Excel 2010 :: VBA - Using Date Via Defined Name In Match Function

Feb 20, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010. I have three columns. Column A contains the date, Column B contains the time, and Column C contains the date and time. Column C is the result of a formula, which adds Columns A and B (ie. =A2+B2). So I have the following...

Date and Time

9:00:00 AM
1/15/13 9:00:00 AM

9:00:05 AM
1/15/13 9:00:05 AM

[Code] ....

I'm using a defined name to store a date and time, which I'm going to use as a lookup value in a Match function. I've defined MyVal as follows...

1/15/13 9:00:20 AM

Excel automatically converts this to the following decimal number...


When I first run either of the following two macros, they correctly return 5...

Sub test1()
Dim x As Double
x = [MyVal]

Debug.Print Application.Match(x, Range("C2:C10"), 0)
End Sub

Sub test2()
Dim x As Date

x = [MyVal]
Debug.Print Application.Match(CDbl(x), Range("C2:C10"), 0)
End Sub

However, when I save and close the workbook, and then re-open it, these macros both return an error. Is this some sort of bug in Excel?

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Excel 2010 :: User-Defined Type Not Defined Compile Error When Creating PowerPoint Using VBA

Jul 29, 2014

I am using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Microsoft VBA 7.0 on my system. I would like to eventually create a PowerPoint and insert charts generated in the Excel workbook. In the meantime, I cannot get the basic PowerPoint created.

The line in red is highlighted blue when the compile error "User-defined type not defined" message box appears.

Public Sub TryAgain() Dim myPowerPoint As PowerPoint.Application
' do nothing for now
'End Sub

I have set the references such that Microsoft Project 14.0 Object Library is indeed checked. The Excel file only contains this code in a module. All sheets are blank. Nothing else is written yet.

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Excel 2010 :: Lookup For Match Function

Jul 17, 2014

I think I need some version of a lookup for match function. Here is essentially what I need: I have a column of data points. I need to output every position at which the data point changes to a different value (going from top to bottom). See below for an example.

Here is some sample data (with column headers)

Data Pt



[Code] .......

Here is the result I need (I want to put a consistent formula into the second column below that returns the results shown in the second column below):

split 1 position

split 2 position

[Code] ........

Is what I am describing possible? Because I am inserting this into a template, I ideally need to do this outside of any sort of VBA work.

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Excel 2010 :: Win 8 User Defined Type Not Defined?

May 5, 2013

Base 64 Encoding.

Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

Are causing the User Defined error, but the same workbook is OK in XP and Win 7.

VB6: Free, Easy and Quick Base64 Encoding and Decoding in Visual Basic [a NonHostile article]

Says you need a reference to Microsoft XML, v2.6 (or later) and the Win8/2010 workbook does have one for Microsoft XML, v6.0

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Excel 2010 :: Freezes When Using Pull Function In INDEX / MATCH

Feb 14, 2014

I am using Excel 2010.

My objective is to pull specific values from an external file corresponding to the correct name and year of my choosing. The first way I thought would be best is to use an INDEX/MATCH function. The problem is the external files change names so I would need a method to easily change the source file name from one cell. I then stumbled across the INDIRECT function, but the INDIRECT function will only work when the source file is also opened. I then came across Harlan Grove's pull function which allows you to import data from closed excel files.

So, this is what my formula looks like: =INDEX(pull("'"&G12&"");MATCH(C15;pull("'"&G14&"");0);MATCH(D15;pull("'"&G16&"");0))

Cells G12,G14, and G16 contain the file paths for the ranges. C15 is name and D15 is year.

The problem I have though is that when I try to execute the function, Excel gets stuck. if the code cannot handle large amounts of data. I tested the code with a simple SUM function for a small range from an external file and it worked just fine.

This is the code I am using:

[Code] ...

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Excel 2010 :: Function For Last Modified Date Of Cell?

Feb 14, 2012

What I wanted was to a function, say, "=LastModifiedDateOf(CELL)", where CELL, is a parameter that indicates the cell I want to monitor. If the value of such cell ever gets changed, the cell containing the function has its value updated to the current date.

