Excel 2010 :: Index / Match Duplicate
Jul 18, 2014
I have a victim of the Index-Match duplication problem in Excel (2010). Basically, I have three columns of data, all daily input for the year.
Column 1 = Date
Column 2 = Actual (Units Sold)
Column 3 = Scheduled (Units Sold)
The Date is filled out through the end of the year as is the Scheduled values.
The Actual values are filled out daily.
I need to generate a summary box that reports Actual, Scheduled, and Variance (Actual - Scheduled) for the time periods Daily, Month to Date, and YTD.
My problem is that when I try to return the Schedule value that corresponds with the date of the last entry, I don't know if I am pulling the correct Schedule value since I do not know if the Actual value (that is pulled from the last value in the Actual column) is unique. So I tried using an Index-Match formula to return the latest value (that is the last record occurrence of the value) to my function in order to retrieve the correct Schedule value, but, sadly, it did not work.
I by no means am an Excel expert like many of you, so I may have some questions along the way.
I've attached a sample extraction from my worksheet and included an example of the Summary panel I'm creating.
ActualVsScheduled_problem - Copy.xlsx
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Sep 13, 2012
The context of this problem is that I am pulling sales data from different outlets to analyse monthly sales. The data from the various outlets are in various formats and the products, even though they are the same throughout all the stores, are named differently. For example, Mushroom Soup can be named as "Soup Mushroom", "Mushroom Soup" or "Cream of Mushroom". This makes analysis really tough.
I first created a table with a list (K6:P6) that had the varying names of the products. This is shown as the first table with 3 rows.
Then I tried to match this list to a range of products sold by an outlet e.g. Electric. (shown in the next bigger table $D$10:$D$254, ) Next, I used Index to call up and display the sales of that product next to table with list A ($G$10:$G$254)
This works for some entries but not for all. I get mostly #NA answers even though I do ctrl-shift-enter. Also, the bigger table is in a separate file and I am using excel 2010.
=INDEX('[GON-JUN 2012.xls]gon-jun'!$G$10:$G$254,MATCH(K6:P6,'[GON-JUN 2012.xls]gon-jun'!$D$10:$D$254,0))
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Oct 3, 2013
Whatever formula I try is returning an error of #N/A
I have two worksheets the first with transport data - customer,collection point, delivery point, haulier and number of pallets - all this information is in columns; the second sheet with the rates show haulier, customer, validity, delivery point in columns and then pallet numbers run across a row with rates tying in underneath. i have simplified this below.
I am just trying to reference all the data and work out what the cost for the variables would be in the example the cell i'm trying to find is H8 (320) -
I have already tried the following and several modified versions:
[Code] ..........
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Dec 24, 2013
I am currently using the below formula to add values (D6:D225 on sheets Mon, Tue, ...) given the criteria is met in any cells within the two columns across the five sheets (E6:E225 & N6:N225 on sheets Mon, Tue, ...).
When the references to the columns do not randomly change themselves to #REF! it works fine however, it does this often, forcing my to rewrite the formula.
**Why does it do that and is there a way to stop it?
Also, when I do have to rewrite I am forced to do each cell individually to change the number within the quotes. I have tried to use a cell reference there but when I do Excel just gives me a "0" as if there is no data to be retrieved.
I am using Excel 2010 on a company computer with the macros blocked so no VBA.
Excel 2010
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Jan 7, 2013
Using Excel 2010.
Rows 1 and 2 (range: A1:CM2) within Spreadsheet X contain the range of data that I need.
Within Spreadsheet Y, Row 6 will change monthly and will be input by the user. The value in Row 6 equals the data in Row 2 in worksheet X.
I need to put a formula in row 4 of spreadsheet Y that returns the value of Row 1 in Spreadsheet X.
Unfortunately, I cannot change the spreadsheet layout, otherwise I could do an HLOOKUP formula using Spreadsheet Y Row 6 and Spreadsheet X Row 2 and be done with it. I assume that I need to use an Index-Match formula, which I am not as familiar with. In addition, all of the online support I have found explains Index-Match with data in columns, not rows.
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Feb 14, 2014
I am using Excel 2010.
My objective is to pull specific values from an external file corresponding to the correct name and year of my choosing. The first way I thought would be best is to use an INDEX/MATCH function. The problem is the external files change names so I would need a method to easily change the source file name from one cell. I then stumbled across the INDIRECT function, but the INDIRECT function will only work when the source file is also opened. I then came across Harlan Grove's pull function which allows you to import data from closed excel files.
So, this is what my formula looks like: =INDEX(pull("'"&G12&"");MATCH(C15;pull("'"&G14&"");0);MATCH(D15;pull("'"&G16&"");0))
Cells G12,G14, and G16 contain the file paths for the ranges. C15 is name and D15 is year.
