching on and then I'm checking if its been updated by checking another field "Last Changed" If this field doesn't match then I need to update the record.

At this point I'm trying to use a SQL UPDATE and I now believe that i have it formatted correct but when it gets to a record that needs to be updated I get an error: Run-time error '-2147217887 (80040e21)': The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key or relationship. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. the only other thing i could think to do would be to check each field to see if it has changed and just run the query against that but I feel like i would run into the same issue.
This is how I'm connecting to Access:

strTableName = "TableName"
strDBLocation = "xxxxuserhomexxxxxxxxxxxxDatabaseDatabase Backend.accdb"
strConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=" & strDBLocation & ";"

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open strConnect
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open strTableName, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
And this is the Query I'm using:

strSQL = "UPDATE " & strTableName & " "
strSQL = strSQL & "SET [Work Order ID] = '" & Range("B" & r).Value & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "[JOBSTATUS] = '" & Range("C" & r).Value & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "[SUBSTATUS] = '" & Range("D" & r).Value & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "[Job Status] = '" & Range("E" & r).Value & "', "
strSQL = strSQL & "[STATUSDATETIME] = #" & Range("F" & r).Value & "#, "

[Code] ..........

The SQL code sits in a loop with an IF so it shouldn't execute every time and I plan on once i get this working to revisit this code and try to optimize it but that is not a priority currently.

I'm using both Excel 2007 and Access 2007 on XP.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Transpose Two Columns

May 30, 2012

I have a file with 2 columns (A=headers, B=values x 38K rows) and need to transpose them to rows.

I found code to transpose a specified number of rows in a column (i.e. every 5th row in the column)...

BUT my columns have variable numbers of data points, because in the exported file any head with a null value was excluded.

So I need to start new rows with a specific text value of "Username" occurs in column A.

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Excel 2007 :: Run VBA / Macro On Android Tablet

Jul 2, 2012

Run an xlm Excel file VBA / macro code on Adriod tablet, during a job interview situation, in order to showcase my work. Is this technically feasbile ? I don't want to bring a lap-top, for fear of the hassle the interviewer wants me to modify the code on the spot during interviews.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Skipping Dim Statements?

Nov 1, 2012

I tried sending this message once before but the system crapped out. At least on my end. If it was sent and this is a partial duplicate. At any rate, as most of you know when an Excel workbook has a large number of merged fields Excel sometimes changes all the cell (not just the merged cells) formats to a Date type, with the exception of those cells that are the Text data type. I found the following code on the net someplace and I can't properly cite the author, that when run resets the cell formats to the default format which is General for all those that had been changed.

Sub CleanStyles()
Dim sty As Style, wbTemp As Workbook
' First, remove all styles other than Excel's own.
' they may have arrived from pasting from other workbooks


This code worked for months. However, it no longer works. I opened the code in the VBA editor and stepped through it using F8. The first time I pressed F8 the first line in the code is highlighted, just like always. The next time I pressed F8 the third line of code (not counting the remarks or blank lines) is highlighted. It did not highlight the Dim statement.

I'm using Excel 2007 in XP.

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Macro And Pivot Table Excel 2007

Dec 10, 2009

In Excel 2003 I created a macro that copied data from a table, pasted into a new sheet, created a pivot table, copied and pasted that data next to pivot table, sorted, copied and pasted into chart data. I've used this macro in Excel 2007 with no problems.

Now I'm trying to create a similar macro but it won't complete the pivot table. My Pivot Table Field List should have the Row Label and Values populated but when I run it all that is populated is the Values field.

Is there something in 2007 that will not allow me to create a macro using a Pivot Table or am I doing something wrong? The code is below if that helps ...

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Not Calculating Unless Value Entered Into Formula Bar

Apr 12, 2014

I'm trying to convert the values entered by users into specific cells into a specific percentage. When I use this macro in Excel 2010, I can enter the value to be calculated directly into the cell and the macro runs automatically. When I open the file in Excel 2007, the macro does not calculate properly unless the value to be calculated is entered into the formula bar.

For example, in Excel 2007, if I enter '30' in cell E11, it should come out as '20%'. Instead it comes out as '0.2%' unless I enter '30' into the formula bar, which then calculates properly. It is far more efficient to be able to enter the value directly into the cell.

