Excel 2010 :: Count Max Time Frames Overlapping On Continuous Days
Aug 1, 2013
I'm having trouble defining the time overlaps on continuous days for the varying results of the runs for my simulation.
For the following data set, without counting overlaps there are 18 total spare requirements, but if I take into account their overlaps in their duration there should be a total of 11 per day. For example in row 4 this event overlapped in the same day with the event of row 5 so both had only 2 overlaps as a result (So there is not possible to be 1 as an answer for overlap, there is only from 2 to "n" amount or 0).
But if an event overlaps with more than one in their duration the result would be their maximum overlap during this time frame.
So then I have for each event an Starting date, starting time, duration, ending date and ending duration.And for each day I would need the total amount of overlaps occurred for the duration of each event and from those I would take their maximum amount of overlaps occurred per day. To obtain their real requirement as shown on the file.
The manual procedure I'm using looks like this for the first day: (Graphical representation)
Event 1 occurs from 17:02 to 20:29 and only overlaps with Event 3, so it's 2
Event 2 occurs from 20:38 to 23:38, also only overlaps with Event 3, then its also a 2
For Event 3 in its whole duration only overlapped with Even 1 and Event 2, one at a time so its maximum overlaps where only 2.
And that's what I'm using so far to determine these amounts but since is a simulation, I would end up with several data from each run and this method would be too long. That's why I would need this template to paste data for each run (15 days) and obtain my results faster.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a time column (A) that when looked in the cell only shows AM & PM times, but the cell itself (not showing) contains dates too, keeping me from be able to do a sheet wide sort of time or time frame occurrences.
Can I do some thing to sort these cells with their corresponding rows based on time only disregarding dates?
I am trying sort out all rows that in column (A) is time equal to or greater than 4:00 PM OR even maybe sort all rows that column (A) shows a time between 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM. The date in the cell is the problem, I think. Excel 2013
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Nov 9, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with 6 months of data in one row. the dates are from A3 (Jan 1) to FY3 (Jun 30). The data is in range A4:FY4. The data is a "$" (without quotes). The $'s are entered randomly during the 6 month period. I need a formula to determine the days between the last occurrence and the next to last occurrence of the $. Example spreadsheet shows the $'s on Mar 28 and May 5 as the last two. The spreadsheet is attached. I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2010.
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Jun 25, 2010
I am having difficulty calculating the number of total overlapping days between several date ranges (6 of them to be precise)
I am using Excel 2003 and my data looks like this:
Sent Out (A) - Received (B)
01/06/2010 13:00 - 30/06/2010 13:00
02/06/2010 13:00 - 16/06/2010 13:00
09/06/2010 13:00 - 10/06/2010 13:00
21/06/2010 13:00 - 25/06/2010 9:44
23/06/2010 13:00 - 25/06/2010 10:56
23/06/2010 13:00 - 29/06/2010 13:00
I really can't wrap my head around the idea of calculating overlap (in network days) between six date ranges and was wondering if any of you would have a solution to this problem.
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Jan 6, 2014
I am having difficulty calculating the number of total overlapping days between several date ranges for each item in another sheet which has unique items
I am using Excel 2003 and my data looks like this:
Sheet-1 Sheet-2
Item - Sent Out (A) - Received (B) Unique Item Number of days excluding overlap days
1234 01/06/2010 - 30/06/2010 1234 -
4321 02/06/2010 - 16/06/2010 4321 -
1234 09/06/2010 - 10/06/2010
4321 21/06/2010 - 25/06/2010
1234 23/06/2010 - 25/06/2010
4321 23/06/2010 - 29/06/2010
I have used the below formula found from the earlier post but need to add a condition calculating the days for each item.
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Oct 22, 2011
I'm having some trouble getting control ENTER & EXIT events to fire properly when having controls embedded on frames within a userform. I'm using Excel 2003, 2007, & 2010. Here's the userforms I'm working with:
Without FRAME:
In both cases, the DESCRIPTION field is disabled. The selectable controls on both are a combo-box, textbox, listbox, & 2 buttons. On the FRAMED version, the combo-box & textbox are contained on a FRAME.
Here's the code, same on both userforms:
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmbRecipes_Enter()
ListBox1.AddItem "ENTER - " & cmbRecipes.Value
End Sub
Private Sub cmbRecipes_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
ListBox1.AddItem "EXIT - " & cmbRecipes.Value
End Sub
All this is doing is posting a message to the listbox when the combo-box ENTER & EXIT events fire. This works as expected without the FRAME, ENTER is shown when the combo-box is entered and EXIT is shown as focus is moved to another control. But when running it on the FRAMED version all I get is a single ENTER event recorded regardless of how I move the focus through the control set.
