Export And Save Worksheet As A Picture

Jan 31, 2010

Is there a way to export and save the contents and table layout of a worksheet as a picture ( say jpeg )?

Basically what I would love to do is that when I save the workbook, a certain worksheet named " Fax " is saved to my desktop as a picture (as a snapshot). What would even be better is that the said file was named with simply the date !

The purpose of this is so I can email it to a very non computer guy who thinks that excel is only a gum . . .

I know this is weird but you guys are the best, you helped me a lot to make my spreadsheet.

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Save Export Specific Worksheet Error

Jan 23, 2010

I am trying to run a macro that will export the 'Results' WS & ask the user where he/she wants the .xls to be saved, though when I click 'Save' nothing happens.

In additons in the save as part it has the WB's name(and full extention) is there a way to make this blank or to have something in it? I.e the WS's name?

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Export To New Workbook And Save Print As PDF

Jan 2, 2012

I have a spread sheet called "Quote" I have 3 command buttons in this worksheet.

"CommandButton1_Click()" is "Create Quote"
"CommandButton2_Click()" is "Home"
"CommandButton3_Click()" is "Create Client Quotation

I would like to be able to add another command button to export the worksheet "Quote" to a new work book and then automatically print it to a PDF naming the file from the next available quotation number in directory I:Quote register.xls. is it possible to find the next available number by finding the next blank cell in column B in the above directory I:Quote register.xls?

I would like it to copy the Create Client Quotation Macro to the new workbook if possible. The other 2 command buttons are not relevant after the export.

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Export Column To Notepad And Save

Jul 29, 2008

I have a workbook with a bunch of live data feeds. 2 columns need to be exported to notepad as .zr0 & .zr1 files. Is there a way to copy the selected range, open & paste into notepad, then save the notepad file with a filename based on a cell reference?

I'm sure this is a fairly complicated process but I haven't had any luck in researching the topic because it seems as though the related posts on here are for people who want all kinds of wacky stuff done (ie. not saving, strictly to print, creating a shell and destroying the file... not my intention)

Just looking for some guidance on a simple macro to copy a range, paste it into notepad, save file with name based on a cell in the same column (will overwrite each time the macro is run).

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Export Data To Notepad Save And Close

Mar 18, 2014

I have a colmun of data that needs to be exported to notepad. I managed to make the routine works with the following codes:


However, there's some improvement that I need:

1) I want to refer my file name from here

[Code] .........

How to embed it?

One thing to note, when i ran the code, the txt file was saved as HS instead of KL AUTHS. I tried with different names and apparently it will capture maximum two characters.

2) Based on the code, it saves to my default saving location. I would like to save the txt file in the same directory as my excel file.

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Export Selected Sheets To New And Save But Ignore Formulas

Mar 28, 2007

I borrowed the macro below from this forum. My formulas in the sheets I'm copying refer to other sheets that I'm not saving. can someone tell me how to change it so that it copies values only to the new workbook as I'm only saving it for records purposes and some cells are saved with #REF errors.

I'm guessing there's a spot where I should type .Value ? Copy.Value doesn't work.

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Excel 2007 :: Export To PDF Command Button Save As File Name?

Dec 17, 2012

Excel 2007 I have a button that will export the worksheet to pdf and save it as Acrobat requires. I have a network folder set up and it saves the file with the name that I have programed in the macro. I would like to have the file name set up to be what is in cell C3 then a space and the specific words.

For example, if C3 contains "123456" I want the file to be named "123456_Warranty Calculator"

I will end up using this in several worksheets which will have a different name as part of the file name (based on the worksheet name).

I would also like to have the last part of the file name be the worksheet name. ie, "Warranty Refund", "PDR Refune", etc.

I will have several users that will be using the workbook and possible saving at the same time and want each person to be able to find the one they saved instead of it being overwritten.


Excel 2007: I have a button that will export the worksheet to pdf and save it as Acrobat requires. I have a network folder set up and it saves the file with the name that I have programed in the macro. I would like to have the file name set up to be what is in cell C3 then a space and the specific words.

For example, if C3 contains "123456" I want the file to be named "123456_Warranty Calculator"

I will end up using this in several worksheets which will have a different name as part of the file name (based on the worksheet name).