A1 = "AA"
A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "10/03/2011 10:30:32"

-- Make an update:

A1 = "BB"
A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "14/02/2012 12:15:11"

I'm not quite a super user in Excel, but this function would be very very useful for me.

ps. I'm using Office 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Find Months And Days Between Today And Another Date That Is Result Of Function?

Apr 25, 2014

I'm in Excel 2010, and the cell with the date I want to work from is H22.

I'm trying to get the difference of the (date+12 months)-TODAY() to appear in months and days.

Here's the latest thing I tried (that doesn't work):

=IF(DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"y")>=1,DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"y")&" yrs, "&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")&" mths,
"&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days",IF(DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")>=1,DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"ym")&" mths, "&DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days",DATEDIF(H22,TODAY(),"md")&" days"))

I should also probably note that the date in H22 is the result of another function.


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Excel 2010 :: Overflow Error 6 - When All Variables Defined As Integers

Jul 17, 2012

I have tracked down an overflow Error 6 to the following line:

dMax = Int(s * DPoints / SPoints)

Where all variables are defined as Integers. The error goes away when I define s as Long, but I don't understand why this should be required since none of the individual variables ever exceed the scope of an Integer (-32768 to 32767).

Strangely, I get the same overflow problem when I type either of the following calculations in the immediate window:

? Int(328 * 100 / 1000)
? 328 * 100 / 1000
? 328 * 100

Note that no variables are defined, so why the overflow problem? Surely Excel/VBA should be able to work with this very basic calculation without any problem, by assigning the appropriate dimension, no?

Is this a known problem with Excel/VBA?

I am using Windows 7, with Excel 2010 (updated from 2009).

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Repeating Formula(s) In Specified Cells Based On Defined Variables?

Dec 28, 2012

In my worksheet, I know the last line of my report AND I know how many "reporting segments" (all equidistant and identical) there are in the report based on the last row using the below (which I tested in several reports in messages):

Dim vListEnd As Variant
Dim vTaskCount As Double
vListEnd = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(Sheet1.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
vTaskCount = ((vListEnd - 5) / 22)

My "reporting segments" are ALWAYS 22 rows each and the first one always starts in row 5. Example: A document where the last row (containing an End of Report special character) is 247 would have 11 reporting segments.

Within each reporting segment, there are two different formulas needed.

For the first reporting segment located in rows A5 thru J27:

I need FORMULA1 in all cells of the range (D5:D15 dragged out to H5:H10(not 15) and D18) and FORMULA2 in cells (F20:F22,J20:J22).

Then I need to repeat that vTaskCount number of times (number of segments) and at intervals of 22 (segment repeater offset). Some reports may have 2 segments, some might have 50, but the structure is always identical.

My formulas are all pretty simple if it makes a difference (originally using FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]+RC[-3]" --- but because I now know solid cell locations I suppose I don't need to make them relative, too.)

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User Defined Function To Return Fiscal Year Of A Date

May 2, 2012

I am working with a fiscal year that starts in December and ends in November. I want to make a user defined function that will return the fiscal year of a date. I've created the below code, but it returns a zero.

Function FiscalYear(DateFY)

If Month(DateFY) = 12 Then
Year (DateFY) + 1
Year (DateFY)
End If
End Function

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Convert Combination Of Excel Functions Into One User-defined Function

Mar 12, 2014

I have a really long function which counts the number of unique values in a selected range, and ignores blank cells. The function is like this (only works as an array function):


I want to convert this into a user-defined function COUNTUNIQUE, which only takes one argument: the range (A1:A15 in the above example)

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Sheets Copy Function Works But Then Jumps To Beginning Of Function

Apr 8, 2014

I'm having trouble using the worksheet copy command in a VBA subroutine. I have the following line in my code:

[Code] ........

When I step through my code and execute this line, the sheet is copied as expected and put in the correct place, but then instead of the next line of code being highlighted, the pointer jumps to the first line of a function (in a different module) in my code.

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Excel 2007 :: Compile Error / Sub Or Function Not Defined - Even After Solver Has Been Referenced

May 15, 2014

I get this error : Compile error : Sub or Function not defined. I found out that this might be caused by the solver not being referenced. But, this is fixed now but I still get the same error message.

