I am trying to use the code that can find the last used row in particular column.
Here is the code in module1
Function LastRow(rng As Range)
Dim temp, temp1
Dim col As Range
With Application.Caller.Parent
For Each col In rng.Columns
temp = Cells(Rows.Count, rng.Column).End(xlUp).Row
If temp > temp1 Then temp1 = temp
Next col
End With
LastRow = temp1
End Function
and code in the range
My problem is, this code was working nicely but now it only shows ###.
I'm looking for one function for each of these properties that will provide them with negligible overhead in all or almost all spreadsheet data cases, such as the normal spreadsheets, autofiltered data, large workbooks, etc.
By the way, by "first row", I mean the first row after the header row, given that the header row is in row 1.
I am using Excel 2010 and I am currently trying to find the Avg Min / Avg Max costs for 4 different groups.. Players, Accompanying, Coaches, Medical.
I need it to get the minimum values from 3 different sections ( I am using custom names for them such as PlayerReg for Player Registration costs ) once it gathers the minimum / maximum values from the 3 different sections it needs to add them together to display the Avg Minimum / Maximum for each group.
At the moment I have =MIN(Total_Discount_7_Nights + PlayerReg + FrequentFlierFare) under Minimum /w Frequent Flier although the minimum value it should detect is $948.75 it displays $1115.
For maximum I have
=MAX(Total_Discount_7_Nights + PlayerReg + FrequentFlierFare) under Maximum /w Frequent Flier although once again this value should be $1174.50
Although for some reason it displays $978.75 - which is the minimum cost. The Maximum figures for the other groups (Accompanying, Coaches and Medical) don't even display values Instead it just has #VALUE! in which I'm guessing I have something wrong with it.
Table 1 is a long list of unique items in no particular order, each of which belongs to a unique group of items, for example:
ItemsGroup ID apple pear grape fig banana guava peach mango
Table 2 lists all the Group ID numbers and in the same row as each Group ID number, shows the names of all the items belonging to that group, one item in each column. Different Groups have different numbers of items in them. For example:
Group IDItem1 Item2 Item3 etc. 214applepeargrape 33fig 7bananaguava 59peachmango
Is there a formula I can use in the second column of Table 1 to look for each item in Table 2 and tell me what group it is in? For example for "apple" or "pear" or "grape" it would look in Table 2 and return the Group ID number "214".
In Excel 2010, I have a list of numbers with about 7000 rows. I am trying to track the number of times the number "22" appears within 30-day periods, with the end-result being a "count column".
While I could enter a formula manually for the date ranges, there are over 200 time-spans I'd have to enter (list goes back to year 1994). Is there a way to automate this process...
Excel 2010ABCDE1DateNumbers List# of Days AgoCount for number 22205/31/12304305/30/12602405/29/12909505/28/12301202605/27/12391505705/26/12371807805/25/1222210 11905/24/123824051005/23/122227091105/22/123230011205/21/123533001305/20/12383608
In an Excel Pro Plus 2010 workbook on a Windows 7 PC, trying to use the "After" argument in a VBA .Find function and it's not working as expected.
I've got the following data in column D:
Row1: Title Row2: Row2Data Row3: Row3Data
And using this simple procedure:
Sub FindTest() If Range("D:D").Find("Title", After:=Range("D1")) Is Nothing Then Debug.Print "Not Found" Else Debug.Print Range("D:D").Find("Title", After:=Range("D1")).Row End If End Sub
My expecation is that "Not Found"will be returned, but instead I'm getting the row # (1).
If I change the value in D1 the procudure returns "Not Found", as expected. If I change the find argument to look for "Row2Data" it returns 2.
I also tried changing the "After" argument to "D2" ... same result.
Finally, I tried using this format: "Range("D:D").Find("Title", [D2])" and got the same result.
I need to check, if in A1:BU1 are any duplicate words. All the formulas I found deal with finding duplicates downward (like A1:A1000). Have not seen any formula which works across (from left to right)
Is there an easy way in Excel 2010 either to tag/ and -or remove the duplicate which I could apply and then just copy downward? The formula must work from left to right, because many words repeat downward.
I have Excel 2010 & Window 7. I have 2 sheets of business names, some businesses in sheet 1 may be named slightly different in sheet 2 and not all businesses in sheet 1 are included in sheet 2. I would like to be able to find the closest match (from sheet 2) for the businesses on sheet 1 and return the closest matched business name.
I have an excel workbook where some sheets have a column called "Name" in Row 3. The column where "Name" appears shifts based upon other criteria so it's not set within 1 specific column.
The real data for the "Name" column starts in Row 5. Is it possible to create a macro that looks in Row 3 for "Name", then once it finds that column, it does a find and replace from Row 5 to the end of the data and replaces every space with a ^.
For example, if I have:
Row 3 Name Row 4 Row 5 John Smith Row 6 Jane Doe Row 7 John Doe Row 8 Jane Smith
I am using Excel 2010. I am digging through a workbook with 80-some worksheets. There is one worksheet with 11 data tables. When the workbook refreshes, there is a note at the bottom saying something about 21 data tables. I am not sure where the other 10 are. In an online post, someone said that the Name Manager should show them. But in Name Manager, when I filter on Tables, the list goes blank, and all the icons are the same for the other named ranges. Is there another way to find the data tables?
I have a wookbook with serial numbers in column A and barcodes in column B. There are 51940 rows in total.
Is there a way I can search through column A, and for each unique value found , concatenate all of the barcodes that relate to that serial number in column C?
I have two sheets. One is named sheet1 where all my data is and sheet2 where all my values are. I want to do a find a replace on column N (sheet1) using the data in sheet2. Column A on Sheet2 has all the values that are found in column N and column B on Sheet2 has what the data should change to.
