Excel 2010 :: SQL Query DB - Error - Could Not Find Installable ISAM

Jan 19, 2014

I am trying to perform an SQL query on an Excel worksheet, as per one of the examples in Michael Alexander's book "Excel and Access Integration: With Microsoft Office 2007" and I am encountering an error message.

Could not find installable ISAM

To clear I am trying to pull data from one Excel workbook to another using SQL.

I am using Excel Excel 2010 64 bit.

This is the code I am running.

Sub GetData_From_Excel_Sheet()
Dim MyConnect As String
Dim MyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset


I have some across a few times that relates specifically to Excel 2010 64 bit is that I need to install the following driver

Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

However I already have this driver (I installed when I was trying to figure out how to write from Excel to Access).

Why am I receiving this message. It occurs when my code reaches this line:

MyRecordset.Open MySQL, MyConnect, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

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Could Not Find Installable ISAM

Sep 3, 2009

I use XL07 (in the absence of help --> about, I no longer know where to find the version number).

I work with several colleagues who use XL03, and we email spreadsheets back and forth.

I use a fair number of queries that reference tables in other excel workbooks.

Whenever I email a certain workbook to any of my 03 colleagues, and they refresh the query and send it back to me, the following happens:

1. When I try to edit or refresh the query, I get an error message that reads "ODBC Excel Driver Login Failed" in the title and "Could not find installable ISAM" in the message.

2. When I click OK, I get a "select database" window. I cancel out of that.

3. I go back into data --> refresh all --> connection properties --> definition and look at the connection string. Part of that string reads ";DriverId=281;FIL=MS Access"

4. I delete that part of the connection string, hit ok, and the query works fine (though making this change causes the query to refresh, something I'd occasionally like to avoid).

5. I make whatever other changes I need to make, email the workbook back to my colleagues, they make changes, send it back to me, and the exact same problem occurs.

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Import Large Text File Across Multiple Sheets. Could Not Find Installable ISAM

Apr 19, 2008

I found following code on this site to extract txt files. As mentioned this code can extrack huge txt data to multiple sheets.

Sub ImportLargeFile()
' Imports text file into Excel workbook using ADO.
'If the number of records exceeds 65536 then it splits it over more than one sheet.
'If a file in a different format is to be imported amend the extension at line 10
Dim strFilePath As String, strFilename As String, vFullPath As Variant
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim oConn As Object, oRS As Object, oFSObj As Object.............

However I am getting Run time error '-2147467259(80004005)': could not find installable ISAM for section 'Open an ADO connection to the folder specifiedin above code

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Excel 2010 :: Compile Error - Can't Find Project Or Library

Mar 4, 2014

One of our employees has wrote a VB project in excel 2010 which works on some machines and not others, it comes up with the below error message.

I have checked VB and there are no missing references.

Compile Error: Can't find project or library

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Empty ClientCodeComboBox

[Code] .....

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Excel 2010 :: Web Query Using Changing Filename

Mar 6, 2014

I'm using excel 2010, looking to import a .xls file to a tab from a web query. Herein lies the problem: the .xls file is named based on the current date. So for instance, xLfile03.05.14.xls. Which changes the next day to xLfile03.06.14.xls. This is not a local file but one on microsoft sharepoint. It's ONLY available through sharepoint.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Filter Query

Feb 21, 2012

I have created a pivot table in Excel 2010 that lists amounts used of particular items each month. Inside the pivot table value field settings i have changed the show values as field so that it displays the difference in usage from this month to last.

However if i now select a top 10 filter it only filters by the total number used as opposed to the difference in usage from one month to the next (which is the values displayed).

Is there a way that i can filter by top 10 by the actual values displayed in the pivot chart and not just the underlying data that creates it?

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Excel 2010 :: Workbook With Two Sheets / Query Parameters

Mar 6, 2012

I have a workbook that contains two sheets with two separate queries. On the first sheet I have two cells designated to accept the values for the parameters. The first sheet accepts the values and populates the table correctly. The second sheet doesn't seem to accept the values and just returns blank rows.

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Excel 2010 :: Assigning Name To Range Received By ODBC Query

Apr 29, 2014

I have been working on some ODBC queries in Excel 2010.

First, I recorded them using Excel's Record Macro function, to get an idea of what sort of source data I would need. Then, I rewrote them into something a little more intelligible.