Another oddity is that if I have more than 1 control that can receive focus on the FRAMED version, it appears to work correctly.
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Jun 19, 2014
I'm doing a study of when people are most productful in their day. I just need to count how many units a person made within say 4 hours of starting work.
My data is similar to the excel I've attached
Count completes.xlsx
I'm using Excel 2010 too.
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Mar 14, 2014
I am making process TAT(Turn Around Time) which required following information. In Excel 2007.
1-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sun to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday,Sat + Holidays)
A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 22
D1-Days between two dates 21
E1 To E10-Holidays
2-Count number of days between two dates where working days are (Sat to Thursday). So required to exclude (Friday + Holidays)
A1-Start Date Mar/01/2014
B1-End Date Mar/31/2014
C1-No Of Days 27
D1-Days between two dates 26
E1 To E10-Holidays
Note : Any weekend (off days) dates listed in holidays should not effect the query.
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Mar 10, 2005
I'm trying to designate if a worker has worked over night and specifically between the hours 22:00 and 06:00.
In Greece these hours are been managed as extra benefit, so when I enter the worker's In (C5) and Out (D5) hours I wan't it to bring me in a cell the total hours he has worked in that specific time zone.
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May 8, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with agents schedules. What I would like to do is to break down the schedules to determine how many hours are worked between different times. This is what I have: C7:C11 is Sunday Start Times D7:D11 is Sunday's End times. The sheet does Sun-Sat. so Saturday ends at Q11. I want to find out how many agents work from 6am-10am, 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm, 4pm-6pm, 6pm-8pm, etc. I was originally trying to use a sumproduct but had some problems getting it to work. This is what I was trying: sumproduct(--(C33:C40>=(0,0,0)),--(C33:C40
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Apr 26, 2011
I work only on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I'd like to calculate the number of my working days between two dates.
NETWORKDAYS seems like the right place to start, but I can't think of how to tell it to ignore Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays as well as the weekend days.
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Apr 3, 2008
Im trying to count people working during times of the day. They work shifts from 8am to 9pm. I need to know at each 30 minute interval of the day how many are working. IE at 12:00 or say 13:30 I need to know how many are working. I also need to be able to account for people that are sick. IE If a person works during the day I wouldnt count them as sick at night.
Im data is set up like
Column A agent name
Column B agents start time
Column C agents end time
Column D holds two variables either sick or support.
I have found a thread that counts the people working but doesnt account for the sick or support variables. I didnt link that thread as I thought it went against the rule "STATE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, NOT WHAT YOU THINK YOU NEED TO ACHIEVE IT "
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Oct 12, 2009
I have a column that has time ranges in it. Example: Column N Row 6 thru
253 has the following time ranges: 11am-1pm, 1pm-3pm, 12pm-5pm, 8am-12pm
I need cells with 11am-1pm to read 13:00
I need cells with 1pm-3pm to read 15:00
I need cells with 12pm-5pm to read 17:00
Is there a formula that I can use the look up the entire column and make all the changes at once, or do I have to use the find a replace. The correct format can appear in a different column.
** I found a reply for someone one a different website with the similar problem. Below is the response but it did not work for me.
Try this formula =--SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A6,FIND("-",A6)+1,11),"pm"," pm"),"am"," am")
Also change format to show 13:30 timeframe
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May 19, 2007
I need to calcualte averages for time-frames, of 7 days 30 days and 90 days. Attached is a spreadsheet and the data I am looking to average. I need to lookup todays date minus 1 and then average from there.
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Jan 29, 2014
I would like cells to highlight within a row only if they are non-blank and if other non-blank cells in that row fall within the same time range.
See the attached example for what I'm looking to do. I can setup my sheet one of two ways (as shown) if it makes finding a solution easier.
Conditional Formatting - Overlapping time.xlsx
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May 18, 2009
I have a spreadsheet of all of my company's long distance calls for last month - 30k rows. It includes the start time of the call and the duration. From that I can calculate the end time of the call.
My phone system can handle 24 concurrent calls. I'm trying to see how many times throughout the month did we have 24 or more calls going on at once.
Assume Start_Time is Column_A and End_Time is Column_B
Currently I can test if one call is going on at the same time a second call is by this formula
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Jun 21, 2013
I have been looking all over and cannot find an answer on how to do this. I work for a call center that takes inbound technical support calls. We recently added a chat support option for our end users. Our chat agents can take up to 3 chats at the same time. I need to determine the total amount of concurrent chats for each agent per day as well as the total amount of concurrent time for each agent per day. Below is a sample of my data. Notice how the start time on row 5 is earlier than the end time on row 4. I need excel to count this as a concurrent chat and then calculate the amount of time that was concurrent (in this example it would be 16 minutes). Currently I have 2000 rows of data and 30 different agents.