So for example:
Sheet1 says the following on column N: cat dog lion bear
Sheet2 says: Column A A1: Cat A2: Dog A3: Bear
Column B B1: 2 B2: 8 B3:15
I want the values on column N to be replaced with 2, 8, 15 and so forth. I use excel 2010.
Why my code is not working. I am working with Excel 2010. It will only delete the column on the active spreadsheet and not go to next worksheet. Not all worksheets contain the word "Broker".
[Code] ......
Not sure if its something to do with Activecell, try After:=ws.cells(1,1) or passing it in as the active cell stays the same i think.
I can't find the Pivot Table icon in the toolbar. I tried "Insert", I can only see the 'table' icon, but cannot see the 'pivot table' icon. how can I find this 'pivot table' icon, or create it in the tool bar?
I am trying to create a formula for a work report and I am afraid I am a bit of a novice with the more complex formulas. Here is what I am trying to do: Sheet 1 has Sales order numbers that duplicate based on the sales lines. Sheet 2 has single lines of sales order numbers and their assigned PO number. I would like to have Sheet 3 where it combines all data and duplicates and fills in the PO number to match all of the sales order numbers that repeat on the other sheet. I hope this makes sense. I can't seem to figure out if I need a VLookup or If or Match formula (or all of the above).
Two months ago our employer seriously limited the size of our mailboxes. We are "forced" to store emails as msg files on our network. PST archives are not allowed. This naturally sucks, as in Explorer you only have the file names and dates to look for that one particular email amongst hundreds (thousands) of msg files. I was able to compose a program in Excel 2010 that generates a list of msg files from a selected folder, together with metadata (sender, receiver, etc.) and so on.
In a test the program worked fine with 6,710 msg files I could post the code here, but the comments and many of the variable names are in Dutch (I never expected it to work in the first place). There is one thing I would like to add to the program. Sometimes I want to add an email to a new email as an attachment. Nowadays I have to look for the right msg file in Explorer by hand, which is a pitty, because I have the paths and filenames in my worksheet. I can put that in a string variable and let VBA do the looking up.
But I don't know how. I would like to be able to let VBA look for the file in Explorer, select it and then stop. I could then drag and drop the selected msg file in my new email. But all my attempts to find example code end up with code that enables a user to select a file and immediately open it. That is one step too far for me. If the msg file is opened, I cannot add it to a new email as an attachment anymore.
I am trying to perform an SQL query on an Excel worksheet, as per one of the examples in Michael Alexander's book "Excel and Access Integration: With Microsoft Office 2007" and I am encountering an error message.
Could not find installable ISAM
To clear I am trying to pull data from one Excel workbook to another using SQL.
I am using Excel Excel 2010 64 bit.
This is the code I am running.
Code: Sub GetData_From_Excel_Sheet() Dim MyConnect As String Dim MyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
I have some across a few times that relates specifically to Excel 2010 64 bit is that I need to install the following driver
Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
However I already have this driver (I installed when I was trying to figure out how to write from Excel to Access).
Why am I receiving this message. It occurs when my code reaches this line:
I have been tasked with trying to find out the permissions on a set of folders on a company network. I know write vba code to manipulate a excel spreadsheet without any problems, but it is when i'm using objects that it starts to go beyond my capability. whilst searching i found this code:
It does a perfect job but puts the data into an html file. i managed to get it to input the data into the spreadsheet as well but i would like to clean this code up so that it is not producing another file (namely the text file or the html file) and just put the results into the excel file I have entered the module into.
I did start to remove the references to any file name, but that is where i run into trouble and it wouldn't run any more due to object not found.
I have a single work book with 8 sheets (I am using Excel 2010 BTW) and I am trying to find a total of times a word appears across all the sheets in column "C"
I found this formula on another thread. =SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Sheet"&{1,2,3}&"!C1:C1000"),"="&H3)) with an example. I made the changes that I needed for my purposes
This worked but only after I renamed the sheets to Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.
Is there a way get the same results from the above formula if all the sheets are named after our reps? Example: sheet1 is named Dan, Sheet2 is Nick, etc?
I have a form with a main list box and several other list boxes. I drag and drop records from the main list box to the others. When I drop a record onto one of the list boxes, a corresponding worksheet is updated with the same record. This works just fine.
The problem I have is:I close and re-open the form after having added some dataDrag/Drop a record to the list boxThe worksheet won't find the first empty rowExample: If the worksheet already contains 4 rows of data, I have to drag/drop 5 times before the fifth row will be updatedI would like to drop the data the first time and have the first blank row updated
1.) I have tried variations of "xlUp", "xlDown", and SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) in the "Worksheets("Monday")... line of code; all to no avail.
2.) The cells contain formatting (borders)
Here is the relevant code:
'Copy items from the list box to the worksheet For intI = 1 To ListBox2.ListCount For intJ = 1 To ListBox2.ColumnCount If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ)) Then Worksheets("Monday").Cells(intI + 1, intJ).Value = ListBox2.List(intI - 1, intJ - 1) End If Next intJ Next intI
(I am using Excel version 14.0.7106 and MS Office Professional 2010.)
I have a macro in which I have named a range of numbers in a spreadsheet, used the "find" function to find a particular number in that range, and now would like to copy some information into a cell in the same row as the found number. However, when I try to move over to the cell that I'm copying to, it only goes to the 1st row in the range that I have defined.
Here's the portion of code I think you need to see. Everything works...it finds a match...but then I don't know what to do from there to get the information to the correct row:
'Grab the 1st project number Range("C8").Select Do Until ActiveCell.Value = "" If ActiveCell.Value "" Then prjnum = ActiveCell.Value Selection.Offset(0, 8).Select