Excel 2010 :: OnTime Macro Stops Running When Window Minimized
Dec 12, 2013
I am using Excel2010.
My sheet displays values collected from a database via an AddIn. The values are updated by pressing CTRL+G (AddIn function).
I have an OnTime macro running SendKeys "^G" to update the values every minute. When the values exceed a certain limit, a sound is played from a custom Alarm function.
This all works as long as the excel window is active.
But if excel is minimized or another window is opened, the values stop updating until Excel is active again.
When the values dont update the sound is not played and that defeats the purpose of the sheet.
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Sep 18, 2013
Recently my friend forced Excel to close through Task Manager by Ending the Proccess... Since he did that, every .xls(x) file do not opens. No errors. Just Excel Icon on taskbar appears.... as it is minimized... But it doesn't minized.. Either this icon on a taskbar is minimized Excel icon, or this just an icon ....
No result ...
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Nov 11, 2008
Somehow I dragged a minimized window in Excel so that the top bar (where you click to drag) is hidden off the screen and now I can't drag it back down.
I can maximize the window through a right mouse click on the task bar.
Alt Space does not enable the "move" function.
I have restarted excel, closed it through the "X" and through the task bar. I have rebooted. I have renamed my file.
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Jun 10, 2008
I want to make the worksheet protected, however, when I protect the worksheet the macro will not run.
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Oct 20, 2006
Can't run vba macro. I have the following problem with a macro in excel. i wrote it, the macro runs very good from excel /tool/macro/macros/run, i also put a button on toolbar -it works too, i want to assign a keyboard shortcut from tool/macro/macros/options / shortcut and THE MACRO RUN INCOMPLETELY (stops running ).
Actually the macro opens all files in a specific folder, and delete their codes as follows:
Sub delete()
Const strNotFound As String = "There is NO Excel files..."
Dim ffTmp As FoundFiles
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim objVbc As Object
Dim objFile As Variant
Dim lngRet As Long
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Search Excel files
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Corectii\_CS"
.SearchSubFolders = True
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks...............
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Oct 18, 2008
I have a Macro that changes the background colour cells dependant on the value in another cell, all seems ok but when it runs it scrolls the page as it shades the cells and then exits leaving the sheet where it scrolled to.
Is there a way to get it to return to where it started or not to scroll?
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Jan 28, 2009
I have been working on some Macros. I am compiling a macro that runs other macros. I have two noticeable problems.
1 - My SaveAs macro runs fine by itself. But when called or ran by another macro, (which calls more than one macro) the SaveAs macro it stops.
2- Many of my macros, when ran by another macro (which runs more than one macro) cycles through twice.
My specific question is about no. 2 and the following are the individual macros and the macro that runs them.
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Jul 3, 2007
Here in our department we made a pretty elaborate macro that takes a report and sorts them out to 17 different sheets in a one workbook. This Macro pulls a file from a specific location on our server and then opens the CSV sorts it out color codes all the important information and saves it back onto the server under you specific initials.
They are four PC's along with our Managers laptop that run this Macro daily.
About 3 weeks ago my Managers laptop stops running the Macro completely and hangs in the middle of the whole thing. Eventually crashing Excel.
We try to remove the modules and re-import them back into the personal macro workbork but this does not work. The Macro's did not change and still fully function on the other four desktops to this day.
I uninstall Office on my Managers laptop and reinstall. Import the Modules again and still hangs up in very same spot it did 3 weeks ago.
I've tried to lower the macro security to the lowest level also and I've still had no luck with this laptop. I don't understand. The Macro's function perfectly on other PC's but will not function on this laptop.
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Apr 6, 2013
I have a workbook with numerous macros in it and they are assigned to buttons in the different worksheets. I am trying to record a new macro and when I start recording and click on one of the other macros nothing happens. This wasn't a problem in excel 2003.
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Feb 23, 2007
I have the following code saving a copy of a spreadsheet as a backup every 30 minutes. The problem is the save code is running as soon as the file is opened. I want to save only after the file has been open for 30 minutes. The way it is now if I open the sheet up and something is wron the backup has already been overwritten by the messed up sheet. Will someone please let me know what needs changed to eliminate the inital running of the code?
