Execute A Macro From Within A Formula

Jan 13, 2010

I coudn't find anything on this forum on this subject.

Is there a way to execute [trigger] a macro from within a formula?
e.g. Based on an IF statement result, execute macro1 if true or macro 2 if false?


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Change From Execute On Selections To Execute On All

Feb 28, 2014

I have the following code:

[Code] .......

What do I need to change in order to make it execute the Call statement on EVERY item in the ListBox2, not the Selections.

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Add-In Will Not Execute Macro - CustomUI

Feb 24, 2014

Attachment 299651

I have turned a Workbook with Macros into an add-in. The macros work perfectly for the intended purpose: copy selected data in a special way and put it into an e-Mail message.

I used the CustomUI Editor to assign a macro to a Ribbon button.

However, when I turn it into an add-in and click the Ribbon button, it doesn't work on my machine or any other machine, with an error that says "Cannot run the macro 'CreateListofInventory'. The macro may not be available in this workbork or all macros may be disabled.

My macros are not disabled, and the add-in doesn't even work in the book where the macros reside.

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Macro To Execute F2 Function Key?

Feb 3, 2003

I need a macro that will execute the F2 function key so that the cell can be edited.

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Macro To Execute Certain Key Combination

May 18, 2009

How do I let a macro execute a certain key strok combination, such as Alt, D, G, H?
(Didn't really know what to search for...)

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Facility To Execute Macro

Oct 29, 2006

Is is possible to have a button or a box of some sort that the user of a spreadsheet can click to execute a piece of vba code that I have? If so, can someone tell me how to insert such a button?

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Macro To Open And Execute A Macro From Workbook

Jul 20, 2003

Is it possible to use a macro to:

1. Open Excel from the Desktop

2. Open a workbook

3. Execute a macro from this workbook

If so, how can it be done, specially point 1?

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Execute A Macro In All Files In A Folder

Apr 22, 2009

I found the following code to execute a macro in all excel files in a folder. Sounds amazing! I have a code to add to it, however I am having issues getting it to work. take a look at it and let me know what (more like, how many things). I am adding this to the Sheet 1 Worksheet.

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Execute Macro Depending On User?

Sep 29, 2011

I need to execute a macro (just a simple "msgbox") but only if a specific user (or users) have opened the file.

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Macro That Will Execute Command For Excel Add-in

Oct 1, 2012

I would like to add a command to my macro that will do one simple step: Refresh all FDS Codes

FDS I believe is short for FactSet Data Series. FactSet is an add-in for excel we use at work. The FactSet menu button is in my ribbon and when I choose that add-in, there are a number of actions I can execute. One is to refresh all FDS which is to refresh all cells with formulas that pull in data from our FactSet database.

I tried recording this action but VBA does not show any key strokes from those steps so I think I just experienced one of the many shortfalls of recording macros. Is there a way to write the macro to execute this action? I would think since I am using a FactSet add-in, it would be possible but I don't know where to begin.

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Mouse Over A Cell Execute A Macro

Feb 2, 2009

On my worksheet, i want to execute a macro to calculate and display some informations when the mouse is positioned over certains cells. I look around but did not found how to do it.

I want the information to be displayed above that cell and disapeared when mouse pointer moved away.

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Macro Execute When Form Is Changed

Aug 17, 2009

How do I have a macro execute anytime a checkbox, or radio button is clicked on a form? I have a macro that needs to run, but I don't want to put it in the code for every checkbox because it will complicate any changes or additions to the form.

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MsgBox With Yes/No & Only Execute VBA Macro If Yes Chosen

May 9, 2009

How would I add a YesNo MsgBox to my existing macro that I have set up through a commancd button? I would like the user prompt to ask the following ? ---> "Would you like to move the data sheet forward 1 week?". Then if "Yes" is selected, run the following macro. If "No", end the subroutine.

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=3, Link:=1, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
ActiveSheet.Range("L6").Value = Range("L6").Value + 7

End Sub

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How To Enable Formula To Execute Every Time If Entry In One Of Columns

Jun 12, 2014

I would like to know how to write the macro that execute a formula everytime it detect an input in another column.

Attached is the example of what I want to achieve.

Macro to perform when entry detected.xlsx

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Loop To Increment Row Number And Execute Command Where Set The Formula

Oct 11, 2011

Make a loop where I can increment the row number and execute the command where I set the formula?

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Execute Formula Based On Index Match Results?

