Excel 2010 :: How To Import A Color Scheme From Another Workbook

Mar 31, 2011

How do you import a color scheme from another workbook in Excel 2010? I could do it in previous versions....now I don't know what to do.

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Select Automatic Color Scheme (font) For Excel Sheet

Jan 13, 2014

I want to select an automatic colour scheme (font) for an Exel sheet. It has 3 columns with values. If the coloums are A, B & C I want to mark the higher value in red. If B is higher than A, B should be red. Again if C is also higher than B, then C also should be red... like that. Values should be read row-wise. How can I do this using a formula?

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Excel 2013 :: Copy Colour Scheme From Another Workbook

Jul 21, 2014

How do I copy a colour scheme from another work book in Excel 2013? I could do it in 2010 but can not work out how to do it in 2013..

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Get Windows Color Scheme

Jul 15, 2007

I'm trying to pick up the Excel application color scheme setting from code. What I want to do is set a VB.Net COM add-in form's skin based on the application color scheme so that my Add-In matches the users color settings blue/silver/black. Where is the application color scheme setting stored? I have searched the registry but with no luck and the Excel 2007 setting isn't picked up when I record a macro...

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Reset Colors Back To Default Color Scheme

Mar 12, 2008

I'm not sure what I have done but one of my workbooks colour scheme has changed. When viewing the workbook cells are now grey and the lies are a lighter grey. When printing though it prnts as it would normally ie a white backgorund. It looks like the viewing colours have been reversed and I can not find out how to revery back to normal.

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Excel 2010 :: Import CSV Using VBA

Jul 8, 2014

I'm having problem importing a CSv file into Excel. The CSV file is around 4-5k lines.

The layout is similar to this :

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, ~,
A4, A3, dummy, "Dummy ,Dummy", ,
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, +,
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, -,
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, "(5 + 4) /4",

Consider that the formula (5 + 4) /4 has a CR and LF between (5+4) and /4

I've tried a few methods to import the files:

Reading the CSV file as a Text File a line at a time but with the CR a LF it get's all messed up

[Code] .....

Tried with Using OLEDB but the Sign + , - and ~ are read a Null

[Code] ....

And Finally tried wit th QueryTable but it does not recognize the Double Quote that precedes the comma so

"Dummy ,Dummy" it's seen as two column values instead of one.

[Code] .....

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Excel 2010 :: Import CSV Using VBA?

Jul 8, 2014

I'm having problem importing a CSv file into Excel. The CSV file is around 4-5k lines.

The layout is similar to this :

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
A4, A3, dummy, Dummy, ~,
A4, A3, dummy, "Dummy ,Dummy", ,


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Excel 2010 :: Import CSV Into Worksheet

Dec 11, 2012

Excel 2010 / Win 7.

I have some code that imports a csv file into a workbook. This works fine when i use a file named .csv. I was hoping to use a random file name (in this case .bmhs) so that we can determine which files we need to import.

The problem i have is when importing a '.bmhs' file the data comes in column A and is a comma seperated list. If i use .csv then the commas are used as the column seperators (which i need).

impFle = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="BMHS Files, *.bmhs", Title:="Select Import File")

would give me 1,2,3,4 all in column A

impFle = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="CSV Files, *.csv", Title:="Select Import File")

would give me 1 in column A, 2 in column B, 3 in column C and 4 in column D.

Is there any way that i can maintain using my own file name (.bmhs) but have excel treat it as a csv file.

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Excel 2010 :: Weekly Import - How To Delete The Last Row

Feb 14, 2012

For a weekly import into Excel, I need to delete the last row each time. I'm using Excel 2010. My first thought is to start with the first cell, A1, and use .End(xlDown) to find the last row. Do I have to assign a variable to hold the row value then delete it? Or can it all be done in one statement without a variable?

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Excel 2010 :: Import Module Via VBA Instructions?

Aug 13, 2013

I'm working on MS Excel 2010 and trying to have a macro duplicating a sheet(and it's associated macro "Update") in another workbook.