Sub do_something()
sec = 1800
when = Now + sec / 60 / 60 / 24
Application.OnTime when, "do_something"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "S:QUALITYTest Results Spread SheetBackup of Riser MezRiser Mez backup.xls"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
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Dec 8, 2013
We are running Office 2010 part of Office Professional Plus 1010 (corporate install). We have added both the Analysis Toolpak and Analysis Toolpak - VBA to the add-Ins and have the button on the toolbar, however when we click on the button, we don't get the popup window allowing the user to pick the analysis tool they want to use. Have tried this on a number of PCs (we all run the same version) and it doesn't work on any of them.
What we have to do do make this toolpak work?
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Jun 9, 2014
I have this code which adds a blank row above the name "EV01_" where it appears. ...which works fine, but only works for half the rows.
[Code] ....
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Jul 18, 2014
I usually just use macros to clean up Data from non-excel sources. So I wrote a macro to do this, but the process requires a date to be added, so attempted to do this via an input box. The input box works, but the code doesn't, clicking the button to which the macro is bound spits out an error 91 (object out of bounds?) when it hits the search function right after the inputbox code. Both bits work as intended separately, so I guess it's just some moronic formatting error on my behalf.
[Code] ......
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Aug 26, 2007
I have a textbox from the drawing toolbar. When someone changes a cell then clicks in the textbox, Worksheet_Change does not run. If they double click in the cell, that's OK I can capture that event and protect the sheet, stopping them clicking in it. But if they just start typing in the cell, I can't capture that. I have seen some API code which captures keypresses, but it is not practical to use as it loops repeatedly. I could lock the textbox and have the user do something to unlock it, but this is a last resort.
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Apr 10, 2014
I Need to Understand Running Total Sum Formulas. I'm using Excel 2010. and I'm typing in the basic correct formula to arrive at a running total for each ajacent cell to the left of it.
I put in the correct formula in Cell (B1) of Sum=(A1)
I then put in the correct formula in Cell (B2) Sum=(A1:A2) I then highlight the A1 part of the formula with an F4 Key to lock it in.
I then drag the B2 Cell all the way down the excel page to capture all of my running total coming from the (A) Column just to the left of my formula.
Why even though I'm getting the answers I want in the running total does it put an error message in each of the correct answers in each of the cells in the (B) column where I put my formulas.
I tryed to delete the error message spot but I don't know how to delete all of the error spots without going into each cell one by one.
How can I get rid of all the error message out of each cell without having to click on each cell one by one to do it when I might have over 500 or more cells to click on.
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Jan 4, 2012
I have a simple list of data (Name, Room, etc.) in a spreadsheet. Each day I click on the spreadsheet tab and create a "copy" and (move to end). This creates a spreadsheet for the next day's data.
My problem is that the macro I use to sort this data never works in the newly created spreadsheet within the same workbook. As usual, I'm sure it is something relatively simple that I am overlooking.
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May 26, 2011
I have inherited support for a suite of Excel 2003 spreadsheets with complicated macros which run fine on XP. Having been tasked to test them on Windows 7 with Office 2010, I have not converted them as they are run by several sites globally who may not upgrade to Office 2010 at the same time. Hence they run in compatibility mode which in general is fine.
However, certain macros are veeeery slow and to the user would look like the app has hung. In debug I have found that the macro takes 10 minutes plus whenever it hits any of the following code:
With Application
.Calculation = xlAutomatic
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
ActiveWorkBook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False
It goes slow on each of the three 'lines' so it seems that it is actually doing an auto calc each time!
Is there some configuration I can do to prevent this? Setting auto calc to Manual didn't work and anyway I loose things, like data validation, when I save it in Excel 2010.
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Sep 3, 2013
After minimizing my Excel form, I'm trying to re access it from the windows task bar. If I click on the Excel tab it shows me the 2 excel files I have open. I would normally just click on one of those and that sheet would be brought up, but I can't get either of them up - as soon as I click on one or other of them the window just minimizes again.