Agent Name (Num)
6/3/13 12:13
6/3/13 12:24
[Code] .........
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Apr 8, 2013
I am using Excel 2010. The template only has 5 working days in it, but I need to set 6 working days (Saturday is also working day). Wondering, how to get this working without spoiling the functions. Also the date format is in US , need to change to UK without disrupting the Formula/Functions.
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Jan 5, 2013
Working on Excel 2010
Need a formula to calculate the number of leave days.
C3 - Start Date, e.g. 01/07/2011
D3 - Calculation date, e.g. 31/12/2012
E3 - Number of months - ??????? Forumal need from 01/07/2011 to 31/12/2012
F3 - Days per month, e.g. 1.25
G3 - E3*F3
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Jul 5, 2012
Using Excel 2010.
I am trying to come up with a formula that will return a total average from two columns of dates with criteria. The range will need to cover an entire column as my data is continuously growing and the criteria would have to limit the start date to each month. I have tried
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May 3, 2013
I am looking for a macros VBA where a user insert or update a data the date and time should be insert in column I and save the workbook.
Note: If the column I already have the date and time inserted before then it should give message record already have date and time.
I am using office 2010.
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Feb 26, 2014
I need conditional format in column Q which highlight in red, any date over 14 days old.
This column also contains texts (non-dates) and these need to be left alone.
I've experimented with a few bits of formula I've found online, but nothing has worked . .
I'm on Excel 2010.
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Jan 23, 2014
I have to dig out data for all employees first entry and last exit for two months. My raw data is in sheet 1 as under:
I am using excel 2010
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Jan 20, 2012
Excel 2010 Higher than past average formula?
Im using Excel 2010 and want to make a formula that will High light the number when it exceeds the past 30 days average. My information is listed vertically in row F..
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May 7, 2012
I am using Excel 2010. I am tracking client orders on a spreadsheet. I would like to offer a 60 percent rebate on revenue from orders placed between the first order date and 30 calendar days thereafter. On day 31 and continuing through day 60, I would like to offer a 40% rebate. On orders placed on day 61 through 90, I would like to offer a rebate of 20%. From all of the orders placed by clients who start ordering on different dates, I need to sum their order revenue in these three time periods. I have the individual client order data arrayed on my spreadsheet - one order per row.
I am capturing the unique client ID number (Column A), the order date (Column B), and the associated revenue (Column C). Keying off of their unique ID number, I would like to calculate the sum of how much revenue is generated in calendar days 1 through 30, days 31 through 60, and days 61 through 90 from the very first order date from any given client. The start date can be any date in the month, so I can not rely on any calculation that uses the calendar month. Orders are not necessarily placed every day. Multiple orders may be placed on any given day, and then no orders may follow for many days afterward.
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Feb 13, 2013
Im having a hard time creating the formula to calculate the min number of employees to complete a number of jobs that come in each day and need to be finished in 18 days or less.
Data that I have:
Forecast of the number of jobs for 251 days ( jobs range from 10 -80 per day) Each job needs to be finished in 18 days or less we need to staff a fixed number of employees for the whole year each employee can complete 4 jobs per day no weekends
i have excel 2010 and crystal ball
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Jul 28, 2014
calculate the running total of time spent in the attached spreadsheet.
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Mar 20, 2014
Excel 2010 - I need to create a graph that shows a week's use of a sportsground showing what sports were played, on which days and between which times. I thought I could show the times on the vertical axis, days on the horizontal axis and then the sports played in those times, however I'm unsure as to how to get the graph to recognise the times.
I've attached an example of some data and how I'd like to see it, I'm just not sure how I can do this using the chart set up!
Attached File : Graphs.xlsx
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Apr 25, 2014
I'm in Excel 2010, and the cell with the date I want to work from is H22.
I'm trying to get the difference of the (date+12 months)-TODAY() to appear in months and days.
Here's the latest thing I tried (that doesn't work):
=IF(DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"y")>=1,DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"y")&" yrs, "&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")&" mths,
"&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days",IF(DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")>=1,DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")&" mths, "&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days",DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days"))
I should also probably note that the date in H22 is the result of another function.
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Mar 27, 2014
Find attached , expected result in on w2 needs to be 9 that I have punched manually : Team(A)01.xls
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