Export Column To Notepad And Save

Jul 29, 2008

I have a workbook with a bunch of live data feeds. 2 columns need to be exported to notepad as .zr0 & .zr1 files. Is there a way to copy the selected range, open & paste into notepad, then save the notepad file with a filename based on a cell reference?

I'm sure this is a fairly complicated process but I haven't had any luck in researching the topic because it seems as though the related posts on here are for people who want all kinds of wacky stuff done (ie. not saving, strictly to print, creating a shell and destroying the file... not my intention)

Just looking for some guidance on a simple macro to copy a range, paste it into notepad, save file with name based on a cell in the same column (will overwrite each time the macro is run).

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Export Data To Notepad Save And Close

Mar 18, 2014

I have a colmun of data that needs to be exported to notepad. I managed to make the routine works with the following codes:


However, there's some improvement that I need:

1) I want to refer my file name from here

[Code] .........

How to embed it?

One thing to note, when i ran the code, the txt file was saved as HS instead of KL AUTHS. I tried with different names and apparently it will capture maximum two characters.

2) Based on the code, it saves to my default saving location. I would like to save the txt file in the same directory as my excel file.

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Export Value To Notepad Using FSO

Jun 1, 2009

Basically what it do is it'll extract the value in D2 and use it to saved as the .txt file name.

But I'm wondering if it's possible to write a addition code to extract the value in F2 to Part1 and G2 to Part2.

For short which means Column D is the file name but which file have 2 parts. First is store in F2 and the second part is in G2. I know it's something got to do with "ts.Write ActiveCell.Offset(, 1).Text"

Sub Export_To_TextFile()
Do While Not ActiveCell = ""
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
Set ts = fso.CreateTextFile("C:Documents and SettingschanyoDesktopUpload" & ActiveCell.Value & "_Part1", True)

Set ts = fso.CreateTextFile("C:Documents and SettingschanyoDesktopUpload" & ActiveCell.Value & "_Part2", True)

ts.Write ActiveCell.Offset(, 1).Text
Set fso = Nothing
Set ts = Nothing
End Sub

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Export Into Multiple Notepad Files & Force UTF-8 Encoding

Jul 21, 2009

Export into multiple notepad files & force UTF-8 encoding .....

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Excel VBA To Launch Notepad And Save

Oct 14, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to launch a blank notepad from an existing excel spreadsheet and then type relevant "history notes" into notepad and save.

I am creating a manual spreadsheet for the company I am working for which is being used for Maintenance Planning / Scheduling and creating of work orders. Once the work order has been raised and the job has been completed it then needs to be closed out on the spreadsheet and any relevant notes entered in. I am hoping to be able to have a link that opens notepad by the click of a button within the spreadsheet and it allows the user to record any notes against that work order and save. These notes can then viewed by future users.

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Export And Save Worksheet As A Picture

Jan 31, 2010

Is there a way to export and save the contents and table layout of a worksheet as a picture ( say jpeg )?

Basically what I would love to do is that when I save the workbook, a certain worksheet named " Fax " is saved to my desktop as a picture (as a snapshot). What would even be better is that the said file was named with simply the date !

The purpose of this is so I can email it to a very non computer guy who thinks that excel is only a gum . . .

I know this is weird but you guys are the best, you helped me a lot to make my spreadsheet.

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Export To New Workbook And Save Print As PDF

Jan 2, 2012

I have a spread sheet called "Quote" I have 3 command buttons in this worksheet.

"CommandButton1_Click()" is "Create Quote"
"CommandButton2_Click()" is "Home"
"CommandButton3_Click()" is "Create Client Quotation

I would like to be able to add another command button to export the worksheet "Quote" to a new work book and then automatically print it to a PDF naming the file from the next available quotation number in directory I:Quote register.xls. is it possible to find the next available number by finding the next blank cell in column B in the above directory I:Quote register.xls?

I would like it to copy the Create Client Quotation Macro to the new workbook if possible. The other 2 command buttons are not relevant after the export.

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Save Export Specific Worksheet Error

Jan 23, 2010

I am trying to run a macro that will export the 'Results' WS & ask the user where he/she wants the .xls to be saved, though when I click 'Save' nothing happens.

In additons in the save as part it has the WB's name(and full extention) is there a way to make this blank or to have something in it? I.e the WS's name?