Pulling out all the sensitive info, I want to know how to add the .ListObject.DisplayName property back onto the results of the query. I tried doing it intuitively, but it didn't work. It was in there when I recorded the macro, but I can't seem to figure out where to put it back into the re-written code. Other parts of the code depend on the results of the query being a 'named field'.

[Code] .....

Also, where would I find out what all that stuff in Cnnect means? DBA, APA, EXC, FEN, etc are all just assignments, and I might like to change some to make this run a bit quicker, if I knew what they meant.

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Excel 2010 :: ADO Recordset Query Quandary Locating Duplicates

Mar 13, 2013

I am having trouble setting up a query for a recordset that will list duplicates for an automated process to clean up. I am using Excel 2010 with Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset 6.0 Library and Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library as references.

So far, I have chopped the query down to it's most basic elements and reassembled until it broke. Necessary pieces work well, but when I combine them, I get nowhere.

Here is the working simple query to retrieve a single row:

dupeSQL = "SELECT PSID FROM [Obstructed$] "

Here is the working single query to retrieve a count:

dupeSQL = "SELECT COUNT(PSID) As '" & "CountPSID" & "' " _
& "FROM [Obstructed$] "

When combined, I cannot figure out why it won't work:

dupeSQL = "SELECT [PSID], COUNT(PSID) As '" & "CountPSID" & "' " _
& "FROM [Obstructed$] "

Here is what I am trying to get to:

dupeSQL = "SELECT [PSID], COUNT(PSID) As '" & "CountPSID" & "' " _
& "FROM [Obstructed$] " _
& "WHERE COUNT(PSID) > 1 " _

I can even work without the GROUP BY. I have also played with the HAVING clause to try and accommodate the [PSID] field, but have gotten nowhere.

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Excel 2007 :: Script Error In WEB QUERY

Nov 7, 2012

I am using Excel 2007. I am having problem with web query. I want to get data from Komatsu parts catalogue, komatsu parts book, komatsu parts search, komatsu parts numbers, komatsu parts database this website. In excel 2007-> get external data tab->from web-> and i typed the website(Komatsu parts catalogue, komatsu parts book, komatsu parts search, komatsu parts numbers, komatsu parts database) and click go then i receieved Script error

[An error has occured in the script on this page]
Line: 3
Char: 1373
Error: Expected identifier, string or number
Code: 0
[URL] .....

Do you want to continue running script on this page?

yes no]

like that i received an error

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Excel 2010 :: Access Data Connection Query - Missing Data All Of Sudden

Oct 19, 2012

I created a slick little excel sheet with the data coming in automatically via Access query. It has been working fine for months. Now all of the sudden there are a bunch of cells with missing data. The weird part is it's not as if whole columns are missing data, more like 90% missing. When I go to Access and run the query all cells are populated as the should be. There have been no changes to the query at all during this time.

btw...I am running Office 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Get Error While Add New Sheet

Jun 18, 2014

When i add a new sheet in excel 2010 at that time i getting error that "Unable to run this command on multiple selections in vba". This error get on both through code and manually.

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Excel 2010 :: Function Error In VB

Dec 21, 2011

Having problems with the code below on a 2010 Excel spreadsheet. The function flags me at first line and highlights Mid. I get a "compile error, cannot find project or library". I'm trying to set GetSheetName = m_sSheet but the GetSheetName function is not declared as returning any type.

Function GetSheetName(ByVal m_sFormula As String) As String
Dim m_sSheet As String

m_sSheet = Mid(m_sFormula, 2, InStr(m_sFormula, "!") - 2)
If InStr(m_sSheet, "'") Then
m_sSheet = Mid(m_sSheet, 2, Len(m_sSheet) - 2)
End If
GetSheetName = m_sSheet
End Function

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Excel 2010 :: End If Without Block If Error

Jun 4, 2014

I am using Excel 2010, I receivean error message "end if without block if" I've been working on this forseveral days and I have been un-successful. The code is to look at what is in combox1 and based off what is selected by the user, it will locate that tab and put in the information from the userform.

Private SubCommandButton1_Click()
"S:location of file.xlsx"


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Excel 2010 :: How To Get Power-query And Power-pivot

Jun 28, 2014

How to get Power-query and Power-pivot for Excel 2010?

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Excel 2010 :: Compile Error In Combobox Value?

Aug 11, 2014

I had a spreadsheet in 2007 with a drop down list of date. So that these showed as a date and not the numerical value I found and used the following.