I would also like to have the last part of the file name be the worksheet name. ie, "Warranty Refund", "PDR Refune", etc.

I will have several users that will be using the workbook and possible saving at the same time and want each person to be able to find the one they saved instead of it being overwritten.

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Image Picture Resize And Save As On Different Location?

Aug 21, 2014

I have a picture on my image at userform. And I want to change my picture size ( like attached picture: fast image resizer program ) and save as different location. It is my school project.

Your valuable macro codes about ıf this and attached workbooks are very important for me.

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Download And Save Picture From Url Into Local File

Jan 28, 2010

I have a program operating in excel 2007 that extracts a picture from a URL and puts it into a PPT slide. I now discover that PPT 2007 doesn't allow this.

So my intent now is to download the jpg into a local file and then import into the PPT.

This is from a couple of sites:

At the top of the code:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" _
(ByVal pCaller As Long, _
ByVal szURL As String, _
ByVal szFileName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, _
ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long

in the excel cell if a URL picture needs to be inserted it starts with the prefix "picture=" then the http address.

This did not work.

So I then copied the code from the websites into a module (changing the destination file and URL to mine of course) and called the procedure and still nothing.

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Save Range To Picture/Graphic File

Apr 14, 2008

I found thru this board's search function the solution to my original or saving excel range into a graphic file. {url} ...

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Export A Worksheet To Csv

Feb 13, 2007

I have come across this code to export a worksheet to csv

Sub QuoteCommaExport_New()
Dim DestFile As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Col As Long
Dim Rw As Long
Dim sRowData As String
Dim rngText As Range
Dim Rng1 As Range
Set Rng1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set rngText = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
DestFile = InputBox("Enter the destination filename including .txt or .csv as the file extension e.g. C:Export1.csv")...........

my issue is that i have a worksheet B14: AG175 that could potentially be filled in with data but only want selected cells IF there is data in that row... so for example say row 20-25 have data & rows 40-50 have data... now i want column e,f,h,i, aa for those particular rows as a (.csv file )without any header info... Is there a fairly easy to explain answer to make the above code achieve this??

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open Worksheet To File And Include Date Of Save?

Mar 11, 2014

am using Excel 2010 and having issues trying to save a worksheet to a specified file location with the save date....

I have tried several posts form this forum and elsewhere and can't seem to get the macro to do what I want.....

I want to save a 'worksheet' from an open workbook that I use for updating information to the same file path as the workbook with the date the file saved...

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Export Worksheet Into PDF Document

May 10, 2012

I am trying to get some code that will export an worksheet called 'Data' into a PDF document.

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Export Hidden Worksheet To PDF?

May 2, 2014

I'm able to export hidden worksheet to PDF. Currently, I have the follow code below which will export active worksheet.

With Worksheets("ExportTable")
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PdfFile, Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=True

After I hide the tab, when I tried to export it. I have an error message of "Invalid argument". I should use another type of code to export hidden tabs.

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Insert A Picture That Is On Worksheet Into Another Worksheet

Jan 19, 2010

I have written a vba program that creates a report in excel. Most of the pages of the report are created at runtime. I have an image on a hidden worksheet that I need to place into one of the worksheets that is created at runtime. The image is an excel chart that I copied and pasted as a picture. I did this so that I could resize it easily and all of the elements of the chart would maintain their relative sizes. I have tried:

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Preview Userform Prior To Export To Worksheet

Aug 16, 2013

I have created a USERform that requires a user to enter data on the form. The Form also has Text boxes that are used for calculated totals. The problem is that as I tab through the boxes that need to have values and input the values. The Calculated field do not get updated until I export the data to the worksheet. Which is ok but I would like to preview the form with the calculations prior to the export. How I can see the Form updated form priorto export I have included my code, when I click Private Sub CBTN_OK_Click() do I see the Form updated but it has already written it to the worksheet


Private Sub CBTN_Cancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CBTN_Clear_Click()


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Associate 2 Column Values In 1 Worksheet Then Export Values To Similarly In Next Worksheet?

