Extract Data From Multiple Closed Files

Jul 28, 2014

The below article explains exactly what I am trying to do but the formula in step 5 doesn't seem to work. I keep getting an #REF! Error.


I am not sure if maybe I'm typing in the quotations wrong or if the formula doesn't actually work.

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How To Extract Data From Multiple Files Into New Sheet Template

Jun 15, 2014

I have .Raw data in 3 different configurations, which can be opened in Excel.

I want to automatically extract relevant data (Columns) from these 3 different types of .Raw data before running analysis using chart using Macros.

Now here is the problem, Data from the .Rawdata needs to be accumulated. That is, I have multiple sheets of excel, which I have to open manually and extract specific data from individual columns onto another sheet to accumulate every data before running analysis.

How to tackle this situation?

1. Able to detect the right type .Raw data for use in Excel.
2. Extract data from many excel onto one main sheet, using Macros.

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Extract AndParse Out Specific Data From Multiple Text Files

Oct 3, 2008

I have a few hundred data/text files to analyze, some a few thousand lines deep. I would like to grab 5, just 5 numbers describing voltage levels. I know the preceding text for each of these in the cell and the following text as well. I just need to delete everything else and keep these 5 values in a column using a script or a macro, and do so for all these files in a specified folder.

This would be 3 weeks of work and the analysis needs to be done ASAP for my research.

Thousands of lines of ancillary data
Thousands of lines of ancillary data

Thousands of lines of ancillary data

Thousands of lines of ancillary data

"11/09/07 14:42:20 J13-50 and J6-9, PCU Resistance (XXXXXXX. Ohms) is within 1.000 to 3741."
Thousands of lines of ancillary data...........................

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Extract Single One Cell Value From Multiple Closed Workbooks

Mar 23, 2012

I have a little over 100 workbooks which I will receive back from customers and in column A of another workbook I have the names of those workbooks.

Not all workbooks will come in at the same time, but I would like, as we receive the workbooks, retrieve the value from cell H19 from the available workbooks according to the name in column A and place the value in column B.

I've looked into Indirect, but with this function the workbooks have to be open. If one of the workbooks has not been received, I would like for the macro to skip this file name. All files are .xlsm.

The file will be in the same folder as all the individual workbooks.

Column AColumn BFile NameH19 ValueDallas.xlsmSan Diego.xlsmArgentina.xlsmParis.xlsm

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Extract Data From Closed Workbooks

Dec 9, 2007

I tried using Dave Hawley's code, but I can't get it to work. It works if the source workbook is open, but I get all "#REF" results if the source workbook is closed. Sales Order Import is the target worksheet for the data, inside the open workbook where this code is located.

Set wks = Worksheets("Sales Order Import")
With wks. Range("A56:Z100")
.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF('C:DdriveMy DocumentsProjectManagementManagementReport[AU0009099.xls]Sheet1'!RC="""",NA(),'C:DdriveMy DocumentsProjectManagementManagementReport[AU0009099.xls]Sheet1'!RC)"
'Delete all Error cells
On Error Resume Next
'.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).Clear
On Error Goto 0
'Change all formulas to Values only
.Value = .Value
End With

The .SpecialCells line is commented out, because it error messages (that's my next problem to tackle).

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Extract Data From Many Closed Workbooks For Calculations

Sep 4, 2006

I have a program that calls the regress function multiple times (sometimes more than 1,000) per run. With each call to the regress function, a new workbook is automatically opened. For each new workbook opened, I am storing the contents in a workbook array called Models so I can later sort the workbooks based on the value of R squared. The program often has to open and store hundreds of workbooks before the sorting can take place so as to consider every possibility. Once the sorting has completed, I close all of the open workbooks except for the two containing the largest value of R squared. Due to the massive amounts of workbooks getting opened and then later closed, it takes about 30-40 minutes to run my program.

I want to know if after a new workbook has been opened and its value stored in the Models array, can I immediately close it and then later open only the 20-30 workbooks I really need to speed up run time? This way I wouldn't have hundreds of workbooks open at one time. Here's some code to help:

'This function will run regression stats for all possible combinations of models
'with choose variables
Private Sub Run_Stats( Combos, ByVal Size, R_Squared, Adj_R_Squared, Std_Dev, Cp_Stat, ByVal Dep_Var, ByVal NumIndepVar, ByVal Observations, ByVal Choose, Reg_Labels, ByVal Residual_Sum, Models)

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Macro: Extract Data From Closed Workbook

Nov 17, 2006

I'm trying to create a macro that will allow me to extract data from another workbook (whose name and location is listed in a defined cell) and populate a range in my new sheet with this data.