[Code] .....

However I've now had a upgrade to 2010 and I get a compile error: Can't find project or library and the word Format is highlighted.

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Excel 2010 :: Error In Shell During Opening PDF

Feb 25, 2014

I'm using excel 2010 and pdf creator to make a pdf (and open it automatically). It works with the following code:

[Code] .....

path and filename are previously defined objects.

I'm using pdfcreator because the code also has to be used with excel2003 on another pc. The problem is that I get an error (probably for trying to open the newly creating pdf-file).

Error 2417024894 (80070002) during execution. Method run of Object IWshSell 3 failed.

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Excel 2010 :: Combobox Event Error

Jul 10, 2013

Using Excel 2010. I have a ComboBox (Not ActiveX) on a worksheet

I'm trying to add an event so that when user click on a choice a macro is fired using the selected item as citeria for a filter When I click on the drop down and make a selection I receive this error msg:

Cannot find the macro "cboUserSelection_Change" The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled

I also tried _AfterUpdate - similar error message.

I added the Combo Box code to the Worksheet code, not a standard module

I was able to run a quick test macro so I do not believe "all macros are disabled"

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Excel 2010 :: Runtime Error When Using Like In SQL Statement

Feb 5, 2014

Excel 2010. Windows 7

Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
An unexpected token ""20*"" was found following "1' AND
PERIOD = LIKE*. Expected tokens may include: "". SQLSTATE=42601
code died at RS.Open SQL, CN
Dim sn as String, osi as string, saposi As String


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Excel 2010 :: Testing Userform - Divide By Zero Error

Mar 26, 2013

I'm the final stages of testing a userform that, in response to a button click, copies certain cells from a big messy worksheet and pastes the relevant ones (based on user input) in a clean sheet. Suddenly, I started getting a 'divide by zero' error for the following line:

VB : UpCount = PickNum - 6 + ((PickNum / 12))

UpCount and PickNum are both declared as Double, though this shouldn't matter. UpCount is being assigned a value here for the first time, and PickNum varies from 1 to about 250 depending on input.

Obviously I'm only dividing by a constant here, which is VISIBLY not zero. This error only occurs for certain ranges of PickNum...something like 50-70. Interestingly, in trying to debug it, I added:


...since PickNum was 54 as I was getting this error. Just dividing 54 by 12 ALSO got a div by zero error.

Perhaps I should mention I'm using VBA in Excel 2010 for Mac.

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Excel 2010 :: Return In Function Gives Syntax Error

Apr 4, 2014

I get syntax error on return statement. I am using Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Logic Error In Nested If Then Statements

Oct 15, 2011

Using Excel 2010.

I extracted data from .pdf to Excel using Able2Extract. Now I need to scrub the output a bit.

I see commonalities in the data for the start and stop of each set of data that I can key in on.

Once I find the start and stop points for each set of data I would like to fill all rows in-between the points and then discard anything that remains outside of these boundaries.

I have something wrong in my logic, way too many rows are deleted.

Option Explicit

Sub GetLineSets()
'Purpose: Identify relevant line sets, delete all other rows
Dim wbBook As Workbook
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim strFormula As String
Dim lngRows As Long
Dim C As Range
Dim blnFlag As Boolean

[Code] ......

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Excel 2010 :: VALUE Error When Workbook Updates On Startup

Nov 10, 2011

Using Excel 2010.

I have a formula in a workbook that links to another workbook and returns a #VALUE! error. The formula is:

=OFFSET(INDEX('\srvrdatakenny cantrell$Kenny''s FolderPayroll[DI Staff List.xls]Sheet1'!$D$6:$D$60,MATCH(TRUE,'\srvrdatakenny cantrell$Kenny''s FolderPayroll[DI Staff List.xls]Sheet1'!$D$6:$D$60=B3,0)),0,2)

However, when I open the source workbook, the cell updates correctly. How can I get the cell's formula to update when the source data workbook is closed?

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Runtime Error 424 Object Required

Dec 1, 2011

I am writing macros for a pop up calender in excel 2010. I followed instructions in the link below but at the testing step # 7 it returned; 'run time eror 424 object required'. It's my first time writing macros.


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Excel 2010 :: VBA Error When File Opened From Email?