I'm using Excel 2007 - Windows.

Here is the code :

Sub Macro1()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
j = 4
For i = 1 To 4000
If ActiveSheet.Cell(i, 12).Value = 1 Then
ActiveSheet.Cell(j, 15).Value = ActiveSheet.Cell(i, 2)


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Excel 2010 :: Index / Match Duplicate

Jul 18, 2014

I have a victim of the Index-Match duplication problem in Excel (2010). Basically, I have three columns of data, all daily input for the year.

Column 1 = Date
Column 2 = Actual (Units Sold)
Column 3 = Scheduled (Units Sold)

The Date is filled out through the end of the year as is the Scheduled values.
The Actual values are filled out daily.

I need to generate a summary box that reports Actual, Scheduled, and Variance (Actual - Scheduled) for the time periods Daily, Month to Date, and YTD.

My problem is that when I try to return the Schedule value that corresponds with the date of the last entry, I don't know if I am pulling the correct Schedule value since I do not know if the Actual value (that is pulled from the last value in the Actual column) is unique. So I tried using an Index-Match formula to return the latest value (that is the last record occurrence of the value) to my function in order to retrieve the correct Schedule value, but, sadly, it did not work.

I by no means am an Excel expert like many of you, so I may have some questions along the way.

I've attached a sample extraction from my worksheet and included an example of the Summary panel I'm creating.

ActualVsScheduled_problem - Copy.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Index Match Using Array?

Sep 13, 2012

The context of this problem is that I am pulling sales data from different outlets to analyse monthly sales. The data from the various outlets are in various formats and the products, even though they are the same throughout all the stores, are named differently. For example, Mushroom Soup can be named as "Soup Mushroom", "Mushroom Soup" or "Cream of Mushroom". This makes analysis really tough.

I first created a table with a list (K6:P6) that had the varying names of the products. This is shown as the first table with 3 rows.

Then I tried to match this list to a range of products sold by an outlet e.g. Electric. (shown in the next bigger table $D$10:$D$254, ) Next, I used Index to call up and display the sales of that product next to table with list A ($G$10:$G$254)

This works for some entries but not for all. I get mostly #NA answers even though I do ctrl-shift-enter. Also, the bigger table is in a separate file and I am using excel 2010.

=INDEX('[GON-JUN 2012.xls]gon-jun'!$G$10:$G$254,MATCH(K6:P6,'[GON-JUN 2012.xls]gon-jun'!$D$10:$D$254,0))


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Excel 2010 :: VLookup Will Not Match Unless Use Sendkeys F2

Sep 24, 2013

We have a business system which has some very disjointed reporting. To fix this I have multiple extracts that are then combined into a single report. I then add Year & Period from a lookup of a date in a particular field. Unfortunately most values are returned as #N/A but if I manually go into the sheet and select an offending cell and click then magically the formula then corrects itself.

So I thought I would be clever and use Sendkeys {F2} as part of my code. Unfortunately this is a bit hit & miss as it works on some but not on others. Also the Sendkeys piece repeats itself leaving my frontsheet a 1000 rows from the start. This is easily fixed by selecting cell A1as the last step.

My question is there methods in VBA by not using sendkeys that will achieve the same result and is consistent. I am using Excel 2010.

Sub Add_Calendar()
Dim cell As Object, c As Range

'setup for calendar data population
' Range("H1") = "Created Date"
Range("N1") = "Year"
Range("O1") = "Period"
'copy the format

[Code] ........

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Excel 2010 :: Column And Row Match And Index

Oct 3, 2013

Whatever formula I try is returning an error of #N/A

I have two worksheets the first with transport data - customer,collection point, delivery point, haulier and number of pallets - all this information is in columns; the second sheet with the rates show haulier, customer, validity, delivery point in columns and then pallet numbers run across a row with rates tying in underneath. i have simplified this below.

I am just trying to reference all the data and work out what the cost for the variables would be in the example the cell i'm trying to find is H8 (320) -

I have already tried the following and several modified versions:

[Code] ..........

