Extract Data In Three Different Columns To New Workbook

Jan 18, 2009

An excel file with over 400 worksheets in it. I need to copy the data, a bunch of numbers, from column C, column F and column I, and paste them in a new file or worksheet all in column A of the new sheet.

All of the 400+ worksheets have these numbers I need to grab in the same columns- C, F and I.

I spent most of the day Friday cutting and pasting. I am experimenting with macros, but I am just not that good.

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Extract Data From 4 Columns

Feb 21, 2014

I have 4 columns of numbers. How to randomly extract a certain set numbers from each column. Then display the results from smallest to largest. I provided a sample worksheet..

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Extract Data From Columns ..

Oct 9, 2008

how to extract all members of group of data (column) - for example data is (2,4,2,5,6,6,2,6,5,5,2) and to get as result only members of group (2,4,5,6)?

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Comparing 2 Columns Have Similar Data - Extract Matching Data

Apr 18, 2013

So I have this problem in excel with comparing 2 columns.

Basically, I have 2 columns(a &B) that I need to compare with one another and find out the matching data. I am trying to use that matching data to enter in our reports.

Both columns might have duplicate items because I am dealing with premium numbers.

Formula to compare these 2 columns and find the matching data and extract it to a separate column. Keep in mind, i am dealing with almost 20,000 lines of data.

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Extract Data From Rows Into Columns

Oct 15, 2009

I'm using Excel 2007 and I need to extract values from rows from a data dump into columns. Here is sample data (this is dummy data, but the format is the same): ...

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Compare Two Columns And Extract Data?

Jul 31, 2012

I have 2 worksheets in 2 spreadsheets 1 & 2. I would like to compare columns A & G in 2 to 1. If columns A & G in worksheet 2 matched worksheet 1, then it will fill in columns B, C, D, and AL automatically.

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Extract Data In Worksheet In Two Columns

Oct 2, 2013

Code through which I can extract the Name and father/Husband name from the following data in new Work Sheet in two column Name and Father/Husband Name

Cell A1 contain - Name : Ashok Kumar Father's Name : Raja Ram House No. : 1 Age : 60 Sex : Male
Cell A2 contain - Name : Renu Gerg Husband's Name : Ashok Kumar House No. : 1 Age : 55 Sex : Female
Cell A3 contain - Name : Mohd Yusuf Father's Name : Mohd Sabir House No. : 2 Age : 65 Sex : Male
Cell A4 contain - Name : Rani kishwar Sultana Husband's Name : Mohd Yusuf House No. : 2 Age : 52 Sex : Female
Cell A55000 contain - Name : Sudesh Father's Name : PC joshi House No. : 3 Age : 39 Sex : Female

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Using VLOOKUP With LEFT To Extract Data To Another Workbook

Aug 20, 2014

I have a workbook which has data from 2 different time points (6 and 12 months) and this is signified by a prefix to an ID number which is a letter (A or B) and a number:

I need to analyse data separately so I'd like to create 2 separate workbooks, once which imports all of the 6 month data (1 row per case) and one for the 12 month data.

I thought that this would be based around a VLOOKUP of the first 1 or 2 characters but I can't work out how to integrate this with an 'IF' and link it to another workbook.

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Extract Data From Sheet1 To Sheet2 On Same Workbook

Jan 10, 2014

Basically I have two sheets. Sheet1 and sheet2 on the same workbook. The sheet1 is where all data I want to extra to the sheet2.

Here is the sheet1 looks like:



Tester :
State :
Phone :


From B2 to D2 the cells are merged as well as the B3 to D3 and B4 to D4. Note: No Column A.

Here is the sheet2 looks like:


So, sheet2 has the header and what I need is to fill the information based on the sheet1.

I am thinking using the Vlookup but maybe VBA is better off to handle this situation?

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Macro: Extract Data From Closed Workbook

Nov 17, 2006

I'm trying to create a macro that will allow me to extract data from another workbook (whose name and location is listed in a defined cell) and populate a range in my new sheet with this data.

Ideally, I want to be able to do this without actualy opening the source file, but any means to this end would be great!

I know this was possible in Lotus 123, but have not yet found a way to do it in Excel.

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Extract Dynamic Data From Closed Workbook

May 11, 2007

i have this code that could extract out Data from many closed workbook. I am extracting data from 2-3 thousand files and the Data in those files are rather dynamically positioned.

For e.g. My vba codings will extract data from cell B256 of the closed workbook.

Sometimes, the data might not start from that cell which my vba would still extract that non-relevant data.

Is there anyway i can modify the codings to search for the required data and extract instead of extracting it dumbly?

Sub getINFO()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Dim rCell As Range

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Extract Data In Rows And Transpose To Columns?