Aug 30, 2012

I've got a file that works fine on my computer. When I email it to anyone with 2010 and they open it from their email account (Outlook 2010), the file automatically opens up in 'Protected Mode'. If the user selects "Enable Editing" the user receives 'Run Time error 91: Object variable or with block variable not set'.

If the user closes out the vba error and saves the file to their computer and reopens the file, it works fine.

BTW, it is not a complex macro, it is error out at


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Excel 2010 :: Getting Error When Try To Add Dependent Dropdown List

Oct 29, 2013

Creating a spreadsheet in Excel 2010 and am creating the dropdowns from a separate sheet in the workbook. There are no spaces and I don't know why I keep getting the "The Source currently evaluates to an error."

I am entering the Data Validation to reference the first cell I need "=INDIRECT(H3)"

I have put the spreadsheet on dropbox. When you select the "Sequencing Platform" drop down, it need to give just the dropdown for the platform selected.

[Code] ..........

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Excel 2010 :: Error VBA 462 Remote Server Not Found

Nov 2, 2013

I have created a macro that creates a powerpoint from excel in office 2010. I have followed all the required steps, like adding object library and all. but still many times the PowerPoint crashes at slide7, 8 or 9 and have to restart. I generally get the above given error.

Sub CreatePowerPoint()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Macro Created by Pallavi NC (pallavi.nc@hp.com)
'Add a reference to the Microsoft PowerPoint Library by:
'1. Go to Tools in the VBA menu
'2. Click on Reference
'3. Scroll down to Microsoft PowerPoint X.0 Object Library, check the box, and press Okay
'First we declare the variables we will be using


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Excel 2010 :: Autofill Type Mismatch Error

Mar 7, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010 and I wrote the code below to autofill a range that feeds a chart on the worksheet "Dashboard." Essentially, the user selects criteria on the Dashboard and clicks the "Submit" button, which causes an advanced filter to copy the data that matches the criteria into the range Sheets("HiddenSheet").Range("A2:H"). I need the code below to autofill the formulas in I3:Q3 in I:Q until the last row in A:H, but I keep getting a "Type Mismatch" error on the bolded line below.

One note - Columns K:Q contain formulas that feed off of Column C and into Column J - that's why the autofill range is different than the chart SetSourceData range.

Sub TimelineControl()
Dim Timeline As Chart
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rngforTimeline As Range
Dim LastAxis As Integer
Dim LastA As Long


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Excel 2010 :: Find The Last Used Row?

Nov 12, 2011

I am trying to use the code that can find the last used row in particular column.

Here is the code in module1

Function LastRow(rng As Range)
Dim temp, temp1
Dim col As Range
With Application.Caller.Parent
For Each col In rng.Columns
temp = Cells(Rows.Count, rng.Column).End(xlUp).Row
If temp > temp1 Then temp1 = temp
Next col
End With
LastRow = temp1
End Function
and code in the range


My problem is, this code was working nicely but now it only shows ###.

PS I use MS office 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Error / Source Not Found With Certain XLSM Files

Nov 17, 2011

I am working with Excel 2010.

There are certain .xlsm files in our system (some have macros and others don't) which generate "Error: Source not Found" in the Edit Links dialog box when the Check Status button is pushed. However, the source location is correct, as you can click on Open Source and it will open the correct file.

For simplicity of explaining my issue, consider the following scenario. In my workbook "Corn Production Summary.xls_" I link to 2 source files: "Iowa.xlsm" and "Nebraska.xlsx" (Note: The extension of the summary file doesn't matter. This error happens regardless of what the summary is.)

When I open "Corn Production Summary" I am prompted to update values. I select Update and the file refreshes and recalculates appearing to have updated all values (i.e. no error messages). However, the values from Iowa.xlsm did NOT update and there was no error message indicating that the values didn't update.

To confirm this, I go to Data>Edit Links>Check Status in "Corn Production Summary" and I see that Iowa.xlsm has the "Error: Source not Found" error. I click on Open Source and once the file is open, my data in the summary file will update.

One work around was to do the following process (with the summary file closed):

1) Iowa.xlsm and Save As Iowa.xlsx (removing macros if needed)

2) Save As Iowa.xlsx as Iowa.xlsm (overwriting the file that is currently there and readding the macros)

3) Open the summary file and both Iowa and Nebraska work just fine now.

There are a lot of files like this, and because Excel doesn't prompt us that it isn't really getting the values from these certain .xlsm files we would have to search in "Edit Links" for each file to make sure that they really are updating.

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