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Excel 2010 :: Index / Match With Reference?

Dec 24, 2013

I am currently using the below formula to add values (D6:D225 on sheets Mon, Tue, ...) given the criteria is met in any cells within the two columns across the five sheets (E6:E225 & N6:N225 on sheets Mon, Tue, ...).

When the references to the columns do not randomly change themselves to #REF! it works fine however, it does this often, forcing my to rewrite the formula.

**Why does it do that and is there a way to stop it?

Also, when I do have to rewrite I am forced to do each cell individually to change the number within the quotes. I have tried to use a cell reference there but when I do Excel just gives me a "0" as if there is no data to be retrieved.

I am using Excel 2010 on a company computer with the macros blocked so no VBA.


Excel 2010

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Excel 2003 :: Stuck On User-defined Type Not Defined Error?

Oct 9, 2012

Trying to convert an Excel 2003 macro to work in Excel 2007.

The problem line is

Dim MyDataObject As DataObject

I suspect the problem is a Missing Reference, but I cannot figure out which one. I have the same ones (in 2007) as 2003 except for one which is not showing

Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library

Is this the one it needs? It is called something else in 2007?

The ones I do have ticked are

Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library
Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.8 for DDL and Security
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Microsoft XML v2.6

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Excel 2010 :: Lookup Single Closest Match?

Apr 17, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and need to create something like a histogram that will have large regions of null values. In other words, my histogram might look like this...

x x
x x x
100 250 420

[My laboriously drawn histogram does not display correctly. It is supposed to have 3 x's above 100, 2 x's above 250, and 5 x's above 420]

I have data in the form of:
Value Prob.
100 30%
250 20%
420 50%

I have Excel giving me a histogram that looks like this...
x x
[This histogram also didn't turn out. Again, it is supposed to be 3 vertical x's, 2 vertical x's, and 5 vertical x's]

What I have tried to do is to create a list based on the lowest and highest numbers (e.g., 100 and 420) and split that into equal increments. I then intended to use a VLOOKUP or something to pull back the probability associated with the number in my list nearest the data value I have.

I couldn't get VLOOKUP to work correctly, so was happy when I found the following thread on Ozgrid. [URL]

However, in each of the solutions listed in that thread, I get faulty results. I am attaching a file that shows the errors and what I am trying to get : Example.xlsx

Perhaps there is some easier way to do what I am attempting to do. This architecture makes sense to me, but sometimes the perfect solution doesn't make sense until I see it...

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Excel 2010 :: Find Closest Match For Business Name?

Mar 15, 2012

I have Excel 2010 & Window 7. I have 2 sheets of business names, some businesses in sheet 1 may be named slightly different in sheet 2 and not all businesses in sheet 1 are included in sheet 2. I would like to be able to find the closest match (from sheet 2) for the businesses on sheet 1 and return the closest matched business name.

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Excel 2010 :: Index - Match With Data In Rows

Jan 7, 2013

Using Excel 2010.

Rows 1 and 2 (range: A1:CM2) within Spreadsheet X contain the range of data that I need.

Within Spreadsheet Y, Row 6 will change monthly and will be input by the user. The value in Row 6 equals the data in Row 2 in worksheet X.

I need to put a formula in row 4 of spreadsheet Y that returns the value of Row 1 in Spreadsheet X.

Unfortunately, I cannot change the spreadsheet layout, otherwise I could do an HLOOKUP formula using Spreadsheet Y Row 6 and Spreadsheet X Row 2 and be done with it. I assume that I need to use an Index-Match formula, which I am not as familiar with. In addition, all of the online support I have found explains Index-Match with data in columns, not rows.

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Excel 2010 :: Match - Text Length Limitation

May 8, 2014

Excel 2007-2010. I'm using match(string, range,0) but there must be a limitation on the length of the string since I know the string is in the range but it returns #value as if it is not found. Is there a VBA solution to get around this without having to loop/cycle through the entire range?

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Excel 2010 :: Userform Date Picker Textbox Will Not Select Current Date

Feb 10, 2012

I have userform with date pickers and have text boxes overlaid on these, when I select todays date from the date picker it does not display the current date in the text box (I have 8 date pickers on the userform). If I select another date then reselect the current date it works. It has occasionally worked but why.