Ideally, I want to be able to do this without actualy opening the source file, but any means to this end would be great!

I know this was possible in Lotus 123, but have not yet found a way to do it in Excel.

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Extract Dynamic Data From Closed Workbook

May 11, 2007

i have this code that could extract out Data from many closed workbook. I am extracting data from 2-3 thousand files and the Data in those files are rather dynamically positioned.

For e.g. My vba codings will extract data from cell B256 of the closed workbook.

Sometimes, the data might not start from that cell which my vba would still extract that non-relevant data.

Is there anyway i can modify the codings to search for the required data and extract instead of extracting it dumbly?

Sub getINFO()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Dim rCell As Range

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Extract Information From Closed Workbook Representing Data From A Country

May 22, 2013

I'm having a problem with getting a result from another workbook. The purpose is to extract information from a closed workbook representing data from a country (ie US.xlsm, UK.xlsm) into the open one (summary). I want to count the number of results in a column which are above a certain amount (in this case 100).

So this is my coding for getting this result

=SUMPRODUCT(--(('C:address[US.xlsm]Worksheet name'!$E$2:$E$30000)>100))

Which works no problem for getting the number of results in the E column above 100. my issue is that I want to be able to change the name of the country in a cell, and then get the results automatically from the relevant workbook. I've been using CONCATENATE for these purposes and EVAL (from MOREFUNC)... and I get #REF!

So if I split up the above coding into two cells "=" and "SUMPRODUCT(--(('C:address[US.xlsm]Worksheet name'!$E$2:$E$30000)>100))" (just to keep it simple) and then use CONCATENATE to combine them in a cell. Using EVAL on that cell gives me #REF!

I've tested SUMPRODUCT with EVAL and CONCATENATE on formulae like the one above which do not link to other workbooks, and they seem fine. and SUMPRODUCT and linking to a workbook also works fine in the first example.

So the problem is somehow coming from the combination of SUMPRODUCT, EVAL and accessing an external sheet.

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Extract From Multiple Text Files

Aug 17, 2008

I have about 50 - 60 text files and I need to find certain values, namely Name, Account No, total amount under Portfolio Value in the text file and copy these values to a worksheet under column: Name, Account and Portfolio Value respectively. All new entries are paste one row below the existing data.

Some of the text files may not have any data in it or may not have the Portfolio Value as the monthly transactions may occupied 2 or 3 text files. Some text files may have 2 Name in it and there will be 2 Portfolio Values in it which I will need both to be copy to the worksheet.

I have attached both the Excel file and the dummy txt file.

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How To Extract Matching Data From Two Different Files

Aug 4, 2012

I have on excel file like this :



The second one looks like this :


While the first file contains about 300 active products the second one has a list of about 2000 active and deactivated products. What I need is to extract the UPC from the second file matching the active SKU from the first file so I have a final file that looks like this:


and so on.

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Extract Data From Different Files Or Worsheets

Aug 5, 2007

I have around 20 Excelfiles each of them has around 15 Worksheets. Now I would like to extract certain values in order to make calculations and finally to build graphs and diagrams. the value is written next to the descripiton which is common. With copy and paste I get crazy.

How can I automatize it that I can scan Excel files and worksheets for certain values (e.g. total production volume).

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Extract Data From Files Within The Same Directory Or Below And Place In New Workbook

May 3, 2006

Firstly, I have attached a file called test2 which has two sheets within it, one called list and one called 12345. This is for demonstration purposes only as in real life these are both separate files.

What I am trying to do is create a history in the file called list that extracts certain data from the file called 12345 and places it in a more user friendly format. No problems with the formulas etc, just a case of a few ifs and buts.

My real problem lies in the fact that file 12345 is only one of hundreds of files and in order to create the history, I have to repeat the process on all the other files, so that the list grows as I copy the data.
Again for demo purposes, the file "list" sits in the C root ie C:list and the job files sit in C:files*.*.

Is there a way to automate the process so that formulas or VBA residing in the file "list" searches through the C:files*.* and populates the list as it runs through them.