Oct 21, 2012

I have a table with Dynamic Headings and Expanding rows, that's setup like below: The formula in the Qty column would produce a "0", if the result of the Index Match has a blank. For example in a different table the reference cell would have "Heading3". Therefore the results in the Qty column would be like example below. The products in the table below are like 0's and 1's to trigger the formula to calculate with the variables, or give a zero. If the Index Match found "Heading2" the results would be based on cells under "Heading2 Column" etc.



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Creating Macro Dynamically On Keypress And Execute

Apr 1, 2014

creating macro dynamiccally on keypress and execute it

i have 3 excel sheet sheet1, sheet2, MasterSheet

MasterSheet conatins the following


Colorcode FLAG SKEYS

RGB(121,223,214) A Ctrl+a

RGB(125,228,114) B Ctrl+b


I have 3 columns column 1 contains colorcode in RGB format column 2 Contains FLAG and column 3 contains SHORTCUT KEYS

i have a macro in sheet1 & sheet2 for coloring the backgrouf color of the selected rows in sheet1 or sheet2

Sub Macro_color()
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = RGB(234, 241, 221)
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With

what i need is when th user presses say Ctrl+c , RGB(233,129,220) from the MasterSheet needs to be copied in the macro as .Color = RGB(233,129,220) instead of RGB(234, 241, 221) and the selected row in sheet1 shld be colored. how can it be done

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1 Macro To Execute Multiple Macros On Different Worksheets

Nov 17, 2006

Is it possible to create 1 macro which will execute multiple macros on different sheets?

I have approx. 12 macros that I can run in order, and I would like to create 1 button on the first sheet of the workbook to execute all 12 macros, which are contained on various other sheets. Is this possible?

When I attempted to do this, the master macro ran an odd function on my first sheet.

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Code For Specifying Cells So That Copying And Pasting Macro Will Not Execute There

Feb 20, 2013

I've attached a sample workbook in which there are 3 macro-buttons.

The buttons will paste a shape in the active cell. So this means the buttons themselves could be deleted and replaced with a shape.

Since locking and then protecting the cells disables the macros, how can I amend the code to make sure the buttons' cells are protected from the copying and pasting macros? Or, how do I ensure that the macros only work in A1 - E5?

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Excel 2010 :: Execute Macro - No Response From Message Box

Mar 21, 2014

Below is some code that I found on the internet some while ago. When Excel opens this code runs which brings up a message box prompting a user to select an option. If no option is selected within 15 seconds then the macro runs, else it depends on the selection entered.

The problem that I am experiencing is that sometimes when the user does not select an option the macro does not execute after the coded 15 seconds. The message box just sticks around until a selection is made.

Most of the time it works just fine... some of the time it doesn't. The problem would appear to have gotten worse since upgrading to Excel 2010.

So, my question is either:

1. Why the code does not execute as expected each time Excel is opened?
2. Is there a better / more robust way of executing the below code without using "shell"?

[Code] ......

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Excel 2010 :: Execute Statement ONLY When Macro Run From Button

Aug 27, 2012

1) I have a VBA macro MyMacro() which works fine.

The macro is assigned to a button on the w/s, and also runs from w/b Open() event and other locations within the w/b.

2) The macro displays a message just before exiting whenever it is called.

3) I’d like the MsgBox statement in the macro to be executed ONLY when the macro is run from the button.

In other words, skip the MsgBox statement when the macro is run from anywhere else in the VBAProject.

Can this be done ? possibly by inserting a statement or two before MsgBox in the MyMacro() code ?

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Customize Excel Ribbon And Add Button To Execute Multiple Macro

Apr 4, 2013

How to add the macros in existing excel ribbons.

For example - I have a two macro codes. One is change the Date Format from DD.MM.YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY and another one is Date Format from MM/DD/YYYY to YYYYMMDD.

I want to execute the macro from the customize ribbon through Add in Buttons.

See the attachment : Customize the ribbon with Macro code.jpg

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Using Macro To Open Specific File And Execute VLookup Function

Oct 5, 2012

I have to run a report each morning and in once cell I need to pull in the contents of another cell from another worksheet. I'd rather not have to open the additional file each morning to copy and paste special the values so I'd like to add to my current macro to pull this data in automatically. I have to do this for two different reports/portfolios and the data I am pulling in for each portfolio is located in the same exel file but under two different tab names, the portfolio names 2010 and 2045.