The problem I have though is that when I try to execute the function, Excel gets stuck. if the code cannot handle large amounts of data. I tested the code with a simple SUM function for a small range from an external file and it worked just fine.
This is the code I am using:
[Code] ...
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Jan 20, 2012
Using Excel 2010, I am trying to create a macro to insert INDEX and MATCH formulas on a sheet that reference Tables on the same sheet.
The formula works fine when entered in a cell where I can point to the Table. Now I need to put the formula in a macro where it will automatically reference the first Table on the sheet.
Here is an example of the formula:
Just look at that Table name!!
The original file has multiple sheets and multiple Tables on each sheet. No naming convension was used in naming the sheets or Tables.
Can I cycle through all the Tables on a sheet and rename each of them? For example, find the first Table on the sheet closest to cell A1 and rename it Table 1, find the next Table and rename it Table 2, etc.
Is there a way to reference Tables based on an index (similar to sheets)? Is there a Table(1) and Table(2) referencing system? Is it on a per sheet basis or across the entire workbook? That is, can there be more than one Table(1) in a file?
Can I start in cell A1 and find the first instance of a Table and return the name or index of that Table?
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Jul 18, 2014
Excel 2010: I'm working with a sheet where I would like to get accurate results on the make and model of cars sold in a given week. The workbook contains several worksheets each representing weekly sales numbers for different vehicles.
The Make-Models tab has the lists used to create the drop-down selections.
The Sales tab allows one to create an ad hoc report on the total number of vehicles sold, by Make and Model. Cell B2 is named 'SelectedModel' and used in the formula found in column E, Total Sold.
Problem: When I select Honda, for example in B2 of the Sales worksheet then select Accord in cell B3 of the same. The results returned in E2, E3 and E4 are 2, 3 and 4, respectively, instead of 8, 3 and 7.
2 Honda Accords were sold on Monday and 6 on Tuesday of the same week. My formula is only returning the first matched value of 2 whereas I would like it to return 2+6, 8 for week 1. Same goes for other weeks.
Select any other make and model and notice the problem follows. I believe the error is due to incorrect usage of the formula or incorrect formula altogether.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have a table with 3 columns, the first being static text "issue types" and the second two dynamic values created from counting instances of each issue type from another sheet.
I want to create a table of the top 5 issues which updates automatically. I can use the LARGE function to list the top 5 values, and then need to match these to the issue type.
Where I'm having problems is when there are duplicate numbers for results in the top 5, it will match the first instance 'issue type' for all duplicated entries. Instead I need to put a check in place so that it moves down the table rows to the next instance of the matched number and indexes that issue type instead.
See the attached spreadsheet example for ready made tables and formulas : problem.xls
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Oct 9, 2007
I'm using the following simple formula to lookup a value in a table:
=INDEX($A$3:$D$8, MATCH(F5,$A$3:$A$8,), MATCH(G3,$A$3:$D$3,))
where the lookup values are in the Header A3-D3 and in Column A3-A8 (contains dates).
It looks up the value I request in F5 and G3.
Works great until I notice that sometimes the date values in Column A3 can be duplicated. When this occurs, it returns only the corresponding value from the first date it "sees". I need it to return the data for both somehow.
I realize I could use vlookup for this but it would be to cumbersome in my next application.
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Jun 11, 2009
i am using Index With Match and the criteria for match is date
and it duplicate
how i can make it get all duplicate value
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May 15, 2014
I have an equation below that work great except when row 2 has a duplicate value. When this happen row 5 only return the first value in row 1 and not the other duplicated values.
see attachment. How can I have row 5 return the following value: B5 = A, C6 = B and D5 = C.
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Dec 23, 2011
I'm running a College Football Bowl Game pool. NO money just fun! I've just about got this down except that my Standings area for this years members is not working like I want. There are 24 members and I want them ranked 1-24. This works however, when 2 or more members have the same score....only the first name in the column with that score appears.
Vea, Ray WA955
Braham, LukeHI916
Braham, LukeHI917
Bowers, LarryGA908
This cell comes back with 3 different dupes:
H1:CB1 are the Names
H83:CB83 are the points for each name
D87 comes this cell : =LARGE(H$83:CB$83,E87)
How can I tell Excel to show all 24 names including the dupes?
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Apr 12, 2013
I receive data (A1:E2) which is sorted alphabetically accordng to name:
I use the SMALL function to sort the data in date order e.g: A6= =SMALL($A$2:$E$2,1) = 1/1/13, B6= =SMALL($A$2:$E$2,5) = 2/1/13, etc:
I then use the INDEX & MATCH functions to place the names under the sorted dates e.g. A7= =INDEX($A$1:$E$1,MATCH(A6,$A$2:$E$2,0)) = "Dan", B7= =INDEX($A$1:$E$1,MATCH(B6,$A$2:$E$2,0)) = "Ed", etc:
The problem I have with this formula is that if there is a duplicate date (i.e. 3/1/13), the INDEX/MATCH formula returns a second "Aaron" rather than "Con".