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Locating Data From Closed Worksheets In Multiple Directories

Jan 28, 2010

I would like to create a macro which finds data from multiple worksheets and collates them in my Master Worksheet.

I am competent with a lot of functions with Excel, however I have never used Macro's before. I have a little bit of VB knowledge, but only the very basics. I will attempt to explain my situation as clearly as I can.

Please note in your response that I am not familiar with a lot of the programming jargon. I also do not know how to actually create (or is it record?) a macro.

Finally, before I dive into it, I would *prefer* not to have to add code to the closed worksheets, but I can do this if there is no other way!.......

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VBA - Copy Data On Different Cells In Master Spreadsheet To Multiple Closed Workbooks

Dec 19, 2013

I have tried to write the below VBA to copy a specific cell to a specific workbook. I have set the folder path in B1 and listed the file names in column E4 onwards. E1 being the number of files in column E. I get a run-time error 91 "Object variable or With block variable not set" on Current File = ActiveWorkbook.name.

Sub UpdateParameters()
Dim CurrentFile As Workbook
Dim wbOpen As Workbook


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Read Stuff From Closed Files

Dec 18, 2007

I would like to create a single excel file, which is composed by fragments of different (closed) excel fies (it should take some data from the files).

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User Defined Function To Extract Information From Closed File

Feb 7, 2014

Herewith I attached a sample excel file.

Structure file which i attached herewith include all the cost center details. normally it is a big file contain more than 1000 cost center details. Structure File.xlsx If i want a cost center name for some cost center code, i have to open this file and find a specific name.

What i plan is develop a macro function called "CC".

If I type =CC("D232") I need to print cost center name for D232.

But the problem is i don't want to open the structure file, without open that file, when i type this function i need a result.

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Copy Then Paste Specific Cells From Closed Files

Apr 30, 2006

Is there a way to copy then paste specific cells from closed .xls files in one directory ( more than 500 files ), and how, if all files are with one known password protection( my own files ).

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Hyperlink To Closed Files Display Error When Clicked

Sep 6, 2006

I am automatically generating a hyperlink to another document. The link that generates is: (I don't know if this qualifies as code, but I'll tag it anyhow...)

06-09-05 0000020 Name/06-09-05 0000020 Name.xls# 'Notes'A5

with 06-09-05 0000020 Name as a directory off the current App.path, and 06-09-05 0000020 Name.xls being the name of the file in the directory. It does have a sheet called "Notes". The thing of it is, the hyperlink takes me to the right place, it just gives me an error message every time saying "Reference not valid". How can it be taking me to the right place, and still giving me the error?

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Copy Ranges From Closed Files To Active Workbook

Oct 25, 2006

I have a number of files in a directory, with data in columns A:E, and variable rows deep (200-300) that I’d like to copy to the active workbook. I’d like to have a file window open to the same set directory (ie. “CArchives” and be able to select any file in that directory to copy.

There are 2 separate ranges to copy, which must be done separately because the headings are to be moved 2 columns over - also, there is data in beteen the headings and main data in the active workbook.

Range 1: Two headings cells in A1:B1 get transposed to C1:D1.
Range 2: the files’ data starts at A4 but gets inserted starting at cell A6 of the active workbook.

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Create Multiple Files For Multiple Groups Of Data

May 9, 2008

I have one main Excel file with information (in example file - columns A & B). I want to create 4 other Excel files that will draw from the main one (in example file - columns D, F, H, & J). I want the information in Excel file A, B, C, and D to be continuous information that matches the main file. For example, the letter A matches up with numbers 1,3,4,10,11,13,15,17, and 19 in the main file. When I open Excel file A, I want a continuous list of these numbers. And I want this for all 4 Excel files which draw from the main one.

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How Do I Extract Data From Multiple Workbooks Using VBA

Oct 29, 2009

I am trying to create functions in VBA and I need to extract data from multiple workbooks. For example, is it possible to sum data(numbers) contained in multiple workbooks using VBA? If so, how do I create that function in VBA.

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Extract Data By Multiple Criteria

Jun 20, 2007

I have an excel sheet which has 200 fields and 1000 rows, now I want to make summary of them, so I need some fields to be extracted from those 200 fields to another sheet on multiple criteria, Like Category, First Name, Last Name, District, Village, Date and etc.