Sep 9, 2013

The Room ID values in Column A are associated with the Room values in Column B. I'm trying to move the values in Column A Room ID to Column G Room ID by having excel look up value in Column C Room or Area #, compare it to Room, associate that with Room ID and automatically fill in Column G Room ID. There are 1000s of these so it's not possible to do it by hand.

I attached a picture where i had 2 different workbooks. In reality, I'm working off of 2 worksheets within a workbook.Excel Question.jpg

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VB To Insert Picture On Worksheet

Sep 4, 2012

I have a approximately 17 workbooks, all with multiple worksheets within. I have a logo that I now want to add to each worksheet in every book.

What I would like to do is the following, on each worksheet.

Add 13 rows starting from the top A1 (this is to make room for a logo I want to add)Add the logo JPG file (which covers the range A1:F13) . This will be the same picture for all sheets. The picture properties should be "Locked" and "Don't move or size with cells". The path of where my logo is stored is C:UsersGrantDropboxEffExAdminLogosEffEx_logo-05Then select the entire contents of the workbook and uncheck "Locked" from the format control.Then apply protection (which leaves the picture locked) but allowing selection, inserting and formatting of rows/columns.

This will allow the users to still format columns and rows eg. autofit columns, but they cannot select and delete the logo.

I have tried using the Macro Recorder but when I select all sheets, I see that it records the actual sheet names and so this will obviously not work for when applying to other workbooks. Also, it did not record any of the Protection commands which I did.

how I can do this?

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Fix Position Of Picture On Worksheet

Mar 22, 2008

In one column I want to reference the maximum value entered in another column. In a third column, I want to refernce a different row that is in the same column as the maximum value.

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Copy A Picture From One Worksheet To Another And Then Resize

Sep 14, 2009

I'm trying to copy a picture from one Worksheet to another and then resize it, when i select the picture after pasting it into the other worksheet i use the code ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 6").Select, the problem here is that i don't know the name of the picture because i use a loop that copys alot of pictures.

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Format Background Worksheet Picture

Apr 26, 2006

how to correct the tiling of a picture set as a background on a worksheet? It would appear to start tiling at b2 rather than a1. the bottom of the picture starts on row 1 and the top of the picture then begins row 2. also column a shows the far right side of the picture and column b shows the start of the left side.

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Load Picture From Worksheet Into UserForm

Dec 14, 2006

I have tried a couple things to get this image to show up on my userform and i keep erroring out.

Run-time Error '404' Object required

If i hover over the "userpic" in debug it has the correct referance, its just not doing anything.

Any help or suggestions would be great.
-LightData = Userform
-Pictures all held on sheet5 of wookbook

(I've search and looked at all the threads, which actually lead to what i have below)

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim RowOffset As Integer
RowOffset = ComboBox1.ListIndex
userpic = ComboBox1.Text
LightDate.Image1.picture = Sheets("sheet5").Shapes(userpic)
TextBox1.Text = Sheet1. Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 35)
CheckBox1.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 37)
CheckBox2.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 38)
CheckBox3.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 39)
CheckBox4.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 40)
CheckBox5.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 41)
CheckBox6.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 42)
CheckBox7.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 43)
CheckBox8.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 44)
CheckBox9.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 45)
CheckBox10.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 46)
CheckBox11.Value = Sheet1.Range("c2").Offset(RowOffset, 47)
End Sub

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Picture Name & Position Of Images In Worksheet

Mar 1, 2008

Using excel and Crystal Ball I generated a workbook that calculates via VBA Value at Risk and diverse financial charts and ratios.

I have a second workbook, the template, where this values are pasted generating a report.

Up to this point the macro works correctly, the problem is that some of the Crystal Ball charts are pasted as images and I dont know how to "handle" this images.

I reached the point where I can paste the image in the template.

I want the macro to:

1) Detect the images in the template worksheet
2) Determine a position and size for each image

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Auto-export Worksheet To Form Fillable PDF Using Macro Button?

Jan 25, 2014

I've created a worksheet that allows my team to build an order for a customer. I've created a PDF form with blanks so they can fill in the necessary values in the correct fields ie. Tariff Name, Handset Name, Minutes etc.