Feb 13, 2014

I am struggling with an Excel Database, to make it "cleaner". Here is my problem. My database looks something like that:

Column A Column B Column C ... Column H
ID Age Date of Birth ... Language
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... English
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... French
00002 14 01/01/2000 ... English
00003 14 01/01/2000 ... French
00003 14 01/01/2000 ... German
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... Spanish

Basically, Columns B & C will never change for the same ID, but columns G, H and others contain data that is different from one row to the other. What i wwould like to do is having unique values in Rows, with Languages displayed in Columns. The database would look like this:

Column A Column B Column C ... Column H Column I Column J
ID Age Date of Birth ... Language 1 Language 2 Language 3
00001 14 01/01/2000 ... English French Spanish
00002 14 01/01/2000 ... English
00003 14 01/01/2000 ... French German

The challenge is that I would need this to be done with formulas only, not using any kind of code. Deleting duplicates manually after "cleaning" the database should'nt be a problem. I tried a formula found on this forum, but i couldn't manage to make it work. The formula looked like this:


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Extract Unique Data From Rows To Columns

Apr 19, 2013

I have this data

1 355
1 243
1 567
2 456
2 443
3 889
3 890
3 123

and need to sort it in columns like this

1 355 243 567
2 456 443
3 889 890 123

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Extract Data From Files Within The Same Directory Or Below And Place In New Workbook

May 3, 2006

Firstly, I have attached a file called test2 which has two sheets within it, one called list and one called 12345. This is for demonstration purposes only as in real life these are both separate files.

What I am trying to do is create a history in the file called list that extracts certain data from the file called 12345 and places it in a more user friendly format. No problems with the formulas etc, just a case of a few ifs and buts.

My real problem lies in the fact that file 12345 is only one of hundreds of files and in order to create the history, I have to repeat the process on all the other files, so that the list grows as I copy the data.
Again for demo purposes, the file "list" sits in the C root ie C:list and the job files sit in C:files*.*.

Is there a way to automate the process so that formulas or VBA residing in the file "list" searches through the C:files*.* and populates the list as it runs through them.

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Extract Data Into Categories / Columns From ALL Being In One Mixed Column?

Sep 13, 2013

I extracted data from PDF into a spreadsheet, and now I need to put all the data - according to name, email, address etc. into separate columns, so it is usable.

All categories of data are in 1 column at the moment - mixed up.

How can I sort this into columns according to category?

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Extract Information From Closed Workbook Representing Data From A Country

May 22, 2013

I'm having a problem with getting a result from another workbook. The purpose is to extract information from a closed workbook representing data from a country (ie US.xlsm, UK.xlsm) into the open one (summary). I want to count the number of results in a column which are above a certain amount (in this case 100).

So this is my coding for getting this result

=SUMPRODUCT(--(('C:address[US.xlsm]Worksheet name'!$E$2:$E$30000)>100))

Which works no problem for getting the number of results in the E column above 100. my issue is that I want to be able to change the name of the country in a cell, and then get the results automatically from the relevant workbook. I've been using CONCATENATE for these purposes and EVAL (from MOREFUNC)... and I get #REF!

So if I split up the above coding into two cells "=" and "SUMPRODUCT(--(('C:address[US.xlsm]Worksheet name'!$E$2:$E$30000)>100))" (just to keep it simple) and then use CONCATENATE to combine them in a cell. Using EVAL on that cell gives me #REF!

I've tested SUMPRODUCT with EVAL and CONCATENATE on formulae like the one above which do not link to other workbooks, and they seem fine. and SUMPRODUCT and linking to a workbook also works fine in the first example.

So the problem is somehow coming from the combination of SUMPRODUCT, EVAL and accessing an external sheet.

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Scripting Dictionary - Compare Columns And Extract Data That Meet Criteria

Mar 23, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 2 tabs:



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Compare Data In 2 Columns Extract Unique Values And Paste Into 3rd Column?

Sep 11, 2013

Here's how my daily report is currently set up:


The External column contains data provided by an external vendor. The Internal column contains data compiled internally. The data in the Internal column will always contain data duplicate to the External column, but will also contain unique data not present in the External column. I would normally cut out the data contained in Internal column that is not duplicated in the External column, and paste it into the Differences column, and move the remaining cells in the Internal column up. The result would be the External column data and Internal column data would align by row, and the data unique to the Internal column is segregated to the Differences column, like so:


While not a difficult task for 8 rows of data, the actual daily report contains over 1000 rows, on average. I would like to set up a template workbook, where I can simply open the template workbook, paste the data into both the External and Internal columns, then have the values that are unique to the Internal column extracted from the Internal column and inserted into the Differences column.

The end product would be used daily, with differing amounts of data (from 100 rows to 10,000 rows).

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Macro To Copy Data From All Columns Containing Header To A Single Column In Workbook

Apr 11, 2014

I am a macro newbie and I think this is beyond me.

I've been trying all morning with no success to make a macro that will copy data from all columns of one workbook containing specified header text to a single column in a different workbook.