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Extract Data From Multiple Sheets Into One

Aug 6, 2008

I am running into at the moment is that where the Select Case is checking if the sheet name starts with the initials and project number, it doesn't seem to recognise if it is correct (and therefore perform the actions). I have stepped through the code and when I use the immediate window to manually check:

? ws.Name Like "TA0632*"

I get True as an answer, but the code goes on to the next case as though it is false. Here is the code I have so far, which I'm sure can be trimmed down loads:

Option Explicit
Dim currCell As Range
Dim c As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim rng
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim skp As String
Dim LastColumn As Integer

Sub Breakdown()
Dim t
t = Timer
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
Debug.Print "Current sheet is " & ws.Name

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Extract Multiple Sheets Data Into One Sheet

Aug 14, 2014

Creating macro which can read data from one/or more sheet and copy and paste it into another sheet, by matching up column A & B and Row 1, between the both sheets.

I have monthly data stored in each sheet, named as May, June, July etc. I also have sheet called 'monthly' within the same workbook, where I would like to extract all monthly totals, from sheets july, June etc, into the 'Monthly' worksheet by matching up its names from Column A and B and row1 header with each sheet's names.

The june,july worksheets have date1, date2 etc, columns with data and after those columns, there are the 'bs, rm, cm, cd, cl' columns, and these are the columns, I would like to use, to extract the numbers from and paste in the 'monthly' worksheet.

My current issue, is that the 'bs, rm, cm..etc' columns are not fixed, due to the 'date1, date2 etc' columns can vary, for each month.

For this current task, I was using a formula as shown below to extract the values into 'monthly' worksheet, however due to unfixed columns for 'bs, rm, cm... etc', I could not get the formula to work for the 'july' and 'Aug' months (i.e. extract data into 'monthly' worksheet, from the june&aug sheets).

[Code] ......

I would like to request, if it is possible to use the formula below to re-create macro which can carry out this task, by extracting all the values from 'june, july, aug etc' sheet, into the 'monthly' sheet, at once.

I have attached a sample workbook with example of data layout and desired output shown in monthly worksheet.


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Macro To Extract Data From Multiple Worksheets

Mar 15, 2003

I have a spreadsheet containing a factory's operational data, with each machine in the factory being represented by its own worksheet.

The sheets all have the same structure, with each line of data representing a shift (we have 12-hour continental shifts, so column A of all the pages has the date in an standard format, and column B has either "d" or "n", representing the shift). Various datat is documented on each machine on a shift-per-shift basis.

What I need to do is figure out how to do a macro that extracts all of the lines on all of the machines' worksheets that pertain to a particular shift (for instance, all of the lines where column A read "14-Mar" and column B read "d"), and export the values of the entire row to another worksheet, creating a shift summary on one page.

To do this, I would like to make the date and shift user-definable variables that appear at the top of what would become the summary sheet, and have a button that activated such a macro at the top of the page as well.

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Extract Data From Multiple Workbooks Into One Worksheet

Apr 15, 2008

I have a folder with an unlimited number of Excel Workbooks. Data within workbooks are in same format - 3 columns of data. I would like to extract the Data in the range (B55:B70) for every workbook, transpose the data and append by rows into one worksheet.

To be clear - I want to take data range B55:B70 from first workbook,transpose and put on first row - take data range from second workbook, transpose and put on second row, repeating for unlimited number of times...

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Data Extract With Macro On Multiple Repeated Values

Jun 25, 2014

I am finding it very difficult to extract the Project reference data for each employee, I have attached sample working file for reference.

For Example

I have a project names in Rows and Employee names in Columns and each employee fill the working efforts in multiple projects and i would like to extract which all project they have worked for each month. Since the data is very huge i am not able to progress fast in collecting the data

Project NameEmp1Emp2Emp3
B 1015
D 2012010


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Multiple Files Of Data To One Spreadsheet?

Aug 20, 2014

I have about 7000 Excel files that I need condensed to one file. The data shown that I need in example one. In this example the data needed is in column B20 then B3-B19. My problem is the data in B20 is sometimes above or below.

In the other attached file(ExampleOutput) is how I am trying to get the data outputted.

Do you think that a macro/script con go thru all 7000 files automatically in a row to do this?

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Deleting Data From Multiple Files

Apr 21, 2008

I have to delete data from D15 to AZ129, D168 to AZ282, D312 to AZ426 in 46 excel files, saved in the same folder. I go through the process manually by opening each file and then deleting data.

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