Export Selected Sheets To New And Save But Ignore Formulas
Mar 28, 2007
I borrowed the macro below from this forum. My formulas in the sheets I'm copying refer to other sheets that I'm not saving. can someone tell me how to change it so that it copies values only to the new workbook as I'm only saving it for records purposes and some cells are saved with #REF errors.
I'm guessing there's a spot where I should type .Value ? Copy.Value doesn't work.
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Oct 2, 2013
I had a macro on my previous laptop that worked, but didn't have the macro backed up so it was lost.
I need a vba macro that will copy all active/selected worksheets into a new workbook. Included requirements:
* Maintain tab names
* Only bring in contents/data with all formats (including logo image, but NOT formulas or hidden rows/columns)
* Keep the file name the same except adding "- FINAL" to the end
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Feb 2, 2014
I have the below code that saves selected sheets of my workbook as pdfs in the current file location. What I would like this code to be able to do is to create a new folder (named with todays date), and then save each of the pdfs into this folder.
Sub SaveWorksheetsAsPDFs()
Dim sFile As String
Dim sPath As String
Dim fPath As String
Dim wks As Worksheet
[Code] ........
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Apr 16, 2009
I have several excel spreadsheets cataloging the right ascension transit times of various extrasolar planets. I need to convert all the times (in 24-hour format) from UT to PDT (that is, subtract seven hours). Unfortunately, each transit time is included in the same cell as the date the exoplanet's star is visible, like so:
Now, I have a lot of data that I need to convert. I do not want to go through manually and change each cell's value manually. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out a way to use a formula to do so; I do not want to modify the date (the top value of each cell), and the colon separating hours from minutes screws up the rest of the formula.
So, how can I use excel to automatically subtract seven hours from the bottom value of each cell, without doing anything to the rest of the numbers in each cell?
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Sep 20, 2008
In sheet 2 of my workbook I have a whole bunch of formulas that process data from a timeseries in sheet 1. What I want to do is to make a macro that will export the results of some formulas into a list in sheet 3, so that I can keep this info as I move on to the next time series.
Export the result of cell D15 in sheet 2 to cell B3 in sheet 3. But if B3 already contains information from another time series I want the info from D15 to go to cell B4 and so forth.
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Nov 20, 2013
I am new to VBA and i need to write a VBA code that should transfer or export any selected thing (whether it may be table, cell or chart ) in Excel Sheet to Powerpoint presentation. My excel Sheet consist of a table and a chart generated from this table.
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Jan 31, 2010
Is there a way to export and save the contents and table layout of a worksheet as a picture ( say jpeg )?
Basically what I would love to do is that when I save the workbook, a certain worksheet named " Fax " is saved to my desktop as a picture (as a snapshot). What would even be better is that the said file was named with simply the date !
The purpose of this is so I can email it to a very non computer guy who thinks that excel is only a gum . . .
I know this is weird but you guys are the best, you helped me a lot to make my spreadsheet.
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Jan 2, 2012
I have a spread sheet called "Quote" I have 3 command buttons in this worksheet.
"CommandButton1_Click()" is "Create Quote"
"CommandButton2_Click()" is "Home"
"CommandButton3_Click()" is "Create Client Quotation
I would like to be able to add another command button to export the worksheet "Quote" to a new work book and then automatically print it to a PDF naming the file from the next available quotation number in directory I:Quote register.xls. is it possible to find the next available number by finding the next blank cell in column B in the above directory I:Quote register.xls?
I would like it to copy the Create Client Quotation Macro to the new workbook if possible. The other 2 command buttons are not relevant after the export.
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Jul 29, 2008
I have a workbook with a bunch of live data feeds. 2 columns need to be exported to notepad as .zr0 & .zr1 files. Is there a way to copy the selected range, open & paste into notepad, then save the notepad file with a filename based on a cell reference?
I'm sure this is a fairly complicated process but I haven't had any luck in researching the topic because it seems as though the related posts on here are for people who want all kinds of wacky stuff done (ie. not saving, strictly to print, creating a shell and destroying the file... not my intention)
Just looking for some guidance on a simple macro to copy a range, paste it into notepad, save file with name based on a cell in the same column (will overwrite each time the macro is run).
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May 19, 2014
Attached is a spreadsheet I am working on that has a series of graphs with defined dynamic ranges. I am having 2 separate issues on 2 different tabs.
1) Ranges named AirRecBra4 (and Bra10); AirComBra4 (and Bra10); AirRemBra4 (and Bra10) are not pulling in data from the correct data points. Instead of using the last 26 data point, they are currently beginning at the top of the column (currently cells 11 to 36 is their respective columns). The formulas are copy and pasted from working offset ranges in the same tab but are reading differently.
2) On the last 6 tabs beginning with Stn Backlog, I want to have defined formulas beginning in cell B119 and continuing downward to at least F200. However, when I add the formulas, the offset reads the formulas as being data and adjusts for that. I do not know how to adjust the dynamic range to ignore formulas in blank cells.