I manage to do almost everything except to import the required module "Update" from a precise and static folder ("Ressource" located in the same folder as all the workbooks) into my active workbook, which is surely possible.

Moreover if you know a way to check if a module already exists and in that case overwrite it, I'd be even more grateful. Presently I just skip the error if it exists.

Here is my actual code:

On Error GoTo ErrImport
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
MsgBox ("Already there")


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Excel 2010 :: Disable Import Data Dialog Box?

Apr 23, 2012

Is it possible to disable Import Data Dialog box in Excel 2010? I have a web query file. I want to copy its content and paste in a new worksheet under an existing workbook. I have a macro which does that but I get Import Data dialog box when I tried to paste the copied content from test.iqy file to new sheet. The dialog box has

Select how you want to view this data in your workbook?
By default Table is selected, which is fine.

Where do you want to put the data?
By default New workbook is selected. I want to have Existing worksheet selected by default.

Is there a way to set these requirements into vba code and make this dialog box not appear at all?

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Excel 2010 :: Import Data From Text File

Apr 27, 2012

I am using Excel 2010 and I want to import data from a text file, but the problem is that the data is more than 1048576 rows of excel. Is there any solution though codes if one sheet fills up and import remaining data to other sheets ?

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Excel 2010 :: Import Data From Multiple CSV Files?

Dec 14, 2012

I have small bit of import code (below), that I am looking to modify. The data that I am importing is for an inventory tool that determine optimal on hand quantities and alerts to any issues. In the past there had been one inventory source (one .csv data file). So I populate that to one sheet and modify the data on that sheet. I now have multiple data sources that I need to address.

There are two things that I would like to add/be able to do.

1) I would like to add a dropdown or set of multiple buttons to the popup window that says "Select the OnHand Report". Previously I only had one report source which I posted to sheet "orow0205". I have 2 other data files now that I have to import and they need to go to sheets "orow0206" and "orow2144". I am grabbing the data the same way on each sheet so that doesnt need to change I just need the option on the pop up window to determine the sheet name I want the import to go to.

2) The files that come from the sources above have a file name like "20121213_00000_groupstatistics.csv". Where the first eight digits represent the date the file was generated. If possible, after I select the sheet via the popup solve above, I would like to have the date populated in "MM/DD/YYYY" format in the last column of the imported data (the same date for each row of data imported). The file imported has no date data on it and can represent any day (which is why I am not using some form of TODAY formula).

I am currently using Excel 2010.

Sub AddData()
' Import_New_data
'Open Datafile


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Excel 2010 :: Import Data From Other Spreadsheets Into Multiple Tables?

Sep 13, 2013

I'm trying to create some vba code that will go into other .xlsx documents, pull all cells with a value in the first 30 columns and then return them as a table. Basically each work crew has a .xlsx spreadsheet containing their schedule and I am trying to bring them all together into one nice little package. If I go to import from external sources then click XML data, navigate to the folder they are in and them click show all files and pick my spreadsheet it imports nicely. Then I go to the next blank cell in column "A" and repeat for the 4 crews. Now I can filter by each crew but all 4 are visible on a single page as a table. I recorded a macro that shows everything I did, but it is not dynamic (the .xlsx source files name changes based on the month) I'm running XP sp3 with Excel 2010

Here is a copy of what I have


With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:=Array( _
"OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Password="""";User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEDesktopSCHEDULE STUF" _
, _
"FAcrewCurrent.xlsx;Mode=Share Deny Write;Extended Properties=""HDR=YES;"";Jet OLEDB:System database="""";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path=""""" _
, _
";Jet OLEDB:Database Password="""";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=37;Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=0;Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;J" _
, _
"et OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;Jet OLEDB:New Database Password="""";Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Encrypt " _


Is there a better or simpler way to do this? The tables don't need to be forever linked to their previous spreadsheets so if copy/pasting is a better way than I am all for that as well.

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Excel 2010 :: Import Text Files To Include File Name As Data?