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Export Selected Sheets To New And Save But Ignore Formulas

Mar 28, 2007

I borrowed the macro below from this forum. My formulas in the sheets I'm copying refer to other sheets that I'm not saving. can someone tell me how to change it so that it copies values only to the new workbook as I'm only saving it for records purposes and some cells are saved with #REF errors.

I'm guessing there's a spot where I should type .Value ? Copy.Value doesn't work.

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Excel 2007 :: Export To PDF Command Button Save As File Name?

Dec 17, 2012

Excel 2007 I have a button that will export the worksheet to pdf and save it as Acrobat requires. I have a network folder set up and it saves the file with the name that I have programed in the macro. I would like to have the file name set up to be what is in cell C3 then a space and the specific words.

For example, if C3 contains "123456" I want the file to be named "123456_Warranty Calculator"

I will end up using this in several worksheets which will have a different name as part of the file name (based on the worksheet name).

I would also like to have the last part of the file name be the worksheet name. ie, "Warranty Refund", "PDR Refune", etc.

I will have several users that will be using the workbook and possible saving at the same time and want each person to be able to find the one they saved instead of it being overwritten.


Excel 2007: I have a button that will export the worksheet to pdf and save it as Acrobat requires. I have a network folder set up and it saves the file with the name that I have programed in the macro. I would like to have the file name set up to be what is in cell C3 then a space and the specific words.

For example, if C3 contains "123456" I want the file to be named "123456_Warranty Calculator"

I will end up using this in several worksheets which will have a different name as part of the file name (based on the worksheet name).

I would also like to have the last part of the file name be the worksheet name. ie, "Warranty Refund", "PDR Refune", etc.

I will have several users that will be using the workbook and possible saving at the same time and want each person to be able to find the one they saved instead of it being overwritten.

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Code That Copies A Range Opens Notepad Pastes The Range Opens Save Dialog And Types The File Name

Nov 6, 2009

I currently have the following code that copies a range opens notepad pastes the range opens save dialog and types the file name. The problem I have is with overwriting the existing file.

Shell "notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys "^V"
SendKeys "^s"
SendKeys "Total_IEDs_Hour_Of_Day_2009.xml"
SendKeys "{TAB}"
SendKeys "a"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"

Everything works fine to this point. Then it opens the do you want to overwrite dialog and I cant get it to hit yes.

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Copy / Paste Every Sheet Single (P Column) And Paste To Notepad

Sep 6, 2012

copy/paste Every Sheet Single ( P Column ) and Paste to Notepad and take P1 As file name for note pad.

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Export First Column With Quotes

Feb 5, 2010

It exports a sheet to a text file with quotes and commas as delimiters. What I need is to only add quotes to the first selected column.

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VBA Macro To Export Column

Sep 7, 2012

I have an excel with some ISBN10 in column1 what I would like to do is add a form control button that would do the following. Say for example column A has the following






The button should make a .txt file on Desktop/amazon file that should be like that Starting from A2

[URL] ........

ISBN may be 1 or more. 4 ISBN rows is just an example so the code should understand where the column rows cells finish. Also B column, C column etc has other values so it should only export column A.

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Export Non-Contiguous Column Cells

Feb 6, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with multiple columns. I need to save values from each specific column, but they are not non-contiguous, to a .txt or .csv file. In other words, I may need B:10, B15, B12, B25, etc. saved as one string in a text file. I have been working on this for about 15 hours and can't seem to get it to work.

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Notepad To Excel

Jan 23, 2010

I am wondering how would one go about turning a notepad file into an excel file without all the data being lumped into one cell?

for example the following notepad file is in this format:

20060102 190100;139.14;139.2;139.14;139.15;14
20060102 190200;139.19;139.19;139.16;139.18;16
20060102 190300;139.19;139.2;139.17;139.17;16
20060102 190400;139.16;139.24;139.16;139.2;22
20060102 190500;139.19;139.22;139.19;139.21;7

and I would like it in an excel file in the same format but with each group of digits seperated by a cell:

so for example my first line......

20060102 190100;139.14;139.2;139.14;139.15;14

I would like 20060102 in its own cell, followed by 190100 in its own cell, followed by
;139.14, followed by ;139.15, followed by ;14

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Saving Textbox Value To Notepad (VBA)?