Global Demand-Capacity Management_working (version 3).xlsm
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a colmun of data that needs to be exported to notepad. I managed to make the routine works with the following codes:
However, there's some improvement that I need:
1) I want to refer my file name from here
[Code] .........
How to embed it?
One thing to note, when i ran the code, the txt file was saved as HS instead of KL AUTHS. I tried with different names and apparently it will capture maximum two characters.
2) Based on the code, it saves to my default saving location. I would like to save the txt file in the same directory as my excel file.
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Jan 23, 2010
I am trying to run a macro that will export the 'Results' WS & ask the user where he/she wants the .xls to be saved, though when I click 'Save' nothing happens.
In additons in the save as part it has the WB's name(and full extention) is there a way to make this blank or to have something in it? I.e the WS's name?
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a combo-box in a Multipage control. Now I want to get the combo-box populated with list in 2 columns from 2 different consecutive columns from the same worksheet (Product List). Now, Once the list gets populated, user will be selecting his choice from the list, which is then needs to get copied to another worksheet (Order Placed). Both worksheets exist in the same or one spreadsheet.
I am trying to make it work with the following code. I am able to see 2 columns but with no data getting populated. I am working in MS Excel 2007.
[Code] .....
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Dec 17, 2012
Excel 2007 I have a button that will export the worksheet to pdf and save it as Acrobat requires. I have a network folder set up and it saves the file with the name that I have programed in the macro. I would like to have the file name set up to be what is in cell C3 then a space and the specific words.
For example, if C3 contains "123456" I want the file to be named "123456_Warranty Calculator"
I will end up using this in several worksheets which will have a different name as part of the file name (based on the worksheet name).
I would also like to have the last part of the file name be the worksheet name. ie, "Warranty Refund", "PDR Refune", etc.
I will have several users that will be using the workbook and possible saving at the same time and want each person to be able to find the one they saved instead of it being overwritten.
Excel 2007: I have a button that will export the worksheet to pdf and save it as Acrobat requires. I have a network folder set up and it saves the file with the name that I have programed in the macro. I would like to have the file name set up to be what is in cell C3 then a space and the specific words.
For example, if C3 contains "123456" I want the file to be named "123456_Warranty Calculator"
I will end up using this in several worksheets which will have a different name as part of the file name (based on the worksheet name).
I would also like to have the last part of the file name be the worksheet name. ie, "Warranty Refund", "PDR Refune", etc.
I will have several users that will be using the workbook and possible saving at the same time and want each person to be able to find the one they saved instead of it being overwritten.
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Dec 15, 2008
I've found a few macros that will automate changing cell references from absolute to relative and they work great. However, when I run the macros on formulas that have references to another worksheet or workbook, the macro will not work correctly.
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Oct 20, 2011
I have seen many examples of trying to export sheets using VBA but cant seem to find a solution that works.
Essentially I have a sheet within a workbook which I wish to export and be offered to give it a file name. A pre-specified location is fine so I dont need anything fancy like an API etc....
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Apr 28, 2009
I use this code to export sheets to a new workbook.
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Feb 10, 2010
I've found several posts that talk about this but none are quite what I'm looking for and I don't understand them well enough to modify to my needs.
I have a workbook with several sheets. I wish to
1) save the workbook as is (you'll see why)
2) export each sheet as "worksheetname.csv: to the same folder as the original workbook
3) Close the workbook without saving it becasue I've discovered that if you then save it it overwrites the last CSV file I just created with the info reformatted in a goofy, unusable way (hence the save in the first step
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Mar 12, 2014
My workbook has several worksheets so do you need the name of those to be excluded? Or how many sheets i require which are located to the right of the summary tab?
Detail - 5 sheets to the left of summary tab are to be ingored, 7 to the right of the summary are to be pulled (let's say they're named Red, Green, Blue). I only want the colour named tab data pulled and pasted into the summary
Code is below :
Sub karryan()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 3
Sheets(i).UsedRange.offset(1).Copy Sheets("Summary").Range("A" & Rows.count).End(3)(2)
Next i
End Sub
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a large workbook in which each sheet contains either a single table (large or small) or a chart (various types and sizes). Some of the sheets also contain imported icons and shapes. I wonder if it is possible to export each of these worksheets as separate images? The macro should be able to set the boundaries of a table or a chart to export (either itself or by using the coordinates which are given in two cells – eg. A30=A1, L1=F8). Actually all tables and charts will always start at A1.
Ideally it should just take the coordinates of a range to be exported from single cell (eg L1=F8) - the fist being always A1 - so as to minimize the probability of it getting the boundaries wrong. I have attached the sample worksheet with a few tabs.
And yes - each worksheet image would need to be saved with the name of the worksheet.