[Code] .....

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Doesn't Work For Certain User

May 7, 2014

I have created a macro that a couple of us can run at the end of the day that looks in a preset folder and has whatever .xlsx files in that append to each other creating one .txt file. It then saves that .txt file and runs a batch file that strips off the .txt file extension. This is the format we need the ending file to be in so we can FTP it to another agency.

Myself and another coworker can run it without any problem and it asks us if we want to save the .txt file before it closes it and runs the batch file stripping off the .txt extension. We say yes and it executes as designed. Another coworker runs it and it looks like the files are appending then the window closes. Never prompts him if he wants to save and the file is nowhere to be found. From what I have researched all his excel settings match ours. We are all running the same OS (XP) and version of MS Office (2007). The part of the macro that seems to just be ignored is below:

[Code] .......

Then the following batch file runs stripping the .txt file extension:

FOR /R "T:Cash ManagementUnsecured\_Team - DisbursAUTOMATIONInput" %%f IN (*.txt) DO REN "%%f" *.

I have tired removing the ActiveWorkbook.Save command thinking it would default to prompt him to save it but it doesn't.

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Excel 2007 :: Running Macro From Protected Workbook

Mar 13, 2008

I have a macro with "ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:="password"" . It was working fine in excel 2003. In excel 2007, because of this I am not able to run any macro's in the workbook. I am getting a message "The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled. I can see a security warning in message bar saying macros have been disabled, but I dont have have a option to enable the macros.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Switching Formula Into RC Notation

Oct 17, 2011

I have a series of macros I have built to automate some report manipulation at my office. One of the macros I built inserts formulas into specific columns. When I run this macro, all the formulas, save one, are populated perfectly into the column they need to be in. This particular formula is swiched over to R1C1 Reference Notation.

In the workbook I built the macro in, it inserts the formula in the correct notation. When I run the macro in a different workbook, this one formula is converted to RC Notation and then is displayed as text (since the workbook is not set to the R1C1 Reference style option).

Is there a bug in my VBA code? If so, how can I correct this?

I use Excel 2007. Macros are saved in my Personal.xlsb workbook. All other forumlas populated by the macro work correctly.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Delete And Categorize Certain Data

Jan 10, 2012

What i have is a workbook that can have multiple sheets. Sheet 2,3,4 (if there are) are a continuation of sheet 1. First 2 rows of sheet 1 are headers and the last row of the last sheet (can be 2,3, 4....) is a footer. There are 14 columns (A-N) in each sheet. Col "N" has set status and col I has set names.

What i am looking for is a macro that can perform the following actions in the the set order:
1) deletes all rows where status in col N is "closed"
2) delete all rows where name in Col I is "Many"
3) if there are multiple sheets copy all data in 1 sheet once above 2 are deleted
4) I want to update cell A2, C2, I2, M2 & N2 with Hostel, Direction,Name,Flight & Status respectively
5) Create a pivot table with all data (Col A-N & Row 2 to last) in a new sheet and call it Summary - Pivot
I can then manually select how the pivot will look

Currently i am going through all sheets manually and filtering data. Using excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Buttons No Longer Linked?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a workbook created in Excel2003 as an xls with a nuumber of buttons to call macros. I converted it to an xlsm in Excel2007 and now get the message "((#Ref.xls could not be found..." whenever I click any of the macro buttons. Event code in the individual worksheets works fine.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Consolidate Multiple Worksheets?

Jul 6, 2012

I have a workbook with 4 sheets and with sheet 5 as a "consolidated" sheet. I have to create the macro, which will on a daily basis copy the populated data from those 4 sheets and paste into the sheet 5 (same workbook). The data in the Sheet 5 should be pasted from row 2 below each other.. Row 1 will be the headings and shouldn't be replaced. The data in all 4 sheets should be copied from row starting 37, columns C to BA but it will end with different row numbers. note that columns A & B are populated but shouldn't be copied.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Open File From A Folder

Oct 19, 2012

I just need a macro to open any excel file may be 2003, or 2007 from a folder.

I did tried Dir but not working. I want the macro in 2007.

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