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May 2, 2014
I have a project were i have to make a macro and place in a workbook such that as soon as i open that excel file
1. excel workbook is opened in New Excel window
2. Ribbon is hidden for this new window
i have tried with code stated below it hides the ribbon but new excel window is not open
Private sub Workbook_open()
Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro "Show.toolbar(""Ribbon"",False)"
End Sub
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Mar 27, 2014
formula to take a value from one sheet and add to it in Excel 2010? I'm naming the sheets but not necessarily numerically. I have done it by manually entering the sheet name but would like it to figure out the sheet name automatically based on where the sheet is located in the workbook. That way I can copy the current sheet, rename it and still have it update properly with a running total. Here is what I have now: =D7+'011514'!E7
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Jun 6, 2002
What's the code for opening a Windows Explorer window from within an Excel Macro?
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Apr 9, 2007
I have this module that is supposed to delete rows containing some words and those that are entirely empty..
The macro works fine when I open the file for the first time (excel as well) but subsequently if i try to run it again, the macro doesnt work anymore. What could possibly be causing this bug?
Private Sub DeleteRows()
ScreenUpdating = True
Dim Rng1 As Range
Dim X As String
X = " TOTAL"
Set Rng1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange. Find(X)
If Rng1 Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
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Mar 25, 2014
I am trying to send bulk emails from my excel 2010 - however I am getting a POP UP. find the screen shot in the enclosed word document So every time a new mail is sent from excel we need to press the button allow Is there a way where I can turn off this warning.
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Jun 20, 2014
how to automate my excel sheet i have got.
It has code which when you click the "Save" button it saves the document and then converts a copy as CSV with the same name.
I have been trying to automate this to run every 2 minutes but everything i have tried does not work.
I have tried using OnTime events but again does not work.
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Oct 17, 2008
I'm using this to unhide rows one at a time:
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Mar 1, 2007
I have 80 worksheets in my workbook, each worksheet contains a table which must be updated on the first day of each month. On each sheet I need vba to duplicate the value in cell A10 to replace the next zero value in column E; duplicate the value in cell F10 to replace the next zero value in column J. Then, continue the same operation on the next sheet.
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Mar 20, 2014
I have developed a model for a client which keeps crashing after being used a few times. The crash is major! Excel shuts down and asks to send an error report.
This can happen after being run anywhere from 3 to 20 times. (Clicking a POST button which transfers items to a "database" type sheet).
I developed the model on a PC using Excel 2010. When this was loaded on a Mac, the user tells me that it happened periodically, and I have seen is occasionally on my PC as well.
However, the workbook has now been loaded on a server, with users across the state of Victoria accessing via Sharepoint - most using Excel 2007. Now it is happening very frequently.
I don't think the macro is at fault, it doesn't go into debug. Excel just seems to GIVE UP.
Have you seen this kind of thing before? Is there a way of "flushing buffers" or something so that Excel can keep working?
I am reluctant to post the model because it is full of personnel details, and is 2.5mb.
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Nov 13, 2006
I am attempting to run a MS Ecel macro that is stored on a MS Excel shared file in a MS Ecel target file (locally stored on my C drive) from a VBA module in Ms Access. That is, from a code i want to open the .xls file that houses the macro, and then open the .xls file that i want to run the file in, and then run the macro.
Here is my situation: the file that houses the macro has the workbook hidden and causes in error.
if i unhide the workbook i get a Run-Time Error 91...object variable or With block variable not set.
if i hide the workbook the vba coding can't find the macro...run time error 1004
once again, i currently have an excel file that houses macro whose workbook is hidden.
does anyone know how this can be accomplished?
here is the ....
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Feb 28, 2009
I have several similar documents open. They each have a macro with the shortcut CTRL + SHFT + T. The problem is each macro is different for each book. When I am working on book X, I don't want macro from book Z to run, but it does.
I need all of them to be open.
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Jun 25, 2009
Is it possible to use a macro that needs parmeters as part of an application.ontime instruction? - I am getting a macro cannot be found error message.
If I change the called macro so that parameters are not required, it is found OK (but obviously isn't doing what I want anymore!).
I reckon it is something to do with the quotations around the macro name
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