How to modify this formula so it will return "Con" and not a second "Aaron"? Please note that duplicate dates may recur across the row.
The formulas always assume the data is in multiple rows rather than multiple columns.
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Jun 3, 2014
My user has a worksheet that is hundreds of rows long. Column A contains the SerialNumber, col D contains the PartNo and col E contains the SerialNo. She wants her formula in col B to match the SerialNumber with SerialNo then return the value from PartNo into col B. =Index(PartNo,Match(A2,SerialNo,0)) gets me the match that I'm looking for so I thought I was done. Not so...she now tells me that there are duplicate, triplicate, etc., matches and the formula obviously is only pulling in the first match.
When she has a duplicate, she needs to have cells inserted into Col A & B. She does not want a whole row inserted because the PartNo and SerialNo will already be in the right places. I've tried inserting a helper column to enumerate the duplicates but I can't it to work. I also tried using ROWS in the formula to work with the duplicates but that only confused me. I'm pretty sure I'll need a macro to do this but I'm getting nowhere.
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Feb 4, 2014
How to deal with duplicate data in excel using index and match function. Is it possible to use the following function without having a unique value?
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Oct 8, 2009
I have this table
As you can see, the number I has a,d,and g, II has b,e,and h, and III has c, f, and i
I want to make formula that if I make the input g it would return I, f would return III, and c would return III, and so on
I want to make four formulas by using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, INDEX&MATCH separately.
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Jun 15, 2014
Using Office 2010.
I am trying to find duplicate numbers in sets but so far I can only highlight the ones that are in exact order. I need to find each set that has the same numbers, in any order. Example..
I will provide an example of sets of 3. But I get 3, 4 usually but sometimes 5 or 6.
I get them from different people.
Person A- 234, 569, 498, 849, 848,343,567,347 etc...
Person B- 432, 596, 677, 566, 565,433, 455 etc..
Now I need to find each set that has the same numbers, any order. Like 234 from A and 432 from B would be the same, so I would need to highlight them 2 sets. But I can not figure out how to do this. For Excel to highlight it they have to be 234 and 234. Does not recognize same numbers, different order.
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Dec 28, 2009
I have the following formula in a cell:
When the workbook with this formula is open it slows down other workbooks quite a bit.
If I run code in another workbook without the workbook with the formula open, calculation takes 0.099 seconds. If the workbook with the formula is open, the same code takes 2.24 seconds.
How could I change/replace above formula to average the last n (cell M9 value) cells in an ever changing column.
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Nov 26, 2013
As per my attached file : duplicate value.xlsx
How to highlight duplicate value by using Conditional Formatting in office 2010.
Actually i Know how to use this feature in sheet "example" of my attachment.
But i want to highlight inv# 457878268 in cell E9 of sheet "My requirement" if it is exist above in cell E2 to E6.
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Apr 21, 2014
Basically, I have a sheet and I would like to delete the entire row if the data in column G is the same as that in column H. The data is text if that matter. I've tried to figure out the VBA code for it, but my knowledge is severely limited. The spreadsheet is excel 2010.
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May 22, 2014
I have two data sets across two worksheets. The first worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet1:column A) and other data . The second worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet2:column A) and the product details.
On sheet1, I had to manually duplicate a sales order number (inserting another row) if the number of units of the order is greater than 1. I then need to fetch the product details from sheet2 for each unit for that specific order number. However in sheet2, there are multiple products for one sales order number.
How do i create a lookup/match to fetch the product details for each sales order number without duplicating the product details if there are multiple products for one sales order number?
I know a simple vlookup function will return the values that it matches first and that is not what i want.
Example: Sheet1
Column A (Sales Order#) | Column B (Quantity)
0417436GPCP | 1
0417436GPCP | 1
0413412FACY | 1
0413412FACY | 1
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Jul 30, 2014
I have a workbook that has 5 worksheets. Worksheet1 is the Summary tab, Worksheets 2-5 contains data all sitting under the same headings and formats however vary in row number e.g.
Worksheet 2 - 63000 rows
Worksheet 3 - 48000 rows
Worksheet 4 - 23000 rows
Worksheet 5 - 21000 rows
In Worksheet 1 Column AQ contains a Cost Centre number which I would like to extract the parent description of in Column BI of the same Worksheet and then the child description into Column BJ. Worksheet 1 currently has 16000+ rows and grows daily.The location of the Cost Centre in Worksheets 2-4 is contained in Column A and the Parent Description in Column W and the Child Description in Column Y.I am currently using this INDEX MATCH formula to search all worksheets but as you can imagine it's tediously slow and needless to say sometimes not reporting/updating the values correctly likely because it's frozen.
COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheet1!$A$1:$A$4&"'!A2:A63355"),AQ2)>0,0))&"'!A2:W63355"),23,0) this looks up Cost Centre in Worksheet 1 Column AQ and returns the results from Column W in Worksheets 2-4 to Worksheet 1 Column BI
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Sep 21, 2012
HTML Code: VLOOKUP(M2,'FX Rates'!$A$1:$P$199,2,FALSE)
I have lots of vlookups in my spreadsheet. Match and Index is a better method and should speed up my spreadsheet (1000s of vlookups!).
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Feb 28, 2013
excel 2007. Here is the situation:
I am using the Index and Match function to lookup for two specific criterias in a different worksheet. So far, it is working well, but it gets complicated. I want to look for the criterias in 6 different worksheets based on what a certain column is saying. Here is an example:
So, if the continent is Asia in the column A, I want Excel to look in the Asia worksheet for the city and the venue and return me the contact information. Same, if the continent says Europe, I want it to look in the Europe worksheet or the city and the venue and return me the contact information. So on and so forth.
The formula I have at the moment is this:
How do I incorporate the logical test for it to look for the proper worksheet knowing that all my continent worksheet have the same structure?
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Mar 26, 2013
currently using Excel 2007 with Windows Vista.
I currently have a worksheet where I want to input a date (G2) and a rank value (H2) ranging from 1 to 4. The header value (B1:E1) corresponding to the date (A2:A4) and the rank (B2:B4) should be returned to I2 (currently returns #NA).
Using formula: =INDEX($B$1:$E$1,MATCH(H2,INDEX($B$2:$E$4,MATCH(G2,$A$2:$A$4),)))
which I found under: Find row, find value, then return column heading
However, the above formula does not seem to work with my date order or recurring data values of 1 to 4 over the 3 rows.
The worksheet layout is as follows:
The return value under Header should be C.
I have reversed the order of the dates and put sequential numbers in B2:B4 as plug variables and the above formula will return the correct Header value but I need the formula to work with the current date order and repeating rank values of 1 to 4 in B2:B4. Do not wish to use VBA.
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Jul 12, 2013
Basically, I am trying to write a program that will index match through a range and if it doesn't find the value that it is matching to, it will add the value to the bottom of the range it is indexing against. In other words:
My C column has a list of CUSIPS. In column J, I would like for the User to be able to add a list of cusips and then have the ones that don't already exist in the list of CUSIPS in column C be added at the bottom of the range. I have written a macro now that uses the index match, but for some reason it adds all of the cusips that exist in J range to column C, not just the ones that are missing. I can provide a template if necessary.
Sub Filler()
Dim Row As Variant
Dim NumberOfRows As Long
Row = 0
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Oct 4, 2013
Excel 2003
I have a table with a header row of scores 1-10 in B4:K4.
In column A I have a list of locations A5:A68. People in each location were asked to score an event between 1 and 10. The count of their scores is under B4:K4, eg Location 1, 3 people scored 1 (entered in B5), none scored 2 (C5), 6 scored 3 (D5) etc through to the score for 10 in K5.
What I am after is the average for each location so that in L5 I can say 'for all the respondents for Location 1, the average was:...
This may be a bit more complicated than it appears as presumably there will be a requirement to multiply the number of respondents by their scores and then ... ?
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May 23, 2014
I have one worksheet. I am needing to match up column G cells (TELCEL/MULTI) with value on E3 and with value E4 and give consecutive numbers on column F depending if the matched column G with value on E3/E4 is on same date of column L and if column Q (Tipo de movimiento) appers "Ventas"; I have plenty blankcells and other values on column G.
column E
Clave del producto
Fecha del movimiento
Clave de la tienda
Clave de la caja
Clave del usuario
Clave del vendedor
Tipo de movimiento
[Code] ........
I have to put 1 to first and then sum one if condition is true
Telcel, Telcel tiempo aire $31
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Jun 10, 2014
I'm having trouble using wildcards for text in index/match multiple criteria; I need to find the nearest site along a river (x) below a certain point (distance =21), each stretch of the river is labelled with the streches downstream (so stretch abc is upstream of ab).
My problem arises when the nearest point downstream is on the downtsream stretch of river. How do I use wild card to search for ab&"*" that will exclude abd.
[Code] ..........
'formula in cell E14 ={INDEX(A2:C11,MATCH(1,(A14=B2:B11)*(C2:C11
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