Jul 12, 2012

I need to import thousand of txt files into 1 worksheet keeping the file names as data. Each txt file has 2 columns :

1 0.65914
2 0.65945
3 0.86062
... ...
and each txt file represents recordings made at specific time and date (e.g 0158.DSG_RAWD_HMS_21_ 0_ 0__DMY_29_ 2_12_pulses). I would like to have 2 columns: 1) with the time taken from the name of the txt file (e.g. 21:00:00) and 2) the associated recording. Something like this:

21:00:00 0.65914
21:00:00 0.65945
21:00:00 0.86062

and so on for each txt file and all the recordings piling up in 1 spreadsheet. I have tried to run few codes in VBA, but I have no knowledge of it and none of the code worked. I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Import Multiple Word Tables Into Worksheet

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to take multiple tables from a Word document and import them into an Excel worksheet. Currently I have found two versions that when combined, could yield what I am looking for. The first one imports the table's data from Word, but does not maintain formatting of the table (font, colors, rows/columns etc.):

The next code maintains formatting, but only imports/pastes one table:

[Code] .........

For the second one, I do not like the fact that it is calling a specific Workbook to paste into. If I could somehow maintain the ability to import/past multiple tables while keeping formatting that would be perfect. An extra bonus would be to import each table within the Word document into individual Worksheets in Excel. I am also using Office 2010.

References: [URL] .........

VBA - How to preserve source formatting while copying data from word table to excel sheet using VB macro? - Stack Overflow

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Import Excel Data To Workbook

Apr 23, 2012

I would like to import all data from a workbook (only 1 sheet), which the user must select from a file dialog, into a spesific sheet in the active workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Change Color On If And Then Statement

Nov 20, 2013

I tried Conditional format and no luck. (Office 2010)

What I'm trying to do VB is:

If Cell B:B has value of "402" or "up"
and Cell C:C is less >100
Then Change color on Cell C:C to "yello, red, etc" (if C value is <100 no color change)

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Excel 2010 :: Color Function Substring

Sep 16, 2012

Using Excel 2010 Pro.

I have a formula to create a string to create a lable for a Trial Balance report
=LEFT(I5&" "&REPT(".",95),101)

But the decimal portion of the string is distracting. I would like to make it a grey instaed of a black so that the text portion of the label "pops".

I don't believe I can do it with conditional formatting and I do not want to do it manually.I was thinking some kind of function or UDF like:

=LEFT(I5&" "&RGB(REPT(".",95),(191,191,191)),101)

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Excel 2010 :: Filter By Color Has Become Disabled?

Oct 26, 2012

I have a workbook in Excel2010 with 2 sheets. I have put in a conditional formatting in 27177 cells. After a lot of waiting it finally worked out and the cells that should turn RED, do show correctly. The strange thing is that my "filter by color" stays disabled. This applies both to the columns I've applied the conditional formatting to, as well as any other column that has a colored cell.

The second sheet in the file also have colored cells and there the option works perfectly fine. So it seems to have something to do with the particular sheet.

why the function got disables in the particular worksheet.

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Excel 2010 :: Use Nested IF Formula To Color Cells?

May 16, 2014

I am trying to use the IF formula or a similar VBA/Macro to color certain cells. We deal with 16 different sand types that come in on rail cars. I want to put in the sand type in a cell; EX: C11 has text "30/50BH" if this statement is true to color cells A11-D11 yellow. If it is not a true statement to check for the next sand type, "20/40BH" and go on from there. If I can get an example of what to do I can build it for the 16 sands we have.

The formula I have in mind would be something like

=IF("30/50BH",[colorA11:D11,Yellow],[IF("20/40BH",[colorA11:D11, Purple], .......

I'm sure there is a less brute force method of doing this, but my knowledge of programming and excel is limited. I am using the 2010 version of Excel.

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Tab Color Based On Cell Value?