So for example, I've got a workbook called coupon barcodes that has multiple tabs for each person redeeming coupons on sheets 2-88 (sheet one can be skipped) and some of the columns are labeled "voucher 1" in cell A4 or B4 or C4 etc. with a list of all the coupon barcodes that customer redeemed below that. I want all of the data from all of the columns in this workbook that have the header "voucher 1" to be copied and pasted into one column (order doesn't matter) also labeled "voucher 1" in another workbook I have open called vouchering database.

There must be a way to do this that is easier than searching the internet all afternoon again

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Extract Part Of Any Workbook Into Another

Apr 10, 2007

I need to have a macro written which will allow me to extract information from any given workbook and copy them to my workbook. I'm thinking along the line of creating an input box upon opening the workbook, asking for the name of the workbook which contains the data. I would then use the data from the workbook and extract bits of information which I would copy to my current workbook.

However, I can't seem to figure out how to direct the answer of the input box to extract the information out of the target. And how would I refer to the workbook with the data in my code? I would need to refer to the data workbook as I need to extract information from it.

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Extract Last Part Of Workbook Name

Jun 10, 2008

Is there a way to extract a specific part of the workbook and save it as a value in VBA:

For example:

Workbook title is "Data Set 2007" How would you extract 2007?

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Extract Two Coulms From A Workbook With 31 Tabs

Dec 31, 2008

I need to extract two coulms (AQ,AR) from a workbook with 31 tabs, I want colated the same colums from each one and copy into a new workbook. I have been searching for hours but have failed.

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How To Extract Duplicate From Excel (3 Columns)

Oct 8, 2012

Let say that i have this excel file that contains column of account number, the name of the customer, and the payment made.

And I want to extract any of the data that have duplicate. And the script should be able to get the duplicate only if those account numbers, the name of the person and also the payment have been duplicated. If let say only account number is duplicated, then it is not considered duplicate. refer the screenshot below :

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Extract Values That Exist In All Columns

Aug 8, 2008

Each column represents a user and each row represents an application the user has. I would like to extract all the applications that are common to all the users and place it in an arbitrary column.

For example


The above list should generate Office and Adobe since every user has Office and Adobe.

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Extract Unique Values From Multi-Columns

Feb 20, 2013

I wan to extract Unique values, here is the data for reference, I have made to tables the second table is desire result I wanted.

#WASHQTY27800A1000 7800A100037801B1000 7801B100047802A1000 7802A100057800
A1000 7802C100067802C1000 7805B100077805B1000 7807D100087800A1000 7809D
100097807D1000    107802C1000    117809D1000

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Excel 2007 :: Extract File Contents To Workbook

Mar 17, 2014

I have large number of sql files in various folders in my windows7 laptop.

I have extracted the file names with full path in column A in an excel work book.

For each row, I now need to parse the file and extract the file contents and put it in column B, for the respective row.

I want the entire query content to be populated in the row without parts of query to spillover to other column (based on comma etc in the query)

I am using excel 2007.

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Open A File, Extract & Paste The Filename Into Another Workbook

Aug 1, 2006

Am working on a procedure to open all files in a folder and copy some data from the files into another workbook (master). I have this piece of the code. However, I also need to get the filename (from which data was copied) and paste this into an adjacent cell in the master (so I know which file each data point came from).

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Extract Values From One Column Based On Two Criteria From Two Other Columns?

Feb 14, 2013

In the attached, sheet 2 has a formula that pulls the Item (column B) from Sheet 1 based on Instocks (column F) being less than the value in N2. Would it be possible to add a second criteria to the formula in sheet 2? In short, can I pull the item from column B of sheet 1 into sheet 2, where in sheet 1, column F values are less than N2 AND where column G values are greater than O2?

I'd love to just vlookup the fill rate value and then filter it down, I know at some point I will be asked to weed it down a bit via a formula instead.

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Extract Text From Column :: Place Into Separate Columns

May 14, 2007

I have a long column of info as below. I want to extract (the name changes)- "SEAPORT TWN" etc and also "01.30" and place into separate columns say G and H at the next available cell.

TOWN STOP---SEAPRT TWN Arriving at 01:30

Terminal Shipping Burl North 460020 GRAINCAR empty Elevator Co. Ltd.
Terminal Shipping Sante Fe 100396 GRAINCAR empty Elevator Co. Ltd.
Train should leave this town with 2 car(s)
TOWN STOP---PRARIE TWN Arriving at 02:00

Elevator Co. Ltd. Burl North 460020 GRAINCAR Grn w/Wht Lttrs -4 Bay
Elevator Co. Ltd. Sante Fe 100396 GRAINCAR Maroon w/Wht Ltr -3 Bay
1/05/2007 8:57:52 a.m. ...............................

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VBA Code To Get Formula Into Each Worksheet Then Loop To Extract All Worksheets Into Master Workbook

Aug 26, 2012

I wanted to know if there is any way possible to get vba to insert a formula in a cell to each worksheet in each workbook in a folder and then using loop to extract all the info from each worksheet of each workbook in same folder into a master workbook?

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