Jul 9, 2014

is there a way to save the value of the textbox to a notepad when I click the "Save" button?Textbox.PNG

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Import A File From A Notepad

Mar 16, 2009

I am trying to import a file from a notepad to excel. I am trying to copy and paste in to excel. When I paste, all the info is in the same cell, although it looks that there is tabs between columns. Is there a way for me import those numbers into a spread sheet in different columns?......

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Copying Data Into Notepad

Jan 15, 2007

I am trying to copy data from an excel sheet and I want to paste it into note pad and save it on c drive. Is there a way to write a macro to do that task? Basically copy the data from excel, then open notepad and paste it there, save the notepad in txt extension on the hard drive.

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Manipulate Notepad Document

Jan 20, 2009

I'm using the following code to copy columns of data in a worksheet of mine. The code once activated will open "notepad" and copy the columns of data in my excel worksheet. Here is the

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Sending A Range To Notepad

Jul 21, 2009

i was trying something like this...but it doesn't quite work.

can anyone point me in a direction that works better?

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Closing Notepad From Excel

Sep 4, 2009

In my spreadsheet, a series of macros calls an external program/application three times.

Each time the program finishes, it (and not Excel, as I formerly thought) opens a resource (*.res) file in Notepad, which of course goes into the taskbar. Since I need to run the spreadsheet seven or eight times in a row, the taskbar can get cluttered quickly.

The program opens three different instances of the same filename: iroutine.res.

Is there a way to get Excel to close these Notepad files (if it's simpler to do, it can kill all instances of Notepad) when it finishes running its routines?

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Copy And Paste From Notepad VBA

Dec 3, 2009

I have two macros. The first one gets a file name and worksheet name. Then it calls the second macro which opens up notepad (with the specified file name) and pastes the information in excel. The problem that occurs is when I call the second macro more then once in a row from the first macro. It runs great the first time but then problems occur as it tries to run the macro again. (Some times it just closes my excel file with prompting me to save). Calling any of the files works on an individual basis (I've tried for all three). I've erased some of the code due to privacy issues but path location is identical for all three files. Here is the code.

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Count (copy Into Notepad)

Jan 2, 2009

Using Excel 2003, if I sum the following numbers :


I get a result of -2.30556906899437E-10!! I have copied them into notepad, and then copied them back in to clear all formatting, but I am still getting this bizarre result? I have tried them in different spreedsheets, I have manually inputted them.

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Opening Notepad And Pasting

Sep 14, 2006

I want copy the contents of column A then opens Notepad and pastes it?

I need this because we have dot matrix printer in work. If we printed to it from Excel it doesn't print correctly and will take ages to print, whereas if you print from Notepad it works perfectly.

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Launch Notepad Using VB Code

Dec 6, 2006

I looking for the VBcode of how to:

1) Launch the Windows Notepad using an Excel VB button
2) Copy the Excel sheet data (valiable range) into the Notepad
3) Get the Notepad "Save As" dialog window to save the Text file

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Open Notepad Files In VBA

May 16, 2007

What is the code to oepn notepad files?

Get error if uses code below:

Dim noteApp As Object
Set noteApp = CreateObject("notepad.Application")

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Open Notepad Editor

Dec 20, 2008

What would be a code to open notepad and paste infomation from column cells A3 to A30 when ever a command button is clicked.

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Copy Cells To Notepad

Aug 13, 2008

I want to copy data of two columns ( say col A and B ) from excel to NOTEPAD. When it is copied, the values from the two columns are appearing to be separated by a gap of seven(7) spaces in the NOTEPAD. But I want the values will appear with a single space between , when copied. How to do this? A NOTEPAD file is enclosed.

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Convert The Notepad File Into Excel

May 20, 2008

I have a notepad file that contains data. We need to convert the notepad file into excel and then segregate the data after conversion. Segregation point would be the point where in we can find keyword “Summary”. We need to create a macro that finds the occurrence of summary keyword. Then from the beginning till that summary point cut the entire data and paste in other worksheet. Name the worksheet as “Receivables” or “Payables” or “Fee Payable” depending what type of data that summary contains.

After creating different worksheets we need to format the worksheet in specific format.
For example: I have attached the “Recon1” XL file attached. Under Recon1 – “RECEIVABLES 1” contains the as is data converted from notepad. Later we need to modify the same data using macro as specified in “RECEIVABLES 2” and then as per the format available in “RECEIVABLES 3”.

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