Mar 6, 2014

I am using Excel 2010 and trying to change/edit the color of the tabs in my workbook to turn green or red based on a y or n placed in a cell (the same cell on each tab). I have tried variations on several themes others have asked about as well for Excel 2007 and attempted to adapt them to fit my situation but none seem to work. Here's what I was starting with:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Range("A1").Value
Case Is < 2.5
Sheet1.Tab.Color = vbRed
Case Is > 2. 5, Is < 4
Sheet1.Tab.Color = vbGreen
End Select
End Sub

The cell I'm using is F2 and my cell value is simply y or n. I realize the example above references numeric values and greater than/less than options, but I'm not sure how to correct this for my need.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Highlight Color Through Columns

Jan 8, 2013

As seen below, I'm looking for a vba code to highlight color on every Friday and through columns 1, 4, 6,9,11,14,16,19,21 upto columns 28 i.e. AH

Excel 2010ABCDEFGHIJKLMN1DateQty1Qty2TotalDateQty1Qty2TotalDateQty1Qty2Total

[Code] .........

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Excel 2010 :: Close Second Workbook From Workbook BeforeClose?

May 27, 2014

I cannot make this work in XL2010.

I am opening a second workbook in ReadOnly in the Workbook Open and Closing it in the Workbook BeforeClose.

I don't EVER want to save changes on either workbook.

I need to leave excel open as the macro created a 3rd workbook which the user will need.


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Excel 2010 :: Change Cell Color Per Greater Than / Less Than Formula?

Aug 30, 2013

My formula is =IF((C2+E2)>D2,"WIN","LOSE") the new formula if I wanted the cells with "WIN" to be green, and the 'LOSE' cells to be yellow. Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Color Chart Secondary Axis Remains Black

Nov 26, 2011

All I want to do is color the numbers on both the primary and secondary axis. Primary i want the shade of blue below. Secondary I want the shade of green below. Only the primary axis part of the code does its job. The secondary axis remains black. The code does complete without errors. Excel 2010.

sub color_axis()
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.Font.Color = RGB(38, 40, 118)
ActiveChart.Axes(xlSecondary).TickLabels.Font.Color = RGB(0, 153, 0)
end sub

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill And Font Reset Macro Routine?

Aug 12, 2012

In Excel 2010, you can color a cell with a fill color and a font color.

It can be done manually via one of 3 methods that I know of (aside from a macro or a routine):

-From the ribbon button (underneath the font size and increase and decrease font size toolbar buttons)

-By formatting the cell (right clicking on a cell),

-Clicking on the ribbon's font section (giving you the same 6 category format cell box as right clicking on a cell)

What I need is a routine that resets the Fill Color and Font Color toolbar buttons to "No Fill" and "Automatic" if I run it inside a macro or create a command button on a worksheet.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA To Change Form Control Checkbox Background Color When Checked

Nov 22, 2013

I have an Excel 2010 workbook with many worksheets using hundreds of Form Control (not ActiveX) checkboxes. I need a bit of VBA to change Checkbox background color of each checkbox whenever the user checks the box. I assume this needs to be a click event? I don't even know the Checkbox property name I need to change I'm learning VBA as quick as I can

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Color Code Cells Based On Value In A Cell And Range In A Table

Dec 2, 2013

I am using Windows 7 and Excel 2010.

Is there a way to create a macro to color code a cell based on the value in a cell, and then look up a value in a table, then color code it based on where it fits into the table?

I have a table of values for about 30 projects. In column g - there is a CPI value (see bold column)

Example: Project ID
TCP Level
[Code] ......

Here is the table:

I have to color code a cell, base on the CPI and how it fits into the table below. So if the current Milestone is M2 or M3 and the CPI calculated is .14 the cell would be colored RED, if the CPI number is 2.01 for M2-M3 I would want cell to be colored Turquiose. If we were at Milestone M6 and the CPI was 2.01, it would be colored blue. If the CPI was .75 at Milestone M5, it would be colored Green

Earned Value Limits





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Excel 2010 :: Check If Cell Not Blank Upon Saving Or Closing And Color Code To Show Blanks

Aug 30, 2012

Looking forward VBA coding for:

If input is entered into column C (range C2:C100), then row cells for columns D, E ,F, H or I must NOT be blank upon save.
Could be that one or more of these row cells are left blank by mistake.

An error msg pops up upon attempting to save, stops the save and colors each cell yellow that needs info entered into.

Using Excel 2010.

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