I'm hoping to create a macro button that will export all the the data needed and auto fill the PDF form to save time.

So far I've added a button with the following code

Sub CopyData()
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub

This simply adds all the data needed onto a separate sheet ready to be exported as a csv.

I'm in need of the rest of the code to export/import Sheet1 into my fillable form.

So far attempts to export to .csv have turned my entire worksheet into a .csv file or caused errors within the code.

I've attached a sample of my Workbook and PDF form below.

Sample Documents .....

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Run Export Macro On Different Sized Ranges In Every Worksheet With Same Starting Cells?

May 12, 2014

I have a macro that I run repeatedly in a certain type of spreadsheet that does an export on a selection, pulls up a "Save As" message box and saves as a text file. There are 9 sheets in the workbook that contain the same data analysis for a set of samples, the only difference between them being the number of data (e.g. some may have 1500, 1400, 1600, etc.). I only select three columns of data to export (I6:K????) that contain counts (1,2,3,....), x-coordinates and y-coordinates. The counts column (I) uses a formula that only counts if there is an x-coordinate next to it (Col J).


Generally, what I do to make quick work out of selecting the variable ranges is to select Sheets 03-11 (the first nine sheets) and select K6:I6 (starting w/ K6). Then, on each individual sheet, I do CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to select all the relevant data (if I started my selection with I6, then it would select all cells that contained formulas which may or may not have x,y-coordinates adjacent to them). Once the data is selected (I6:K????), I run the export macro and save the data as text. I would like a macro that can automate the selection for each Sheet 03-11, excluding Sheets "all", "data" and "summary", and run the export macro, first prompting me for a file location and a file prefix. When the text file is saved, it uses the file prefix and Worksheet name to build the filename, i.e. "pathprefix_wkshtname".

I've attached an example workbook : 20120511_Au-cit_pH5_test.xlsx‎

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Embed Picture Into Worksheet & Toggle Visibility

Dec 18, 2007

I am trying to embed a picture into a worksheet, hide the picture, then call it up later when a macro runs. I know how to insert a picure using a macro, but I want to embed the picture so that I can take the file with me that includes the picture and be able to call the picuture in my macro. Right now, the picture is on my hard drive and the picture will not load if I take the file to a different computer and run the macro.

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Load Worksheet Picture Into UserForm Image Control

Aug 9, 2007

I have an image box on a userform in Excel VB. Is there ANY WAY to load an image into this image box from an object that I have loaded into an excel worksheet something like

If userform1.checkbox1=True Then
userform1.image.picture = loadpicture (Worksheets("Sheet1").shapes("Object 1"))
ElseIf userform1.checkbox2=True Then
userform1.image.picture = loadpicture (Worksheets("Sheet1").shapes("Object 2"))
msgbox "No image"

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Excel 2007 :: Combobox List Filling And Export Selected Data To Another Worksheet?

Mar 20, 2014

I have a combo-box in a Multipage control. Now I want to get the combo-box populated with list in 2 columns from 2 different consecutive columns from the same worksheet (Product List). Now, Once the list gets populated, user will be selecting his choice from the list, which is then needs to get copied to another worksheet (Order Placed). Both worksheets exist in the same or one spreadsheet.

I am trying to make it work with the following code. I am able to see 2 columns but with no data getting populated. I am working in MS Excel 2007.

[Code] .....

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Clear All Pictures On Worksheet - Copy 1 Picture To A Specific Cell

Jun 10, 2014

I need to start with a worksheet without any objects, namely pictures. Without knowing the name of the object, is there a way to clear all objects on a worksheet?

Second: on a different worksheet there are products with pictures with the product number. When a user selects the product number I want to copy that picture and copy it to J42 of the first sheet. My issue is positioning the picture.

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Excel 2010 :: Paste Picture Into Small Picture / Diagram Box?

Mar 19, 2012

In Excel 2010, is there any way to paste a picture into a small picture/diagram box, and upon double clicking the picture it would explode to a larger size? And I guess double clicking it again would make it return to its original (smaller) size. I would be pasting several pictures into several different picture/diagram boxes and would need this to be a relative reference so that upon selection it explodes the appropriate picture?

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