Below is the code for populating the text box from the Date Picker.

Private Sub DTPicker1_Change()
TextBox1.Value = DTPicker1.Value
End Sub

The initialize userform code uses the following to format and set the textbox


TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy")
TextBox1.Value = ""

Windows 7 with Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Converting Hijri Date To Gregorian Date From Another Cell

Apr 19, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where we will be inserting the Arabic Hijri date taken from a Customs document (bayan). On my spreadsheet I'd like to have a column immediately next to the Hijri date that would convert the Hijri date to the Gregorian date so both dates will be visible for our Arabic and Western personnel who will be using the spreadsheet.

I am using Microsoft Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Populate A Daily Calendar Using The Dates Between Date Of Arrival And Date Of Departure

May 30, 2013

I'm using Excel 2010. I need to populate a daily calendar with the number of nights spent, extracted from the Date of Arrival and Date of Departure of individuals.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Create Macro To Insert INDEX And MATCH

Jan 20, 2012

Using Excel 2010, I am trying to create a macro to insert INDEX and MATCH formulas on a sheet that reference Tables on the same sheet.

The formula works fine when entered in a cell where I can point to the Table. Now I need to put the formula in a macro where it will automatically reference the first Table on the sheet.

Here is an example of the formula:



Just look at that Table name!!

The original file has multiple sheets and multiple Tables on each sheet. No naming convension was used in naming the sheets or Tables.

Can I cycle through all the Tables on a sheet and rename each of them? For example, find the first Table on the sheet closest to cell A1 and rename it Table 1, find the next Table and rename it Table 2, etc.

Is there a way to reference Tables based on an index (similar to sheets)? Is there a Table(1) and Table(2) referencing system? Is it on a per sheet basis or across the entire workbook? That is, can there be more than one Table(1) in a file?

Can I start in cell A1 and find the first instance of a Table and return the name or index of that Table?

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Search A Table And Return Value Of A Match

Oct 5, 2012

I have sheet 1 that in cells V5:V20 is a data validation drop down box. In cells W5:W20 I have another data validation drop down box. On sheet 2 I have a table that in column A matches the data in the drop down box's in column V on sheet 1. Row 1 on sheet 2 data matches the data in the drop down boxes in sheet 1 cells W5:W20. What I'd like to do is on sheet 1 Cells Y5:Y20 have a VBA code to lookup the data in columns V and W from sheet 2 and return the value.

Windows 7
Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: How To Match 2 Columns And Retrieve Data From 3rd Column

Jan 16, 2013

How to match 2 columns in excel and retreive data from the 3rd column ?I have an example here as to what I want to do..

ColA ColB ColC ColD

niki delhi neha
vinay mumbaihardik
kapil bangalorevinay
neha patna
pooja goa
hardik kerala

Here is what I want to do for the above.

ColA and ColB contains a standard information which is supossed to be my reference. ColC contains my queries for which I need information about their place in ColD.

So I need to match ColC with ColA, so as to retrieve the matched data (between ColC and ColA) from ColB to ColD. Following is the way I expect my result to be..

ColA ColB ColC ColD

niki delhi neha patna
vinay mumbaihardik kerala
kapil bangalorevinay mumbai
neha patna
pooja goa
hardik kerala

I received an answer in that link


Which when tried, surely worked a few months back. I am now using excel 2010. I tried the same again, but this time it does not work for me. Is there something else to do which has been changed in the new excel 2010 ?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Match Worksheet Names Against Global Variable

Jun 10, 2013

I would like to ask the user if when the name the worksheet the same as an already existing spreadsheet tabe if they would like to overwrite it or unload the user form.

I am not sure of two things:

1. how to find the already existing tab?

2. Once I find out how do I programatically delete it, so the code can continue

The code below works with the exception of the last section (trying to achieve the questions stated above).

I am using Excel 2010.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If TextBox1.Value = blank Then 'Need name for processing
MsgBox ("Name must not be blank.")
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(TextBox1.Value) > 12 Then


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