Dexport sheets as images.xlsx
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Feb 7, 2009
I have found numerous entries for Saving Based on Time (which I'm using) and others for Exporting to CSV. But I'm not sure how to combine them or if it will do what I really want. I have a workbook with 6 tabs (each one with a name like "CODE_MEETINGS" or "CODE_CONTACTS"), I would like to export a COPY of each of them to their own CSV file and overwrite it each time. Basically, this will get me away from using the Save Based Ontime VBA in my master workbook, as David says, "it's not a good idea and can save errors." The problems I think I would have are:
1. I want one sheet per saved CSV file (using the name of the sheet/tab)
2. I need the top row (title fields) of each sheet removed (or I need to be able to set a selection per sheet)
3. I need it to be automatic without user intervention (when I save out manually, I get prompts about multiple sheets, features not supported and overwriting).
Right now my code for just autosaving is: workbook
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime dTime, "SaveMe", , False
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:15:00"), "SaveMe"
End Sub..................
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May 24, 2014
I have a workbook that contains 3 sheets. What i am looking to do is:
1. Use the names in Sheet 1 (Column A) and find the names on Sheet 2(Column E).
2. If there is a match, put the whole row that contains the match on Sheet 3
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Sep 12, 2009
I want to build a macro that saves all the selected files in a list to a chosen folder from the user.
The user should be able select a range of columns, lets say F13:F20 and press a button "Save as.." and then choose where to save the files.
I attached a dummybook.
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Jun 4, 2007
I have 120 sheets in my workbook and I only need 5 of them to save when there are changes, the other 115 are were data is pulled from. Is it possible to tell excel not to look at a sheet when it saves? I'm just after making it save faster.
This is going to be a workbook that " moves" a round a lot, so I want to the 115 sheets in the same workbook.
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May 4, 2006
I get an xl file sent to me every day which I upload into a database. I then save the file keeping its name and save it into a selected folder. Is it possible to add a macro at the beginning of my current macro that saves the file using its name to a selected folder?
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May 23, 2006
The idea was to save the the selected files specified in the array as individual files. For example, In the Workbook "Main", there are worksheets "Susan", "Mary" and "John". If i specify "Susan" and "Mary" in the array, it should output only these 2 individual files. However, I am only getting the file which is actively selcted in the main. Is there anything wrong with the for loop?
Sub SaveShtsAsBook()
Dim Sheet As Worksheet, SheetName$, MyFilePath$, N&
Dim ws As Worksheet
MyFilePath$ = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "" & _
Left(ThisWorkbook. Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4)
With Application
. ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
' End With
On Error Resume Next '<< a folder exists
MkDir MyFilePath '<< create a folder
For Each ws In Worksheets(Array("Mary", "Susan"))
SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
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Apr 3, 2014
I need to save my workbook to another drive every Friday for archive purposes. My workbook contains time sheets for each employee. Currently I use a command button to copy and save the workbook to the correct place and it works perfect. However, the formulas are copying with it and when I open the saved workbook in the future the dates have changed in the Mon-Fri cells. The reason for this is because I have a formula in the week starting cell that changes the date automatically every Sunday. Then, the dates in the Mon-Fri cells change with it.
What code can I insert, and where, to keep the formulas from copying over with the workbook? The code I am using is below:
[Code] ......
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Jun 6, 2014
My macro pulls data from a set of files in a folder and creates an output based on my formatting rules.
Ran into 2 issues though. The first being is after this macro is run it saves a file in the folder with the name "Data Export" and before I had it do this if "Data Export" was already there
'Check if file name to save exists If Dir$(vFolder & "" & sSubFolder & ".xls", vbNormal) = "" Then
wb.SaveAs vFolder & "" & sSubFolder & ".xls"
MsgBox "Complete!", vbOKOnly
MsgBox "File already exists, could not save!", vbInformation, "COMPLETE!"
End If
What I want it to do instead is change itself and save it as Data Export A, and then also loop for A each time, if A is there go to B , so on and so forth.
-Alternate solution if this is way to challenging, can I have it pop up the Save Message box to let the user try a new name if "Data Export" exists. I was trying to think through that too..
2nd Issue is when I loop the files in the folder I selected in my macro, I want it to ignore "Data Export" files. Before I just took a shortcut and had it save outside of the data folder, which was fine but now we are running on so many files a day that we need it inside the same folder for organization purposes.
That is done with the following
'Loop through files in folder sFileName = Dir$(vFolder & "")
Do Until sFileName = ""
I was thinking maybe I can add an error handler to the loop? Before Do Until? Something like this? But how I can add it into the loop?
If sFileName Like "????.?.xls" Then
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Feb 21, 2013
I have an excel workbook, and in that workbook, i have one worksheet with multiple tables. Any sample code wherein i can save in a seperate excel file the range that i selected?? because the tables in the worksheet are in different ranges and i would like to save just a part of that table in a separate excel file..
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Feb 28, 2014
I want to take the current sheet and copy to a new workbook (keeping the tab name) and then save as the tab name (xlsl) and close.
I've found ones that do a Saveas box or ends up saving as "Sheet1," "Sheet2" etc but can't seem to find one that keeps tab name and saves.
Here is the one I was using, but it saves all tabs not just selected:
Sub CopySheet()
Dim fname As Variant, ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook
Dim nCol As Integer, iCol As Integer
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