The spreadsheet I am pulling data in from is located here:
K:Risk OversightMarket RiskTracking ErrorBARRA
and the file name is: Daily Barra Tracking Error.xls

Tab name would be 2010 for the 2010 portfolio or 2045 for the 2045 portfolio The vlookup will be from "A32:B2500" and I would like to incorpoprate an IFERROR function that returns "" in the event of an error. Column "A" are dates and column "B" is the data I need to pull in.

Receivables I am pulling the data into cell "J23" of a summary report (sheet 2) and would like the vlookup to read something like this:

IFERROR(VLOOKUP("K1"Active.Workbook.Sheets2,[K:Risk OversightMarket RiskTracking ErrorBARRA"&"Daily Barra Tracking Error.xls"(Sheets)]."2010""A32:B2500",2,0),"")

This should return a blank cell if the date cannot be found in the data spreadsheet and return the correct data for teh correct date being referenced in my summary sheet.

how to do the bracketed parts for pulling in the right spreadsheet and tab.

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Compile Error: Invalid Outside Procedure (execute Macro On Pivot Refresh)

Jan 27, 2009

I keep getting this error:

"Compile Error: Invalid outside procedure"

What I am doing is having a macro execute every time my Pivot table is refreshed, the macro invokes a format change.

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Inscribing Cells: Run A Macro On Enter Keypress, That Would Execute Different Code Depending On That "inscription" That Would Be Invisible To User

Feb 20, 2007

Is there any way to "Inscribe" a cell? I would like to run a macro on Enter keypress, that would execute different code depending on that "inscription" that would be invisible to user. I could use some properties of . Validation property like this:

Private Sub EnterPressed
'following code to ensure proper functioning of Enter in any other Worksheet
If ActiveSheet <> mySheet 'MySheet is global Variable then
exit Sub
End If
'now the real code
If ActiveCell.Validation.InputMessage = "1" Then
'something else
End If
End Sub

The problem is, I use Data Validation and Conditional Formatting, so can't use any of these properties.

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Menu Pathing (execute The Macro From Menu)

Jul 2, 2009

I'm adding a menu selection to the right-click menu that you get for cells. I can add and remove the menu option but, when I try to execute the macro tied to the menu, I get "the macro...cannot be found". I can't figure out what appears to be a "pathing problem". I'm sure it's simple but...

Here's the

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Macro Won't Execute Code To Put Focus On "print To X Pages Wide By X Pages Tall"

Feb 20, 2009

I'm trying to execute a macro and it won't put the focus (radio button) to select x pages wide by x pages tall in the Page Setup/Page/Scaling Area. I looked at the macro and can't find a setting in the code but yet the focus won't change. What can I do about this? In other words the radio button stays selected as "adjust to "" % of normal size. Here's the code...

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If .Execute() > 0

Apr 17, 2009

I have below as part of my

Dim ToPath As String

ToPath = "C:Documents and Settings" & Environ("UserName") & "Desktop"

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = ToPath
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles

If .Execute() > 0 Then


For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
tempbuf = .FoundFiles(i)
tempbuf = Mid(tempbuf, InStrRev(tempbuf, "") + 1, 255)
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Offset(i, 0).Value = tempbuf
Next i

Exit Sub

it exits the sub which apparently means .Execute is not > to 0.

So my question is, what does the line If .Execute() > 0 checks?

I am 101% sure that there are pdf files under the ToPath folder.

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Execute Does Not Contain Value

Feb 13, 2007

I'm using code from the Ozgrid page: http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/loop-through.htm

However, once I get to the if statement If .Execute > 0... it does not contain a value. The folder contains 16 files in it, but .Execute does not recognize any of them. Is there a specific library or call that I'm missing??

I've been battling this for sooo long, I just dont know what to do with it.

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To Execute VBA Code @ 9:30:01 Exactly

Dec 27, 2008

Using Excel 2003 with WinXP. I'm trying to run macro code automatically whenever time = 9:30:01 (or whatever time I pick) for a stock market trading program, which is why the exact time matters so much. I've been able to get the time to update fine, but unless I click on the worksheet while the time condition is TRUE then my code doesn't run. The time actually is sent to me from the stock data provider and it shows up in a cell as a constantly updating value.

I've tried using the Workbook_SheetChange function and OnTime method, but without luck.

In both cases, unless I activate the sheet the code doesn't run. By activate, I mean that I have to click on the sheet when the values that trigger the code to run would be true. If I do that it works just fine, but sitting around and clicking on a worksheet defeats the purpose of automation. Since I'm trading stocks this has to be very exact, so I can't trust a macro scheduler to do this.

The code further below is what I'm trying to get to run. The time value is in cell L1. In cell L2 I have the following

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